InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Boo ❯ Default Chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Inu-Yasha.
Summary: Kagome's mother looked at her daughter, then at the boy that her daughter was in love with. She could see the pain he felt, but that was not the only thing she could see. She saw the tear that rolled down his cheek. "Inu-Yasha I promise you, you and Kagome will see each other again," Mrs. Higurashi quietly vowed.
Chapter 1: It started when we were younger
Theres always that one person
That will always have your heart
You never see it coming `cause your
Blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me
It's clear for everyone to see
Oh Baby
You will always be my boo
-My Boo
"Would you stop that!" screamed an annoyed little girl with raven-black-hair.
"Feh. Why should I? You're just an ugly little girl with cooties," said a five-year-old hanyou with long silver hair and a pair of cute doggy ears at the top of his head.
"Well you're just an annoying PUPPY that doesn't know how to leave others alone," the little girl shot back. This made the hanyou boil with rage. "At least I'm not a pesky bitch like you are!" he said angrily.
"You're the one throwing paper balls at my head for no reason. And another thing, I have a name Inu-yasha. It's KAGOME. KA-GO-ME!"
"Yeah whatever! Why don't you go with your little cootie friends? Or are they scared of catchin' more cooties from you?"
"No. Actually I don't have that much friends. It's kind of scary being a kindergartner and not knowing that many people. After all it is the first day of school," replied Kagome.
"Oh, why don't you and I be friends. I don't have that many friends myself."
"I wonder why not many people want to hang out with you," Kagome sarcastically muttered.
"I heard that! But I guess it's because I'm a hanyou," answered Inu-yasha.
"I'm sorry. I guess we could be friends. And I'm sorry for calling you a puppy. Let's start over, I'm Kagome Higurashi, what's your name?" Kagome said cheerily.
"I guess you're really dumb since you forgot my name so fast."
"I didn't forget your name idiot! I said `lets start over again' meaning l-e-t-s s-t-a-r-t o-v-e-r a-g-a-i-n." Kagome replied saying the last 4 words slowly.
With that Kagome and Inu-yasha became the best of friends. Of course they argued a lot. Wait scratch that they argued every single minute or two. But either way they became best friends. They were both inseparable. Inu-yasha knew Kagome's secrets and Kagome knew Inu-yasha's, except one.
8 years later
"Inu-yasha wait up!" yelled a beautiful raven-haired girl.
"Feh. It's not my fault you're so fat and slow Kagome," replied Inu-yasha.
"Not EVERYONE is as fast as you!" replied a very angry Kagome. Apparently she didn't like the `fat' comment.
"Doesn't matter you still should work out more. It helps you loose weight you know."
"Just admit it, you're as fat as a cow. Didn't your mom ever teach you not to lie about things? Hmm? Its better to admit it than to try to convince yourself that you're not fat," said Inu-yasha "hey why don't you start admitting your fattiness here. I'll help you, its very simple all you have to do is yell out ` I'M KAGOME! AND I'M AS FAT AS A COW!'"
"ERGH! At least I'M not the one using pills that make your penis grow larger!" Kagome yelled a little too loud.
"I AM NOT USING THOSE KIND OF PILLS YOU LITTLE LIAR!" yelled an upset hanyou. It wasn't everyday that a guy was accused of using pills that make your penis' grow. "Besides, why would I use those kind of pills if my dick is already big?"
"Yeah your right your penis is big considering you're a girl. A girl who had a gender operation a few years ago to make yourself look like a guy."
" I DID NOT!" yelled Inu-yasha. By now there two friends Miroku and Sango was watching the whole argument.
"Here we go again," said a very exhausted Sango.
" Why Inu-yasha didn't YOUR mother ever teach YOU not to lie, its ok to be embarrassed. Most people are, but I think you should be proud," said a very calm Kagome.
"Why you little bitch!" muttered a very upset hanyou.
"Temper, temper. Remember what your mom said Inu-yasha."
"She didn't say anything!"
"Yes she did"
"No she didn't"
"AHEM!" interrupted the two friends/rivals.
"KIKYOU!" yelled a surprised Inu-Yasha. Kagome hated seeing Inu-Yasha and Kikyou together, so she left.
"Hey baby, what you doing?" asked Kikyou.
"Oh nothing baby," Inu-Yasha said while kissing Kikyou on the cheek.
Kikyou looked like Kagome except she had cold looking eyes, her bangs where straighter while Kagome's where a little messier, and she her hair was a little brownish-black. Even though she looked like Kagome she was cold and heartless. Rumors say Kikyou had been cheating on Inu-Yasha. And by the looks of it, it was all true. Kagome didn't know what Inu-Yasha saw in her. All of a sudden Kikyou's phone starts to ring. She looks at the number that's calling her.
Kikyou turns to Inu-Yasha and says, "Baby I got to go my moms calling me cause …um…I need to study for a test tomorrow. Bye! Love ya!"
When she was gone Miroku went to Inu-Yasha and said, " You do know she's cheating on you right?"
Inu-yasha looked around to make sure no one was listening and answered, "Yes."
"Then why are you with that damn bitch?"
"…Because she reminds me so much of Kagome, over the years that I've been friends with Kagome, I guess you could say that I've developed feelings for her. But I doubt she has the same feelings for me, I guess all she thinks of me is as a big brother or a best friend but never like a boyfriend or anything intimate. And I don't really have proof of Kikyou cheating on me."
"And if you did have proof of her cheating?"
"Then I would dump her pathetic ass."
"And what about Kagome?"
"DAMN monk why do have to keep asking so many damn questions?"
"Just answer the questions Inu-Yasha."
"…I guess I'd ask her out. But what if she doesn't like me like that?"
"I'm sure she does. Actually I KNOW she does."
"Really, you think so?"
"I'm positive."
"Then what are we going to do about Kikyou?"
"We'll just have to catch her in the act."
"But how are we going to do that?"
"Where is she usually after school?"
"She says she's studying for some tests to get into high school or some shit like that."
"Well then after school we'll have to follower her and see where she goes."
"Ok, let's do it tomorrow."
The Next Day after School
Inu-Yasha and Miroku were following Kikyou but were keeping a very far distance from her so she wouldn't suspect a thing. They both rode on their bikes. When her mom's car finally stopped, it stopped in front of a HUGE mansion. When she got out of the car, she wore a black tube top dress that ended about 4 inches above her knee. Inu-Yasha and Miroku where behind the bush's waiting so see what happens. When she rang on the doorbell a boy with long black hair answered the door. He gave her a long passionate kiss on the lips; this made Inu-Yasha heart ache a little. Who could blame him, his girlfriend was cheating on him. It didn't matter if you didn't loved the person or not, it still hurts. Miroku brought his digi. camera just incase she accused Inu-Yasha of lying. When Kikyou and the man went inside, they walked in hand in hand. Inu-Yasha couldn't take it anymore; he just didn't like what he had just saw. So he and Miroku left.
The Next Morning
Inu-Yasha was standing in front of his locker; he suddenly felt two arms around his waist. "Hey baby, I missed you yesterday," Kikyou said.
"Yeah apparently you missed me so much that you cheated on me."
"Inu-Yasha what are you talking about. I would never cheat on you."
"Yeah then what do you explain about this." Inu-Yasha handed Kikyou the picture of her and the boy at his door kissing.
"Wh-where d-did y-you g-get th-this?"
"Miroku and I took it yesterday after school."
"You were spying on me! Inu-Yasha I can't believe you don't trust me."
"So what, I was right wasn't I?"
"I thought so. It's over."
"Its over. We're through. We are no longer seeing each other. Your being let go. This is sayonara. Adios bitch. Do you understand now? Or do I need to spell it out for you."
"Inu-Yasha just give me another chance, please."
"GIVE YOU ANOTHER CHANCE! Kikyou I was loyal to you, I expected you to be loyal to me to. But you didn't. And now you lost my trust. And without trust then how can we be together?"
"I see. Then I guess this relationship is over."
"Goodbye Kikyou."
When he left she silently vowed, "We will be together again Inu-Yasha." And with that she left to her class.
Lunch Time
"Hey guys," Inu-yasha said while taking his seat at the table.
"Hey Inu-Yasha. What are you doing here? You usually sit with Kikyou," Kagome said while scooting down the table to make more room for Inu-Yasha.
"It's over between us," Inu-Yasha replied calmly.
"WHAT!" Kagome yelled.
"Are you deaf? It's over between me and her."
"But I thought you two loved each other."
"She cheated on me. And I only love one girl, but I doubt that she loves me."
"Oh. Do I know her?"
"Is she pretty? Is she nice? Is she stupid? How old is she? Come on Inu-Yasha tell me! I need to know more about this girl."
Before he could answer her the bell rang.
"Tell me after school, ok?" Kagome asked.
"How about I tell you who she is," Inu-Yasha answered.
"Even better. Bye see you after school."
After school
"Hey are you going to tell me or not?" asked Kagome.
"I'll tell you when we get to the tree," replied Inu-Yasha. The tree was Inu-Yasha's and Kagome's favorite spot. When they finally got there, Kagome sat down. Inu-Yasha sat beside Kagome and looked at her. She looked back at him. Her brown chocolate colored eyes met with his amber colored eyes. Kagome felt herself melt just by looking into his eyes. `Why does he always make me feel this way when I'm around him.' Kagome thought. Little did she know he was thinking the same thing.
After a minute passed Kagome asked, " Well are you going to tell me or not?"
"Kagome, ever since we were little I always had feelings for you. I always thought about you. I could never fully get you out of my mind. And when 7th grade started my feelings grew stronger and stronger. I thought the only way to get you out of my mind was to date Kikyou. She reminded me of you. But she wasn't like you. She was always so cold and heartless. You were always so happy and cheerful to others. Kagome I love you."
Hearing this made Kagome so happy. She hugged him and said, "I love you too."
Inu-Yasha felt as if his heart was doing back flips. "Kagome will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes." Kagome was now crying.
"Kagome, why are you crying?"
"I'm just really happy. Inu-Yasha I've always loved you. I always thought that you just thought of me as a friend or a little sister."
"I thought you always thought of me as a brother or as a friend. That's why I never told you how I feel about you."
Inu-Yasha slowly placed his lips on Kagome's. He knew it was her first kiss, and he was afraid she'd get upset for taking her first kiss. Surprisingly she didn't, instead she kissed back. To both of them it felt like this was the right thing to do. That's when they knew they could spend their whole lives together. They stayed under the tree until it got dark and decided it was time to go home. When Kagome came home, all she could think about was the kiss she had just shared with Inu-Yasha.
8th grade year past quickly and before they knew it, it was graduation day.
Graduation Day
"I can't believe we're graduating. It seemed like it was only yesterday that it was the first day of school," Kagome said while fidgeting with her gown.
"Yeah I remember that day, Kagome asked Inu-Yasha to wait up for her but he told her she was too fat and slow," replied Miroku.
"Ergh…I still haven't forgiven her for saying I use penis enhancing pills," Inu-Yasha said while crossing his arms.
"Inu-Yasha I said I was sorry," Kagome said while kissing his cheek trying to calm him down.
"Feh. Whatever."
------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
When Graduation was over, the gang went to a restaurant to celebrate. Then summer began. Inu-Yasha and Kagome spent their whole summer together. Summer was just about to end when the horrible news came.
"Kagome I have something to tell you," said Kagome's mother.
"Sure what is it mom?" Kagome asked while looking at her mom suspiciously.
"I know how you and Inu-Yasha are together and all, I really am happy for you, really I am. But there's some bad news that I wish that I didn't have to tell you…. Kagome we are moving to L.A."
"WHAT! Mom we can't, LA's in another country. I won't be able to see Inu-Yasha anymore! Mom you can't do this to me!"
"Kagome I'm sorry but my boss transferred my job to there. I wish I could leave you here but grandpa's coming to and you'll have to be alone."
"What I am I going to do about Inu-Yasha. I don't want him to be tied down with someone he can't see with every day. Probably not even once a year."
"Then Kagome you have to break up with him."
"…:sniff: I guess I wouldn't :sniff: want him to be :sniff: unhappy."
The Next Day
"Hello my love, what's wrong?" Inu-Yasha asked worriedly.
"I-I I'm m-mo-moving t-to A-A-America," sobbed Kagome.
"WHAT!?!" Inu-Yasha yelled.
"I-Inu-Y-Yasha I-I th-think th-that w-we sh-should b-br-break u-up."
"WHAT!?! You're joking right? Please tell me it's a joke!"
"Inu-Yasha I don't want you to be tied down to someone who you can't see everyday or even once a year. I don't want you to suffer. I want you to be happy. Let's just make our last days together happy. Let's forget about everything and just enjoy each other's company. (AN: I know it's really corny but hey I'm really trying here) Okay?"
"Yeah you're right."
------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
And for the last 2 weeks of summer, Inu-Yasha and Kagome spent every second together. But their last days together ended quickly. And soon the day came that Kagome had to move.
"I guess this is bye…" Kagome said trying to force back her tears. Unfortunately she didn't succeed.
"Shh Kagome don't cry, I just want to see your beautiful smile one more time. Please smile for me?"
With that Kagome gave him her best smile.
"There that's my Kagome."
"I'm going to miss you Inu-Yasha."
"Yeah I'm going to miss you too."
"KAGOME! Hurry up! We're going to miss the plane!" yelled Kagome's mom.
"Bye Inu-Yasha…I love you," Kagome said quietly.
"Bye…I love you too with all my heart. Forever."
Kagome slowly walked to her mother. Kagome's mother looked at her daughter, then at the boy that her daughter was in love with. She could see the pain he felt, but that was not the only thing she could see. She saw the tear that rolled down his cheek.
"Inu-Yasha I promise you, you and Kagome will see each other again," Mrs. Higurashi quietly vowed.
AN: okay this is my first fanfic. and I'm not a good writer…so yeah just tell me if you like it or not