InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's Keeper: System Id ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Brother's Keeper: System ID

A/N: Sorry for the delay. Had to think of what to write. Please send your suggestions of who will end up with ID.

Read and Review. Flamers welcome.

Oh don't own Inuyasha

( ) Means thoughts

[ ] Means telepathic communication.

Warning. This chapter makes this rated R for sexual refrences and angsty things. Be aware.

Ch. 2: A different future, and a peek at the true self.


Kagome was still in shock, the completed Shikon Jewel once again shattered in front of her very eyes. She killed Inuyahsa at a moment of desperation. She was so tried of the search that she agreed to Naraku's terms for the jewel. Kouga had found out about the plan and decided to go along with it just because he hated Inuyasha despite the fact that Inuyasha has saved his life many times. He had told Kagome, that he was just a freak of nature stronger then a pure Youkai, should be killed. Kagome betrayed him even worse then Kikyo did. Her and Inuyasha were tricked. This time she knew what she done and Inuyasha did not prefer to stay dead. She had watched in horror as his wounds disappeared and she came to the sickening realization that she never wanted to betray him. She most likely would have used the Shikon No Tama to bring him back. That was when it had shattered. After that she was in shock. All has turned out for nothing and without Inuyasha, fighting with them, Naraku will easily kill them all. She watched him transform into something new and even more powerful with the statement that Inuyasha is dead. That was when Id looked at her and she heard in her head.

[You have forsaken love for freedom. Isn't that right?]

She answered with her thoughts.



(Because I was scared)

[Of what?]

The scene changed and Kagome found herself separated from her friends face to face with the red haired Id in a dark room and the only light shone on her and a little off Id. She was sitting in a chair staring into his black eyes.

(Where am I)
[We are in your mind. In a place where there can be no lies. Only truth. This is how souls where meant to talk. Now I ask you again. What scared you so much to betray Inuyasha?]

Another spotlight open up and she saw the god tree that Inuyasha was sealed to. In a blink Id was there and the other light cut off. Kagome said nothing while Id walked around in a circle around the tree before cutting it off by the trunk.

[Answer me because fate depends on it]

(Damn It! I was scared of my feelings! Every single day I was here, I feel more in love with this time and Inuyasha. All I wanted was my old life back!. Sometimes I wonder what will happen if I never fell in that damn well!)

Id sat on the newly made tree stump and tapped his knees. Again without making a sound he spoke

[So the first chance you get you betray your love and kill him in cold blood, while he was fighting under the impression that he was suppose to protect you] Id said calmly with hint of dark amusement in his face. Kagome gulped and lowered her head.

(I…I…wanted my life)

Id stood up from the trunk and the scene darkened. Kagome was sitting only surround by the dark. Even the pale light over her blink out of existence and she felt a clawed hand cover her eyes.

[Then you shall see what your life will be like if you never fallen down the gate]

In a flash of light, Kagome found herself looking at her younger self. Her elder body looked like a ghost. Then she noticed the calendar. It was the day she had first met Inuyasha. Everything was the same; her and her little brother were standing in front of the well, only this time nothing happened. Kagome watched her younger self go to school and accept the proposal from Hojo to become his girlfriend. Kagome saw the scene blur and she found herself looking at herself at her current age.

"You bitch!"

"Hojo, please stop!"

Kagome saw Hojo pinning her alternate self to the bed, ripping off all her clothes. What made it worse was that her mother was in the room watching and not doing a thing. Kagome winced at the screams her alternate self made as Hojo entered her roughly and painfully. That was when Kagome noticed that her alternate self had quite a few scars and that her black her had many gray hairs in it. Hojo slapped her again

"Kagome don't fight with your fiancé!" He yelled

"No! I never agreed. Mama! He…"

A fist to the mouth cut her off and Hojo finished his deed while Kagome whimpered.

"You little slut! You deserve this"

Kagome cried in pain as Hojo climaxed. She passed out and Hojo turned to Kagome's mother.

"Your turn"

Kagome's mother whimpered

The scene changed again and Kagome found her self looking into an older Kagome. She was wearing all black and a black veil covered her face. Most of her hair was gray. The most noticeable thing was her little brother. He was in a wheelchair being pushed towards a gravestone with her grandfather's name on it. In a bitter voice Souta yelled.

"Sis! How could you let that Yaro do this to Jiichan and me!!! He killed grandpa because grandpa threatened to go to the police."

Souta was knocked off his wheelchair by and kick. He looked up and was spat upon by Hojo

"Stupid ol' man. I bet I pissed him all real good when I showed him the tape of me crippling you boy. He cried until I shot him in the head because he thought you had died"

Alternate Kagome looked behind Hojo and saw a drunken man looking at her lustfully. Hojo caught her gaze and smirked.

" 'Dear' this is Mr. Tomo. He had paid me for your and your mother's 'company' tonight. Don't disappoint him or I will be quite 'upset' with you and I might take it out on your little brother"

The scene changed again. Kagome with all gray hair looking fifty when she was only thirty was comforting her daughter.

"Daddy keeps on touching me in the wrong places."

Alternate Kagome nodded

"That is just daddy's way of telling you he loves you. He does it to me all the time as well as your departed sister"

Her daughter looked at her and shook in rage

"Jun killed herself mom!"

Her daughter ran out the house never to return.

The scene changes again. Hojo and Kagome are in bed. Hojo is sitting on her and choking her as he enters himself into her. Kagome was moaning in pleasure and pain, but mainly in pleasure.

"You slut! I knew you always enjoyed this"

The door flew open and a man with a shot gun entered.

"Hojo! You are fucking dead! How could you do that to your daughter?!"

Hojo shrugged will still pumping Kagome.

"A cunt is a cunt"

"Die in hell"

The man fired. Hojo pulled Kagome in front of him and she took the blast. Then everything went black. Kagome found herself sitting back in the chair surrounded by darkness and that lone light shining over her. Another light appeared and Id was there sitting in a chair similar to hers.

[That is your future if you never fallen into the well. Do not think it is false because that is truth Your life would have been like that]

(I never imagine Hojo was like that, he always seemed like a nice guy.)

[Scared of what might have been your life had you never fallen through the gate?]

Kagome looked at him and nodded

[Then prepare yourself for you are not the only one to suffer]


{Lets take a look at the possible futures of your friends and the people you helped.]

The room disappears and Kagome found herself staring at a bloody Sango. She watched as she got back to her villiage to see it destroyed by Youkai. Sango runs through the forest trying to find help when…

"Look what we found here boys"

A group of bandits had come across Sango

"Looks like we got a fuck toy, only slightly damage"
"Yea boss let's play"

Screams echoed through the forest.

The scene changed and she found Miroku with a knife at his cursed hand. With a quick swipe he cuts it off and screams in pain. After sealing it and making sure he isn't bleeding anymore he sighs in relief

"Ha Naraku I beat your curse."

"Think again Bozu"

Miroku turned around and saw Naraku in a bamboo pelt. Before he could act, Naraku shot his remaining hand

"I have cursed thee with another Kazanna. Your future descendents will have them on both hands. HA HA HA"

Naraku disappeared with Miroku cursing him.

The scene changed again. Shippo was playing with his father and then the thunder brothers attacked. First they killed Shippo's father and making Shippo watch, then they tortured the poor kid before killing him and turning the fur of him and his father into clothes.

The scene kept on changing as Kagome watched all the people she had help save suffer tragic endings but their was one she did not see.

(What happens to Inuyasha?)

[Do you really want to know]


The scene changes for the last time and Kagome found herself in Inuyahsa's forest right in front of the god tree. Still sealed to the tree was Inuyasha

[As time passes the tree grows over him, preserving him for all time while Inuaysha's mind is in nothingness. He suffers the most]

Kagome found here self sitting in the chair again.


[Now you know] Said Id's voice out of the darkness

(Who are you Id)

Another voice answered her. It was fulled of hate and scorn

{You have learned too much}

(What! What are you?)

And yet another voice answered her. It was filled with warmth

* Bye-Bye *

And Kagome woke up. She was in Kaede's hut and in Kouga's arms. She quickly jumped out


Before any of her friends could question her, she ran out of Kaede's hut and ran towards the well. She did not stop until she was back in her own time. She saw her mother and hugged her. Her mother held her as she cried.

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