InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Kouga Seeks Out Inuyasha ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Kouga is actually going to help Inuyasha by informing him of Kikyo's malicious intent towards Kagome. What a guy! =)

Chapter 4: Kouga Seeks Out Inuyasha

Kouga waited at the top of the mountain until he could no longer smell the mixture of clay and old dead bones that made up Kikyo's scent. Once he was certain the cold blooded wench was indeed gone he began heading down the mountain himself.

Kouga quickly picked up speed and began searching for his former enemy Inuyasha. The wolf prince made his way across the fields full of high swaying grass at an incredible speed. Kouga smiled to himself as he neared the edge of Inuyasha's Forest.

'I can already smell Kagome and Inuyasha's scent from here. I will catch up to them in no time! I've got to for Kagome's safety from that wench Kikyo!' He forced the powerful muscles in his legs to work even harder so he could catch up to Kagome in time.

Inuyasha stopped without warning causing Kagome to blindly plow into him. She stared at him with wide blue gray eyes. "Why did you stop Inuyasha?" He sniffed the air cautiously before answering her. "I smell Kouga and he's coming up on us fast."

Kagome shrugged. "Kouga knows we're mated so what does it matter?" "It doesn't. I have nothing to worry about where he's concerned. You're my woman and that wimpy wolf knows it!" Kagome rolled her eyes as she mocked Inuyasha.

"I thought you and Kouga were friends now?" Inuyasha grinned slightly showing off his fangs. "We're friends, but not that close of friends." Just as Kagome was about to stand up for Kouga he burst through some nearby bushes and into the clearing where they had been standing.

"Hello Inuyasha, Kagome." Kagome smiled and replied first. "Hi Kouga we were just talking about you." Inuyasha just replied with a grunt. Kouga smiled at the beautiful and small miko standing before him. "I would love to hear all about it Kagome, but first I have some important news for Inuyasha." Kagome nodded and looked a bit confused as Kouga led her husband a few feet away.

Her mind began to kick itself into overdrive with questions. 'What could Kouga possibly want to talk to Inuyasha about? I know they're friends but I also know that deep down Kouga still loves me. What are those two whispering about over there?'

Kouga glanced over his shoulder to make sure Kagome wasn't trying to listen. When he was satisfied he turned back around to Inuyasha. "Alright Kouga, what's up?" "I recently had a run in with a wench by the name of Kikyo. She spoke of you and Kagome. Do you know this Kikyo Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha's amber eyes narrowed into two gleaming slits when Kouga spoke about Kikyo. "I do know that wench. What the hell did she say about Kagome?" "She tried to get me to kill Kagome for her. When I refused she said that she would kill Kagome herself. Inuyasha please keep Kagome safe."

"I will Kouga, she is my mate you know. Thank you for telling me about Kikyo visiting you." Kouga nodded. "Well I should get back to my pack. Just be careful Inuyasha and let me know if you need my help." "I will and thanks again."

Kouga nodded again and then turned to Kagome. "It has been nice seeing you again Kagome." "You're leaving already Kouga?" "Yes I have to get back to my pack. See you again soon, goodbye." Inuyasha and Kagome watched as Kouga disappeared into his funnel cloud.

Kagome decided it was time she knew what they had talked about. "Inuyasha?" He turned to face his mate. "Yes Kagome?" "What were you and Kouga talking about?" "He came to warn me." "Warn you about what Inuyasha?" "He told me that Kikyo had sought him out and asked him to kill you."

"That wench!" Inuyasha watched as Kagome clenched her fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white. "Calm down Kagome. Kouga refused to kill you so Kikyo said that she would just do it herself." "Yeah I'd like to see her try it! I have more powerful miko abilities than Kikyo could have ever dreamed of possessing."

"Besides that Kikyo would have to go through me to even lay a hand on you." Kagome smiled and leaned into Inuyasha's warm embrace. She looked up at the fading sunlight. "Inuyasha are we going to find a place to make camp tonight?" "Yeah I know just the place. Follow me." "Inuyasha!"

"Oh right it'll be faster if you just get on my back." Kagome climbed onto Inuyasha's back and wrapped her legs around his waist. The hanyou quickly jumped from tree to tree until they reached a large moss covered hill. Inuyasha stopped at the large mossy hill. "Why are we stopping Inuyasha?"

"This is one of my many childhood hiding spots in this forest. We can take shelter here tonight." Kagome looked up into the pinkish gold sky when she felt a raindrop hit her on the nose. Suddenly the rain began to drizzle down from the evening sky. It started slow at first but soon it had begun to ruthlessly pound away at everything in it's path.

Kagome felt her miko's clothing beginning to cling to her drenched figure. Her dark hair clung in wet strands to her face. "Hurry Inuyasha we're getting soaked!" He chuckled and opened a narrow wooden door that was cleverly hidden in a crevice in the hillside.

He turned on the oil lamps that were inside the small hillside cavern. "What is this place Inu?" "This is a hiding spot Myoga created for me when I was smaller." He noticed as Kagome began to shiver a little from her rain soaked clothing.