InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Cuzzin Shuuichi AKA Kurama ❯ Telling Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Disclaimer: I don't own IY or YYH.

Summary: Kagome has to visit her cousin Shuuichi Minamino, and she finds out he's a kitsune spirit in a human body and is a spirit detective. Will Kurama find out what her `cousin' does? Or will it remain a secret? Well find out in the story.


Kagome has come back from the feudal era to get some food supplies, some clothing, and to take a nice hot bath. She went inside the house to be greeted by her mother, Mrs. H. (A/n: it's just the shorter form for Mrs. Higurashi; and I'm too lazy to spell it all out). Mrs. H. led Kagome to the kitchen to talk about something. Kagome being curious and all goes with her mother to the kitchen.

Her mother cooks her her favorite food oden. `Wow, mama made this for me but…… she is up to something. So…. I'll just play along since I want this delicious oden.' Kagome thought. Kagome starts eating her oden.

"Kagome, dear. I have this request for you." Mrs. H. said. Kagome stopped eating the oden and looked at her. "What is your request mama?" Kagome asked very curious since mama made her favorite food and it had to be very important.

"Kagome, me and you will have to go visit your cousin Shuuichi this week and we'll be staying there just for one week that's all." Mrs. H. said hoping her daughter would go with her, but instead Kagome looked at her crazy.

"Mama, you know that I can't come with you. I have to go to the feudal era, and Inuyasha is such a slave driver and-" Kagome couldn't finish cause her mother yelled at her saying, "Kagome Higurashi!!! You are coming with me to visit your cousins whether you like it or not!!!" Kagome was now too scared too protest so she said, "Y-yes m-mama"

"Good," Mrs. H said, "now why don't you finish eating your oden and take a bath afterwards and go to sleep, because we are going tomorrow." Kagome slowly at her oden and then she noticed something just didn't feel right. Then it clicked her.

"Mama…. Is Souta or ji-chan coming with us cause they can't stay here all by themselves and all" Kagome said wondering why it's only her and mama going to visit her cousin Shuuichi and not ji-chan and Souta.

"Ji-chan is visiting some old friend at some shrine across town and he brought Souta with him so that only leaves you to take with me. After all, my sister is very excited to meet you." Mrs. H. replied.

"*sigh* OK mama I'll come with you." Kagome said and went upstairs to go to sleep and get ready for tomorrow. `I just hope Inuyasha understands' was all she thought when she went to sleep.

End of Chapter 1

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Sorry if it's short, but I have a lot of things to do. I just finished my midterms, a diorama, a math project which was like 300 problems, and had to study for this test; and I have to do this science project and I have to get a book for a book report. And I'm so sorry, that I couldn't update another chapter for What Kind of Luv is This?, and I hope you like the story.