InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Cuzzin Shuuichi AKA Kurama ❯ The Mall and Sayonara ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except the plot.

Last Time:

Kuwabara chuckled. "I knew that would work." He began to rub his hand. "But,

that hurt a ton." Kuwabara picked up Yusuke, and he had Yusuke hang on his shoulder.

Kuwabara then started to walk towards to Yusuke's house to drop him off.

This Time:

They, as in Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kagome, were all at the mall.

Though, unfortunately for them (A/n: the boys) they had to carry a "few" bags for


"Man, all this shopping is making me tired. Let's go get something to eat. It's my

treat," said Kagome. Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara were silently praising Kami-sama

that they had stopped.

"Sure, Kagome," said Kurama. They had stopped by at the food court. They sat

down, and Kagome left them to get food.

Hiei appeared in a blur and calmly said, "Koenma has important news. Your

cousin, fox, has this unusual power omitting from her, and he wants us to find out what

power it is."

"Is that all, Hiei?" asked Yusuke in a bored tone.

"Hn. No."

Kuwabara looked irritated, since Hiei always, ALWAYS said `Hn'. "Shrimp, just

tell us."

"I was getting to that you dolt," insulted Hiei.

Kuwabara muttered under his breath, "Could've fooled me."

Hiei glared at him but continued, "The brat also said to bring her to Reikai." At

that, Kagome approached them with chili cheese fries, pizzas, (A/n: *counting* um darn

it… there's Kagome, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and let's just say she brought one for

Hiei. Okay, there's five sodas.) five sodas, and (A/n: You pick whatever.)

"Here you go guys," said Kagome. The group was surprised to see Kagome. In

the back of their heads, they were thinking, `I hope, she did not hear anything we said.'

Kagome gave each of the sodas to them. They gladly took it even Hiei took the

soda. He also sat down with the group much to their surprise.

"Oh, shoot! I forgot the napkins. I'll be right back," said Kagome. She left the

group again.

They all sighed in relief, since Kagome did not say anything. "So, Hiei, what

brings you hear to sit with us in a lovely day?" asked Yusuke.


"You like her," teased Yusuke. If you look very closely at Hiei, there is a very,

VERY small tint of blush on his cheeks. Okay, let's just say it's mostly invisible.

Hiei glared at him and gave him the look that meant, `Say anymore nonsense,

detective, I'll rip your precious voice box, and I'll feed it back to you.'

"Man, Hiei, you shouldn't get all… what's that word? Never mind," said Yusuke.

Yusuke raised his left arm and began to massage between the neck and shoulder.

He looked at Kuwabara. "What did you do exactly to make me fall asleep?"

Kurama and Hiei looked at them in a curious, yet not obvious way.

"Oh, well, I just karate chopped you between the neck and your shoulder. Though,

that hurt because it felt as if your body was like steel."

! ! !

As Kagome took a few napkins, she took a small compact out. It looked like she

was going to put on make up, but that is where you are wrong. She opened the compact,

and it started to omit some sounds. It was voices. The voices were of Kurama, Yusuke,

Kuwabara, and Hiei.

"Koenma has important news. Your cousin, fox, has this unusual power omitting

from her, and he wants us to find out what power it is," said the voice of Hiei.

"Is that all, Hiei?" The voice sounded like Yusuke's voice.

"Hn. No." (A/n: Guess who)

"Shrimp, just tell us." That was Kuwabara's voice.

"I was getting to that you dolt," (Hiei's)

"Could've fooled me."

"The brat also said to bring her to Reikai."

Kagome shut the thing down. "So, I guess Ojii-san was correct about there being

Reikai and there being youkai in a different realm. Though, that would mean Shuuichi-

kun is a reikai tantei." Kagome whispered to herself.

Her eyes widened. She took out a piece of paper and pencil. She began scribbling

down something on it. She walked over to a man with silver hair. "Um… excuse me sir."

The man turned around. "Can you give this paper to the boys that are on that table?" She

pointed towards Kurama's table. "I would really appreciate it."

"Fine, I will."

"Arigato." Kagome gave him the paper and was about to leave until…

"You owe me for this Inuyasha's wench." Kagome's eyes widened. She turned

around, but he was not there anymore. Kagome shook her head and left the mall.

! ! !

"Here's a letter," said the man. He dropped it on the table and left. The Yu Yu

Gang just looked at each other questionably, and Kurama picked up the paper.

"It's from Kagome," said Kurama. Everyone was surprised.

"Tell us the letter, Fox," said Hiei.

Kurama raised an amused eyebrow at him. "Okay, this is what Kagome wrote…

To the Reikai Tanteis

I will not be staying at your house any longer, Shuuichi. I do not know what your

boss, Koenma, wants, and I am not going to stick around and find out. I know that Hiei

and you, Shuuichi, are youkai. Though, I'll miss you guys. Oh, and um… Hiei I think

you're cute.


"Oh look, Hiei, you have a girlfriend now," teased Yusuke. Hiei glared at him and

left in a blur.

The rest ran out of the mall also, leaving the bags of clothes and leaving their food


! ! !

Kagome began packing her things, and her mother and Shiori were out at some

beauty salon. "I just have a bad feeling that this Koenma guy will do something. I can't

let anyone know my secret." Kagome muttered to herself.

She finished packing, and she began writing a note for her mother and aunt to


"Leaving so soon, Kagome?" Kagome snapped her head towards where she heard

the voice.

Kagome saw it was Hiei. "Oh, um, hey, Hiei." Kagome felt quite uncomfortable.

"Hn," said Hiei. "So, now what's your secret?" Kagome sighed, knowing she

won't get out.

"I'll tell you if you don't tell anyone," said Kagome.

Hiei just looked at her. "Please, Hiei, I'm begging you, just don't."

"Hn," replied Hiei.

Kagome looked at Hiei curiously. "What is that suppose to mean?"

"Hn, yes, I won't tell anyone."

Kagome smiled at him and said, "Arigato, Hiei. Well, you see, I am not an

ordinary person. On my fifteenth birthday, I fell into the shrine well, where I was sucked

into the past. I am searching for the shards of the Shikon no Tama because I'm it's

guardian, and that's all I can tell you."

Kagome began crying, and Hiei didn't know what to do, so he walked up to her

and hugged her from behind, whispering soothing words.

"I just don't want anyone to know. I don't want anyone to know about the jewel

because they'll be after it. It's already hard enough for me to keep up with school, going

back and forth through time, not trying to make my family worry about me, and collect as

many shards as I could before Naraku gets it! I just can't add more burden to me. I'd go


Hiei held Kagome tighter. "Shh… it's alright. I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"Thank you, Hiei." Kagome placed a kiss on Hiei's cheek. She began rubbing the

tears off her face. "I have to go." Kagome got out of Hiei's embrace and picked up a

suitcase containing clothing and some artifacts.

Kagome was beside the door and slowly opened it. She looked at Hiei. "I'll miss

you." Kagome's body was halfway out the door.

"Wait, Kagome," said Hiei. Kagome looked at him. "Will I ever see you again?"

Kagome looked down and whispered, "I don't know." Kagome then left, probably

never to be seen again. Away from the Yu Yu Gang, away from Hiei, away so no one

will know about the secrets of the Shikon no Tama, besides Hiei and Kagome's family.



A/N: I will be making a sequel; after all, I there just cannot let it end. That would be too sad.