InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Darling Emiko ❯ A Friendly Monk and Confused Hanyou ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
She ran all the way to the tree by the well. There she stopped and leaned against the trunk with a low moan of pain. It's been so long! How can it still hurt me!? she cried silently to the gods. You never let it go a voice in her head answered. She sighed sadly. It was true, she had lost her love and her children and had never been able to let it go.

She looked up as Shippo came running up to her. "Kagome said I should try to find you and bring you back. We're leaving soon" he said with a wary smile and Emiko smiled back at him.

"Yeah, I'm coming now" she said and mentally pulled her grief back inside where it belonged. As they walked back the little kitsune chattered on about the story from the night before.

"Are there really youkai in other countries?" he asked excitedly and Emiko smiled and nodded.

"Oh yes, there are kitsune and youkai in other countries. I've traveled all around this world and have seen many things. I've been to lush tropical jungles and dry hot deserts. And yet, I'm always amazed that our kind have spread across the earth the way they have."

Shippo smiled and held his arms up to be carried. With a slight pang in her heart she picked up the kitsune boy and carried him back to the village. Would our son have been as fine as this boy? she wondered or our daughter, would she be as sweet as my mother or as fierce as my father? She hastily locked away the sad thoughts and put on her usual devil-may-care face as they approached the others.

Kagome looked at her worriedly. "Are you okay now?" she asked and Emiko smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. No worries" and with that she went inside to pick up her bag.

"She's not being honest with us" Miroku said.

"Do you know what's bothering her?" Sango asked.

Kagome nodded. "But it's not my place to say"

"She should at least tell me what's wrong" Inuyasha said with a frown as Emiko walked from the house. She had taken off her jacket and now wore her leather pants and a black tank-top. She carried her bag on one shoulder and tied her Kwan Dao shealth on her hip.

"So kids, we ready to go?" she said with a smile that only partially made it to her eyes.

Shippo hopped up to sit on Emiko's bag and they all nodded. "Great, then lets get going" she said and they looked at Inuyasha.

"Where to?" Emiko asked him.

"Bah, west again, I think there may be more shards that way."

Sango and Miroku were in the front of the group, walking silently. Shippo was dozing on Huyana's back (he was in his fox form), and Emiko was lost in her own thoughts when Kagome started walking next to her.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, hell, it happened like 30 years ago, I'll be fine."

"If you weren't fine yesterday, what makes you think you'll be fine now?"

Emiko glowered. "Because I have to be fine. When I'm done here, then I'll do what needs to be done" she said and snapped her mouth shut and refused to say anything more.

Miroku slowed down to walk next to Emiko next. "Um, is it true that Inuyasha is your father?" he asked

Emiko smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah, there's no harm in you knowing that much. I'm sorry I teased you when I first met you."

"That's all right, it's not everyday that I meet a beautiful lady such as yourself" he said with a smile and Emiko laughed.

"You're outrageous!" she said and pinched his arm. I like him, he makes me laugh. I haven't had this much fun in decades. But...I still can't love that way agian...

Miroku just waggled his eyebrows at her and leered. That of course got Emiko laughing again. Kagome looked back at Miroku and Emiko laughing and joking around and smiled. Maybe that's what she needs to help her get over her pain she thought.

Sango watched this all with interest and Inuyasha stopped to watch Miroku and Emiko tease each other, like they were best friends or somthing. Well, she seems to be better than she was this morning he thought and decided to join in and pick on Miroku too.

" still wish to marry Emiko?" Inuyasha asked with a glare at Miroku. Miroku swallowed a gulp and Emiko looked at Inuyasha with a shocked expression. Then she started to laugh and punched Inuyasha in the arm.

"Good one!" she said and grabbing Miroku's arm she walked with him down the road ahead of the others. Inuyasha watched them and nodded to himself and followed after them.

"Who said I was kidding?" Inuyasha said as he caught up to Emiko. "I want to know his intentions!"

Miroku turned pale again and Emiko glared at Inuyasha. "What do you care what I do?" she asked slowly.

"I just want to make sure that he's not going to use you just for an heir" he said gruffly.

Emiko looked shocked again and then hugged Inuyasha. "Thanks for worrying, but I'm a big girl. I've been through a lot and I think I can handle this. Besides, Miroku already told me that he dosn't really want to."

Miroku watched the exchange between the two with interest. Huyana, Sango, and Shippo watched from the side of the road and Kagome stood beside Emiko.

"She's right Inuyasha, just leave it be please" Kagome said.

"Yeah! Besides don't we have shards to find" Sango asked.

"That's true Daddy, we have shards to find. I promise not to do anything foolish." Emiko said and bowed to Inuyasha.

Thump! Miroku now sported a black eye from grabbing Emiko when she bent over. Who gave him the black eye? Well....

"What did you do that for Kagome!?"

"Be nice!" she said and walked off. Inuyasha looked at Miroku and choked back a chuckle. He then caught up to Kagome to tell her she did a great job. Sango and Shippo each made comments at Miroku's lecherous activities and followed after Kagome and Inuyasha. Emiko meanwhile looked down at the dumbfounded preist and laughed at his expression.

"Come on, let's catch up. They may find a monster and kill it without letting me help!" she said and dragged Miroku to catch up with the others. Huyana followed behind, now in his humaniod form. For some reson, Emiko caught his eye, and he seriously felt like thumping Miroku for his hentai actions.

Why do I feel so strongly for her? he thought to himself