InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter's Teacher Was a Nerd ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi guys (and girls) this is Billie Arm (I've just recently changed my pen name) and I'm back with the next chapter of My Daughter's Teacher Was A Nerd. Thanks for all the reviews, but let's get to the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Inuyasha except for a plush doll, a few volumes of the manga, and movies 1-3. Maybe Takahashi-sensei will be willing to trade? One can only hope and ponder. If that doesn't work, I'll steal him! Haha! Just kidding.
Chapter 3
Kaoru announced her presence as she slammed the side door and let her messenger bag tumble off her shoulder. However, no one answered. Scratching her head due to the awkward situation of talking to herself, she pulled off the tattered Converses and searched the house.
`It's unusually quiet,' Kaoru noted after searching her room for her mother. Usually the house would be bubbling with today's latest music, and the aroma of oden, Kagome's favorite dish. Yet, today it was like a ghost town and that was just plain creepy.
After searching every room of the tiny house with the goal of finding her mother, Kaoru found no one and wandered into the kitchen. Sighing, she laid down on the cold tiles of the kitchen the floor and began staring into space for God knows long. After a few intense seconds of an exciting game of “Trace the Creases on the Ceiling!” her stomach began to growl.
“Calm yourself, savage beast!” she exclaimed and gave a scolding look to her covered stomach. Her stomach ignored her and gave another growl. Kaoru groaned and clutched it.
“You know I'm too lazy to get up right now, we shall just have to suffer together,” she teared up and released a fake cry. Cynthia, Kaoru's dubbed stomach, ignored her efforts and gave another growl. Kaoru snarled and sat up.
“Fine,” Kaoru said and looked down while crossing her arms as if talking to a friend that she had just claimed an ex-friend, “you ungrateful, black hole thingamajig that's called an organ, I'll feed you, but I'm not talking to you anymore, Cynthia!” Huffing while standing up, she crossed the long distance from her current spot to the refrigerator, and reached for the handle, but a piece of paper attached to the mechanical ice box caught her attention. Ignoring Cynthia's attempts of trying to gain her attention, she read the note aloud and this is what it said:
I probably won't be home when you arrive so this is the purpose of this note. Your teacher, Taisho-san, requested a conference because he said you were failing his class and I agreed to discuss your progress of your grades, or better stated their retreat. When we get home, we are going to have a long talk young lady.
Until then,
Kaoru stumbled over the words `long talk' and let the feelings of fear and paranoia take over. Her `kaa-san had found the note! Okaa-san had found the note! Aso had found the note! Kagome Higurashi-Aso had found the note! Running up the stairs at lightening speed, Kaoru ignored Cynthia's protests and closed the door of her safety zone, her room.
Inuyasha searched his room for any out of place items, and closed the door after his check. Locking the door, he made his way down the hall to the conference room. Stopping in front of the door, he took in three deep breaths and opened the door. There sat an older version of the Higurashi-now Mrs. Aso- he once went to school with. Her raven hair was longer and her bright stormy blue eyes looked exhausted, but still held the infamous youthful glow. Overall, she had not changed not a bit and was still gorgeous. Managing to make his way over to the seated woman without making a fool out of himself, he cleared his throat and the said woman snapped out of her thoughts. Her glaze caught his and time seemed to pause.
His mind panicked. It silently begged him to not fall under the spell her mesmerizing eyes cast upon all unsuspecting males of the human species. No! It screamed and warned him of all the hazards of the spell, yet he could not help himself. So he openly gapping at her like a hobo gapping at a feast placed in front of him. And boy, was Higurashi a feast.
Shaking his head and disposing of the inappropriate thoughts, Inuyasha extended his hand out and Kagome shook it.
“How are you today?” he asked, remembering his manners as he slackened his grip on her hand and pulled his hand away. Giving him a small smile, and pulling her hand back into her lap she said,
“Fine, and I hope your day was too.” He gave her a smirk and sat down in the chair across from her.
“Before we discuss the decline of Kaoru's grade,” he began and pulled on his bargaining face, “I was wondering if we could go to this café I know up town?” Kagome eyes widened. Was he asking her out on a date?
Noticing her eyes widening, he added quickly, “Not like a date more of a getting to know each other type of gathering.” Kagome nodded.
“That's fine with me,” she stated and stood from her chair. He led her out of the room and into the teachers' parking lot, where he unlocked a silver Corvette's door. Kagome paused and surveyed the car. It was one of the types of cars she dreamed about when she was a teenager, yet Koga couldn't afford any type of car. (AN: They're car less.)
Inuyasha's voice led her into the world of the living, and she shook her head. He unlocked the passenger's side door and opened it like a true gentleman. Sliding into the luxurious leather seat, her eyes took in the interior of the car. Without her knowing, Inuyasha had managed to slide into the car, start it, and pull out of the parking lot. She finished her examination of the interior and began a new examination: the driver. Somehow he had removed his long silver mane from its ponytail and it fluttered around him. He no longer wore the abnormally large glasses that enlarged his nose and shielded the world's view of the beautiful amber orbs. Now, that she took a closer look she spotted a firm jaw line, slender nose and all the other qualities that screamed `Look at me! I'm sexy!' She had barely noticed him when he walked into the room- not like she would notice him anyways because Koga was just as good looking as Inuyasha was.
His amber orbs caught hers and he gave her a questing look. She blushed and quickly turned to the road. Giving her a weird look, he turned his attention back to the road.
Kaoru peeked out of the slit of the door she made. Sighing when she saw no sight of her mother, she left out the breath she had been holding and sneaked out of her room. Looking to her right then left, she rolled from her post-the wall- to another wall and pressed her back against it.
`The name's Aso. Kaoru Aso, double `o' seven,' she thought and continued her mission, which was to find the giant box of happiness and somehow bring it back to her safety zone without being caught by Sasuke, who would expose the mission and get her in more trouble. Yes, sadly she had concluded that she would probably be given a sentence of punishment while piling all of her pillows into a makeshift fort in the safety zone. Parents these days! Wasn't The Correction Center of Learning, also known as school, enough punishment? You spend half of your life span in that place breaking your back for the slave drivers, teachers, and parents had the nerve to punish their children!
Grumbling to herself about parents, she left agent mode and descended down the stairs “normally”. Now that she had made it to her destination, the only thing left to do was find the one thing that could feel the hole in her heart and bring it up to the safety zone; however, there was one problem. Where did her mom put the Twinkies?
Inuyasha's Corvette pulled into the sophisticated yet humble café's parking lot and Kagome's eyes widened as she took in the surroundings. The café was something that a paparazzi photographer would hang around in hopes of catching a glance of a celebrity. It was just that beautiful! Her attention turned to the door, which was being opened by Inuyasha and she stepped out. He offered her his arm and she took it with a little hesitation. He led her into the café and paused in front of the waiter.
“Reservation for Taisho,” Inuyasha stated and the waiter nodded.
“Please follow me sir and madam,” the waiter explained and led them over to a small candle-lit table. The waiter soon left them saying that some other table needed his attention and to make themselves comfortable. Inuyasha settled in across from Kagome and gave her a small smirk.
“Taisho,” she began “you shouldn't had!”
“Please call me Inuyasha and no, the pleasure's all mine,” he stated with a gesture and placed the napkin in his lap.
Kagome opened her mouth to protest but he held his hand up. She was sure that this place was expensive, something she had learned when she took a look at the menu, but Inuyasha seemed to have no problem with it. She didn't belong in a fancy café as this one. She lowered her glance in shame and began thinking about leaving, but Inuyasha's voice stopped her.
“What's wrong Aso?” he asked and turned his attention from his menu to her stiff frame.
“Kagome, please,” she pleaded and looked down. The teacher put his menu down and repeated his question,
“What's wrong Kagome?” Hearing her name from his lips made her heart stop and she looked up. His smoldering orbs caused the breath her lungs needed to get trapped into her throat.
“Nothing!” she exclaimed and he gave her a questioning look before turning to the waiter who had just returned.
“Sir,” he turned to Inuyasha then Kagome, “madam, are you ready to order?” The hanyou smiled and motioned for her to order.
“I would like a blueberry muffin and a cup of Columbian coffee,” she ordered and the waiter turned to Inuyasha.
“And you sir?” he asked.
“A chocolate chip muffin and orange juice,” he ordered and handed the menus to the waiter who left to give their orders to the pastry chief. Noting that this was the perfect time to discuss Kaoru's grades, Inuyasha reached into his briefcase and pulled out a few pieces of paper. Kagome sipped on her coffee that the waiter had just recently brought out and watched the hanyou curiously. On one of the papers she spotted Kaoru's name and concluded that these were her daughter grades.
Finally done gathering all the papers he needed, he settled them into one humongous pile. Folding his hands, Inuyasha looked into her eyes and stated bluntly,
“As stated in the note, Kaoru is failing Physics.” Kagome nodded and waited for him to continue.
“However,” he continued, “she can bring the grade up if she were to get a tutor.” Kagome nodded and asked, “Is there anyone you would recommend?” The hanyou's professional look was wiped out off his face by a thinking one, and he stroked his chin, which gave him a comical look. His eyes widened as if coming to a solution and he snapped his fingers.
“Kashino Shippo!” he exclaimed.
“Excuse me?” a puzzled Kagome asked. He snapped out of his thinking daze and gave her a blank look before it disappeared into a professional one.
“A tutor for your daughter,” he stated and took a sip of his orange juice. Kagome smiled and nodded.
“So what do you think?” he asked.
“Perfect! Do whatever you think is best!” she exclaimed and he smirked.
“So do we have a deal?”
“Yes, we do,”
“Now let the good times begin!”
~~~~~~~~~~~////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~
End of the chapter! Kagome and Inuyasha have finally met and are on first name base!