InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Brother ❯ Numba One! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I am disgusted with myself. I started like…SESS/INU! -Whines- It's a really good pairing…
"You didn't do anything to stop them from taking me!" Inuyasha growled to his elder brother.
"You wouldn't have stayed with me.  You wanted to stay with that human wench." Sesshoumaru said as icily as he possibly could, sending chills down Inuyasha's spine.  Inuyasha glared at his brother, ready to attack. (Gay.)
Sesshoumaru raised a clawed hand about to bring it down on the worthless half-breed.  "You wouldn't hurt me..." Inuyasha muttered.
"What makes you so sure?" Sesshoumaru growled, before bringing his hand down, making four deep cuts on Inuyasha's cheek.  The hanyou winced, and wiped the blood trickling down his chin away.
"Bastard!" Inuyasha hissed, and tried to do the same thing, but ended up pinned to the wall, Sesshoumaru's face so close, he could feel his hot breath caressing his skin.
"S-Sesshoumaru?" The hanyou whispered helplessly.  Not another word was spoke before Sesshoumaru gently pressed his lips against Inuyasha's.  
Inuyasha suddenly went weak at the knees, and he knew if Sesshoumaru wasn't holding him up he would have fell.  It seemed so wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to break away.  Soon he found himself returning the kiss.
Sesshoumaru released Inuyasha from the painful grip and wrapped his arms around his neck, getting himself tangled in the hanyou's hair.  Inuyasha brought his hand up and caressed Sesshoumaru's cheek.
"I can't." He finally mumbled, breaking away from Sesshoumaru and running away as fast as he possibly could.  If he thought his feelings for Kagome confused him, what the hell was going to happen here?  
For a single moment it actually crossed his mind that he could actually be in love with his brother.  No, it couldn't be.  Then why did he enjoy that kiss so much...? 