InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Dearest Kikyo ❯ My Dearest Kikyo ( Chapter 1 )

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My Dearest Kikyo,
It's been a while since we've been able to talk like we used to. I'm sorry for everything. I never meant for anything like this to happen to you, like I never meant to do this to you.
A long time ago, I promised that I would be yours, forever. I miss those days, terribly, but the times have changed everything. I've seemed to, secretly, promise myself to another. She has no idea about this. It scares me to think about telling her this, but one day it must, and will, be done.
I will always have a special place in my heart that only you can fill, but, truthfully, it's grown smaller. This other girl has taken over me in ways that I never thought possible. I find myself enjoying her company. Whenever she leaves, a part of me leaves with her. I'm not the same when she's gone. I'm more powerful with her at my side; more powerful than any demon.
Instead of trying to change me, she accepts me. She believes that I can be accepted by everyone without having to change. I remember you telling me that in order for both you and me to be accepted as normal, living creatures, we have to change ourselves, mostly me, using the Shikon No Tama. The other does not believe that. She has told me, face to face, that she likes…loves me the way I am. Truthfully, I love her for loving me.
I don't mean to tell you this with the intention of hurting you, but I think you understand where I'm coming from. Things are different; you're different. A living creature cannot live with a dead creature, and you can't expect the living one to give up their life. There's still so much more they can do in the world, more experiences they can go through.
I'm sorry; I can't say that enough. I never thought this would happen, but it has. I hope you can forgive me. I still want to be your closest confidant, your friend. Rest in peace, my dearest. I say that from the bottom of my heart.
Always Yours,
I think this is the shortest one-shot I've ever written. I hope you guys like it. This is a spur of the imagination thing. I will not go any further than this. Please read and review! Happy Reading!