InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Demon Lover ❯ My Demon Lover ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Demon Lover By Mija

Disclaimer~I dont own Inyasha and Company.

My Demon Lover

~~~The first time he had turned into a full demon, all she had to say was sit to bring him out of it. The other times he had had the Tetsiaga to help him keep the demon monster inside. But now?? Right now? None of that was helping at all. They had seperated from Miroku and Sango, following two seperate leads to the shard she had felt. If only she had known. If she had known it was a trap she would of insisted they stay together, but it was to late for regrets, for what ifs. Naraku had sent a very powerfull demon after her and Inuyasha, almost killing him, as it had already thrust the Tetsiaga from his grasp. It lay far away from him and her, the demon in between them. As she watched helplessly he started to breath shallowly and his life seemed to be drainging from him. She started to cry. She didnt want to loose Inuyasha, she loved him, although she had yet to tell him to his face.

~~~He took a stuttered breath, that sounded all too much like a death breath and Kagome cried. The demon was not dead and she had just lost Inuyasha. Her heart broke into a million tiny peices at the thought of living without him. Then she heard the demon. Cold, mocking, cruel.

"So now what weakling?? Your protector is gone?? You will be quite a treat and then a nice meal after I have my way with you." The demon chuckled. He was soo repulsive Kagome almost puked at the thought of his hands on her. But before she could say a word or move an inch he had her in his red claws.

~~~The demon lowered her to the ground and ripped her clothes off of her in one swipe. She cried out. She didnt want this. This would be too much for her to bare. INUYASHA! she cried, knowing it would do no good since he was gone, and that thought bought more tears to her eyes as she grieved for the man she would love all her life. The demon slammed her on the ground and placed his body over hers. She still struggled and cried out in vain. He was about to penetrate her when all of a sudden she felt some sticky wet stuff all over her naked form. Openening her eyes she looked and stared with shock at what she saw. Was it real? Was it true? She thought franticly.

~~~Her body was covered in blood. Above her stood Inuyasha and blood covered his face and claws. He looked down at her and smirked a wicked little smirk. She was just soo glad to see he was alive, that it hadnt registered that he was not Inuyasha like she knew him, he was in demon mode. She didnt fully comprehend it all till he looked at her with those red eyes of his and streakes on his face, leering at her.

"Bastard thought I would let him take what was mine??!" he growled, sending shivers down Kagome's body.

"No one takes whats mine...and you are mine it??" he added as he leaned into her and looked into her face, his face inches from hers. She gulped, not knowing what to say. She had been glad Inuyasha was alive, but in his demon form he scared her more than any demon, but at least it was him looking at her that way than that repulsive one that had tried to rape her.

"Inuyasha??" she questioned, hoping that he would come back to his normal self. But he just leered at her and grinned wickedly.

"Dont worry bitch...I will make it enjoyable for you." he repleid, as he lowered his body agianst her, imprisoning her with his being.

"Please Inuyasha dont do this." She pleaded breathlessly, although a part of her loved the feel of him and the way he possesed her so intimatly.

"Shut up human side didnt take you because he was affraid..I am not..I will take what I know is mine and then you will know." he growled, grinding his hips against hers. She moaned.

"Whaa..what do you mean?" she asked breathlessly.

"I mean that My human half would not take you because he was human and cared...I have no such are mine..have always been mine..and will make you mine for eternity." he hissed as he began to grope her naked form. She couldnt help the feelings he was making her feel and moaned in pleasure, which made him grin.

"You are MINE bitch..always have been and always will be." he added in a husky tone as the placed his erect penis at the entrance of her pussy. She gasped as he thrusted and broke her maiden barrier. Tears streaked donw her face and to her surprise he lapped them up.

"It will be gone soon." he stated, as he tenderly cared to her pain with licks and soothing words. Soon he was right and the feel of him in her started to feel good. She bucked her hips up to meet him and he hissed.

"Impatient bitch?? worries.." he said as he began to thrust into her with a vengence. She met him thrust for thrust. Her breasts jiggled and shoke with each stroke which must of drawn his attention for he soon began to suck on her nipples one at a time with zeal. By this time Kagome was moaning and arching her entire body, trying to get the most of him against her. She breifly wondered how she could allow this. How she could want this demon over her half demon Inuyasha? But this demon was all instinct and told her the truth. He wanted her, planned to take her and did take her. No questions not sorrow or remorse. he knew what he wanted and took it. Unlike Inuyasha, he told her exactly what he felt and wanted.

"Damn your soo tight!..soo good..I want you soo bad Kagome!.. I love you!" the demon Inuyasha growled as he pumped into her furiously. Tears streaked dows her face as she met him thrust for every thrust. She love Inuyasha and only wished it wasnt his demon half that had said those word to her, even if he was the one who had claimed her.

"Tell me you love me bitck.." he groaned as his thrusts picked up pace and he rammed into her. She gasped and cried out as she finally came with an earth shattering orgasm.

"I LOVE YOU INYASHAAAAAAAAA!" She cried as the last of her climax washed over her, then she felt him tense and throw his head back as he howled and called out her name as he too came, his seed shooting into her with force and determination.

~~~After it was all over she lay there exhausted and breathless. Inuyasha was breathless as well as he layed near her, holding her. The he looked at her, his red eyes peering into her soul.

"He might not admit it, but he wants you..He loves you..but till he can find it in him to be a man..I will be here..Know I will take every chance I get to fuck you make sure we BOTH have you always." he stated confidently.

"You are mine..his..always...ana none will ever take that from us." he added as he pulled her to him and feel asleep with his iron grip upon her. She had not wanted to be with Inuyasha this way. She loved him and wanted to be with him as she knew him. But that was no longer an option and funny, she didnt really feel bad about it. After all, this demon was a part of Inuyasha and he wanted her, and had said his human side had wanted her, but was not prepared to do antything about it. So if she had to be with her demon love to have a peice of Inuyasha then she would. All she knew is that no matter what she loved Inuyasha and any part of him was better than no part of him.

A/N~Okies here is my one shot lemon...dont know if its any good, was just messing around and felt like writing it...I know it might dissappoint those who liked my other fics, but im hoping it wont taint my writing abilities in their eyes. I just thought I would do a one shot and a lemon of couse. Hope no one takes offense on this fic..and I would be ever soo gratefull if you all would tell me what you think..leave me a little review to let me know if I suck or what ever,,as I said I cant take anything you throw at next time huggs and smiles Mija..:-)