InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.

A/N: My thank goes out to RJ for giving his opinion when I asked about the servants scene and the armor scene. XD


Chapter Seven:

The next morning Kagome was awakened by a firm hand shaking her shoulder.

"It's time to get up."

Her eyelids fluttered and she tried to focus her eyes. Slowly the sound of his voice registered. "Bankotsu?" she mumbled as she sat up.

He smirked. "Who else?" He pat her upper thigh. "Get up and get dressed." He pointed to the small room off to his left. "The bathroom is over there. But make it quick, we need to eat and then go meet the blacksmith as we arranged."

She nodded and tried not to blush at his hand still touching her thigh.

He smirked and removed his hand and then stood up. "Breakfast should be here any minute." He pulled her up by the arm and led her towards the bathroom. "Remember make it quick."

She nodded and closed the Shoji door. Her face was heated as she tried to make her thigh stop tingling. She rubbed her hand over the skin he'd touched and sighed shaking her head. 'What is wrong with me?' She quickly disrobed careful not to get her kimono wet and placed it aside.

She stepped into the small hot spring and smiled as she started scrubbing the dirt and grime from her body, taking head not to upset the bruises. Within ten minutes she was cleaned and dressed in her clean kimono.

She picked up her dirty kimono and carried it into the room. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "I take it breakfast arrived?" she asked bemused.

Bankotsu was busy eating his scrambled eggs and sausage and nodded. He motioned her over and swallowed his juice in one gulp. He rubbed the back of his sleeve against his mouth. "Just pass the kimono to the servant girl. She's been instructed to clean and press it while we eat."

Kagome blinked and passed the girl her kimono, before sitting on the cushion across from Bankotsu and making her plate.

Bankotsu noticed her hesitancy and raised a brow. "Is something not to your liking?"

She blushed a bit and folded her hands in her lap. "Iie, I'm just not used to servants."

Bankotsu smirked. "You'll adjust to it in time. After all I accept nothing but the highest quality in every aspect of living," he popped some nuts into his mouth and chewed them.

Bankotsu stared into her eyes and gave a careless shrug. "Most inns will have servant girls." He stuffed his face with some sausage and chased it down with the fresh squeezed juice before continuing, "Some will even have servant boys."

He noticed how little food she had put on her plate and frowned. "You need to eat to keep up your strength." He piled some nuts and fruits and bread onto her plate and spoke point blank. "Don't even think about leaving that spot until you eat all of it either."

"But - "

Bankotsu silenced her protest with a single look. "Your body needs proper nutrition in order to heal." He passed the plate back to her. "Now eat."

Kagome frowned and then rolled her eyes and grumbled beneath her breath. "Hai master," At his unamused look she sighed heavily and picked up her chopsticks eating slowly.

He watched to ensure that the stubborn miko did as instructed before going back to his meal, continuing to keep an eye on her.

She shifted a bit on her cushion and glared at him and then the plate before eating some more.

He bit back a self satisfied smirk and continued eating his meal. It may as well have been a feast but hey, he was a man with a large appetite. He reached for the last link of sausage and blinked when he felt it being tugged from his hand.

Kagome tried to pull it away from him and huffed. "You made me eat all that other rubbish. All I want is the last sausage."

He yanked it over her head and frowned at her hand still clinging to the meat.

She winced expecting to feel an intense pain in her abdomen and blinked when it didn't come.

Bankotsu sighed. "I'll tell you what, we'll split it." He popped the sausage halfway in his mouth and bit down, passing her the other half."

She frowned and whispered. "I should have been in serious pain just now, but I wasn't."

He shrugged and popped the meat into his mouth quickly sending it to his stomach and chasing it down with liquid. He stared at her and smirked. "Did you forget that I put the shard in you?"

She shook her head and frowned. "But my body is actually live flesh. I should have been in pain still."

He shook his head. "Most likely the same substance that allowed my comrades and I to be 'alive' again is currently inside you as a 'fill in' to keep your body functioning until your organs can fully repair themselves."

She frowned. "You think so?"

He nodded. "The shard could also be suppressing your pain."

She tapped her chin and thought back to when she had first met Sango. 'Well, the shard suppressed her pain back then, so I guess it's possible it could be doing the same for me.'

The servant girl returned and placed the freshly cleaned kimono inside the door before discretely closing the door and leaving the couple to their meal.

Bankotsu finished off the juice and stood to his feet. He held out a hand for her. "Let's get going. The blacksmith should be done by now."

She blinked and placed her small hand into his larger one. Her eyes widened at the tiny electrical jolts that went through her hand as he closed his around hers.

Blushing Kagome pulled her hand free of his and picked up her kimono, sliding it into her small bundle and tying the bundle shut. She slipped it over her shoulder and faced Bankotsu.

"Okay, I'm ready."

He nodded and led her from the inn and over to the blacksmith's home. "Yo, we've come for the armor as agreed."

The blacksmith walked out wiping the sweat from his brow and nodded. "Have ye the money?"

Bankotsu's eyes narrowed and his free hand planted on his hip. "We will see the armor first old man. If it is as agreed, then you will get your money."

The old man sighed and shook his head. He walked back inside and carried the armor outside, setting it on the table.

He watched Kagome's eyes widen and smiled. "As ye can see sir, the armor is as I promised." He nodded to Kagome. "Go ahead and try it on missy."

Bankotsu passed it to Kagome and helped her slip it on. He tied it in place and stepped back to fully take her appearance in. "How does it feel Kagome?"

She smiled and moved her arms glad that she could still move them. There was a bit more pressure around her chest and waist then she was used to, but she was sure she could adjust to it over time.

She wiggled her feet noticing she had plenty of leg movement too and grinned. "I guess it fits right. I can move my arms and legs freely."

Bankotsu walked around Kagome, examining her new armor for possible flaws and was surprised to find none. He mentally noted that that the armor seemed to fit her just right as if it were designed to do just that, while proving a modest amount of protection. The upper front half accentuated her full chest without leaving it exposed to any possible intrusions.

The latches were as sturdy as his were. 'In time she will learn how to latch and unlatch the armor.' He nodded his head and circled slowly to the back. The same exquisite care had been crafted into the flat back piece which curved around her natural hips. Bankotsu was also pleased that the armor flared out around her hips before forming a solid skirt which reached down to her mid thighs.

He grinned. 'I see that all the bases have been covered.' He turned around and smiled. "You have lived up to your boasting, old man."

The merchant's chest puffed out. "I told ye sir. The armor fits your lady friend like a glove, ne?"

Bankotsu nodded and licked his dry lips. "Hai it does."

The merchant picked up his tools and grinned. "It will also prove just as sturdy as the most accomplished warrior's battle armor."

Bankotsu smirked. He pointed to the delicately inscribed roses and vines entwining around the Kanjis of her name and nodded. "I see that you've personalized it for her as well. Good job." He reached into his haori and withdrew his coin purse. He tossed the agreed upon payment to the old man. "There is your payment as we agreed."

The main scooped up the coins and bowed. "Thank ye sir." He shoved the coins into his haori and pat his chest.

Bankotsu nodded. "We will have your finest bow and a new quiver of arrows as well." He tossed her old garments to the seamstress. "Be sure to dispose of those wretched things once we've left."

She blinked and picked up the bloody top and tattered, indecently short green kimono, holding them as if they were covered in toxic waste. "Of course, sir."

Bankotsu waved her off and went back to the business at hand with the blacksmith.

The man scurried into his hut and brought out the requested items handing them to Bankotsu. "It was a pleasure doing business with ye, sir."

Bankotsu smirked. "I will be sure to return if we have need of more of your fine craftsmanship." He took Kagome's bundle and tied it on her back, leaving room only for the quiver of arrows to slide against her right shoulder. He passed her the new bow. "Okay Kagome, let's go."

Feeling elated Kagome rushed over hugging Bankotsu around the waist. "Thank you so much, Bankotsu."

Bankotsu froze and his spine stiffened. He wasn't used to public displays of affection. He rubbed the back of his neck. 'If people see me being affectionate to her, they may not fear me as much.'

Kagome stepped back blushing and bowed her head. "I'm sorry, I just–"

Bankotsu forced his shoulders to relax and breathed. He waved offhandedly. "Forget it." With that he walked off expecting her to follow him obediently.

Kagome waved to the blacksmith and then silently followed Bankotsu out of the village. She stared at her new armor and smiled wistfully. 'No one has ever been so kind to me before.' Her mind flashed back to the time he struck her and she winced, sighing heavily. 'Although I'm still mad about him hitting me, I am grateful to him for the kindness he's also shown me.'

Her mind filled with indecision as to which of his traits was strongest. As she tried to figure it out, an awkward silence filled the air between them while they walked off towards their next adventure.

Bankotsu's eyes remained pealed for any possible signs of trouble as he led the way with Kagome walking silently beside him.


Outside of Edo Inuyasha and the others halted.

Miroku's brows furrowed. "Where should we start looking?" His feet shifted to a better standing position as he waited for the others to respond.

Sango frowned as well. She'd been so set on finding Kagome that she hadn't even thought about how they were going to go about it. "I'm not really sure Miroku."

Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest and gave a decisive snort. "We will start by checking the outlying villages and then we will go from there."

Miroku rubbed his chin and nodded. "That sounds logical." His staff taped the ground and the top jingled.

Sango blinked and nodded. "I agree." She shifted her feet to stand with them shoulder width apart.

Shippo sat down and pouted. He huffed. "We wouldn't have to start anywhere if Inuyasha hadn't run her off." Green eyes narrowed at the hanyou.

Inuyasha's golden eyes narrowed at the kitsune and his fist clenched. "Why you…"

Sango snarled in an unladylike manner. "He's right Inuyasha, however standing here bitching about it isn't going to find Kagome."

Miroku sighed. "Shippo, try not to anger Inuyasha too much." His hand rubbed the kitsune's head affectionately.

Shippo sat back and pouted more. "Why am I the one in trouble?"

Sango huffed. "Let's go. The nearest village aside from Kaede's is about ten miles away yet." She walked off carrying her weapon and Kirara.

Miroku sighed. "You heard the lady." He followed her, walking with his staff in his hand and Shippo clinging to his shoulder.

Inuyasha grunted and sped up to get in front of Sango and led them towards the direction of the next closest village.

The small group traveled for most of the day before finally arriving at the village.

Sango volunteered to go into the village. "Miroku, you should stay with Inuyasha so that the villagers have no cause to get worried."

Miroku nodded. "Be quick but thorough Sango."

She nodded and walked down the hill. She entered the village and spotted an older looking woman who was hanging laundry on a line outside her hut.

Sango walked up to a woman. "Excuse me miss, but have you seen a young priestess wearing strange clothes around here lately? She'd have black hair with a short green kimono bottom and long white sleeves."

The woman shook her head side to side. "Sorry miss, but we have only seen the priestess Kaede around here and even that was some time back."

Sango's shoulders drooped though she schooled her face into a blank mask. She bowed to the woman. "Thank you for your time."

The village lady nodded and continued hanging her linens on the long line.

The Tajiya walked back over to the others and informed them of what she had been told.

Miroku's hand tightened on his staff. He sighed. "Looks like we shall have to continue on then, eh?"

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed and he grunted. "Where the hell could she have gone anyways?"

Miroku shook his head. "With how upset she obviously was, who can be sure?"

Inuyasha grit his teeth. 'I know that she wouldn't dare go to that flea ridden wolf. She'd know that I would be sure to find her then. How dare she run off like this?' Inuyasha huffed. "Let's go, we're wasting time since she's not here."

Miroku bowed his head and followed his Hanyou friend. 'And whose fault is it she was so upset, eh?'

Shippo rode on Miroku's shoulder. 'Oh Kagome, please be safe.' His tiny hands twisted together as he worried for his mother figure.

Sango placed Kirara on her shoulder and followed the monk. 'We had better find her soon.'

The Inutachi set off towards the next village all feeling a bit let down at the results from the first village.


A/N: Okay that's it for chapter seven. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Reviews are always appreciated. XD