InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.

A/N: Apparently ffnet is wonky again. Hopefully they will get the reviewing and log in issues ironed out soon.


Chapter Ten:

Two months later Bankotsu had already taken his haori off and thrown it on the ground by the water bucket. Sweat coated his body as he charged towards her swinging his fists.

Kagome was also covered in sweat. She panted and blocked his straight punch deflecting it away from her face and moved into him raising her knee.

He smirked as his hand shoved her knee away from his crotch before the strike could connect. "Good, now dodge this." He dropped down to sweep her legs.

She jumped up and came down with a spinning back kick connecting with his stomach.

Bankotsu grunted and exhaled absorbing the blow as he stumbled back a few steps. Grinning he charged her and moved in with a single handed choke hold on her throat.

She bent her fingers to form a crane beak and slammed it into the top of his hand forcing him to loosen his grip. She grinned and drove her knee into his ribs and then ducked away from him to avoid another grab.

He chuckled. "Good I see the power behind your attacks is increasing. You actually managed to knock me back a bit." He pointed to the grassy spot on the hill. "Lay flat on your back."

She nodded and did so.

He moved in for a double handed choke without straddling her waist.

She grabbed his arms with her hands and popped her hip out. She wrapped her leg around his throat pulling him down to where her leg pressed against his wind pipe cutting off his air and her hands stretched his elbow joint over her lower thigh. Her hands held his arm in a wrist lock.

"A little more pressure on the throat."

She flexed her leg adding more pressure to the throat until she felt his free hand tap her leg.

He pinned her with a hard stare. "You have got to remember to choke the throat as soon as you get him down."

She nodded.

"If you need to disable him so that you can take on another one, just slam his arm down hard. It will snap the elbow so you can get to your feet and face the next one."

"Now lie down on your back again."

She did so.

He straddled her waist and pinned her arms. "Now use your legs to push up and flip me over your head. Use the momentum of me flipping over your head to flip onto me."

She did so and grinned. "Aha, I've got you now."

"Really," He bucked her over his head and pinned her down. "Are you sure about that?" He dipped his head and licked the side of her neck. "Mm you taste like sweat." He nuzzled his face to her neck and then pulled back to stare at her.

Bankotsu watched her chest rise and heard her breath hitch. He smirked when a blush slowly spread across her face and her hand went to cover her neck.

She blinked. "Apparently I didn't have you pinned as well as I thought." She pouted. 'I really thought I had him that time.'

He chuckled. "Do it again and this time wrap your feet around the inside of my legs after you pin me."

She did so and blinked when she felt him try to flip her over.

He smirked. "That's it." He stared into her eyes. "Imagine something so simple and yet a little thing like you has a big burly guy like me pinned good."

She nodded.

His eyes twinkled. "However there are ways to counter it." Before she knew what was happening he flipped them onto their sides and started swinging punches at her.

Both arms rose to protect her face as she waited out his strikes. When his hands no longer connected with her arms she blinked and lowered her hands.

"Tuck your elbows tight against your ribs and get your arms down by your sides." She nodded as she did so. "Now press your biceps against my thighs and put your hands on my ankles. Break the hold and then raise your elbows to force my legs to release you."

She did so grunting as she forced his legs to release her.

He grinned and rose to his feet and watched her get to hers. Not letting up he moved in with a hook punch.

She forearm block it on the inside and simultaneously stepped in aiming her other elbow for his nose.

His free hand came up stopping her elbow. "Nice one." He hip tossed her and waited for her to get back on her feet.

"Now let's see if you remember this one." He walked behind her and placed her in a rear naked choke hold.

She instantly brought both hands up to grab his arm on either side of the elbow, shrugged her shoulders and sunk her chin down to protect her throat. She positioned her leg behind his so they were touching calf to calf and turned 180 degrees breaking his grip. She pulled him down over her leg and dropped him hard onto his back.

Bankotsu smirked and nodded. "Remember it doesn't matter how much bigger or stronger the guy choking you is, Do like you just did and get away. If needed add a kick to his stomach and then run away."

She smiled at him and wiped some stray hair from her face. "You're the first person who ever talked about training me for anything but my miko powers."

Bankotsu flipped back to his feet. He started throwing various punches and kicks. His eyes filled with pride as she dodged, blocked, or countered every one. He didn't even mind when she hip tossed him or rolled onto her back and flipped him over her head using her legs and feet. He rolled with it and came back to his feet.

He pointed in front of him and waited for her to stand before him. He backed up two feet. "Bring your right foot up with a knife edge kick to block the inside of my left foot by hitting just above my ankle. "

They practiced that a bit before he moved on to the next part. "Again, but this time use the same foot to follow up with a kick to my face, then my stomach and finish with a spinning back kick to my gut." He slapped his stomach indicating where her final kick should land. "Remember to put your full power behind it."

She nodded and watched for his kick doing as he said. Bankotsu blocked the face attack and exhaled absorbing her stomach kicks. He stumbled back a bit from the last one and smirked. "This combo is real handy for quickly discarding one opponent so you can face another and it will take a while for the first one to shake it off."

She nodded. 'I'll have to remember that one.'

Bankotsu smirked. "I'll show you one more combo I like to use for a single opponent, after that you will have to practice and come up with some of your own. You have the moves, now you just have to find combos that suit you and each situation best."

She grinned. "Hai Sensei." She slightly bowed to him.

Bankotsu smiled. "Okay, try to hit me with two double axe fists, followed by a low back forearm strike and then five alternating hook punches and finish with a wide swing hook from either side."

She blinked but did so.

He quickly bobbed from one side to the other and back to avoid the two double handed axe fists. He used the front of his forearm to block the back punch by his hip and used the same arm to forearm block her first hook punch. Using the same arm he quickly blocked the other four hooks and ducked under her final swing. His fists clenched and he thrust them both at her stomach.

Her eyes widened and she exhaled sharply falling back several feet and onto her butt as her stomach absorbed the blow. 'Man it's a good thing he taught me how to use earth chi to keep me planted.'

He laughed at her perplexed expression and helped her to her feet. "Don't look so surprised Kags."

She blinked. "What was that last part?"

"It's called a double sun fist thrust."

She nodded and rubbed her belly. 'That's going to bruise, but at least I absorbed the impact right.'

He nodded. "Your turn," He went on the offensive.

Her eyes widened and she bobbed to avoid his axe strikes. She blocked his hook punches driving her elbow into his arm each time as he had previously shown her since she was smaller and weaker than he. She ducked and used the double sun fist thrust hitting his stomach and making him stumble back a few steps.

Bankotsu smirked and licked his lips. "Good," He pulled out a dagger and went for a stab. She countered him by slapping the attack away and hooking her hand over his wrist, while simultaneously using her elbow braced against his to ensure that his strength wouldn't over power her and bobbing. She moved stepped in with a knee to his stomach and her free hand struck toward the side of his neck stopping before it could connect.

He grinned. "I see that you remembered to keep hold of my knife wielding wrist this time."

She smirked. "When I have you for a teacher how could I not?" She showed him the scar on her wrist from the last time she messed up.

"I warned you that I wouldn't be going easy on you even though you're a woman."

She nodded. "Hai," she snatched the dagger from him and grinned.

He chuckled. "Don't get too cocky, little missy. I can still kick your butt."

She grinned and bounced in place with her hands in a defensive position. "Thanks to you I know I can defend myself now."

He nodded and moved over circling behind her. He grabbed her arms and took the dagger away. He put it away and used one hand to shove her forward to where she was on the ground on her knees and bent over with her arms held above her back.

She grinned and yanked her arms down, twisting to get a kick out at his leg.

He chuckled and dodged her leg releasing his hold. He watched for her to roll to her feet and then swept her legs out from under her while her back was to him. "You're getting better, but no teacher ever imparts their full knowledge to a student."

He watched her flip to her feet with a pout. "Sure, rub it in."

He chuckled. "You keep practicing your katas and run through some hand to hand scenarios in your head."

She blinked. "What about you?"

Bankotsu smirked and snatched up his haori. "Some one has to hunt so we can eat."

He draped the haori over his shoulders and neck like a towel. "I'm going to clean up in the stream." He smirked. "After that Banryu and I are going to have some fun." He spun on his heel and jogged off to the stream.

Kagome watched him until he was out of sight. She shook her head and started doing the katas he had shown her.

An image of Bankotsu with sweat rolling down his chest as he slipped off his hakamas and dove naked into the water filled her mind, but she mentally slammed the door on that thought and grit her teeth. 'It would help to keep that kind of stuff out of my head if he would show some decorum and actually wear something when he swims in that water.'

Her cheeks heated with a blush as her mind replayed the last time she visited that water and accidentally saw Bankotsu swimming in the water without a single stitch of clothing.


Kagome watched his powerful arms move through the water as he swam on top of the water kicking his legs and his rear end tightened with each kick. Unable to turn away from the sight she licked her lips and watched as he shot out of the water keeping everything below his hips covered as he washed his hair.

She crossed her legs Indian style on the rock and her eyes drank in every indentation and scar on his massive chest as his hands worked something into his hair. She watched his pecks flex whenever he reached for the back of his head.

When Bankotsu was done with his hair he picked up some kind of gritty mix and started rubbing it onto his arms. Her eyes followed his fingers and she swallowed against a lump in her throat. Her heartbeat sped up as she watched his hand slowly glide along his chest washing the grime from his body. She watched him dip a hand into the cool water and splash it over his right peck and saw the dark nipple.

Her breath hitched as his hand slid down to his hard abs with his fingers deftly scrubbing the dirt away. She bit her lip wishing it was her hand running over his abs and felt her face heat up some more. Her eyes widened and she jumped to her feet and ran through the bushes back to the cabin.


Kagome huffed. "Ugh, I'm becoming more perverted than Eri." Her heart squeezed painfully at the thought of her old friend who used to show her pictures of nude males all the time.

She bit her lip. 'I will not cry no matter how much I miss everyone.' She closed her eyes and took a couple deep breaths letting them out slowly.

She heard a loud splash and her eyes shot open. Her brows furrowed. 'Bankotsu has absolutely no shame about being an exhibitionist either.'

Another image of him naked in the water filled her mind. Heat pooled low in her belly and she felt her nipples tighten. She slapped her forehead. 'Kagome you naughty pervert, focus on your katas!'


A/N: I figured that while they're training I will focus solely on Ban/Kag in order to show their bond growing and her training at different stages. As always feedback is much appreciated. XD