InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy My Love ❯ it's like i've known him for ever. ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclamer: ok so you all know I don’t own inuyasha and I'm sure you all know who does.



Chapter 5: it's like I've known him for ever.



Inuyasha went starte to where Koga's men were camped out. Apon arival he saw Kagome being tossed around. His anger flared and his eyes flashed red. In the blink of an eye he had maniged to kill one wolf demon, injer two others and sweep Kagome up into his arms.



Once Kagome was safly in his arms he growled out to the remaing wolf demons. "From this point on she is MINE! If anyone lays a finger on what's mine they will die!" and with that everyone moved out his way and let him pass. Inuyasha took the egsausded girl back to his tent and laid her down on some furs.



Kagome sits up and pulls the covers close to her chest. "What do you want? Why did you save me?" she was thinking some were along the lines of this man wants to rape me make me his sex slave. ~even I don’t believe that~ she told her self. There was something about him that made her feel safe like she has known him for ever.



"Nothing. … you smell nice." Kagome blushed then mentally slaped herself for being attracted to him her enemy. "eat!" he said handing her a plate of fruit and fride fish. She shyly reached out a hand to take some food and inuyasha smirked at her. ~she's so innocent~ he thought as he watched her eat.


Kagome beggan to get uncomfortable. Inuyasha had watched her eat and even when she said she was full he gave her a stern look and that alone had her cleaning her plate. Now she was sitting there in dirty cloths and trying to wash her face and hands. "Take it off" Kagome's eye's quickly met his. "W-what did you say." ~here it comes stupid me thinking there was something about this-~ she didn’t even get to finish her thought, "it's dirty! And you need a bath. … I'll get you a dress, you clean off in the river."



Kagome was taken back. Does he think she wont try and run? Or is it that he can already tell she doesn’t want to run. Witch ever the case may be Kagome was thankful. He walked her down to the river. "Don’t worry you'll be safe." He said before walking away. Kagome didn’t understand it, she felt safe with him. She felt something else too, and she was a little worried that she would be seen as a whore if she admitted it.



She took off her cloths and got into the river the cool water felt good against her heated flesh. She wasn’t sure if it was the cold water or inuyasha that made her shiver. ~he doent seem like all the others. … he seems like he cares about me~ Kagome quickly shook that thought off. ~what am I thinking he just met me … but he is a hanyou … maybe he …~ "No that cant be it." She told herself.



Just then Inuyasha came back with a dress in his arms. "This belongs to my brothers mate. She's human like you. Maybe you would be more comfortable around us if you met her." Kagome looked at him like he had a second head. ~did he just invite me to met his family… so that I can be comfortal?~ "What?" inuyasha asked at her strange look.



Kagome just nodded her head then did something even she was shooked at. But her body had a mind of its own. Kagome walked right out the water and right up to him with nothing to hide her body from his gaze. Inuyasha took a vissable gulp as she neared him. "Thankyou." She whispered as she took the dress from his hand.



Inuyasha couldn’t help him self he reached out a hand to her cheek. Carressing it then leaning down to whisper across her lips. "Anything for you." Then pulled back and turned around. "get dressed." He ordered softly when Kagome didn’t move. She was stuck. What had just happened? He was so close and yet he didn’t do … ANYTHING! She thought. What really had her on end was that if he did do something she would have givin in.






That same day inuyasha took Kagome to Sesshomeru's tent. "why is it I get the feeling your not here for me." Sesshomeru asked then looked to the girl. He new even if inuyasha didn’t that this girl was his intended. " I came to see if Rin is still with us or have you sent her back already?" Kagome looked interested in this convo. Who is this rin and more importantly why did inuyasha want to see her?



"she is gathering her things. I am sending her home in the morning." Sesshomeru said. "I want rin to keep Kagome company for some time is that possible?" inuyasha asked. Sesshomeru nodded. "the girl can help her get packed. I need a word with you anyway." Sesshomeru said then guided inuyasha and Kagome to the back room in the large tent.



Rin stoped what she was doing and looked up at her husband and brother in law. "Sessy?" just then Inuyasha moved aside and Kagome came into view. <this girl is inuyasha's intended. Nut she is also … one of our captives> Sesshomeru mentaly through at Rin. She smiled in underestanding. "Rin this is Kagome … she will be with us for a while so … I just thought."



Rin smiled at the way inuyasha blushed. " I understand. It will be nice to have someone to talk to." Kagome smiled shyly at her and inuyasha smiled at the ease he smelled in her sent. "Inuyasha." His brother called. He had some things he needed to talk to him about.



Inuyasha and Sesshomeru went to another part of the tent to talk. There Sesshomeru told him about tomorrows fight. "You will be fighting Prince Miroku. They say he is the best in there lands. Defeat him and there will be no war." Inuyasha understood this. He knew that it is always best this way. That way hundrads of lives would be spared. But something about this time had him on edge.



He wasn’t sure what it was but he didn’t want to fight this prince. But if he didn’t they would have to go to war, and he didn’t want that to happen eigther. And then there was Kagome how would she feel if they did end up in war. Inuyasha was confused.




Ok so what do you think? Am I getting any better?