InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy My Love ❯ chapter ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.



A/N: just so you know Miroku didn’t feel her having sex with Inu. It was kinda like she was so happy that her presence washed over the lands and since Miroku is so close to his little sis he sensed her not what she was doing.



Chapter 10: a brother and sister connection.



Miroku stormed through out the castle. Wakening everyone with his excited ranting. For the first time since this whole ordeal started he had felt his sisters aura. King Menomaru stoped his son's rambling. "Miroku what is this non-sense you are going on about?"



Miroku garbed his mother and embraced her tight. "Mother she is alive" he pulled back to look deep into her eyes and a silent understanding went between them. Kaguya smiled brightly and hugged her son back. "Where is she Miroku?" and just as he was about to answer her Menomaru pulled his son back from his mother's embrace and roughly said. "How dare you! … How dare you get your mother all excited like this! It is cruel to do this to her!"



Miroku pulled back from his father an angry expression on his face. "How dare I." He began only to be cut off by his mother pleading with his father to calm down. "Husband please hear our son out."



Menomaru looked to his wife and softly but sternly said no. She tried again to get him to listen so she reminded him of how close Kagome and Miroku are.



/Flash back to when they were 7 and 9. /



Kagome had wondered off into the wood alone and nobody had seen her for hour. Menomaru sent out a search party for his missing daughter when a very young and very worried Miroku begged his father to let him help in the search. Menomaru didn’t want his son coming with him but Miroku then said something that changed his mind. "Father I can feel Kagome. I can feel her presence. I think I can find her." Menomaru brought Miroku along and sure enough they found Kagome in no time.



Then there was another time when Miroku was 12, he went in disguise to go into the market place in the city, and a band of bad guys knew who he was and kidnapped him. He remembered before he even got word of the kidnapping Kagome had come to him and said. "Father Miroku is in trouble Father please do something!"



/End of flash back. /



Menomaru always knew that his son and daughter had some kind of connection. He thought it had something to do with the spiritual powers they possessed. Menomaru looked to his son a million questions spilling from his head. He didn’t want to believe his daughter was alive, he didn’t want to get his hopes up. So he asked the first thing that came to mind.



"If it is true what you say then why have you not sensed her before now?" Miroku was shock by his question. Mostly because he had been wondering about that himself. "I … I don’t know all I know is I know she is alive and I know where she is." Menomaru and Miroku stood, staring at each other with such intensity. "Where?" he finally gave in and asked. "On the shore … in Sesshomeru's camp."



Kaguya and Sango who was now standing beside her queen both took a deep intake of breath. Kaguya began to cry. "A … slave … they have my … Kagome as a … slave" Sango held her mother-in-law and looked up to the King and her husband. "You must do something! … You must negotiate with them."



Miroku looked to his father. "Is your Daughter worth negotiation!" Miroku said with venom in his voice. His mother yelled at Miroku for his cruel words. "How could you say such a thing! Of course she is." Miroku never took his eyes from his father. Menomaru could clearly see that his son was still upset over the whole Daitetsu situation. "Guard." Menomaru called over his shoulder and one of his men quickly came running.



"Send a messenger to Sesshomeru … tell him tomorrow we will discus this peace treaty of his." Miroku sighed in relief but still there was a lingering unease in him. ~I am glade Kagome is alive but what will happen when she finds out what father did? Or worse what will happen once Daitetsu finds out she is alive.






Meanwhile what King Menomaru didn’t know was that Daitetsu sent word to Sesshomeru that he would like to join his campaign against Menomaru. Sesshomeru received his letter and sent back one of his own saying he was not interested in his personal grudge against Menomaru and that this battle was about something else interlay. Not about power or hatred.






Sesshomeru received Menomaru's letter. He told Rin that they would be going to Menomaru's castle to discus peace. Rin was happy for this. She didn’t want to see Kagome UN-happy. "We should tell Inuyasha at once." Sesshomeru agreed with his mate and the two of them went to go tell him and Kagome the news.






Inuyasha woke that morning feeling unbelievably happy. He looked down at the girl warped securely in his arms and kissed the top of her head. All mine. ~ He thought as he tightened his embrace. Kagome murmured into his chest. "Good morning to you too." She smiled shyly up to him.



He couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss her sweet lips. Her lips, her touch, her sent were heavenly to him and he couldn’t help thinking he would die with out her. Inuyasha broke the kiss to look deeply into her eyes. "Kagome you know … I mean you understand really what this means don’t you."



Kagome smiled at him and nodded her head yes. This time she was the one who couldn’t resist and she leaned up to nibble on his bottom lip. Inuyasha growled playfully at her while rolling on top of her. She giggle breathlessly as he began tickling her, then stop suddenly as he turned his head to the tent entrance and growled threateningly.



"Inuyasha be not a fool." Sesshomeru called from out side. "You and your mate should get dressed we need to talk." Rin giggled happily at what she heard from Sesshomeru. ~This is a great day indeed, Menomaru wants to discus peace and Kagome and Inuyasha have mated. Nothing can go wrong. ~ Rin thought happily. "Come Rin we will wait at our tent." And with that they left.



Inuyasha looked back at Kagome and she was as red as an apple. "What's wrong?" he asked concerned for her. "He said your mate… hoe does he know?" Inuyasha smiled at her shy and embraced behavior. So he scrunched up his nose indicating that Sesshomeru must have smelt her sent. ~He probably heard us too but I don’t want to embrace Kagome any further with that bit of information



Kagome kissed the tip of his nose and brought him out of his thinking. He looked at her and shook his head. ~No no there is no time for that. ~ "Come on Kagome. Sesshomeru wants to talk to us." Kagome giggled when she heard him growl under his breath "This had better be good." He had better things to be doing right now. (A/N: yeah like Kagome. LOL J ) The two of them got dressed and went to met Sesshomeru.



"Sit … the two of you please." Inuyasha was not comfortable. He had never heard his brother say please before. "What the hell is going on hear?" Inuyasha all but growled out. Kagome held his hand and squeezed it he looked at her out the corner of his eye and instantly calmed. "Today we go to Menomaru's castle."



Kagome's heart skipped a beat. She thought this was it they are going to war with her family. "Menomaru want's to discus peace." His words went through her head. And she was hoping Sesshomeru was going to agree to this. "Yeah and?" Inuyasha asked impatiently. "I think it is a good idea … especially since you have mated his Daughter."



Inuyasha was taken back. "What nonsense are you babbling about! I'm mated to Kagome" ~that's right inuyasha doesn’t know I'm Menomaru's daughter. ~ She looked at him and feared he would be mad at her. "Inuyasha, … Kagome is Menomaru's youngest. Princess Kagome." Inuyasha slowly turned his head to look at Kagome after Rin said that. He was shocked, not angry. "K-Kagome … is this true?"



She couldn’t speak she was afraid and Inuyasha could smell it. He began to growl he hate the smell of fear on her. "FOOL! … Why do you still fear me!" he got up quickly and turned to storm out when small hands clenched the back of his shirt. "Please" she said barely above a whisper, but he heard her.



He stoped and stood there stone still but he did not turn to her. "It's … it's not that … really. I don’t fear you!" she said beginning in a whisper slowly rising into yelling. "I never feared you!" she wrapped her arms around him from behind. He looked down to her hands and lifted his to hers. "Then why-" she cut him off to say everything in a rush. "I fear you being mad at me I fear you being so angry that you would not want to be with me I fear never being able to be with you. I love you inuyasha."



Inuyasha's eyes opened wide and in an instant he had turned around and held her close to his heart nuzzling her neck and whispering to her. "Gods Kagome I could never leave you. You'll never be without me. … I love you." Sesshomeru and Rin watched the scene before them. Rin smiling broadly at the couple then Sesshomeru cleared his throat to get their attention.



When they turned and sat back down he continued. "Seeing as Kagome is the princess of Okada peace is a sure thing. Our two Kingdoms united once Inuyasha Prince of the western lands to you to be his mate." Everything Sesshomeru said was true according to customs a princess must marry a prince or King and when that happens they unite kingdoms. Kagome smiled at this fact. This meant no one she cared about would die.







A/N: reminder- all places in my story are made up. And please review and tell me what you think. Love ya bye.