InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Kagome...Will You Ever Be Mine? ❯ The Outcome ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mwahahahahaaa! This is my birthday month!! Woosh! Crazy! Isn't it crazy?! w00t!! You guys better wish me a happy birthday! I'm turning seventeen years old on the 29th of November!! Crazy! Crazy I say! *Laughs maniacally* Bwahahahahaaaa!! And if you don't wish me a happy birthday in any of the reviews…I shall be very distraught indeed!! *Cries* Because then that means that none of my loyal readers love me!! *Cries*
And since I'm posting another chapter of this fanfic…I get to redeem my reward! *Snatched the life size plushie of Sesshoumaru that a reader was using to tempt the authoress to update faster* NYA! I'm sane! What are you talking about?! *Glares* Stop mocking me!! MEEP! MEEP!!
I spent over two hundred dollars on anime stuff in one day. ;__; *Sighs* Oh well…On the bright side I now have an InuYasha plushie, 8 InuYasha T-Shirts, and lots of other InuYasha accessories ~^^~
Don't forget to review for me!! And thank you all for the many reviews on!! *Cries* I'm so happy!! 123 reviews!! *Hugs all the readers that are trying to escape my grasp* ^____^
Both the inu and ookami demon waited patiently for their maiden to come back and release them from their imprisonment, but to no avail. The two sighed and took in their current situation.
Attempting to carry a civilized conversation with the other arrogant male, Kouga was the first to break the impending silence. “Did you know Kagome-chan could do that? I never thought her powers were such a high level.”
“Are you that naïve wolf? I deducted that she was a miko the moment I smelt her. Though to answer your question...” Sesshoumaru hesitated; he never did like admitting that he wasn't aware of something. “I was not aware that my future aite would be this powerful.”
“She is not going to be your future mate.” The dark haired demon retorted under his breath, however the inu heard his comment though refused to show he had acknowledged it.
Silenced surrounded the two afterwards and the wind picked up billowing their hair as if it was the first time that the wind could actually play with their hair uninterrupted. All the while the sun continued to brutally beat down on them with its sun rays.
Out of nowhere the platinum hair colored hanyou so happened to come across the two defeated youkais at the hand of Kagome, after realizing that Kagome's scent lingered at the scene he donned on a smirk on his face. “Ah…I see you are now taking a punishment from our dear Kagome. Now what has my narcissist brother and the damn ookami done this time to set her off?”
Sesshoumaru growled in warning to his brother to shut his mouth, “Nothing of your concern little brother.”
InuYasha approached the wolf and he too gave a growling to the hanyou, “Shut up Inu-Trasha! It's none of your damn business is it now?” He attempted to strike the hanyou down but unfortunately for him the spell still wore on.
Still having the grin on his face he crossed his arms in front of the two youkais which were in a stance of looking at each other. “Actually in all honesty, it does concern me since this situation has never really happen to me…Now has it?”
The wolf hesitated thinking of a retort to tell the damn mutt, “Well, at least I don't taste dirt unlike you whenever Kagome-chan tells you `osuwari!' So I wouldn't talk if I were you.”
InuYasha shuddered at the very mention of the word that Kagome had used on him many times previously. Damn that gave him a very vivid imagery of tasting the dirt he had encountered so many times before at the hand of the powerful miko. He was very fortunate that during his landing and meeting the ground that it was only the ground and not some other…Unmentionables that he could have had landed in.
InuYasha glared and grumbled as he left, “Fine, I won't convince Kagome to let you go.”
Kouga soon began to comprehend his predicament and the chance to get the fiery hime to release him quickly evading him, “Kuso!! Iie! InuYasha! Come back here!! Come back here you teme!!”
But by this time our dear beloved hanyou was already out of hearing range, even for a dog.
Kagome slowly sipped her nice cup of mint tea to help soothe her poor aching throat from all the yelling she had done during the day. She looked out the window while slowly rubbed her throat with her other free hand. It was such a peaceful day; there was no ruckus or fighting within the castle walls and best of all she didn't have to deal with her irritating suitors that constantly were badgering her and doing a very miserable attempt to try to woo her hand in marriage…Wait…Annoying…Youkais? Realization hit her and she suddenly remembered who she had used her miko powers on. As a result she jerked herself up out of her chair, dropping her teacup on the floor with a loud crash.
Her eyes were wide open as she fled the room and down the long flight of stairs that led to the garden they had within the fortress' walls. She was trying her best not to tumble and in the process of killing herself to meet the two demons by evading all the obstacles and the servants she encountered in the halls. When she did manage to reach the gates that yielded the direction to the garden, she lessened her haste and walk with an aura of calm and dignity before she went to meet the two.
She could see them not too far from her and she smiled lightly to herself, maybe leaving them stuck in one place for a while was a good thing. It did do wonders for her, to her health and she did enjoy the time she had to herself.
Kagome unconsciously patted and fixed her hair when she reached the proximity of the two patiently waiting men.
“Kagome-chan! Doko ne?! I thought you had completely forgotten all about me!” Kouga said happily when he had eyed his beloved female. “You don't have to release the inu though; he's perfectly fine where he is. In addition to you not releasing him, you and I can go spend some good quality time together!”
The hime forced a smile upon her visage and hugged the wolf which released the darker of the two men free. But being the cocky wolf he is, Kouga refused to release the female within his grasp and was about to leave the inu still stationary when she was lightly surrounded with her miko powers which slightly singed the ookami.
Kouga let out an unsatisfactory growl before he reluctantly released the woman of his dreams, “Doushite koishii? You don't need to release him.”
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed slightly at hearing the moron's remark. How dare that filthy being assume that he was more worthy than Sesshoumaru! His eyes started to bleed red once again, although his sweet Kagome's scent bit by bit drifted to his nose and that tranquil calm fragrance was the only thing that kept him sane for the time being.
Without him realizing he was slowly but surely nuzzling his woman's neck inhaling the appealing smell that only belonged to the female in his arms.
“Kagome,” Sesshoumaru's voice came out hoarsely next to the princess's delicate ear, “arigato.”
The fairer of the two sexes leaned into his body and enjoyed the heat his body was radiating off to her. Lazily tracing invisible patterns on his chest with her hand while her other was grasped within one of Sesshoumaru's.
The wolf on the other hand was watching the scene that was occurring right before his very eyes. No he would not let that arrogant bastard win the woman that was for him!
Growling Kouga flexed his muscles and raised one of his clawed hands. Sesshoumaru answered with one of his own snarls and shattered the trance that he and Kagome had unhurriedly weaved.
Not wanting to break the reverie that the two of them had created she grabbed his face with her two hands and forced him to look back at her, the tips of her hands touching the soft silvery silk that was this mans hair. She leaned his forehead down so that it would touch hers and by doing so his hair gradually cascaded down around their faces creating a veil for only the two of them. “Iie Sesshoumaru,” she said gently with her soft brown eyes, “stay with me a bit longer…Onegai?”
Unable to resist her plea he silently obliged and ignored the other male that was challenging his rights for the female. With both arms he encircled Kagome's waist and brought her closer to his person. Surprisingly there was not one lecherous impure thought that had crossed his mind since she came into his embrace. He thought to himself thoughtfully that at least his intentions were…Somewhat pure… He continued with a lost train of thought by combing through her hair with his claws.
Kouga glared at the two. The hell?! She threatens by attempting to purify him, yet there she was with that damn narcissist dog and she's enjoying the attention from him?! What the hell is going on? Did he miss something? Or was this all just a very terrifying dream that he was experiencing? He clutched his hands until the claws broke through his skin and blood flowed freely from his now injured hand.
Kagome sighed contentedly in the inu's hold until her miko senses pricked her senses into telling her that Kouga was injured. Her contented sigh turning into one of annoyance, she quietly muttered `gomen nasai' as she made an effort to pull his arms off of her.
Sesshoumaru being the arrogant man he was, refused to let her out of his grasp and walk with her to the ookami with his arms still encircled around his petite dark head, with her back side presently leaning on his chest. He smirked as he saw the enraged look the wolf wore on his face as Kagome did not resent or retaliated against him.
“Kouga-kun! Daijobou?” Kagome asked to him as she tugged on his still bleeding hand wanting to inspect the damage.
“Mochiron Kagome-chan. Gomen nasai for worrying you.” Kouga pushed away the bangs of hair that were disrupting his view of his angel.
“Iie. It's okay.” Kagome smiled lightly as she lifted her hand and placed it over his wounded hand, her other one underneath his to act as a cushion for his hurt hand.
It was Kouga's turn to grin as Kagome completely tuned out her surroundings and only focused on his hand as she healed him. Her hands felt so soft! His mind went astray to what other parts of her body were also as soft-NO! No dirty thoughts!! Kuso! Damn you! Stay dormant!! GAH! Think of something bad! Something… Something…nude! Kagome nude?...GAH! No! Bad Kouga! BAD!! Damn it!! Need…To…Relieve…
Kouga smiled tersely at Kagome before wrenching his healed hand out of her hands and muttered an `arigatou' before leaving both Sesshoumaru and Kagome alone. Kouga swore quietly at his somewhat humorous situation. Damn it! This hard on is hard to run with!
Seconds later in a secluded area away from prying eyes, Kouga cried out loudly moaning Kagome's sensual name as he quickly jerked himself wishing achingly it was the vixen's sheathe clutching at his hard shaft and not his hand. Pumping faster and imagining that Kagome was there, underneath him writhing and screaming his name to all ears to hear the great pleasures that he was giving to her. Wishing that Kagome was there begging for him to fuck her harder and faster. Aching for Kagome's hot cavern that was also her mouth wrapped around his cock, sucking and licking, lapping him up should he have finally reached his paradise. He in turn tasting the unique fragrance that was Kagome's and Kagome's alone to savor, plunging his tongue into her hot wet core that had gripped his cock so unmercifully before during their rough love making and occasionally once in a while graze his fangs across her little nub that gave so many pleasures to his woman. Then as he would suckle on that fiercely, she would throw her head back screaming, her passionate body going into beautiful spasms as she reached her fulfillment that could only be accomplished by no other than him.
GAH! I am finally done this chapter! ~^^~ I wanted to keep writing…However…Then I wouldn't be able to find somewhere to stop! Mwahahahaaa! Yes, I am pure evil to leave you readers hanging like that!! *Smirks proudly at herself*
I'm truly very sorry that I wasn't able to update this fic earlier! I had to cram for tests and write huge essays! On the bright side, I got a very high report card average!! ~^^~
My friend who also writes keeps getting writers block is pissed off at my talent for writing. Even though she claims she puts more thought and description into hers…In the end I still do get more reviews from readers like you!! She's also pissed off at the fact that I get my ideas and plots at one o'clock in the morning…(I swear! This is not a joke... I'm doing homework and all of a sudden an idea strikes into my ingenious mind!)
*Is about to post it on the net…When she realizes that she didn't put her dictionary up!*
Miko = Priestess
Aite = Mate
Osuwari = Sit! (Term that Kagome always uses on InuYasha in the anime)
Baka = Stupid
Kuso = Shit!/Damn it!
Teme = Bastard
Doko ne? = Along the words “Where were you?/Where are you?)
Koishii = Love
Arigato = Thank you
Onegai? = Please?
Gomen nasai = Sorry (Very polite/formal way of apologizing)
Mochiron = Of course
If there are words that are not mentioned here, it's probably because of the fact that I put the definitions in the previous chapters…Or that I merely forgot. So if there are any terms that you don't understand, feel free to e-mail/contact me!
Well…Until next time! Matte ne!! ~^^~
Don't forget to wish me a happy birthday!! ~^^~