InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Favorite Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

 The sun was warm, making the day drowsy. Miroku lay on the grass next to Sango, staring up at the clear blue sky. Kagome was supposed to meet them here in a few hours. Shippo lay next to them, curled up against Miroku's side. All in all it was a good day, no demons to worry about, just a warm day and no problems. No one was hurt and everything was peaceful... Well, almost everything. Inuyasha sat on the boulder, sniffing the air. Growling low in his throat, he jumped up and started to pace.

Miroku stared at the half demon, a frown pulling at his lips. "Sango, is something wrong with Inuyasha? Did he and Kagome fight again?"

Sango opened one eye blearily and stared at him. "Hmmm I can't think of a reason for a hanyou to act like this... He's been really active lately.

Shippo spoke up, eyes closed. "Yeah, and he smells strange."

Inuyasha stopped and turned around. "I don't smell strange! And where the hell is Kagome? She was supposed to be here hours ago!"

Miroku raised one eyebrow and looked at him, "I assume that she's held up in her own time. She'll be here as soon as she can, Inuyasha. Perhaps a walk would do you good?"

"I'm fine!"

"You are very irritable lately, I know it's because you miss Kagome, but don't you think you can calm down?"

Inuyasha stared at him, his fangs growing slightly, eyes bleeding to red. "There's nothing wrong with me!"

Miroku leaned back as Inuyasha whirled about and headed off into the woods. "Damn, something is really wrong with him."

* * *

Koga stood waist deep in the cold snowmelt. He loved it when the runoff dumped into the river; it felt like winter all year around. Shrugging out of his furs, he tossed them to the riverbank and knelt down. The water covered him up to just below his bottom lip. He floated there in the icy stream, letting the coldness flow into him when suddenly, there was a soft but distinct scent. Grinning, he stood up, scenting the air with determination... yes... it was. Inuyasha. And he smelled absolutely delicious.

A sharp howl echoed around the plain. Laughing, Koga pinpointed Inuyasha and headed towards him.

"Don't worry, I'm coming. I'll most certainly help ya!"

* * *

Sesshomaru opened his eyes. Burnished bronze orbs stared up at the painted ceiling. Frowning, he swung his legs off the bed and stood up. Settling a thin robe about his shoulders, he headed to the window of his room. His long, pale feet made little sound as they sank into the piled carpets of the room. Placing one ghostly hand against the dark gray stone of the window's edge, he pushed it open. Outside the castle, the day was bright. A clear sky, no clouds. The sun was just past its height and falling to the west. Winds shook the trees, and brought with them a trace of scent. Sesshomaru leaned forward his silk kimono robe flaring out. Breathing deeply, he sniffed harshly. That smell... yes it was that smell! A slow smile crept across the aristocratic face. The smell he had been waiting patiently for. It was here, that means it was time, his mate was ready. Whirling about, he shrugged off the robe and threw open his closet door. Reaching towards the back, he pulled down a soft package, wrapped in an oiled skin. Placing it on the bed, he carefully unwrapped it. Pulling away the second layer of thin paper, he unveiled a set of subtly ornate clothing. Setting aside the top set of clothes, he picked up the second set. It was wrapped in a square of fire rat cloth. Lifting it up, he placed it to his lips. "Inuyasha."

Placing it on the bed, he picked up the first set and dressed quickly. The folds of the formal outfit fell about him gently. Smiling, he picked up the second package and put it into a pocket inside his kimono. Opening the door, he nudged Jaken. The small, dark green toad demon sprang up.

"My Lord! How may I serve you?"

"Jaken... I need my formal boots. Find them."

"Aye, My Lord." Jaken bowed low, the two skulls of his staff hovering just above the silvery gray flagstones of the floor. He scurried off quickly, nails clicking on the floor. Soon enough he brought back a pair of high cut silver boots. Kneeling, he held one ready for his lord to slip on. "Here, Master. Master, if I may ask... where are we going?"

Sesshomaru nodded. "It's time Jaken. Time for me to claim something that was stolen from me a long time ago. Stolen from me by the Inutaichou, my father."

Jaken leaned backward, grabbing for the other boot. "Your father, Lord? What would he steal from his favored son?

"Despite what most people think, our father favored Inuyasha. Most likely, because he was part human and therefore more easily... damaged. That is most likely what lead to my exile from home."


"Father came upon us once when he was about a sweet child of four and I was yet almost a hundred years shy of my majority. He was perfection, Jaken. I remember him so easily. He is my mate, how could he not be? I claimed him when he was merely a couple weeks old. I came home and was ensnared by a sweet scent. The precursor to the one that floats on the winds now. I followed it without thinking. He was sleeping in his crib. I walked over and lowered the side. Leaning over, I allowed three drops of poison to numb his leg and I sank my fang into his so sweet flesh. The blood welled up and stained my mouth. So exquisite. Delicious nectar. I didn't know how to feel until the shoji was pushed back and Izayoi stood there."

"IZAYOI? MASTER? Isn't she...?" Jaken stared at his master, wide eyed.

"Yes. She approached me carefully and knelt beside the crib."

* * *

Four hundred and Ninety Nine Years Ago

"I see and so the prophecy made at my birth is fulfilled." Izayoi pushed her black hair behind her and leaned forward, tanned fingers running over her son's cheek. "I was told once that my child, my only child would marry a great demon lord and usher in a new age. When the Inutaichou chose me to marry, I thought the old woman got the foretelling mixed up. Now I see she didn't. I planned to bring her here to tell the destiny of my son; perhaps we can do both of you. I so hope to hear that you will have a good life, a happy life, many children, and peace."

Sesshomaru sucked on the heel and carefully pulled his fang from the infant's heel. "Children, Izayoi? We're both males."

"Sesshomaru, I am not an idiot. I know that while you both appear to be male outside, most demons are capable of bearing and seeding children." Izayoi stared at her young stepson, black eyes shining.

Sesshomaru nodded, "I'm surprised. Not many know this. And what? What do you expect from me?"

"Love my son, take care of him. Together you will bring joy to this world and I would die happy, knowing that you love him as well as claim him. I don't expect you to declare undying love here and now but give him a chance to win your heart. You already marked him, let him have a chance to woo you. I swear that as long as I am able, I will allow you two time to bond."

"You're very wise, Izayoi. I didn't think you knew this much of demon lore."

"Yes, I studied demon courtship and rituals when your father was courting me."

"I see... we will try. That is all I will promise."

"Thank you, Prince Sesshomaru. Would you like to hold him?" Izayoi stood and picked her son up. Walking with him over to the young demon, she held him out. "You know when you think of it, the future the old woman told bodes well for you if you do love and marry my son."

Sesshomaru reached out and took the two week old. Holding him gently, he buried his nose in the child's silken silver hair, bronze eyes questioning.

"She said that my child and his husband would bring peace to all of Japan and rule there to usher in a new age. If you don't, then I fear what will happen to our land." Izayoi knelt beside him and stroked her son's brow.

"I see... I love him and I'll rule all the land. I abandon him and spend my life fighting just to hold on. Very well. We'll give him his chance. One thing though, lady. If I am to marry him one day, perhaps I should know his name."

"Inuyasha. His name is Inuyasha. Inuyasha, meet your brother, your mate, and perhaps in time your lover. Keep him well, Sesshomaru." Izayoi kissed Sesshomaru softly on the cheek.

* * *

"Then what happened, Master?" Jaken asked as he quickly dragged a full pack from Sesshomaru's room. //How?! Why?! Why the hanyou?!//

"My father. He found us one day when Izayoi wasn't there to run interference. He saw me as I inhaled his sweet scent, as I dreamed of the beauty he would be, and Father thought the wrong things were burrowing into my head. He placed watchers on me. After a while, I was sent on first one make work trip then another. They increased after Izayoi died. Father and I fought, one day I yelled at him and he told me he would never deliver my poor younger brother into my vile hands to pervert and twist. I left and went to Inuyasha. That was the last time I was allowed to be alone with him. Then I left. I sent presents to Inuyasha but most were intercepted. Now my father is dead and Inuyasha is ready to mate. I will claim him, Jaken. Inuyasha will be mine."

"Yes, my lord. And I will help you." Jaken clambered aboard Sesshomaru's back and held on tight as the dog demon jumped to the forest below. The huge pads were quiet as they ran through the woods. Sesshomaru's large, sensitive nose sniffed the air. Detecting faint traces of Inuyasha, he turned towards the trail. A splash alerted Jaken to the presence of a river. A growl issued from the massive throat as a new smell mixed with that of mate. Jaken clutched the dark ivory curls tighter. The water getting closer as his Master crouched down low. The massive limbs moved through the water quietly, with nary a splash. Jaken shivered on his master's back as they strode downriver. A sudden jerk almost slammed his beak into the back of the head of the transformed Sesshomaru.

* * *

Grumbling about idiot children, Inuyasha walked through the trees. Ahead he could hear the soft noise of a river. Shrugging out of his red fire rat coat, he headed for it. It would feel good to get cool. The day was too damnable hot. Frowning, he knelt beside the water and dragged one hand through. It was icy cold. He turned towards the mountains and shrugged.

"Snow melt, great. But all of them will be snowmelt now."

With no better choice, he sat back and pulled off his pants. Dropping both coat and pants on a nearby rock, he tossed his undershirt as well. In only his long silk underpants, he walked into the water. Turning over, he let himself float on the cool water. The ice water tingled and numbed his back. Drowsily, he paddled himself out to the middle of the stream. Content to just drift there, he wasn't aware of what was under him, until it grabbed hold of his feet and pulled him under.

* * *

Koga watched dog boy bathing in the stream. Curling one lip, he hopped on top of a nearby rock.

Damn dog, he doesn't even realize I'm here. He probably doesn't even know what's happening. All the better. I don't need anything... permanent.

Chuckling, he jumped down and quickly undressed. Tossing his clothes in a pile, he dove into the water and swam towards the center of the river. Grinning, he looked up and saw that soft tail swirling the water around. Moving a little further down, he grabbed the two slim ankles and pulled down. Silver hair twisted and twirled while gold eyes focused on him. Fangs flashed as blue fingernails drove at his eyes. Koga surged upward and jumped back.

"Hold up! I was just playing."

"PLAYING! Humph, what else should I expect from some wild animal? What are you doing here?" Inuyasha asked, after he broke surface and started treading water.

"Just a visit, Inuyasha. After all, you are in my territory." Koga replied, leaning forward, one hand splashing water.

Growling Inuyasha swept a small wave to break against Koga's muscled chest. He watched as the wave shattered, throwing off little clear gems that splashed against the tanned arms. They ran along dark hairs and through the valley of the collarbone.

Koga watched as Inuyasha's growl became sub vocal, the small pink tongue peaking out between the ivory fangs. Fangs that he realized was longer than usual. A quick glance to the creamy hands showed the nails had also grown. A smirk crawled across his face as he leaned closer, letting the hungry demon get a good scent of him. Laughing, he moved to Inuyasha's side. "First time?"

Inuyasha's eyes flicked upward. "First... time, for what?"

Koga leaned close, lips close to the white ears. "First time... for your h-"

A sharp pain in his back blew out his breath as he fell forward. What?! A loud growl and a huge paw swiped across his side, leaving a bleeding gash.

* * *

Inuyasha leapt backward, claws extending as he whirled around to face the danger. A silver streak blew past him and hit Koga again. Frowning, he watched as the demon attacked Koga again. Large white teeth snapped as Koga tried to fight back. Suddenly all the pieces clicked.


The four tails whipped the air, carrying a scent. Such... so... familiar. Sniffing again, he growled as if the scene was eluding him. Moving closer, he watched as the tails whipped around again, carrying the same spicy warm scent. A scent that, for some strange reason, reminded him of home, of memories that were very vague but gentle. Reassuring. Safe. He had never been safe with his brother before but... the scent. Inuyasha fell into the scent, moving closer and pressed against the damp, warm fur. He buried his face inside it, filling his whole body with that delicious, particular, intoxicating, perfect, most desirous scent. He pressed himself as close as he could be, plastered against the warm fur but it wasn't close enough. One hand reached down. He frowned, as he tried to remember. He knew he wanted to do something but it could wait, he had to get closer. This perfection had to become part of him. He needed it!

* * *

The continuous growl grew louder. Jaken stared out across the water. A young demon stood close to Inuyasha, but a strangely different Inuyasha. He seemed to glow, his skin almost translucent. His silver starlight hair fell down to the curve of his back, he was staring at the other demon, laughing. Sesshomaru moved forward, the water gently lapping at his forelegs. A snarl like ripping canvas tore through the air. Jaken felt himself falling, with a cry he vaulted with his staff towards shore. Splashing down, he scrambled quickly out the water, holding the red wrapped package over his head. Turning, he saw a silver streak hit the brown haired demon in the back.

Inuyasha leapt back, as Koga fell face first into the water. Water flew in shimmering droplets, snarls flew fast and furious. Inuyasha watched in amazement as his brother fought with Koga. The huge wolf demon's teeth glowed with a faint green light. Foaming spittle ran down the ivory fangs. Koga lay on his back, blood pouring from three slices on his cheek. Inuyasha shivered, the air now cold since he wasn't moving. His silvery hair darkened to pewter by the water, ears heavy and wet. His muscled chest was pale, the skin already goose bumping. And yet... as he walked over to Sesshomaru, thin fingers twisting in the dark silver fur, he felt... safe. Safer than ever despite the fact that he knew his brother wanted him dead. He pressed his face into the fur and rubbed it back and forth, taking in the scent. His silk pants clung suddenly to his legs. He spread his legs and pressed closer to the wild fur. Whimpering he humped the demon dog's side. A harsh whisper, a plea struggled from the thick fur.

"Please... please... please..."

Sesshomaru turned to stare at his mate, then swung back to deal with the demon that dared to flirt with his mate. A sharp pain swung his head back. Inuyasha moved closer, his eyes wide, pupils fixed.

"Need... come, pretty." Yasha's fingers tangled in thick fur. "Mine."

With an assenting growl, Sesshomaru lowered himself until his belly dipped below the water. "Get on."

Inuyasha climbed on, feet slipping against the wet fur. Finally on Sesshomaru's back, he held on tight. The huge demon dog turned around, kicking out with one hind foot to knock the wolf demon against the rocky shore. Growling for Jaken to toss the package, he caught it in mid-air, leaving the toad demon to gather Inuyasha's clothing.

The last thing Jaken heard was the pounding of the huge paws of his master as he took his mate to their home.



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