InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ Pinky Promise ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Six: Pinky Promise
By: OhJoy

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Standing in front of me was not the Chinese restaurant delivery guy. Nope, not by a long shot. Ah, Hells. It was the last person I ever expected to be there. Breathe, Kagome. Just breathe.


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"Hey, Kaggs," InuYasha drawled. There he stood in all his glory: Dressed in a puffy, red ski parka, jeans and a pair of black Doc Martens with a backpack slung over one shoulder. Gods! How hot can one guy be?! I furrowed my brows... wait a minute, that really was InuYasha Takahashi at my front door! What the Hells?

"May I come in?" he asked softly. I looked into those amber pools that I loved so much. My heart lurched at the pain I saw. I nodded and stepped aside. Just as I was about to close the door, the Chinese restaurant delivery guy showed up. I was in a bit of a haze. I paid him and took the bag of goodies.

"InuYasha, are you hungry?" I asked. I noticed he dropped his backpack by the sofa and threw his parka on the armchair. He had on a black V-neck sweater with a white t-shirt peaking through. Damn, he really was hot. Shit, girl! Focus...

"Yeah, airplane food sucks," he replied. I motioned him to follow me to the kitchen. I set the bag on the island and grabbed some plates and chopsticks. He was already opening the boxes.

"Mm... this looks good. Uh, there's a lot here. Were you expecting someone?" he hesitated.

Bless his heart. I hated to hear the hesitation in his voice. I hated things being so awkward between us. I missed him. I shook my head, "Uh-ah, I was in the mood for a little bit of everything." I handed him a plate and a pair of chopsticks. We loaded our plates and sat on the stools. I noticed he emptied his plate in record time.

Silence. Awkward silence. I hated it. Ok, deep breaths.

"InuYasha," I began, "why are you here?" I stuffed my face with Orange Chicken. When faced with odd situations, fill mouth with food instead of foot.

"I came home for the holidays hoping to see you," he replied in a quiet voice. I almost didn't recognize this InuYasha. He seemed so defeated. So quiet. So heartbroken. "I spoke with your mom last night and I got on the first flight I could get."

I got up and started cleaning, putting away the leftovers and threw the dishes in the dishwasher. When I turned around from the sink, InuYasha enveloped me in one of his famous `I'm not letting you go until I'm ready to' hugs. Gods. How I missed his arms around me. How I missed that unique scent of his skin. How I missed HIM! He held me so close. We were thigh to thigh, stomach to stomach, chest to chest. My body just melted into him. I couldn't help it. Whatever anger or hurt I felt, it just went out the window as soon as his arms went around me. Then he started to rub those magic circles on my back. I nearly died. I loved this man so much.

I don't know how long we stood in that embrace. Eventually, his arms loosened and he took a small step back, his arms lightly holding my waist. The pain in his heart was clearly visible in his eyes. "Kagome," he said in voice full of emotion, "why did you leave me?"

I bristled as the full impact of his words hit me. I knocked his hands off me and took a step back, arms akimbo. "What?" I was exasperated. What the Hells? "I didn't leave you! You left me!" My anger was rising. I felt the heat rise on my face. "You didn't even bother to tell me you were even THINKING about going to Japan for four years! Get it right, buster! YOU LEFT ME!"

He was balling his hands into fists. I knew he was trying to keep his anger under control. But I didn't care. This was a long time in coming, I just let it rip, "You didn't even tell me! NO! I had to hear it from your father at the graduation party! You never even prepared me! What kind of boyfriend does that?!" that was a full out yell. Oh, I was pissed. I left him? Yeah, right!

"You didn't even bother to listen to what I had to say!" he yelled back. "You never even bothered to hear ME out. I called you every fucking day. I came to your house. I sent you flowers. But, NO! That wasn't good enough! You just ran away to New York and wrote me a fucking letter breaking up with me! YOU LEFT ME!"

That pissed me off even more. The audacity of the guy! "What the Hells?! What could you possibly have said to me that would make it okay? Why didn't you want me in your life anymore?"

"I always want you in my life! You took off like all the hounds of the seven Hells were after you! You didn't even listen to what I had to say! You left me and started a whole new life here WITHOUT ME!" He was yelling. His eyes ablaze. His face slightly flushed. He was so unbelievably hot. Shit, focus! Focus. Fighting here.

"What the Hells was I supposed to do? Stay at home pining for you will you lived it up in Tokyo? How in the world were we going to be together when you CHOSE to be an ocean away from me? You doe head!" Take that, Takahashi! But... aw, man. I've always hated fighting with him.

"Doe head? You're the doe head!"

"You are!"




"Pansy. "


"Jack off."

"So taking off and leaving me in your dust is just fine by you?" all the heat and anger in voice was gone. He sounded so hurt. "Look, I know I was avoiding telling you that I was gonna go to Tokyo U. But I wasn't expecting you cut me out of you life." He slumped against the counter, running a hand through his silver mane. "I didn't know what we were gonna do. But I thought we'd at least talk. That we'd figure something out together. Kagome, I never stopped thinking about you. Not even for an instant!"

Shit. Fuck. Piss. I screwed it up, didn't I? I totally jumped to the wrong conclusions and never bothered to listen to my Puppy! I quickly closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek against his shoulder.

"InuYasha... I am so sorry, Puppy," I started. "I was so hurt, I felt like you just abandoned me."

He held me close, softly stroking my hair, "I would never leave you. Not without a fight, Kaggs. You're my girl."

It's funny how I get to feel content only a moment at a time. Actually, it sucked. That's when the phone rang. He asked me softly if I wanted to get it. I shook my head and held him tighter. The machine could get it, I figured it was probably for Sango anyway.

In an instant, my world shattered. Koga's strong masculine voice echoed in the kitchen: "Kaggs, angel. It's me. Hey, are you there?... I thought you said you'd be at home tonight? Anyways, I miss your beautiful face. I want to see you. Call me, angel."

I felt InuYasha's body stiffen. Hells, he was rigid like a board! He stepped back. His hands went to my arms and held me fiercely. "Who the Hells was that?!" he bellowed down at me. "You got a fucking boyfriend already!" He pushed me against the wall. Not hard, but enough to tell me he was beyond pissed.

"Tell me! Who the Hells was that?!" he stormed down at me.

"N-no one..." I stammered.

"Well, for a no one, he sure thinks you know his voice well enough to not even say his name," he sneered. "You already going out with someone else?" His face was so close to mine, I felt the warm puffs of his breath on my lips.

"InuYasha! Let me go!" I began to squirm against his hold. He grabbed both of my wrists in one hand and held them above my head. His eyes had an unholy glint in them. My Gods. He was totally turning me on, uh, in an overly aggressive and possessive way. Uh, am I really turned on by this? Mm... uh, yeah. That familiar coil hit my loins, spreading the warmth to my core.

He nuzzled my neck and whispered, "Did you let him touch you?" His free hand began wandering my body. He roughly squeezed my breast. My breath quickened and I turned into his head. Gods. I missed his hands on me. "You're mine, Kagome. Mine!" He licked my neck and moved down to my shoulder, he bit me. Hard.

"Ow! Fuck, InuYa--"

He silenced me with a bruising kiss. His hand on my breast squeezed harder. My wrists were held harder. He ground his hips against me. That was hard too. Fuck, but this was hot.

"Did you fuck him?" he demanded. He pulled back enough to stare into my eyes. He had a gleam in his eyes that I've never seen. I shook my head. I was mute. I was panting. My body was on fire for him. His hand left my breast, I almost whimpered at the loss. He pushed at the waistband of my pants. "Did you let him touch you? Did you?" He leaned into me and kissed me again. This time the kiss was just as hard, if not more. Like he was branding me. Didn't he know I was already his? That I always was and will be?

Next thing I knew, my underwear and pants were pooled at my ankles and his were too. He grabbed my thigh near my knee and slammed it against the wall. Gasp. My arms were aching, I pushed my wrists trying to get free. "InuYasha, please..." I begged. I wanted to touch him!

"Did you let him inside you?" he panted in my ear. He rubbed the tip of his arousal against my core. "You're so wet... did you get wet for him? Did you fuck him?"

"No, I didn't do him!" I moaned. Gods. I wanted to touch him. I tugged at my wrists again, but he held them in a vice-like grip. The feel of him at my... Gods. I wanted him so bad.

He took me in one roll of his hips.

"Aaahhh!" I screamed.

My whole body quaked. He was so big. How I loved the feeling when he first enters me. "Tight... so tight, baby," he whispered savagely in my ear, panting. "I was here first. You're mine, Kaggs. Mine! " His hand on my thigh gripped me tighter, pushing me harder against the wall. I wrapped my other leg around his waist. "This is my pussy! This is where I belong!" He pounded into me, completely ignoring my many cries of `I want to touch you!' He was taking what was his. He was claiming me. He made sure that I knew that. "I'm the only that gets to cum inside you. You will always spread your legs for me!" He was relentless. His pace was insane. "Promise me!" He let go of my thigh and pulled my hair. Hard. Oh. My. That was hot. "Promise me, Bitch!" he demanded. I just nodded, still mute. I was approaching the Heavens. I would've agreed to anything right about then. That tight coil in my loins exploded. I screamed out his name. "That's it, Bitch. My name. I'm the one." His thrusts came harder, if that was possible. His entire body was slamming up against mine. He growled in my ear, "My Bitch." He exploded inside me with his pleasure.

He leaned on me as we caught our breath. He finally let go of my wrists and I immediately embraced him. "Puppy..." I sighed. "That was amazing." I felt his arms pull me closer. Oh, my backside is gonna be sore. I fell against him. He nuzzled my neck and buried his face in my hair.

He licked the bite on my shoulder. "I'm sorry... did I hurt you?" I shook my head no and hugged him tighter.

"Let's get to bed," I said, pulling away from him. He stepped back and almost fell when we both realized that his jeans and boxers were at his ankles. He chuckled and pulled them up, not bothering to fasten his jeans closed. I pulled on my panties and track pants.

He leaned into me, softly stroking my cheek, "I love you, Kagome Higurashi."

I looked at him with wonder and surprise, "I love you, InuYasha Takahashi." I grabbed his hand, shut off the lights, and led him to my room. Once in my room, I flipped on my stereo and put in my latest favorite CD, Sarah McLachlan's "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy."

InuYasha was laying on my bed, he had kicked off his shoes. His ankles crossed, hands behind his head. He stared at the ceiling. "Kaggs..." he began. I climbed in next to him. Lying on my side, I stroked his bangs aside. Our eyes locked. I know my eyes shone with the love that I felt. To me his eyes held concern, untold promises, and... heartache?

"I was serious," he whispered.

I raised an eyebrow. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"The promise..." he sighed. Oh, yeah, that. "You're mine, Kagome." I really did love how he is so possessive about me. "Look, I realize our lives have taken separate paths for now, but I meant what I said. I know I can't ask you to wait for me. I know you're seeing someone else. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad you haven't had sex with him yet. I don't want anyone else to cum inside you. Promise me, Kaggs. I'm the only one." I nodded. "He and any other guy will wear a condom." I nodded again. "And that we will always have sex. Promise me."

That part threw me in a whirl. I wasn't sure what he meant... "Uh... what do you mean?" He turned on his side to face me. Both of us propped our heads up on a hand.

"You're mine. I belong with you. You know that. I don't care who we're seeing, dating, fucking, whatever... no one will be more important in my life than you." He tenderly cupped my chin and whispered over my lips, "I want you to promise me that you'll always welcome me inside you." His thumb traced a circle over my cheek. I leaned into his warmth. "Promise me." I nodded. His warm hand left my face and he held out his pinky, "Promise, Kaggs. To all of it."

Oh, shit. He was serious. "It goes both ways, Takahashi." He nodded. I hooked my pinky with his and whispered, "I promise." He captured my lips in a sweet, tender, heartfelt kiss, pushing me on my back... our pinkies still joined, if only for another moment. My hands fisted in his hair, pulling him closer to me.

He tugged my t-shirt up and tossed it aside. He took a sharp breath. That wasn't from excitement. "Puppy?" I asked.

"Shit, did I hurt you, Kaggs?" His fingers trailed from his bite mark down to my arms. I followed them. And I saw what he was talking about. He left bruises on me! Oh. My. That's kinda, well, erotic.

"Mm..." I sighed. "Battle scars," I laughed softly. I looked into his eyes, he was really concerned. I smiled slyly, "I liked it rough."

"Mm... who'd've thought... sweet Kagome Higurashi likes to be manhandled," he lowered his mouth onto mine again. His kiss was slow and sensual. I loved his kisses. I loved how I felt when I was with him. I pulled at his sweater. He got the hint and reached behind him to pull off the sweater and t-shirt, tossing them off somewhere. He leaned back on me, crushing my chest against him. Oh, the sensation of his hot skin rubbing against the lace of my bra made my nipples harden. He lavished my neck with love and gentleness. He licked his bite mark. Despite my reassurance of his earlier roughness, he went slowly and caressed me with his tongue in languid strokes.

He trailed open mouth kisses along my collar bone, pushing a bra strap aside. His hand gently massaged my breast as his tongue loved my other. Through the lace he flicked his tongue over my erect nipple, making my back arch automatically. I moaned loudly, "Aahh." His hand snaked around me and undid the clasp. In an instant, he removed my bra and cast it aside. His mouth engulfed my breast, softly suckling. My other breast was gently kneaded, his entire palm covering it in heat. He brushed the side and underside of my breasts with his warm hands as he switched his attention to my other breast. Gods. I whimpered at the feelings he invoked. That familiar coil in my loins tightened. I felt the wetness seeping from my heat. I arched my back again. My hands ran up and down his back. How I missed him! I ran my nails down his back and settled at his hips. I reached for the waistband and pushed down.

He lifted his head and smirked, "Impatient, are we?"

"Mm..." was all I could get out as I pushed a little more insistently. He lifted himself off me and kicked off his jeans. He leaned over and dragged my pants down, I kicked them off too. His warm hands on my legs. My thighs. Oh. My. I spread my legs for him. I felt his breath on my mound and I bucked my hips in anticipation. I heard him chuckle. My panties were gone and I moaned when I felt his tongue on me. I spread my legs wider and wrapped one around his shoulder. He found my pleasure nub and gently bit it. I couldn't help it. I thought of Koga and his tongue on me. So not the same. It was a thousand million cagillion times better with my Puppy. When I felt a finger enter me, I was sent hurling into the Heavens. My body rocked with pleasure and those elusive white lights filled my vision. Only with InuYasha.

I was slowly coming back down from my orgasm when I felt him lay on me. He was kissing me. Sweet. Slow. Tender. Full of love. I whispered, "I love you, Puppy."

His amber gaze captured my eyes. At the same moment he slowly entered me, he responded, "I love you, Kaggs." When he was fully sheathed in my heat, he rolled onto his back, holding me close, never breaking our joining. We held each other as our hips rocked and he rubbed those magickal circles on my back. My hands in his hair, gently cradling his neck and shoulders. That was the first time I could say that we truly made love. There was so much emotion between us. Love underscored every kiss, every touch, every caress, every sigh.

I awoke some time in the middle of the night when I tried to sprawl out on my bed. I came against a hard, hot wall of... I opened my eyes. My sight adjusting to the moonlit room and I gasped. InuYasha. He was like a god in my bed. His silver hair reflected the moonbeams. I pulled the comforter over us when I heard him mumble in his sleep, "Kahhgggs..." He still dreamt of me, my heart melted. I love him so much. I traced random patterns on his chest and snuggled into him, letting sleep claim me.

The morning sun was faint in my room, lazily asking me to awaken. I was enveloped in warmth. I felt a soft kiss on my shoulder. My back was up against something so warm. I looked down at the arm holding me close. The barest layer of silver hair... InuYasha. I moaned. It really wasn't a dream. I reached my hand down to stroke his thigh and I wiggled my bottom against him. His arm tightened, and he growled in my ear, "Want some more, bitch?" I didn't bother to answer verbally, I just lifted my leg over his and wiggled my bottom again. I felt his arousal twitch against me. Mm. He adjusted his hips and filled me up... I loved being full of InuYasha.

He held me close, "How is it that you're always so wet?" He pulled my hip to meet his thrusts. Again, my mind wandered to Koga... and again he paled in comparison to my Puppy. I sighed. His thrusts grew harder, more demanding. I rolled onto my stomach and shoved a pillow under my hips, bringing my bottom up a bit. I heard him moan as he sunk deeper into me. Gods. This was one of my favorite positions. He pushed deeper and deeper. He laid on me, our fingers entwined as he increased our rhythm. "Baby, I've missed you. Missed this." He licked his bite mark again, sending soothing warmth over me. I cried out his name as my climax washed over me in a torrent. The deluge of pleasure sent shivers across my body. "Damn, Kaggs, that must've been good... you got goose bumps..." he panted in my ear, trailing his hand from my shoulders down to my fingers. Arrogant as ever, Takahashi! He increased his pace to bring on his own release. He held me close as he rolled back onto his side. I loved how he likes to stay inside me until he goes soft. We spooned in the afterglow.

He traced circles on my tummy. "What do you want to do today?" he asked.

"Let's shower and go out for breakfast," I suggested. He nuzzled my neck and placed soft kisses from my ear down to my shoulder.

"M'kay," he said in between kisses. Then his stomach growled. Loud. We both laughed. He hesitantly let go of me.

We finally got out of bed and he headed to the bathroom. I went to the kitchen and made us some tea. Once my task was complete, I grabbed his backpack and tossed it on my bed and entered the bathroom. A light steam filled the room. I placed our tea cups on the counter and pulled back the shower curtain. Gasp. InuYasha was facing me, his eyes closed. His hands worked through his hair, washing out the shampoo. The water cascaded down his muscles further enhancing his physique. Ok, stop drooling! I cleared my throat and asked, "Want some company?"

His eyes locked onto mine briefly before they swept down my body, "What do you think?" That smirk. I actually missed that smirk! I stepped into the shower and his warm arms fell around like a blanket, the hot water spilled over his shoulders onto me. I stood on my tip toes to kiss his loving lips. He turned us so I was under the shower head. He gently massaged the water in my hair. Mm... shampoo scalp massage. This guy was a keeper.

"Rinse," he commanded as he tilted my chin up, I readily complied. He reached behind me for a washcloth and I heard the plop of the body wash hit the cloth. His hands softly swept down, lathering up my skin in the sweet scent of peaches and vanilla. I leaned against the cool tiled wall for support. He continued his ministrations. Over my breasts, down my tummy, over my mound, down one leg, up the other.

"Shit," he quietly cursed. I lifted my head in slight confusion. He was examining my thigh, parted my legs to get a better look. I looked at what caused his concern. Oh. There on my thigh was a huge oval shaped bruise, just a tinge of lavender but I knew it would be a deep purple by the end of the day. Surrounding the large bruise were several beneath it and one above it. InuYasha stood and placed the heel of his palm on the oval, the pad of his thumb matched the top bruise. I can only imagine that his other fingers matched the other bruises perfectly. His hand drifted up to my hip. "I am so sorry, Kagome."

I held his face, earnestly declared, "There's nothing to be sorry about." A salacious smile erupted on my face, "I liked it."

He just shook his head, "I never meant to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you." Concern and anguish flooded his eyes.

"Shh, don't worry, Puppy. You didn't hurt me. Last night, in the kitchen... was so hot... so erotic," I gushed. The concern in his eyes faded to realization then to desire. He lowered his head and claimed my mouth once again. Oh, that kiss. There's always been so much emotion between us, but that kiss was breathtaking. Then his stomach growled. Loud. Over the sound of the shower.

He grinned sheepishly, "Let's get going, love."

Once dressed, I insisted he blow dry his hair too. It's seven below outside! Instant icicles. After a few feh's, he agreed and we were on our way down to my favorite diner for some eggs and coffee. We sat in a booth facing each other. I would have much preferred to sit next to him, but food was important. I had every intention of bringing him back to my apartment and having my way with him again. And again. And again. I giggled at the thought.

"What are you laughing at?" his gruff voice fell on me.

I looked up into his laughing amber eyes. Gods. He was so hot. H.O.T. Hot, hot, hot. My smile grew wider and I coyly looked down then back up, "I was thinking of what I want to do when we get back to my apartment."

A slight flush warmed his cheeks and he raised his eyebrow, "Mm."

To be continued...


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Thanks for reading my story!

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Ja ne!
:) Joy