InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ Madness in Milan ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Nine: Madness in Milan
By: OhJoy

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I snuck a backwards glance at my Puppy. He had a scowl on his face. I shuddered at the thought that he was with that cold woman.

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Koga kept his arm around my waist and asked softly, "Hey, are you okay?"

"..." What was I supposed to say to that? I looked up into those baby blues, faked a smile and said, "Yeah."

"Was Kikyo a bitch to you?" Koga continued, "Sango can't stand her. Although, I can't really say for myself. I've never worked with her. Rumor has it that she's a self-proclaimed diva."

Sigh. Should I lie? No, lying was way too hard to keep up with... I know, I'll just omit...

"Uh, no. I just wasn't expecting to see InuYasha here is all," I said.

"Oh, he a friend of yours?" his eyebrow quirked.

"Yeah, we've known each other since preschool," I replied. Another half-truth. I mean, was I supposed to tell Koga that InuYasha is my ex-boyfriend that I'm still in love with but have no chance of being with, at least not right now? And what exactly do I have with Koga? It's just sex with him, right? Sigh.

"Oh, well, then you guys probably need to catch up," Koga suggested. "I'm sure you haven't seen each other in a while. Do you want to go back and invite them to join us? I'm sure Takeda can keep Sango from slugging Kikyo long enough to have a drink."

Wow. Talk about the unexpected. Sigh. Koga really did have a heart of gold. Above all else, he valued loyalty among friends and it was unquestionable with family. Sigh.

"You're so sweet," I said, giving his side a little squeeze. "No, that's okay. I'd rather just hang with you and have an early night. I think the jet lag is starting to hit me."

He flashed me one of his million dollar smiles, "Whatever you want, angel." He dropped his arm from my waist and grasped my hand as we entered the bar.

Takeda got us a table by the window. The sun was setting and fatigue fell on me like a ton of bricks. I did my best to stifle a yawn. Everyone was chatting, making comments on the menu and talking about wine and food and other things that I just didn't really pay any attention to.

"Hey, Kagome," Sango called my name, "will you go with me to the bathroom?"

I nodded and stroked Koga's cheek in response to his squeeze on my thigh. His affection was endearing.

"You okay?" Sango asked once we were out of the guys' earshot.

I simply shrugged. I had no idea.

"You've been really quiet, Kaggs," she said as she pushed the door to the bathroom open. She quickly scanned the room and peered under each stall to ensure our privacy. I smiled at her precaution.

"I don't know what to say," I pushed a tendril of hair behind an ear as I inspected my face in the mirror. I was pale. I looked so sad. "I mean, what the Hells? How am I supposed to enjoy my vacation with Koga when InuYasha is here with a chick that looks like me? And how do you know her? Koga said you can't stand her. Is she a model too?" I shot out the questions in lightening quick succession.

Sango let out a deep exhale and leaned on the counter, "Okay, Kikyo is a runway model based in Tokyo. That's probably how she knows InuYasha. She's never done any print work. She's a pain in the ass to work with, that's why Jakotsu pulled her off the list. But I guess it was kinda last minute and she already made plans to be here. Either that or Jakotsu really did need her for the line up. I dunno, I guess I'll know for sure at tomorrow's fittings."

"Thanks, Sango," I sighed. I turned to face her, leaning on the counter too. "I am just so confused. I mean, I told Koga that I was surprised to see InuYasha and that we were friends since preschool. And you know what Koga said?"

Sango shook her head no, her eyes locked on mine.

"He said, `You guys probably haven't seen each other in a while. You want to ask them to join us?' Can you believe that?" I said incredulously.

Sango just nodded and small smile formed on her lips, "That's Koga. He values friends almost as much as he values family."

"I felt like a schmuck," I said. "I mean, I don't even know where I stand with either one of them."

"Well, what do you want?" Sango asked.

"I don't suppose it's possible to have both?" I asked and then mentally slapped myself. I felt like such a freakin' slut!

"Yeah, of course, it's possible. You already have that," Sango dismissed any other argument. "The question is, do you want a serious relationship with Koga or not? If not, then there's nothing to do. If yes, then you need to stop leading InuYasha on."

"What?" I exclaimed. "I am NOT leading him on!"

"What do you call `I love you, InuYasha Takahashi, with every bit of me'? I mean you guys are always saying `I love you' to each other every single time you're on the phone." She shook her head. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Huh? I DO love him!" I defended myself.

"Yeah, and you're both seeing other people. So why are you insisting on torturing yourselves with saying `I love you' all the time?" she countered.

"What? Suddenly I'm supposed to suppress my feelings for him?" I was so confused.

"I didn't say that." She sighed and ran a hand through her rich chocolate tresses, "All I'm saying is that for a supposedly open relationship, you guys are certainly staking your claim on one another. If it came down to it, right here, right now, who would you choose? Koga or InuYasha?"

"Uh..." Oh. My. I didn't have an answer!

"Right now. Pick one," Sango pressed me for an answer. "Koga or InuYasha. Choose."

"What do you mean? Like for forever? Or like for while we're here?" I asked, totally confused.

"Stop making this out to be more than it is," Sango waved off my concerns. "Koga or InuYasha. Choose."

I sighed. Sango glared at me, willing me to answer her. I just shook my head.

"I choose... neither," I was lost. So very lost. How did my life get so complicated?

"Then why are you here?" she asked.

"To see Italy. To see a part of your world. To hang out with Koga," I shrugged.

"But not to see InuYasha?"

"Uh... I wasn't expecting to see him..." I began.

"And now that you know he's here?" she prodded.

"Well, I want to see him too... just not tonight," I answered. I turned on the water and splashed some cool water on my face. "I don't know what I want. Do I really have to decide?" I knew I was whining, but I felt so helpless.

"Of course not, sweetie," Sango said as she offered me a couple paper towels.

"Okay then," I replied as I patted my face dry with the towels. I sighed, yet again. "I'll just roll with it and see what happens."

Sango just shrugged her shoulders and put her arm around me. "Whatever comes up, I'll be here, okay?"

I nodded and leaned my head down on her shoulder.

"Now, I don't know about you. But I'm ready for some wine and yummy food... and maybe going to a club," she said.

Suddenly, my confused fog cleared. It was like talking with Sango soothed my frayed nerves. I just smiled at her and exclaimed, "Let's roll!"

Back at the table, the guys had gotten some yummy appetizers and wine. Koga stood up when we approached and pulled my seat out for me. As he pushed my chair in, he dropped a kiss on my shoulders. We held hands under the table. Hm, is it just being in Italy that brought out this romantic side of Koga? Or did he somehow know and considers InuYasha a rival?

I stole a sidelong glance at him. He was running his thumb over my knuckles and at the same time totally engrossed in a conversation with Takeda about college basketball. Something about UCLA going to win the title or something. Whatever. It's not like I followed sports, but I knew they did and had a friendly wager between them. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze and continued a conversation with Sango about what to eat for dinner.

After dinner, Sango took me up to her room to change into our `club clothes.' She handed me a black miniskirt and a completely see-through black sheer blouse.

"Uh, Sango," I said as I peered at her through the blouse. "I think there's a piece missing to this shirt."

She laughed and tossed me a silver spaghetti strap body fitting tank top. She changed into a red suede miniskirt, red suede thigh-high boots and a red formfitting off the shoulder shirt.

"Wow!" I said, completely envious at the confidence she has to wear such an outfit.

She peered at her reflection and said, "Thanks."

I changed quickly into the clothes she gave me except for the see-through shirt. It seemed superfluous over the shimmery silver tank top. My black sling-backs made my legs look so long. I pulled my hair out of the twist. I loved getting on the dance floor and my hair would only fall down anyway.

We met up with guys in the lobby. Koga let out a wolfish whistle when he saw us approach.

"Kaggs, are you up for a club?" Koga asked, coming up to wrap his arm around my waist. "We could always just go back to our room," he finished suggestively with a seductive smile.

Mm... well, there is always that. I smiled and laughed.

"Well, let's work up our appetite, hm?" I teased.

"Mm... no work necessary. I'm always hungry for you," he whispered in my ear.

I heard someone clear his throat.

"Okay, you two. Break it up," Takeda said. "I'm up for a little dancing and fun."

We went to a cute little club, at least compared to the ones we went to in New York. Everyone there looked like was model. What the Hells? Is this a model convention? Thank goodness, Koga was already being flirty or I'd have totally felt unattractive and insecure.

We were hanging out on a corner of the bar when the DJ started spinning Prince's "I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man." Both Sango and I jumped up with a squeal.


She grabbed my hand and without even so much as a look back, we started towards the dance floor. The dance floor was crowded. Bodies thumping to the beat. We started grinding on each other. Madonna's "Deeper and Deeper" came over the speakers. This DJ was awesome!

Sango started dancing with a handsome dark-haired man. Okay, he was downright hot. I just started grooving on my own. When I felt a pair of hands on my hips, I slightly stiffened. These Italian men! So forward! I turned around to give this dude a piece of my mind when my eyes locked onto an amber heat.

"InuYasha!" I gushed. I flung my arms around him. I felt his laughter on my ear.

"Hello, gorgeous," he said in my ear.

We grooved and danced. Oh. My. How I missed him! His hands pulled me closer to him, our curves melting into one another. His moves were so sensual, so erotic. I felt my arousal seep into my panties. Gods. How I wished I could be skin to skin with him. He then ran his hands down my sides then back up to stroke the sides of my breasts. I shivered as I felt his warm breath on my neck. He placed soft open mouth kisses along my shoulder up to my neck.

"I want to fuck you," he breathed against my ear, nibbling on my lobe. He ground his arousal against my hips to make his point clear. He grabbed my hand and led me off the dance floor.

We went down a narrow, dimly lit hallway. He opened a door to what looked like an office with a small sofa, a chair and an end table. A soft yellow light came from the lamp on the end table. He closed the door and pushed me up against the closest wall.

His mouth came crashing down on mine. Aah. I sighed into his mouth and melted against him.

"You look so fucking good," he whispered over my skin. "I've been dying to touch you all day."

He nudged the strap on my tank top off my shoulder and his mouth kissed a trail down to my breast. He pushed my tank top down to expose my breast to his oh so warm and wet tongue, running it all around to settle on my nipple, sucking and biting. His other hand was pushing up my skirt. He lavished his attention on my other breast and loved that one up too. Mm.


His hands were everywhere. Up, over, on, behind, cupping, squeezing. I didn't want to linger too long. I knew Sango and the others would start to wonder... the others... shit, Koga.

What the Hells? I threw all caution to the wind and reached for his belt and unfastened his jeans. There's no way in all the seven Hells that I was going to pass this up.

"Mm," he moaned as I took his arousal in my hand.

Oh, how I've missed him. He pulled my panties off and pushed me back up against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him and he let out a whimper when he felt the slick folds of my womanhood.

"You are so wet, love," he sighed as he entered me.

I loved his dirty mouth! I loved how he felt... without the barrier of a condom. Just him. Inside me. He thrusted harder, grinding his hips deeper into me. The much sought after pleasure coil was winding tighter and tighter with each motion of his hips.

"Aaah," I moaned.

"Mm, love this pussy... love you... so tight," he panted.

His hands went to my bottom and held me tight as he hammered into me. Gods. The feel of him inside me was nothing I could ever do without. I claimed his lips, plundering into his mouth.

"Oh, Gods, Inuuu...." I cried out, "Aahh... so good, love... so good...."

"That's it, Bitch," he growled. "Cum for me... I want to feel your juices drip down on me."

Oh. My. Gods.

That's all I ever needed to take me over the edge. His potty mouth... my vision was filled with that engulfing white light. Full body shudders quaked my body as I wrapped myself around him just a little tighter. I felt him moving faster into me. Pounding into me until he brought on his own breathtaking orgasm. He leaned on me, panting. We were both sweating and delightfully drained. We stayed there holding and softly kissing each other until he went soft and fell out of me. I loved how he always stays until he absolutely couldn't.

He took a half step back and pulled up his jeans and boxers. I pulled my tank top up and over my breasts and looked around the room for my panties. And then I saw a box of tissues. Mm... just so I don't go gush on the dance floor... I cleaned up as much as I could and smoothed out the rest of my clothes.

InuYasha was leaning against the wall when I turned around. He had such a rakish smile!

"You are the most amazing woman I know, Kaggs," he murmured as he drew me into his arms once again. His lips captured mine in a soft, loving kiss.

"Mm..." I said as we broke for air. "We should get back... Uh, before anyone misses us." I didn't want to name any names or somehow totally ruin the clandestine moment.

He just nodded and opened the door. He held my hand through the hallway back to the dance floor and gave it a final squeeze before he whispered in my ear, "I love you, Kagome Higurashi."

I turned to face those amber pools that I loved so much. But the words got caught in my throat. For some reason, Sango's words were echoing in my head. Am I leading him on? With a small smile on my lips, I squeezed his hand and winked. I turned around and went to the bar. I needed a drink before I saw Koga. Or two.

The club was even more crowded than before I went, uh, back and fucked InuYasha. Sigh. I am such a slut. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and ordered a drink.

"Cosmopolitan. Up," I said to the cute bartender with a smile. I told him to put it on Takeda's tab. The bartender got a thumbs up Takeda, then nodded at me. Takeda lifted his glass to me in a greeting. He and Koga were still at the same corner. Only this time instead of me and Sango wrapped around them, it was two other chicks: A blonde woman and a dark skinned woman. Huh, imagine that. I shook my head and turned away before Koga could see my eyes and any guilt washed over my face. I took a long sip from my drink, nearly emptying it.

"Hey, there you are!" came the breathless greeting from Sango. She smiled as the bartender automatically placed an apple martini before her. Damn, she's good.

"Where'd you go?" she asked as she brought the glass to her lips.

"Just fucking around," I shrugged. Oh, you have no idea how true that was! I downed my cocktail and motioned for another.

"How do you like this club?" Sango asked.

Wow. She really had no idea that anything was up with me? I eyed her as I took another sip. Nope, she looked happy and a little sweaty. She must've stayed on the dance floor the entire time.

"The DJ is awesome!" I cheered.

My gaze drifted to the dance floor. That's when I saw her. Him. Them. Together. Eeww. Kikyo was totally grinding on my InuYasha and he just looked so bored. He was barely moving. He seemed distracted. Then he looked up and our eyes locked in a heated stare. Uh, oops. I dropped my eyes and pushed my hair back behind my ear. Another long sip. That's what I needed. For a moment, I could've sworn I saw pain and hurt in his eyes. Sigh. When did my life become such a soap opera? Tune in tomorrow for another episode of Kagome's Vitiated Life...


"C'mon! Finish up and let's save the boys from those bimbos," Sango laughed. We threw back the rest of our drinks and Sango led the way to the other side of the bar.

Sango is so smooth. She managed to get herself between the blonde and Takeda before either guy noticed us. She draped herself on him and whispered something in his ear. He clamored with laughter and pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. The blonde that was talking to him just sputtered and walked away with her friend chasing after her.

I stood next to Koga and smiled, I was in a nice intoxicated post-orgasmic haze. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my arm.

"Hey, angel," he smiled, his eyes questioning and amused.

I must look drunk. I feigned ignorance and said, "Hey yourself."

Sango leapt up and said, "Let's boogie!"

Takeda chuckled as he let Sango pull him off the bar stool. She tugged on my hand, "You guys too!"

I tossed a `What can you do?' look at Koga and he smiled. He followed us onto the dance floor. The DJ mixed in Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" and the crowd went wild.

Koga pulled me to him and I felt a rush of being totally naughty. I was quite buzzed by that time and I just giggled at how much action I got today. Oh, my. I was a total player! I giggled some more.

Koga whispered in my ear, "What's got you so damn happy?"

"Mm," I looked at him laughing, "Uh, I had two Cosmopolitans?"

He roared with laughter, throwing his head back slightly. Gods. I loved his throat. I tenderly stroked it with one hand. We were both laughing.

He pulled me closer and whispered, "Ah, my angel is drunk!"

I squeezed him back and laid my head down on his chest. He rocked us to a slow rhythm. Mm, Koga did enjoy it slow. My eyes settled across the dance floor. I hit dead on with InuYasha's amber fire. Uh-oh. He looked mad. Kikyo was all over him though. I scrunched my eyebrows and closed my eyes. I held onto to Koga a little tighter and got lost in the music. I didn't want to stop to think of how I must've looked to my Puppy. I didn't want to think of what we just did. Mm, maybe another cocktail is in order...

"Koga, I'm thirsty," I said after a few more songs.

He nodded and led me back to the bar. The bartender had a Jack & Coke and my Cosmopolitan ready before I even got my butt on the stool. Wow. Koga was good. He pulled my stool a little closer to him and pushed my legs open as he leaned his palms on my seat between my legs. Mm. I looked down, that looked cool...

"You are a sexy drunk, you know that, right?" he uttered softly. His hands smoothed over my knees and began to caress them.

Mm... damn. Do I still want to have sex? Uh, mm, that's a yes. I watched him as I took another sip of my heady drink. He leaned back in his seat. My knees felt cold now that his hands were gone. His eyes swept over me, lingering on my curves and taking a long look at my legs.

He downed his drink and took my hand, "C'mon. Let's go."

I looked at him. Go? Go where? Just as I was forming the words with my mouth, Sango and Takeda came up to us and Koga spoke.

"We're heading back," Koga told them as I stood dumbly beside him.

I held his hand and used my other hand on his upper arm to steady me. I felt a wee bit woozy. Takeda had a smirk on his handsome face and Sango just smiled.

"We'll see you in the morning," Takeda said as we walked passed them, he patted Koga's back.

Outside, the cool night air sobered me in one breeze. A chill ran over me and I snuggled into Koga as he hailed for a cab. He wrapped me up in his strong arms.

"You cold?" he asked. I just nodded. "I'm not surprised. You barely have anything on." He held me a little closer, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. Sooner rather than later, the cab arrived and we were in our hotel suite in no time flat.

Once inside, I felt like I had to shower. I was coated in a sheet of sweat... from dancing, from sex with InuYasha. Damn, slut! I kicked off my heels and started the shower.

"You're gonna take another shower?" Koga asked, walking into the bathroom.

"Mm," I stepped out of my skirt. His eyes seemed transfixed on my legs. Huh, never noticed that before. "I feel grimy from the smoke and sweaty from all that... dancing." I tossed off my panties and top and stepped into the shower.

A few moments later, I heard the glass shower door slide open and smiled.

"Need help washing your back?" came his warm voice.

I finished rinsing the conditioner from my hair and smiled at him. He drew me into his arms and kissed me.

"Actually, I'm all done," I said. "But I can wash your back."

I stepped aside so he could stand under the shower head. I grabbed the washcloth I just used and lathered it up with the sweet smelling hotel soap. I ran it all over Koga's smooth muscles. He really had an amazing body. I guess he needed to. I mean, how else do you become a successful model? Sango was in phenomenal shape too. He already had his hair shampooed and conditioned by the time I was done with his back. He turned around and his arousal was clearly evident. I licked my lips. Oh, my.

He shut off the water and started toweling me off. Mm, the attention he gave me. When he got to my hair, he gently squeezed all the water out and wrapped the towel on my head. He grabbed another towel and wrapped it around my body. He dried himself off in a much quicker fashion, finishing his task by wrapping the towel around his waist.

He stepped out of the shower first and held out a hand to me. Koga, always the gentleman. Sigh. He lifted my chin and brought his lips down softly on mine. Mm, his kisses were so soft. So affectionate. He was always so gentle and tender with me. Like he thought I was this precious gift that would shatter if he mishandled it. We parted, slightly breathless.

"Let's get to bed, sweetheart," he whispered over my lips. He took my hand in his and went to the bed.

I was still a little buzzed. I giggled again. He looked over at me with an eyebrow raised just a bit. I giggled and said, "I think I'm drunk."

"Mm," he said, pulling the towel from my hair. He lowered his head to kiss me again.

Oh, yeah, I was drunk. I was warm, my body felt hot. I tossed the towel off. There. That felt better. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he crushed me to his warm chest. His arms were around me again. Mm. He pushed me gently on the bed, the pillows cradling my head. I stretched as I watched him drop the towel around his waist.

"You are so fucking sexy," he said as he laid down next to me. He nuzzled my neck and trailed the lightest kisses ever along my neck down to my shoulders over one breast down the valley up to my other breast. His butterfly kisses continued their light touch down to my navel. Then I panicked... NO! He can't go down on me... what if... SHIT!

"Koga," I said in a much stronger voice than I thought I was capable of at the time. "I need you."

Him and his damn slow pace! Shit... I can't have him taste anything from earlier, from me and InuYasha...

"Koga! Please, I need you... inside me," I begged. Wow, did I just beg?

He raised his head from my belly. His eyes filled with lust and desire.

"Mm," he moved back up and in my ear he said, "You don't ever have to beg, angel."

He turned over to the night stand and got a condom from the drawer. He quickly put it on as I snuggled into him. He faced me again and slid a finger down to my flower.

"Ah, angel, how is that you're always so wet?" he said in that low seductive voice of his.

Mm, if you only knew. Damn, I was insatiable. I rolled onto my back, pulling him on top of me. He slid into me. I was a little swollen from the pounding that InuYasha gave me. I was a little sore too. But it was an exquisite sort of pain.

"Oh, Gods," he moaned in my ear. "Aahh... so tight... aah... mmmm."

He hooked an arm under one of my knees and pushed it down. Aah, the angle gave him even deeper access. Gods. Sex was just so damn yummy. He set that slow, damn slow pace. Building that pleasure spiral and pushing me to the edge. Gods. I loved sex.

We both reached our climax and I could no longer keep myself awake. He pulled the sheets over us and I snuggled into his warmth.

"Mm, g'night," I murmured. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, and wished me sweet dreams.

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I woke up with an ache in my heart. It was early morning by the look of the light outside. I looked around me. It took me a minute or two to realize where I was. I had the oddest dream and I woke up clutching my heart. I ran a hand through my hair. I grazed my cheek. It was wet. I was crying in my sleep. I heard Koga's soft snore. He looked like such an angel sleeping. I slipped out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweat pants, a long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of sweat socks.

I went to the living room. I sat next to the window in the comfy loveseat. I drew back the drapes a bit and stared out at the white puffy clouds floating in the baby blue sky. I thought back, trying to recall my dream. InuYasha was there. He was sleeping. No, it looked like he was dead. I had a bow in my hand. I looked back at InuYasha. There was an arrow in his chest. I had shot him through the heart.

I shuddered. Did my dream mean that I was destined to break his heart? To shatter his heart with some arrow of betrayal?

The weight of what I did last night fell on me. For Kamis' sake, I had sex with two different men in one night! I curled up into myself. I brought my knees up to my chest and held them there. I felt the tears fall. What am I doing? InuYasha is here with another woman. And there is no way they're not having sex. And Koga? What about that red head he's also seeing?

Koga never asked us to be exclusive. We never talked about what we were to each other. He never asked me to be his girlfriend. I never asked him to be my boyfriend. We just hung out and had sex. He was always doting on me. He always made me feel like I was the only one. If I hadn't seen him around the city at odd times with other women, I would have believed that I was the only one. And those damn red strands of hair in his bathroom! Do I owe him any sort of loyalty? Should we talk about who else we're sleeping with?

And InuYasha. Sigh. What kind of signals am I sending him? Sango said I'm leading him on, that we say `I love you' way too much. Was there truth in that? If I say `I love you' to InuYasha then turn around and have sex with Koga, does it mean that I love InuYasha any less?

Can't sex just be sex?

I mean, isn't that how guys deal with it? They didn't ever confuse sex with love. But somehow women weren't supposed to enjoy sex unless they were in love? If we did, then we're judged and called sluts. Fucking double standard.

Sex is sex, and love is love. Sometimes one goes with the other, sometimes not.

I buried my face in my hands. Oh, for Kamis' sake, what in the world am I supposed to do?


To be continued...

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Thank you for reading my story!

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Ja ne!
:) Joy