InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ More Than One Angel ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Twelve: More Than One Angel
By: OhJoy
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Looking down, I turned the handle and said just loud enough for him to hear, “I love you, InuYasha Takahashi.”

I ran all the way to the elevators. I so totally needed to talk to Sango. I needed to get my head on straight. I needed her strength, her wisdom, her experience, her warrior spirit.

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Sango opened the door after the first knock. She was dressed in a pair of black track pants and a pink t-shirt, hair up in her usual high ponytail.

”Kagome,” she greeted me warmly, “Come in.”

I wore a small smile as I walked past her, into a room that looked just like InuYasha's. Same exact layout. Same color wallpaper, carpet. Everything. Furniture in all the same places. Sigh. What the Hells was I gonna do?

”Kaggs, you're pale,” she said, concern washing over her face. “Are you okay?”

”Oh, Sango. Where do I even start?” I plopped down on her love seat near the window.

She took a seat on the adjacent sofa, curling her legs under her. Her eyes were expectant, concerned, and a touch amused.

”Why don't you start at the beginning?”

There was a knock at the door.

”Hold that thought... I ordered room service,” she explained as she went to the door.
The man rolled in a cart with a tray full of snacks and two bottles of red wine and glasses for us. He placed them all on the table in the corner and opened a bottle of wine for her to take a sample taste. Sango signed the bill and motioned me to join her.

”Delicious,” she smiled.

He poured us two glasses and left.

I took a deep breath and began with last night at the club... and brought her up to speed. She sat patiently, occasionally saying `Really?' or `Oh by the Gods!'

She let out a breath that sounded suspiciously like a `hoo boy!'

”Wow, Kaggs,” she smirked. “I had no idea you had it in you. Go sista!”

Huh? Oh my. Did I just get her approval? Here I thought I was going to be admonished as a slut. Another sip of wine. Mm. Wine was good.

”Don't look so shocked,” she assured me. “There's nothing wrong with what you did.”

”Are you sure?”

”Oh, please!” she rolled her eyes and took a small sip from her glass. “InuYasha asked you for an open relationship, so I'm still not sure why he's trippin' on Koga. And Koga, well... I've known him for a long time and I already told you that he's a big time player. Kagome, sex is like a fine wine,” she was going into her poet mode. “Intoxicating, addicting, quenching. Utterly delicious.”

She handed me a glass and we clinked them before I took another sip. Mm. It was delicious.

”Are you sure? Then why do I feel so bad?”

”Hm... do you really feel bad that you did what you did?” She paused for a moment. For dramatic effect, I was sure. “Or do you feel bad because you don't feel guilty at all?”

I gasped. Oh, my. How did she know this? Very perceptive, Ms. Kuwashima. I dropped my eyes to my wine glass.

”That's what I thought,” she mused. “Just be thankful for birth control. The Pill has got to be the best thing ever. Then condoms second. Listen, you're not the first woman to enjoy sex. Nor are you the first to have two lovers in one day.”

”Have you?”

She nodded, “Not on this trip though. I have to confess, I am a little jealous.”

This was so not what I was expecting. I knew Sango had far more experience than I ever did when it came to men. But this quiet approval and envy was so not what I was expecting.

”Mm, tell me,” I began. “What do you think of the whole Kikyo thing?”

”Oh, InuYasha scored major cool points on that one! `Sit down and watch or get the Hells out.' Man! That's fucking priceless.” Her eyes widened and a lascivious smile splayed across her pink lips.

”That's not what I meant. I mean, about her walking in on him before... before me, us,” I began to stammer at the idea.

”She seems to know what's up,” she shrugged slightly. “InuYasha treats her like shit and she takes it. It's none of your concern. She could dump him, but she chooses to stay. That's her problem, not yours.”

”Hm,” I took another sip of my wine. “But don't you think that InuYasha is leading her on?”

”Hardly,” she rolled her eyes yet again. “Kikyo is the one that's with a guy that has sex with other women in front of her. Dude, she's an idiot for going out with him. Especially after he says `I love you, Kagome' in front of her!”

She took another sip of her wine. “I wonder if he calls out your name when he's with her, or with anyone else for that matter.”

My stomach took a nose dive. Eew. I didn't want to think about that. But she just continued, oblivious to me.

”But I bet InuYasha has abandonment issues,” she said between sips of the heady wine. “He seemed pretty insistent that you not leave until he's ready for you to leave. He's probably not over you leaving after graduation and coming to New York to live with me.”

”I think it has more to do with his mom than me,” I said quietly.

”What do you mean?”

”His mom passed away when he was eleven. She was killed in a car accident. Drunk driver,” I said, eyeing my wine glass. Mentally I shrugged. I wasn't about to get behind the wheel. “It was really hard on him. After the funeral, I remember holding him in our tree house for hours as he cried. I think he felt like she abandoned him. It took him a long time to realize it was an accident.”

”Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know,” Sango murmured.

I just nodded. “It's something I hadn't thought of in a long time. He was really devastated. His whole family was. His dad started working all the time and was never around anymore. His older brother, Sesshoumaru, just became this stoic undemonstrative guy. And InuYasha, well, I think a part of him died then too.”

”Mm,” was her reply. She got up and refilled our wine glasses.

”So what do I tell Koga?”

”Nothing. Everything. Something in between. I dunno,” she shrugged.

”He's seeing someone else besides me isn't he?” I sighed.

Her eyes widened slightly, “You're kidding, right? Koga hasn't had a monogamous relationship... well, since... ever.”

I sighed. “That's what I thought.”

Her eyebrows scrunched. “You're not sad, are you?”

”I'm just sad that it's like this. I mean, I enjoy sex. Don't get me wrong. I guess, I just wish that things were different. That it was just me and InuYasha,” another sigh escaped me.

”Kagome, really,” she said. “You're way too young to be all serious about one guy. I think that's what our thirties are for. Or Hells, maybe not till our forties. For now, fuck who you want and have loads of fun! We'll be old and gray before you know it. And I, for one, plan on having zero regrets.”

We clinked our glasses again. Soon we emptied both bottles and ate half of the snacks. Life was good when Sango Kuwashima was your best friend. We laughed and not surprisingly our conversation once more returned to sex. Only this time, we were talking about positions. My Gods. Who'd ever thought that the last place Takeda would ever want to have sex was on the bed? And who'd ever thought that Sango was a romantic at heart. Way down deep in her heart. I didn't think even she realized it. Sigh. One day, I'm sure the love of her life will find her. And he will be the hearts and flowers kind of guy that will sweep her off her feet.

I ended up taking a shower there and she had fun dressing me. We tried on practically everything she had packed. She just kept saying `Here, try this on. It'll look great on you!' A pile of clothes were on the bed as we danced to the music streaming in from the stereo. I imagined her next career as a costumer and laughed to myself.

”Don't laugh,” she said. “You look great in red. It's really flattering on you. As long as it's a true red, not an orange-y red.”

”Oh, I'm not laughing about this tube top,” I smiled. “I was laughing about how I thought for your next career you should be a costumer.”

”A costumer? Mm, that's an idea. My face and body won't last much longer...” Her voice turned thoughtful as she walked towards the chest of drawers, looking for more clothes, I'm sure.

”Huh? What do you mean by that?”

She sighed. “Models are judged by their looks, nothing more. At some point, my manager will stop calling me with work. There'll be someone younger, hotter, prettier. There always is.”

”Oh.” I mean, what else could I say to that? When things get awkward, keep quiet.

Standing in front of the full length mirror, I admired my reflection. Those kick boxing classes have really paid off. My stomach was flat with just a hint of a six-pack. Sango dressed me in a pair of tight low-rise dark indigo jeans and a red tube top that hugged my breasts and left a hint of my stomach.

”Heads up, Kaggs.”

I looked up in time to catch a pair of red sling backs. “Nice.” They completed my outfit. “Okay, I think we have a winner.”

I looked over at her and noticed she was now dressed in all black: A pair of skintight jeans, four-inch stilettos and a sleeveless blouse with a neckline that graced her shoulders. She threw her hair up in a high ponytail to show off her elegant neck and shoulders.

The door opened to the sound of men laughing. It was Takeda and Koga.

He flashed that nearly famous million dollar smile. My eyes roamed his frame. He wore faded blue jeans, cowboy boots, black belt with a huge buckle and a deep blue silk button up shirt. Mm, gorgeous. He quickly crossed the distance and enveloped me in his arms.

”Hey, angel,” Koga's greeting was warm and welcoming.


I loved the feeling of being held. Too bad it wasn't InuYasha. Koga ran his hands up and down my back. I felt him take an inhale of my hair. One warm hand stilled at the exposed skin on the small of my back.

His mouth captured mine. Ah, Hells. I felt myself relaxing into his kiss. He felt good. How'd that song go? `If you can't be with the one you love... Love the one you're with... Do do do do do do do do' With a sigh, I pulled him closer to me.

Takeda cleared his throat. Amusement peppered his voice when he said, “You guys do have your own room, you know.”

Sango snickered. Koga threw his head back and gave a hearty laugh. Man, he had a gorgeous throat. So lickable. Whoa. Did I just say that? Huh? Yep, I did. What did it mean when I used words on Koga that I only had used to describe InuYasha?

Takeda looked dapper. He was dressed in entirely black too. He wore dress slacks, loafers without socks, and a bitch t-shirt. He and Sango made an eye-popping couple.

”C'mon, angel,” Koga's eyes danced with laughter. “Let's get some chow.”

Dinner was uneventful. We didn't run into InuYasha or Kikyo. Koga never did ask what I did all day when he couldn't reach me on the phone. Turned out he had left eight messages on the room's voice mail for me. Eight! Wow. He had never called me that much in one day or even in one week. Ever.

He was so affectionate. I couldn't really figure it out. I swear, if I hadn't seen him with my own eyes, I would have thought I was the only one for him. Then again, Sango had my back and told me from the beginning that Koga was a big time player. Hells, just tonight she said that he never had a monogamous relationship since she's known him and that's since grammar school! Whatever. Like I'm one to judge. But I sure did enjoy the attention. Maybe I should blow him off more often.

Instead of going to a club, we hung out at an outdoor cafe that gladly served us plenty of wine. It was a short distance from the restaurant where we had dined. I was staring at Koga's profile. I found myself mesmerized. I was beginning to realize just how handsome Koga was. No wonder he was a model. He was gorgeous. Not really paying attention to the conversation, I just smiled and nodded and “uh-huh'd” whenever appropriate. Mm. I was getting buzzed.

”Koga, baby,” my voice started to slur. Hm. How much wine did I drink?

He leaned into me. “Yes, my angel?” The warmth from his hand penetrated the denim as he rested it on my thigh.

”Take me to bed,” I said softly in his ear.

”Mm, now I like the sound of that,” he drawled, running his hand up and down my thigh.

We said our good nights and walked the few blocks back to our hotel, his arm wrapped protectively about my shoulders. We entered our room a few moments later. I was definitely drunk. Drunk and horny. Never mind that InuYasha fucked my brains out earlier, I was horny and wanted some action.

Aggressively, I attacked Koga once he shut the door. He moaned against my mouth, obviously shocked.

”Mm, my woman wants to be dominant?” he chuckled against my neck as he trailed hot wet kisses down my collar bone.

Not really. But at least he got my point.

His hands were everywhere on me - my breasts, my hips, my ass, my crotch. Mm.

”Koga,” I moaned. “Need you.”

He swung me up in his arms and brought me to the bed. Kicking off my heels, I easily discarded my clothes. His clothes were gone in the blink of an eye.

Oh. My. What can I say? I so enjoyed sex. I suppose it was always better with InuYasha. Then in my head, my theme song began to play... `If you can't be with the one you love... Love the one you're with... Do do do do do do do do.'

”What are you laughing about?” his warm breath on my skin set me afire.

I smiled, lazily opening my eyes to meet his deep azure gaze, “This. Us. Fucking in Milan.”

”Mm... fucking...” he murmured and rolled off me.

I felt the loss of his body heat. Confused, I looked around. Ah, so dependable to use a condom. He returned in an instant and pulled me on top of him.

”Take control, babe,” he smirked.

I returned his smirk with one of my own. Deftly, I raised my hips and took him in for a delicious ride. Oh. Mm. I loved being on top. It got so deep inside me. I loved being so filled up to here with a hard cock. I guess it didn't matter whether it was Koga or InuYasha. InuYasha was a bit bigger than Koga, but size wasn't everything. I snickered slightly. Nah, who was I kidding? Wider was better, length... not nearly as important.

That was when I began to imagine it was InuYasha I was riding. I kept my eyes closed the entire time and in my mind's eyes, I saw InuYasha underneath me. His glorious silver hair splayed across the pillows. His golden eyes half-opened and filled with lust. His warm hands on my hips, meeting my thrusts, pushing deeper into me with each stroke. Oh. My. I was close. I felt it. That pleasure coil wound tighter, threatening to explode at any moment. Aahh... those delicious white lights filled my vision.

Panting and wickedly spent, I leaned forward and ran my hands across his chest. A frown hit my face, InuYasha wasn't this broad, his stomach was tighter... my eyes fluttered open.

Ah, Hells. That's right. This was Koga. Sigh. Shit, I hoped I didn't scream out the wrong name.

Koga flipped me over onto my back, slipping out momentarily. Hm, InuYasha never did. Koga began thrusting to a steady hard rhythm that brought him to climax a while later.

I snuggled into him and felt my eyelids grow heavy. Mm. Post-orgasmic bliss.

I heard a noise and then I heard Koga's deep voice in a murmur. I turned and sought out his warmth. His arm wrapped around me and I felt his hand rub my back in short strokes. Mm. I almost fell back asleep. Almost. That's when I heard his words and my eyes flew open.

”I'm just laying in bed. I can't really sleep... I miss you too...”

Oh. My. Gods!

The player! Here he was holding me, naked no less. We just had sex... okay, by the look of the clock, a few hours ago. And he's whispering sweet nothings to someone else on the phone!

”Really? Wow... that's huge... Congratulations. When does shooting begin?... Shit, really? That means I won't see you, I don't get back until late Sunday night... Where's the location?... Mm, definitely. I'll come visit the set... I think about you all the time, angel...”

Angel?! He called her angel! Shit! Did nothing between us mean anything to him?

”Gods, Ayame. Don't be sad... I know we hardly ever see each anymore... But I mean it... I will come to the set and hang for a while... No, no... she's not my girlfriend... It's not like that, okay?... Look, you know how the tabloids totally exaggerate everything... You're my angel...”

I grunted, rolled away and pretended to snore lightly. Shit! That was the redhead. I knew it was her. It had to be her. Oh. My. Hells. What the...? All right. My ex-boyfriend slash best friend slash love of my life slash everything under the sun for me was here... and I made glorious love to him all day.

Who am I to say that what Koga was doing was wrong? Sigh. I rolled back to him when he rang off. How could I be mad at him when I was the same?

I laid there, in the warmth of his arms, wondering when I'll ever be in love again... with a man that said I was the only one for him? That I was more than enough?

To be continued...
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Thank you for reading my story!

A bit shorter than my usual, I know. Sorry for the delay. I am finally done moving! Chapter Thirteen coming soon... working title `Summer of Love.' Another chapter just for the Koga haters.
E-mailed/IM reviews
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Ja ne!
:) Joy