InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Friends and Foes ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Friends and Foes
Chapter 1: Inuyasha and Kagome
Shippo began reading:
“Kagome! You missed again!” Inuyasha yelled.
“Well it's hard to concentrate with you screaming at me!” Kagome hollered back.
“I wouldn't have to scream at you if you'd just hit it!”
“Shut up and get off my case!”
“Would you two hush!? I can't concentrate on my wind scar with you two arguing like that!” I broke in.
“Wind scar!” I yelled. I was battling a powerful dragon demon with my magical sword named Tetsusaiga, a powerful, huge, fang-like sword.
“Is it over yet? Is the demon dead?” Inuyasha asked with fright.
“Not yet, but soon it'll be blasted to pieces,” I answered.
Inuyasha was not the brave one out of the bunch. He had the courage of a flea and about the same amount of sense as one too. Although he was a half demon with well defined muscles, angry amber-gold eyes, silver hair, and fangs and claws as sharp as blades, he was the scariest of all us in the bunch. He was not very strong either, although he looked as if he were.
Inuyasha was capable of doing puppy magic, which consisted of: puppy fire, multiply, tricks that made fake monsters, and he could transform into anything, or even other people or demons.
He did not help us much with the large demons, but as far as the small ones he was a help. Inuyasha also had a bad attitude; he was mean and annoyed me most of the time, although I was the one that saved his life so many times from demons.
When the group was battling demons Inuyasha mostly curled up into a ball and hid some where.
SHIPPO!!!!!!! You know that isn't true!” Inuyasha interrupted. Kagome told him to hush and he did. S
Shippo continued:
Next, there is Kagome. Kagome was a human with black, silky hair and brown eyes that could be cheery at one moment and fierce the next. She was the reincarnation of a dead priestess named Kikyo.
Like Kikyo, Kagome used strong, scared arrows to fight. Sadly, she had poor aim and never hit a target in her life. She also was in love with the leader of the demon wolf tribe named Koga, even though Inuyasha really loved Kagome, but he would not admit it because he was infatuated with Kikyo, his former lover.
“Finally, something that's true. You always loved your little, clingy wolf boy,” Inuyasha whispered to Kagome.
“Inuyasha……. SIT!” Kagome said quietly. There was a loud thud and Shippo paused and continued:
Koga was a strong demon that had the ferocity and grace of a wild fire, and the charm of a prince. He would serenade to Kagome under the moon light sky and tenderly embrace her in his loving warm.
“I think I'm gonna be sick,” Inuyasha whispered to himself.
“Shut up, it's romantic,” Kagome said, shocked at Shippo's writing skills.
“Back lash wave!” I ordered my sword. A powerful energy appeared from the sword, and my power intertwined with the demons and shot it to the demon, and he blow up into tiny bits.
“You can come out now, Inuyasha. It's dead,” I informed.
Inuyasha appeared from behind a boulder.
“Good job, Shippo,” Kagome said.
“You could have helped him, if only you had aim,” Inuyasha replied rudely.
“Well you could have helped him, if only you weren't a chicken,” Kagome said.
Inuyasha and Kagome fought all the time. I was always the one to break them up. Kagome would always use her scared spells to control Inuyasha's mind when they fought.
“I'm a stupid chicken. Hum……. I wonder what Shippo butt smells like today,” Inuyasha said, sniffing Shippo's hind end on his knees. (The audience broke out in a roaring laughter and Inuyasha moaned.)
“Kagome…. Stop controlling Inuyasha's mind,” I demanded.
Kagome rolled her eyes and lifted the spell.
“Serves you right, you stupid mutt,” Koga whispered to Inuyasha.
“You wanna take this out side?” Inuyasha asked.
“Inuyasha….. And Koga; shut up and sit down,” Kagome ordered. Inuyasha hit the ground again.
“Oh, I forgot, I'm sorry,” Kagome said snickering.
Shippo started again:
Chapter 2: Miroku and Sango
Then, there was Miroku, a handsome young human. Miroku was a well-liked, kind, and wise monk. He was very popular, especially with young maids. The entire young, unmarried woman desired him to be her husband.
“Ah…… Thank you Shippo for making my dream come true,” Miroku whispered. Sango balled her hand into a fist and clenched her teeth.
But no woman in the world could have him. Miroku liked to flirt, but not with young woman. He had a tender heart towards older woman. He was always saying how he would love for an older woman to bear his child, because she was wise.
(Miroku's face turned white and Sango, Kagome, and Inuyasha started laughing).
To fight Miroku used a wind tunnel on one of his hands. It could suck up anything in its path. A wicked demon named Naraku had cursed him and his family with the wind tunnel.
Lastly, there was Sango. Sango was a strong demon slayer that had long black hair and blazing hazel eyes. She carried a hiraikotsu for her weapon, which looked like a giant boomerang.
Sango was deeply in love with Miroku, and she was very jealous of the entire woman Miroku courted with, even though they were a lot older than her.
(Sango's eyes grew wide with embarrassment).
“Sango….. I didn't know you felt that way about me. Maybe after this, we can make this story real, and you, my fair lady, can bare my child,” Miroku whispered into her ear. Sango slapped Miroku across the face and he let out a loud, “AH!” The other people stared at Sango and Miroku.
Shippo started again:
Oh, I must not forget me. I was mighty, tough, and brave. There was not one demon alive that I feared. I might be small in size, but I am high in courage and strength. I was also very handsome for my young age, with my full, shinny, dark blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
Although young, I Shippo had someone whom I loved. Her name was Ayame, a beautiful white wolf demon of the mountains. She had hair the color of fire, blue eyes that glowed with cheer and blazed with courage, she had soft skin, and a womanly figure. Best of all, Ayame loved me too.
She had promised to marry me after I found the shards of the Sacred Jewel. Ayame had everything that I desired in a woman; she was beautiful, strong, kind, intelligent, and loyal. To the eyes of everyone I was merely a young boy, but Ayame saw the grown man in me, where my very essence of a great fighter lay.
Ayame let out an odd sound that let everyone know that she was embarrassed. “Finally there is someone that loves Ayame, so she can finally leave me alone. See Ayame, you're not unlovable; you have a little kid that'll marry you. Drag him up to the mountains for your Grandpa,” Koga chuckled. “AH!” Koga shouted in pain when Ayame pulled his ear. “That's not funny, Koga,” said Ayame.
Shippo squinted, angry at Koga and continued:
Chapter 3: Sesshomaru
We had all just started our journey again after a rest stop when we came face to face with a short, little girl that had silver hair, amber eyes, and a cold smile on her face.
“Hello, Shippo,” Rin greeted coldly.
“You're not getting my sword,” I said.
“How rude; I greeted you and you do not have the manners to greet me back. Aside from that, you are wrong. I am taking your life and your sword,” Rin replied.
“Kill them all Me Lady Rin!” Sesshomaru and Jaken cheered. Sesshomaru, who Rin called Fluffy, was a human that Rin had decided to care for, despite the fact that he was a grown man, and Jaken was a toad demon that served Rin; they were both her servants.
Rin was Inuyasha's evil little half sister, and even though she was small, she was very strong, and she was a full demon.
Inuyasha cowered down behind me. “It's Rin,” he said in a quiet frightened voice.
“I don't like hitting girls, but she's a demon so she's just another beast to me,” I said.
“Fluffy, take cover,” Rin ordered. Sesshomaru hid behind a boulder and whimpered in fear.
Ha ha ha ha!” Inuyasha burst out into a loud roar of laughter, and the people stared at him with great frustration growing in his eyes.
When he stopped laughing Shippo began again:
Right when I drew my sword, Koga arrived, his powerful whirlwind nearly blowing us away.
“Hey Koga!” Kagome greeted him.
“How have you been, my love?” He asked, kissing her hand.
Inuyasha growled at Koga; he was jealous of Koga for being with Kagome, and because Koga was very strong.
“Hey there….. puppy,” Koga said, petting Inuyasha on the head.
“Roll over, boy,” Koga ordered softly.
“Not a chance in hell,” Inuyasha responded.
“Oh…. Come on…. You know you want to…. You love having your belly rubbed.” Inuyasha rolled over and Koga rubbed his belly.
“Hey! I'd never let that creep touch me, much less order me around,” Inuyasha broke out.
“Well at least you know your place in the story. I actually like the you in the story. Hey… Roll over boy, come on, roll over,” Koga taunted.
“Shut up you raggy old wolf hound.”
“Hey… Who the hell are you callin' hound, mutt face!?” Inuyasha took a swing and Koga dunked, and when Koga tried to punch Inuyasha, he shifted out of the way.
That's it! One more outburst from either of you two and I'll throw you out of here!” Said one of Shippo's teachers.
Shippo continued:
“Hey Koga, have you seen Ayame?” I asked.
“She should be here any second now.”
Ayame appeared out of her own whirl wind.
“Shippo!” She ran and embraced me.
“Hurry up and grow okay? The faster you grow the sooner we can get married,” she said.
“You will die, Ayame,” Rin informed. The real reason Rin hated me was because she loved me but I did not love her back.
“Shippo is my husband!” Rin shouted.
“I already told you Rin, I love Ayame. Besides, we're not even engaged,” I said.
Rin fell to her knees and broke down into tears.
“How dare you make me Lady Rin shed tears!” Jaken screamed outraged.
“Me and Shippo are going to have lots of children one day, like maybe ten or twelve,” Ayame informed.
“Shippo…. I don't think that's appropriate, or correct!” Ayame interrupted.
Shippo paused and smiled before he began:
Chapter 4: Kikyo
Suddenly, I spotted the last person that I wanted to see in a time like this; Kikyo. Kikyo was a creepy zombie lady that had awakened from her grave in search of young men to devour.
She had messy white and gray hair, emotionless brown eyes, and wrinkled skin. I could not begin to fathom why Inuyasha still had feelings for her; she sucked the souls of the dead, ate young men, and lacked any sense of beauty.
I guess she was the only girl that saw something in Inuyasha.
Although Kikyo was once a priestess, after death she had become bitter and evil.
(Kagome broke into a lighted just as Inuyasha had, but she managed to hold it in when Inuyasha glared at her).
“I smelt you coming. I knew you have come to try and eat me and Miroku, and you want Inuyasha to travel to hell with you, but you're not going to get us,” I said.
Kikyo did not get too far when she charged at me, but broke her hip trying to hurt me.
“Kikyo…. Don't try and run; you'll hurt yourself. You're not as young as you use to be,” Inuyasha said tenderly.
“I'm still young,” Kikyo snapped.
“Yeah…. Right, and I'm an evil over-lord. You're as old as you are beautiful, which is something you don't have much of,” I said.
“Shippo! Don't say that!” Inuyasha exclaimed.
“What? It's true,” I mumbled.
“I'm gonna smack some respect into you, you little rat demon,” Kikyo said to me.
“I'm a fox demon, you old, haggard wench!” I yelled. Kikyo readied her arrow to shoot me.
“I didn't want to have to do this, but now I have to. Inuyasha, forgive me. Wind scar!” I yelled. The blast sent pieces of Kikyo flying into the air.
KIKYO!!!!!!!” Inuyasha cried out in grief.
(Inuyasha sat there with a pouting look on his face, and Kagome, Miroku, and Sango sat there with there mouth dropped open).
Chapter 5: Naraku
Suddenly my biggest enemy appeared; Naraku.
“I was looking for you,” He said. Naraku was a wicked, merciless demon. He used tricks and traps to destroy people, and he loved to play around with people's emotions. Naraku had turned Inuyasha and Kikyo against each other, and he was the one who had killed Kikyo.
Naraku was dressed in his baboon outfit so I did not know yet if it was really him or a puppet. A puppet is an exact replica of a demon, it can even fight. But no puppet would be nearly as strong as Naraku.
“Well I'm glad you came to me, now I don't have to waste my energy on finding you. But it was pretty stupid for you to walk right into your doom day,” I said.
“Don't be so sure of yourself. If I was not fully confident that I could beat you I would have not come to find you,” he argued. He did have a point. Tension grew inside me and I became very nervous, but I knew my friends were right behind me.
“Today is the day that I will avenge my people that you have ruthlessly murdered, and the day I will avenge my brother, for you have taken control of his innocent mind and used him as one of your demon servants,” Sango said with ferocity.
“Today I will let you feel the wrath of the curse of which you laid upon me,” Miroku warned.
“I will avenge Kikyo's death!” Inuyasha yelled.
“I will take your Jewel shards,” I said. Naraku let out a wicked chuckle.
“And what about you, Kagome; what do you have against me?” Naraku asked. Kagome made a fist and her face turned devilish. I have never seen her so irate. Her eyes were burning with angry.
“I'll tell you what I have against you. You hurt all of my friends, and you're just a wicked thing,” she answered.
“I'll show you wicked,” Naraku threatened. He pointed to Kagome and a bolt of black colored power shot out at her. Just before it could hit her I jumped in the way and the bolt hit me.
My whole body had a piercing pain, but soon the pain ended and I could not feel anything, not even my own heart beat. Am I dieing? Am I already dead!? I thought.
“That bolt contains powerful toxins. It is even strong than my miasma. It should only take seconds to kill you. Right now your body is paralyzed and soon your brain will stop functioning, your heart will stop beating, and your lungs will seize,” Naraku informed.
Kagome shot him with one of her arrows and she hit him right in his heart. Naraku hunched over in pain and pulled out the arrow.
“Silly girl, that will not kill me,” he said.
“Hiraikotsu!” Sango shouted. “Why would you even bother with that futile weapon?” Naraku questioned.
“Wind tunnel!” Miroku said. Naraku lifted up his robe and a swarm of poisonous insects flew out. Miroku closed his wind tunnel.
“Shippo! Are you all right?” I just barely heard Kagome ask. I knew she was not whispering, but because I was dieing it sounded like she was.
“I'm glad you're okay. Will you tell Ayame that I loved her very much and that I'm sorry I could not live for her?” I asked.
“Don't say that! You'll be fine, I know you will,” Kagome said in a pleading voice. Her tears fell onto me.
“Don't cry. Dieing is a part of life. I was going to die anyways. I just didn't expect it to be so soon. Just try your hardest to kill Naraku,” I said. Kagome held me in her arms. Ayame trotted up from hunting in the river. Once she saw me laying there she ran to me.
“What's wrong with Shippo?” She asked frantically.
“Naraku attacked him when Shippo jumped in front of me to save me. His heart, mind, and lungs are stopping,” she informed.
“No! Shippo, don't die on me now, not now,” she said. Tears appeared into her eyes.
“I'm sorry I couldn't stay here with you. I love you very much,” I said.
“I know, and I love you a lot too.” Koga soon appeared out of the forest with fish in a net.
“He's dieing,” he said.
“Naraku, he did this. He killed Shippo,” Ayame said with anger. Koga dropped the fish.
“Today Naraku, I will avenge my comrades that your wench slaughtered and I will avenge me and Ayame,” Koga yelled, running up with Sango and Miroku. Sango and Miroku kneeled down next to Shippo to say their good byes, but it was too late; I had died.
SHIPPO!!!!!!” Ayame screamed in grief. Sango, Miroku, Kagome, and Ayame stood at the battle ground with Koga.
They all fought endlessly, but Naraku was clearly winning. Suddenly, I realized that I was watching them. My soul has not left this world. I looked at my motionless body. I am out side my body. I wander in they can see me. Suddenly, Miroku glanced over my way and his eyes grew huge.
He could see me! “Look! It's Shippo's soul!” He shouted.
“Oh my gosh!” said Kagome.
“I don't see it,” Ayame said.
“I wouldn't think you could. Only people with spiritual powers can see a soul right after it has left the body,” said Miroku.
I tried to grab my sword but the sword made a barrier around its self. I wander why it won't even let me touch it. Kagome was knocked to the ground from high in the air and she could not move from the pain and her stiff muscles. Naraku shot out the same bolts that he had killed me with.
Even though I knew it had put up a barrier, I grabbed my sword, but this time it let me take it, and once again, I saved Kagome. Suddenly, I felt my soul being sucked some where. I was being taken back into my body. I stood up; this time everyone could see me.
“You won't kill me a second time,” I said. I felt a huge pulse go through my body and I suddenly grew huge.
“He has the power of an over-lord!” Naraku said in shock. “Kagura!” He shouted. A woman with red eyes appeared and she lifted him and he threw down the Jewel shards. I let him have a taste of my wind scare and to my surprise that killed him.
It made sense to me later; because I know had the power of an over lord, just the wind scare could kill him.
Miroku's wind tunnel disappeared, Sango's people's souls could rest in peace, as well as Koga's comrades, Kikyo was avenged, and now I had the Jewel and I used it to become as old as Ayame so that I could marry her.
Oh, and by the way, I shrunk back down to size and a week later I married Ayame, Koga and Kagome wed, and Miroku purposed to Sango, after seeing that he would rather have a young woman than an old one, and Inuyasha fell in love with another half demon named Yuki.
The End!
Everyone clapped, but Inuyasha sat there pouting.
“Why are you sulking, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked.
“I am not sulking,” he said. “I was wrong of Shippo to twist everything around like that. I am going to be the one to kill Naraku, and Kikyo's not old and ugly.”
“She might not be old and ugly, but she's still dead, and the walking dead with flesh over their souls are called zombies. He was right about that, and she is creepy. In fact, I once saw a horror movie with some girl that was like that. She was young, pretty, and dead, but she went around killing other young girls to keep her youth. Anyways, my point is he was right about her being a zombie, and creepy.”
“Kikyo is not creepy!”
“You only say that because you love her!”
“No….. She's not creepy, and who ever said I loved her?”
“Me, because you do!”
“I do not!”
“Just admit it!”
“Aren't you a man!?”
“Yeah, I ain't no little girl like you!”
“I'm not a little girl!”
“Sango…. So what do you say about making this fantasy real? After all we did get engaged,” Miroku said.
“No! I always say no! What the hell don't you get about that?! You're never going to be loyal. You might be a good guy and you are, but you're a flirt, and will never change, and that's why you'll never get married and have kids,” Sango said.
Miroku's face looked hurt and a single tear streamed down his face.
“Miroku…. I've never seen you cry before,” Sango said.
“That's because I never have. You broke my heart Sango. See Sango I love you, and I have been trying to tell you all along. See, I only flirt with other girls once, but you I do it over and over again, because I just don't know how to say how I really feel about you,” he said.
“Miroku…. I loved you all along. Why do you think I got so jealous when you flirted with other girls? Why do you think I tried to get you to be loyal to someone you like?”
“Sango, my one and only love….. Will you marry me?”
“Yes, Miroku, I will.”
They embraced and then kissed.
“Hey…. There's Shippo right now. Why don't you go kiss him?” Koga taunted.
“Shut up! His story was cute but he's young,” Ayame said.
“You're young too. In human years you're…. um…. Fourteen, and Shippo's ten. In three years he'll be old enough to get married and you two can go have a life together in the mountains.”
“I don't love him.”
“I don't love you.”
“Who said that I was still in love with you? Yeah, you saved me but I've been thinking it didn't mean anything.”
“So… Who do you love?”
“It's none of your business.” Koga smiled wickedly.
“That's because you still love me and you know it. Oh well, I guess you're damned for life when it comes to love if you still have not got over me.”
“You're an ass,” Ayame said. Tears were running from her eyes and she ran away from him.
“Wait! Ayame! Come back!” Koga called.
“For the last time; I'M OLD ENOUGH TO BARE CHILDREN! I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL!!! I'M A WOMAN!!!!!!” Kagome shouted. Everyone in the room stared at her. “Oh my gosh….” She mumbled in embarrassment.
“Yes you are, Kagome,” Miroku said, and Sango hit him on the head.
“Even though we're engaged you still are like that.”
“Now look what you did; you made a scene,” Inuyasha said.
“Oh…. So this is all my fault?”
“Well yeah…. You yelled it.”
“If you would just admit that you love Kikyo we wouldn't be fighting!”
“I'm not going to admit that I love her.”
“Why? Because you think I'll go home?”
“No, because I love you, stupid!” He yelled.
“What!? Inuyasha….. I never knew that,” Kagome said.
“I loved you for a long time now, ever since that day I put my head on your lap and took in your scent. I just didn't think you loved me back. I mean, your from a different time and your human.”
“So, I'll stay here forever with you. I loved you too, that's why I got so sad when you saw Kikyo. I just thought you would always love her, and I'm human; I'm going to be old some day, I'm not going to be young and pretty for ever.”
“You're right, you won't always be young and pretty forever, I never thought of that, because to me you are beautiful and nothing will ever change that, no matter how old you get. And I love you for who you are; I'm not just trying to replace Kikyo,” his voiced started to break up and tears fell from his eyes. “Kagome….. Will you marry me and be my mate?”
“Yes, I will.”
Koga ran and found Ayame outside in a tree.
“Ayame….. I'm sorry I said that, it was wrong of me,” he said.
“You don't mean it.”
“No…. I didn't mean what I said. Look, I'm an ass. You're right. I say things to humor my self. I don't know why because it caused me to lose everything and everyone I love, like you.”
“You don't love me. You never have.”
“I didn't love you the day you came down from the mountains your right. It takes me time to love someone. I never really loved Kagome. I thought I did, but I found that the more I thought about you the more I liked you and know I love you.”
“Yes. Ayame….”
“Yes! I'll marry you,” she said jumping down.
“Um…. I wasn't going to ask that.”
What!? Then why are you being to mushy!?” Koga had his wicked smile across his face again.
“I'm kidding. Of course I was going to ask that.”
Inuyasha and Kagome were kissing as well as Sango and Miroku. The people were wide eyed.
“And these were the same ones who were fighting with each other,” one teacher said. Shippo smiled. “See, I worked really hard on this so I could win and read it and have them here, because I knew it would be perfect to get them to all fess up about their love for each other,” Shippo said to the teacher. As he looked at Ayame and Koga walk in he smiled again.
Shippo could not stop grinning as he finally got things going as they should be.