InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Nice Doggie ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, the well, the swords, or the tree. Hell, I don't even own my cat; she owns me. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for my own guilty pleasures.
Chapter 3: Nice Doggie
Kaede frowned at the men who stood vigil as village guards.
“You mean to tell me the child came here for help and you drove her away?” Kaede asked, narrowing her eyes.
“But Lady Kaede, the garments she wore were most unusual! And she claimed to be from a placed called Toe-kee-oh! There is no such place! She was evil,” the tallest one, and incidentally the group's self-appointed leader, replied.
“How exactly did you get her to leave?”
The leader swallowed loudly. “We threw stones at her to drive her into the Forest of Inuyasha. We thought if you encountered the dark miko, you would have power over her. And if she was youkai…you could…ah, purify her.”
“I want some of you to go to the Bone Eaters Well and see if you can find a trace of the girl. She was not evil nor was she youkai and she appeared to be injured,” the miko said.
A few men nodded, including the tall one, and headed out into the thunderstorm.
As she sat stirring her stew, Kaede decided to enlist the aid of a demon exterminator village a few days journey away. She passed on instructions to the remaining men that as soon as the rain stopped they were to make the trip and inform the village leader they needed aide tracking a youkai, but did not want them to kill him unless necessary.
A short time later the men returned to Kaede's hut soaked from the rain but with no news of the girl. They did say there were faint youkai tracks surrounding the well, but couldn't do much tracking with the weather. The miko heard the headman of the slayer village had a daughter who was trained in their art and wanted her specifically to come. If Inuyasha took the girl and didn't kill her, they would have a better chance of getting her back with another woman to lure her than with a man.
Sighing, Kaede let her mind wander to her dead sister. Kikyou lived a long life and died nearly ten years ago. She didn't want the burden of the jewel she protected to be passed on to her little sister and so it was burned with her body, never to be seen again. Anyone who remembered Kikyou would have noticed how much the strange girl resembled the priestess. While Kikyou's eyes were a light brown and her hair much straighter, there was very little outward difference in the two's appearance. Kaede could sense a powerful aura around the girl. She was a miko though she had no training and probably never tapped into her powers.
Perhaps the inu hanyou had mistaken the girl for Kikyou? The two had a tumultuous relationship and Kaede doubted that unleashing his demon blood blocked those memories. Kaede knew only a few details. Kikyou, in an attempt to rid the world of the sacred jewel, asked the hanyou to become human and live his life with her. Inuyasha, never forgetting the treatment he received from the villagers if he wandered too close, refused; saying he would still be known as a hanyou and treated as an outcast. He chose instead to remain by her side and protect the jewel from others…until the day he turned youkai and tried to destroy the village. Kikyou lured him into the forest and pinned him to the God Tree and life returned to normal. Until now. And now, there was nothing to do but wait.
Inuyasha growled softly to himself. He laid the human girl out on a pelt near the fire and tried to figure out what to do with her.
I should kill her, it would be kinder. Much as he wanted, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Pulling off his soaked hakama and stretching them out to dry, he turned his attention to his `guest'. Her short kimono was torn and covered in blood and mud, not to mention soaked. Inuyasha wasn't worried about what she would wear; he was more concerned with the injuries covering her tiny form. Her right ankle and knee were swollen and turning purple and the cut from the arrow still oozed blood. She was covered in large and small bruises.
“So this is why you were afraid of the humans,” he whispered.
Deciding to do something about the cuts before infection set in, Inuyasha set about removing her clothes. The shoes and socks were easy, but the inu youkai growled in frustration when he got to her top. Flexing his claws, he cut through the shirt and skirt to reveal yet another layer of clothing, this one red. Running a finger down the center of the garment binding her breasts, he was surprised to find it pop open on its own. Throwing that and her feminine fundoshi with the rest of the discarded fabric, Inuyasha rocked back on his heels. Here there were more bruises and even her left shoulder appeared to be swollen.
“What the fuck did they do to you, human?” he asked.
Not expecting an answer, Inuyasha grabbed a bowl of water and a piece of cloth he found earlier in a pile behind his bed, and began washing away the blood and dirt. Once she was clean, his attention shifted to the bleeding wounds. Inuyasha carefully ran his tongue over the girl's thigh, dipping it into the wound to push in his saliva. The girl flinched and whimpered, but remained asleep. He didn't know how his saliva would affect a human. It helped to heal shallow wounds on him, but then again he was youkai. Finished there, he moved to the gash on her temple. The injuries to her joints would benefit from a poultice from some nearby herbs, but Inuyasha would be damned if he went out in the rain now that he was comfortable. That and sniffing out the right ones would only lead to a nose full of water.
Convinced the human would live through the night and not stink up his home, Inuyasha crawled into bed. A soft whimper drew his attention back to the body near the fire. She was shivering again.
Scooping her up, he brought her to his nest of pelts and laid her on her left side. She winced when the bruised shoulder touched the furs but immediately settled. Inuyasha crawled in behind her and drew her back to his chest, wrapping an arm around her waist. She snuggled closer trying to siphon off his body heat. Groaning at his weakness, Inuyasha pulled a large bear skin over them and closed his eyes, hoping to drift into a light sleep.
Kagome awoke feeling like she got run over by a truck. Shifting without opening her eyes, she noticed something odd. Since when does my bed feel so soft and…furry? Cracking an eye, she noticed she was in some sort of fur lined hole. The roof and were uneven stone and only a faint haze of sunlight provided light. Coming fully awake, Kagome felt a warm heavy weight on her waist and over her bad leg. She carefully lifted the fur covering her and saw she was naked and had an arm and leg draped over her…a very masculine looking arm and leg. Said appendages appeared to be attached to a very naked male body fitted snugly behind her. Oh, Kami where am I? What happened to my clothes? Kagome tried pulling away but was stopped by a set of sharp fangs pressing into the back of her neck. The man behind her started to growl when she continued to struggle and tightened his arms. He sounds like some sort of wild animal! Nothing human makes those sounds.
When Kagome stilled, the arms holding her relaxed and pulled away, as did the leg. The fangs clamped firmly on her neck remained for a few minutes before releasing her as well.
“Turn around, human,” a deep voice growled.
Not wanting to anger anything that was male and had fangs and claws, Kagome obeyed. Rolling onto her back, she faced the man who saved her…and came face to face with the beautiful creature from the previous night. Silver hair hung in forelocks to his collarbone and tumbled down his back. His face was youthful, but rugged; high cheek bones accented by jagged violet stripes, square jaw, heavy black eyebrows, and a full mouth with the faintest hint of sharp canines peeking out. Adding to the dog-like fangs were two snowy white inu ears nestled in his unruly bangs. Kagome's eyes drifted downward and she took note of his well defined chest and abs, anything lower was covered by the fur blanket. A soft, whuffing noise brought her attention back to the young man's face, a blush staining her own. Red eyes with bright blue pupils stared back at her with a mixture of distain and interest.
“Th…thank you…for saving me,” she stammered.
“Keh. Why did the village humans injure you?”
From his tone, Kagome guessed she wasn't going to get the chance to lead the conversation.
“I'm lost. I fell down the old well near our shrine and ended up here, wherever here is. I followed the path to the village and the men accused me of being a demon or a dark priestess and threw stones at me. They wanted to drive me into the forest to be taken care of by some lady; I'm guessing the one who was by you.”
Kagome cocked her head, eyes drawn to his twitching ears. “You're a youkai aren't you? I've never seen one…I mean I grew up thinking they were myths. You're an inu?”
The demon nodded, but offered nothing further.
“Do you have a name I can call you?”
His eyebrow quirked. “Did I say you could remain, human? Why would I want a worthless human wench following me around?”
Panic began to set in and Kagome grabbed onto his upper arm.
“Please! I'm still hurt and I don't know anyth…” Before she could think to finish her sentence, Kagome was flat on her stomach with a pissed and naked dog demon straddling her thighs, teeth once again imbedded in her neck, this time with enough force to break skin.
“I'm sorry! Please stop, it hurts,” she whimpered in a combination of pain and fear.
He relinquished her neck but kept her pinned to the pelts.
“I am the dominant male, human wench, and you would do well to remember that. I could kill you at any time. I felt the need to bring you here but it does not mean I have to keep you. Do you understand?” he snarled.
“Yes,” was the whispered reply. She felt him run his tongue over the fang marks and shuddered. He eased off and gently turned her over. Kagome wasn't sure what exactly she did to make the demon so angry, but she guessed it had to do with grabbing his arm. She watched him stare at her and tried not to move too much. The sudden jerk of getting flipped over caused pain to shoot through her leg and Kagome wasn't risking it happening again. The demon gave a snort and got up, revealing everything before she could close her eyes, and left the nest-like hole. I'm betting Houjou has nothing on him. Gah, bad Kagome! He just bit you and threatened to kill you and you're checking out his package. Stupid teenage hormones.
A shower of sparks caught her eye and she propped herself up on her elbows. The young demon stood dropping wood into a fire in the middle of what looked like a cave. Kagome could see jars and cooking utensils and deduced this was his home. Appearing to pay no mind to his lack of clothes, the demon spared her a glance before turning his back and heading for the collection of jars and bowls.
Startled that she was being spoken to again, Kagome missed what he said.
“My name wench. Inuyasha.”
“Oh, thank you. I'm Kagome Higurashi.”
The youkai didn't reply but came back to the bed holding a deep clay bowl and what Kagome thought was a tall bamboo water container.
“Drink,” Inuyasha ordered holding out the wooden cup.
She raised her eyebrows but took the cup and sniffed the liquid. Inuyasha gave a sarcastic snort and continued to watch. Too thirsty to care if the dog demon put something in the water, Kagome gulped greedily. A clawed hand shot forward and tugged the cup away.
“Slow. You will make yourself sick.”
He growled low when she tried to take control of the water, but instead held it to her lips, tipping the cup so the liquid wet them. Kagome obediently opened, taking in the water one small sip at a time. When Inuyasha decided she'd had enough, he put up the container and picked up the clay bowl. Kagome watched warily as he rung out a cloth and pulled back the fur blanket revealing her legs. She flinched and scooted back.
“What do you think you're doing?” Kagome squeaked.
“Cleaning your wound,” Inuyasha replied, unaffected by the amount of skin revealed.
“But-b-but it's halfway up my leg!”
“My saliva help speed up the healing, but it could still get infected.”
Kagome's eyes widened. “You…you licked me?”
“Yes. Hold still,” Inuyasha commanded, punctuating his words with a sharp bark.
Kagome watched mesmerized as Inuyasha first dabbed the cloth gently along the edges of the slash, then over the wound itself. She hissed as pain shot up her thigh and the demon lightened his touch, but didn't stop. Instead, a low rumble began deep in his chest and Kagome felt herself relax.
“Sit up,” he murmured.
Without thinking, Kagome tucked her good leg under her and leaned forward so Inuyasha could tend to the laceration on her temple. Coming back to herself, she realized he'd finished and was sitting cross legged in front of her…not hiding any part of his anatomy from view. Kagome blushed.
“Ummm, what happened to my clothes?”
Inuyasha nodded to the pile.
Kagome saw the pile was little more than green and white scraps of cloth covered in blood and dirt. Maybe my underwear is still good.
“Okay, so where are your clothes.”
“By the fire. They were wet. Clothes are for outside, not sleeping.”
Kagome opened and closed her mouth a few times, but found she couldn't really argue with his logic. He hadn't tried anything perverted, okay he licked her leg, but it did feel better than the day before. He hadn't tried to grope her or stare at her and the only real touching he did was biting the back of her neck. And the more she thought about it, the more it seemed to be a sort of punishment for being disobedient rather than a way to hurt her. Inuyasha seemed to be just as much inu in his actions as human. Closing her eyes, she ran a hand through her tangled locks, grimacing at the clumpy feeling of dried blood and flakes of dirt.
“Is there somewhere nearby I can take a bath?” Kagome asked hopefully. “I'm sure I smell bad to you, especially if your nose is as sensitive as an inu's.”
She hoped that by appealing to his comfort, maybe, she could get what she wanted.
Inuyasha shook his head. “No. Eat first.”
Or maybe not. He got up again and retrieved a covered dish from a corner and placed it on a flat rock near the flames. Kagome's stomach gave a loud rumble. Maybe food isn't such a bad idea.
“What is it?”
Deciding she couldn't sit any longer, at least not naked, Kagome gripped the rim of the hole and tried to stand. Drawing a sharp breath to stifle her yelp of pain, she put most of her weight on her good left leg. Giving off another sharp bark, Inuyasha drew her attention to the fire.
“What are you doing, wench? Sit down.”
“I want to see my clothes. Ah, your…noises…the barks and growls…do they mean something? Like words?”
Inuyasha nodded as he came `round behind her. Grabbing a small pelt, he lifted Kagome from the bed and deposited both next to the clothes.
“It is the inu youkai language.”
“Oh. Can I…can I learn it?”
Inuyasha turned his back again and Kagome was sure she offended him, until she noticed his shoulders shaking.
“You're laughing?” she asked incredulously, “At me?”
“You said you came from a shrine. Why would a miko care to learn inu? Am I not just an animal to you?” he replied, not looking.
“I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't interested and I'm not a miko.” Her voice grew softer. “That's what the villagers called me…a dark miko. And I don't think of you as an animal. You've given me no reason to not think you're smart.”
She frowned. The skirt and shirt were ruined, the shoes fine, the socks, bra, and panties…well, nothing a good cleaning wouldn't fix. But what to wear in the meantime? Her new inu companion didn't seem to mind being naked, at least in his home, but she doubted people outside the cave would want her running around in her skivvies. Plus, she'd just feel better if she had some fabric to cover her.
The rich aroma of cooked meat drifted over.
Inuyasha held a chunk of steaming rabbit between his sharp claws. He placed the meat gently in Kagome's mouth and when she began to chew he let out a short yip and nodded.
“Is that what the yip means?” she asked swallowing. “Eat.”
“That one, yes. There are many more.”
“Thank you. For helping me. I would have died if you left me wouldn't I?”
“Yes. Eat now and I will take you to bathe. You need herbs for your leg.”
“You need to eat, too. There's enough to share.”
Lady Kaede shook her head as she watched three young men start down the sunlit path. The youths who volunteered to go to the exterminator village would make good time, even without horses. It would be too dangerous for such a small group to travel with horses and packs; they would be a target for bandits.
Warming her aching bones in the late summer sun, Kaede decided to gather herbs and check all of her healing supplies. Even if the hanyou did not kill the young girl outright, Kaede wasn't sure if he would bother to treat her wounds. The message sent to the exterminators would ensure the headman's daughter came if she was able, and there was little for an old miko to do but wait and pray.
In an ancient stone castle deep in the western territories, a full inu youkai, tall and stoic, stood motionless on his balcony. Hair, smooth as spun silk, hung to his ankles, accenting his pearlized white haori and hakama with its spiked battle armor over lay; both a tribute and a mockery of his great demon father.
“You called Lord Sesshomaru?” a toad demon squealed gleefully from the doorway.
“Yes, Jaken. I feel a strong surge of power near Edo. I want you to investigate,” Sesshomaru monotoned.
“Should I send the wolves or the oni?”
“No, that will not be necessary as of yet. Send some of my human warriors. They will suffice for now. Go.” The demon lord gripped the metal railing, dismissing the toad.
“Yes, my Lord!” Jaken bowed, pleased to be in his masters' graces.
Sesshomaru continued to stare out into the horizon. A pulse came from a long blue silk wrapped object on his sword belt. As his hand closed over it a shock echoed through him, forcing him to release and clench his fist.
“Are you awake little brother? Shall I be given my chance at revenge? First, our father denied me the honor of defeating him to prove my worth to rule the Western Lands. Then he denied me honor by leaving my worthless half breed brother his ultimate fang, the Tessaiga.”
The iron under his hands began to buckle.
“Even without your sword, nothing more than a demon drawn to bloodlust, I could not kill you. I was denied the honor of cleaning the Inu no Taisho bloodline. If you are wake, you will come to me, Inuyasha, and we will finish this.”