InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Of Men and Monks ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, the well, the swords, or the tree. Hell, I don't even own my cat; she owns me. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for my own guilty pleasures.
Thanks for the nods with IYFG. Surprise is an understatement. Thanks to all the readers and reviewers, without you guys I would just be baking in the summer heat and not thinking up things to do with(or to)the hanyou.
A/N: Sorry for the long delays between updates. My job has been getting hectic (The office has decided to move and that is no small task. They keep moving the date forward and backward) but I swear by the end of August things will settle in. Action and conflicts will arise soon (in the story which is halfway to completion). Thanks for sticking with me. And Hyena and Namine for keeping at me to update. Here it goes.
Chapter 10: Of Men and Monks
Inuyasha stared down at the ends of his now black hair with wide eyes then turned his gaze to the thunderous sky outside the cave and cursed.
“Fuck. Damn it all. How the hell could I be so stupid?”
He covered his deep violet eyes with his hands. Kagome still wasn't sure what happened but she knew Inuyasha was no longer surprised that he was, in all appearances, human. What was beginning to worry her was the shivering he was trying so desperately to hide was becoming more and more apparent.
“Inuyasha, what happened?” Kagome asked softly, instinctively shifting a bit to block Sango's view of the hanyou turned human. The demon exterminator's eyes were glittering with something a little more than plain curiosity.
“It's the fucking new moon, that's what happened,” he snapped out not moving his hands.
Kagome leaned over his drawn up knees and grasped his cold wrists, tugging gently to look him in the eye. When his angry gaze shifted to her, she spoke again.
“Inuyasha, I may be a little slow with things in this world but I'm not a total idiot. If you'd explain what's going on I'd understand or at least I'd try to.”
“What's the point? It's not like you can do anything about it.”
“I didn't ask if I could do anything, I asked for you to explain it to me.”
Heaving a sigh, Inuyasha stared at the girl a moment longer and closed his eyes. He knew she'd keep nagging at him until he told her what was going on and it wasn't like she and the slayer weren't already witnessing it. This was why he liked living alone. Damn women. Plus, he was fucking freezing now. Weak human body.
“It's the new moon, my night of weakness,” he said raising a hand to cut off the questions he could see forming in Kagome's eyes. “Every hanyou has a night of weakness, a night when their demon blood recedes and their human blood becomes dominant. It's not the same night for every half demon and no hanyou lets that secret out or else they would be killed easier by predators. The new moon happens to be mine. The slayer should know all about hanyous and their weak nights.”
Sango nodded and moved closer to the pair.
“Yes, I've heard that half demons have a human night though I've never seen it. Didn't Kikyou wish you to become human? Did she know of your human night?”
“Yes, Kikyou wanted me human. She thought we could have a normal, human life together if I changed, but that would never happen. People would still remember I was once part youkai. And no, I never let her see me as a human though she wanted it. I didn't want her to see something that she couldn't have.”
Inuyasha cocked his head at Kagome. She was quiet, but didn't look angry or upset. It was making him nervous.
“What's your problem, wench?”
“Huh? Oh, I was just wondering since there's a night your demon powers fade and you become human, is there a night opposite that when your human side fades and you become more demonic.”
Inuyasha blinked his now violet eyes at the young miko. Even Kikyou didn't think to ask him that.
“Why are you asking?”
She fidgeted. “Well, I was just remembering how you got a few days before the full moon and what happened when the bandits attacked. I mean you were a youkai then but you were acting… different. You know.”
“Different how?” Sango asked, intrigued. “What did Inuyasha do after you were attacked?”
“Nothing,” he snapped. “Never mind. And yes, my demon side rises on the full moon. When I'm hanyou, with my sword, I get more aggressive, more territorial but without it I'm guessing I'd just turn all the way.”
Kagome nodded, accepting his answer. She didn't think he was in any shape for interrogation (yet) and he seemed uncomfortable with the looks Sango kept sending his way.
“Well, now that that's settled you need to get out of those wet pants before you get sick. And before you argue with me, I've seen a lot more of you than Sango has so it doesn't matter to me what form you're in; human, hanyou, or youkai, I'm not having you ill. I at least have something on, so I'll hold the blanket up for you.”
Inuyasha pinned her with a glare then began to untie his hakama. He remembered full well everything that happened between them and couldn't help the blush that rose. She exchanged the thick fur for his pants and trotted to the fire in nothing more than her tiny fundoshi and the scrap of red fabric covering her breasts.
She took her time; flipping the already drying garments and shifting mostly dry things farther back in exchange for others. Testing the steaming rabbit meat and determining it done, she handed one spit to Sango to split with Kirara and took the other for herself. She moved to stand in front of him, one hand on her curvy hip, the other holding out dinner.
“Well, are you going to make room for me under there or am I getting this whole rabbit to myself?”
Inuyasha frowned. “You wouldn't dare.”
“Wanna bet?”
A small twitch at the corner of the boy's mouth gave him away. He raised the side of the fur facing away from Sango and shifted so Kagome could snuggle against him.
“You're still cold,” she murmured, tucking the fur between her legs and leaning against Inuyasha's left side.
“I'm fine,” he replied, taking the rabbit and ripping off a hind leg for the miko. He noticed the slayer eying them over her dinner and sighed.
Sango moved to sit directly across from the girl and the human looking hanyou. She hated to think she was jealous; the handsome boy was tainted with demon blood, but she couldn't help the flush she felt when she caught the flash of his tanned, muscular chest and thigh before he covered himself. And the easy banter between him and Kagome coupled with their causal touches, made her feel awkward. She was a trained demon exterminator, the only woman trained in the art of her village, she shouldn't be jealous of a barely trained miko and a half breed!
“Why didn't you want to become human? You're attractive in this form. You and Kikyou could have moved from the village with Kaede, she was only a child then, and you could have lived out your lives. Why would you want to be a half breed?”
She watched Kagome's eyes narrow but Inuyasha rubbed his chin over her head and plunked a piece of meat in her open mouth silencing her.
“Look, Sango, do you honestly think it was something I just refused right off? Hell, Kikyou was the first human to bother with me, to want me around. I thought about it for almost a full moon cycle. I hate being in this form, I'm weaker, I can't hear or smell properly, and I couldn't protect Kikyou if something attacked. I made a choice. Maybe it was the wrong one considering I ended up pinned to a tree for fifty years, but I made one.”
“So you'd rather have no one?” Sango huffed.
Inuyasha raised his shoulders. “The jewel is gone.”
“And he's got me,” Kagome said. “He saved me when he was more demon than hanyou, stayed with me when he got more of his memories back and decided to fight his brother.”
“But what about your home, Kagome? What if you find a way back?” Sango asked.
“I miss my family, I won't lie.” She turned to stare into amethyst colored eyes. “In my world, my time, demons and half demons don't exist, you wouldn't be feared. We might have to do something about your ears since people wouldn't be used to seeing someone with them or we could say it's a trait…something passed down in your family. My family would take you in, Inuyasha. You would have a place to go.”
Inuyasha stared hard at her. No one had ever offered him a home. No one had really cared to.
“You would leave if you had the chance?”
“If I could come back, I'd go back and forth and I'd bring you with me. If you couldn't follow or if I could only go one way then I don't know what I'd do. Maybe just try and find a way to let Mama know I'm alright and taken care of.” She raised a hand to the boy's cold cheek. His face never changed but she could see the hurt in his eyes. The thought of being abandoned. “I wouldn't leave you, Inuyasha.”
“Keh,” he mumbled and turned back to his meal.
Sango shook her head and allowed the smaller Kirara to climb on her lap.
“I don't understand how you could be willing to give up your family for someone you've only known for a short time.”
Kagome wrinkled her brow and tried to think of a way to explain things so the demon exterminator understood. Hundreds of years separated them and their beliefs but they were both women, Sango's mind should be easier for her to understand than Inuyasha's.
“Look, Sango, I'm not sure I can explain it so you'll understand. I don't fully get it myself, I just won't leave Inuyasha. Don't women here leave their families when they marry if the husband is from a different village?”
“In that instance, yes. So the only reason you're staying with him is because you lie with him at night?”
“Ack! No!” Kagome cried, burying her head against Inuyasha's chest. She could feel his muscles tense at Sango's question but she wasn't ready to look the older girl in the eye yet. To her surprise, Inuyasha's hand came up and began rubbing the base of her neck.
“Sango, youkai aren't like humans. We don't follow the same set of rules. You of all people should know that. Inu youkai form packs and are very protective of those within. Kagome is mine as far as that goes. It's not all one sided,” his hand squeezed gently before moving to untangle her unruly waves, “she's too stubborn for that. I've explained it to Kagome, she understands and that's good enough.”
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked drowsily. She was ready to purr or fall asleep or both. “If Sango and Kirara are helping us fight to get back your sword, does that make them pack, too?”
A sigh escaped the human boy's lips. Leave it to the wench to figure it out. She was cuddled against him, warm and sleepy. He didn't want to sleep in this form but if Kagome stayed curled up like this he was going to drift off.
“Yeah, it would.” He leveled a glare at the slayer. “Which is something even a half breed takes seriously. Kirara went hunting for us tonight because she accepted a place under my protection and offered her help. That's why I made it clear it was your choice to come along. Turning against me once I'm back to normal wouldn't be wise.”
“Inuyasha no killing Sango,” Kagome murmured.
Sango gave a half hearted chuckle and stretched her legs, resting her upper body on her elbows.
“Well, then tell me more about this sword of yours. Why does your brother have it? Why does he want to control it so badly?”
“I'll tell you what I know but don't take my offer of protection lightly. As the dominant male I have a right to discipline you as I see fit if you cross any lines. Being a slayer won't help you there.”
Inuyasha shifted the drowsy girl to stretch across his lap so he could rest his back against the cave wall.
“Tessaiga is one of two swords forged from the fang of my father, the first Inu no Taisho. Tessaiga is known as the sword that can slay 1000 in a single stroke. Its twin, Tensaiga, can heal or bring back 1000 souls with a single stroke. My father passed on Tensaiga to Sesshomaru and he can't wield it. You have to have some sort of compassion for life and he has none. He sees no use in a sword that can't cut. Father used it to provide for and heal his lands. Sesshomaru, as the current Inu no Taisho, does none of that. He…he tricked me into thinking Kikyou's life was in danger and got Tessaiga away from me. I changed. What he didn't know is that he can't wield the sword, only I can. It was meant for me and has a barrier to prevent any full youkai, other than my father, from using it.”
“Why do you become youkai?”
“Tessaiga acts as a shield against my demon blood. The blood of my father is strong, he was probably the most powerful youkai to walk the earth, and it can overtake my human blood if I'm not careful. Normally I turn into a killing machine; the slightest irritation can set me off. That must have been why Kikyou pinned me to the Goshinboku.”
Kagome surprised him by pulling back and looking into his eyes.
“You didn't attack me, though. You were ready to kill Lady Kaede and the village men but you didn't raise a hand to me.”
Inuyasha brushed back his bangs and gave a small smile. “I can't explain that one. At first I thought you were Kikyou and I wanted to kill you but then I smelled your blood and knew you were someone else. I tried to go back to the cave and forget about you but couldn't. Sneaky wench.”
A rumble of thunder shook the ground and drew everyone's attention to the black sky beyond the cave's shelter. The rain showed no signs of slowing its onslaught. Kirara moved to the cave's mouth and transformed into her larger form returning to butt her head against Inuyasha's shoulder, nudging him towards the other side of the fire pit and the now dry bed rolls. Raising an eyebrow at the fire neko, he smirked.
“Are you trying to tell me I should go to bed, Kirara?”
A mew more like a roar was the response.
Kagome stretched and struggled out of Inuyasha's grasp. “I think Kirara has the right idea. It's late and it's not going to stop raining tonight. We can get an early start in the morning.” She frowned at Inuyasha's still raised brows. “What? You were thinking it, I know it.”
“I don't think I'll get much sleep in this form.”
“At least lie down then. You have the blanket and I don't feel like freezing anymore than you feel like being naked in front of Sango.”
The small group settled down for the remainder of the night, Kirara standing guard near the cave's entrance with Sango propped next to her. Inuyasha took his usual position on Kagome's bedroll, wrapping himself protectively around her as she drifted off. He remained alert, his mind running with thoughts of his half brother's retribution against the human girl who cost him an arm.
Sesshomaru barely made it through the gates of his castle before collapsing. How could that woman/child retain any spiritual powers after rutting with the half breed? It should not have been possible. The taiyoukai was rarely taken by surprise and the fact that he was by his brother and a human girl shook him worse than losing his arm. At least the loss of a limb could be seen as honorable, a sacrifice justified in battle. But he didn't win. He didn't come close to destroying the woman/child. The amount of poison he was able to inject before being thrown could be countered easily by the hanyou's tainted blood.
Worse than the indignity of losing the small scuffle with the hanyou was the fact he didn't think he was powerful enough to regenerate his arm. He, Lord Sesshomaru, who had the blood of two pure Inu youkai coursing through his veins, could not match the power of his father. It was unfair. Nothing was working out the way it should. He should have been bequeathed Tessaiga, he should have killed his father and taken over as Inu no Taisho, he should have rid the earth of the human whore and the abomination formed by a moment of weakness on his father's part. More planning was needed and it irked him that so much thought needed to go into ridding himself of someone he saw as no more important than a flea.
The sound a shuffling feet had the taiyoukai propping himself against his fur piece and growing menacingly. Jaken paused and stared at his Lord. Sesshomaru was near transforming into his true form, face elongated, fangs bared, and eyes crimson. His left sleeve hung limply at his side but there was no scent of blood, only the lingering stench of purification.
“My Lord? My Lord, what has happened? Was there an ambush? Are the Western Lands under attack?”
“Silence, Jaken! There was no attack. It was the infernal half breed and his human whore that injured this Sesshomaru and they will pay for their actions. I no longer care to fight Inuyasha on these grounds, only to deliver the killing blow.”
Sesshomaru calmed enough to resume his human façade.
“Jaken, you will send word to the wolf prince.”
The toad imp swallowed audibly. Prince Kouga was not above trying to ferret out a deal to regain more lands for the dwindling Western wolf tribes. The Northern wolves had already sent messengers to Lord Sesshomaru about working out a compromise between the wolves involving a trade of land for goods and aide. To ask for the wolf demons assistance…
“My liege, are you certain that is wise? Prince Kouga would give you nothing but trouble for the honor of aiding you in battle.”
“The wolf prince will find it wise to agree to my terms if he wishes his pack to eat. Call him here, Jaken. Tell him nothing of this Sesshomaru's skirmish with the half breed. Let him know there will be human meat to feast on and a human whore to use as partial payment for his favor. This Sesshomaru will have his vengeance.”
The imp moved into the castle to send messengers to the mountains leaving his Lord in the courtyard. In all the centuries he'd served under the dog lord Jaken had never known anyone, human or youkai, to have gotten close enough to inflict such an injury. Lord Sesshomaru would have to tread carefully with the wolves. Any sign of weakness could lead to a revolt and a land skirmish. It was a distraction that his Lord did not need until the half breed was dead.
Sango spent much of the next day observing the different ways Inuyasha (now returned to his charming hanyou self) treated herself and Kagome. She noticed she was treated much like a sister-in-arms, a warrior, and not offered the opportunity to drink first from a stream or the first selections of meat or berries from the midday meal. Kagome was graced with those privileges. And yet the girl was not treated like a mate, either. Inuyasha did not feel the need to keep her within his sight at all times (though he didn't stray far) nor did Kagome automatically submit to his desires. She often argued with the hanyou, especially when they came across a hot spring near where they stopped midday. Kagome wanted a bath and Inuyasha insisted she was clean enough from the storm yesterday and the light showers earlier that morning. Plus, the weather was getting colder with autumn's arrival and she'd get sick. She replied the spring was hot and stalked off, Inuyasha following. When Sango got there, Kagome was pinned on her belly, Inuyasha's fangs latched on the back of her neck. Instead of going limp, she was actually trying to lever herself up and crawl to the hot spring with Inuyasha on her back!
Finally giving in, Inuyasha picked up the girl by the arms and shook her lightly. Kagome went limp but her eyes remained hot and angry. The hanyou whuffed softly then barked but she shook her head. He looked to Sango.
“Will you keep an eye on the damn wench while she has her bath and I hunt?”
Struggling to keep her laughter muffled, Sango nodded and listened to Inuyasha yip out something else to Kagome. At last the girl nodded and tipped her chin up in submission. The hanyou gave a quick nuzzle with his nose and bounded off into the tree line.
Now night was fast approaching and the wind was picking up. Kagome was huddled down in her dark blue haori but kept up with Inuyasha's fast pace. Sango and Kirara were several steps ahead hoping to intercept the sentries at an approaching village gate and barter for lodging for the night. As long as Inuyasha behaved…
“State your business, woman!” a short, round red haired guard barked at Sango.
“My name is Sango and I am a demon exterminator. My companions and I are seeking shelter for the night. We are willing to provide your village with any assistance it may need in exchange for a meal and board.”
The red hair guard eyed his companion, who was a lanky and dark as he was pale and stout, and nodded.
“Perhaps the houshi in our midst was indeed speaking the truth about an ominous aura in the village. You may enter exterminator and follow the main path to the center of town. There you will find the headman, Shintaro's, home. A traveling houshi is speaking with him about wards to protect the village from danger.”
Sango bowed her gratitude and started forward with Kirara in her arms. Kagome was next but when Inuyasha tried to pass the guards both drew swords and crossed in front of him.
“We don't allow half breeds in our village. Stay in the woods where you belong, animal.”
Before Inuyasha could mange a full blown snarl, Kagome stepped between the men and the hanyou and laid one hand on the swords and the other on Inuyasha's arm.
“He's no animal and I will not have you speaking to him like that. Inuyasha is my protector and I will not set foot in your village without him. You send him into the forest, you send me into the forest.”
Sango quickly stepped up before things got messy and the guards ended up in bite sided pieces on the ground.
“What my friend says is true. The hanyou is her companion and protector. I'm afraid I can't allow you to send him away from her, his temperament cannot be guaranteed if he is left to his own devices. Surely you don't mean insult both the houshi and me by thinking a hanyou is beyond our skills?”
It was the taller guard who visibly shook
“No, Miss, we meant no harm. You sure you have him under control?” The young guard's gaze skittered to the bracelet on Kagome's wrist and the matching necklace on Inuyasha. “Those beads some kind of leash so the girl can control him?”
Kagome stepped fully in front of Inuyasha while making a soft sound in the back of her throat, barely audible over his growls.
“You could say the beads connect the two of us. So long as I'm left alone and he is not provoked Inuyasha will leave your village alone. I wouldn't tempt him.”
“Very well,” the stout man nodded. “If you would all follow me.”
The house the trio was led to resembled a mansion, sprawling flat along the ground rather than in stories. Brightly colored lanterns, the types usually reserved for festivals, illuminated the grounds which were filled with fall blooming flowers. The main greeting room had the roomy, open feeling common to the era, with mats on the floor for guests and the lord of the manor resting at the head of the room on thick, brightly colored cushions.
The man in charge here was fast approaching middle age, his crown bald and circled with straight steel gray hair to his shoulders. His robes were the same flat tone as were his eyes. Slightly behind him sat a young woman, perhaps five or six years older than Kagome, dressed in the many gauzy layers that signified status. Even though her head was bowed, her eyes kept darting to the young man sitting cross legged on the reed mat
The man, or more accurately, the monk, was dressed in robes of black and royal purple, his back hair pulled into a short tail at the nape of his neck. A long ringed staff lay casually across his legs. His navy blue eyes flicked over Inuyasha with some curiosity before taking a moment to study both Sango and herself.
“Mater Shintaro,” the guard bowed, “the elder of the women is a demon exterminator. She and her companions are seeking shelter for the night and willing to exchange services for their stay. The hanyou is the companion of the young girl and under her control.”
Inuyasha gave a low snort at the comment but didn't move from Kagome's side. He wasn't at all sure he trusted the houshi sitting before them. His eyes lingered on the women of the room for too long and he certainly didn't like him watching the wench. For once he would do nothing that would cause him to be separated from Kagome.
Shintaro nodded to the guard in dismissal.
“So, slayer, do you have a name?”
Sango bowed deeply. “My name is Sango and I am the daughter of the headman whose exterminators reside in the village east of Edo.”
The headman smiled. “I have heard of you, young woman. It is the village of Midoriko and the Shikon no Tama. You have an excellent reputation. The good monk, Miroku, has informed me that he can sense an ominous dark aura settling over the village. Am I to assume your traveling companion is not the cause of it?”
Kagome inclined her head just enough to not be considered rude. She wasn't feeling much affection for the humans of this era.
“Inuyasha is not evil. So long as the two of us are left in relative peace he won't harm anyone. I trust him with my life. He is a man of honor.”
“I do not know much of half breeds but I am not fond of youkai. I will leave him in your hands, young woman. My servant will show you to your room while I speak to the slayer about what precautions should be taken to help protect the village from any attacks. Store your things and return here for supper.”
Kagome took Sango's pouch from her and looked to Inuyasha. He nodded to let her know she could accompany the servant woman alone. He wanted to take a closer look around the headman's home. He could neither sense nor smell any demonic auras and he thought the monk was up to something. When they got to an intersection, Inuyasha went right while Kagome and the woman went left.
The room they would be spending the night in was bare but large. A futon and travel bag were already lying in one corner. I guess the headman wants us all in one place so he can keep an eye on us. Kagome gave the servant a smile and set about dragging two futons from against the wall. The woman would bring in fresh linens before leading Kagome back to the main room.
A creak from the doorway caused the miko to jump.
“Inuyasha?” she asked before turning and finding the young monk standing in the doorway.
“No, I am not your hanyou companion. Allow me to introduce myself properly to you, fair maiden. I am Miroku, a humble traveling Buddhist monk who aids villages on his journeys.”
“My name is Kagome Higurashi. Shouldn't you be attending the briefing with Sango?”
The monk stepped into the room and gave Kagome a dazzling smile.
“I took my leave once materials to which I was already privy came up. I wanted to see how you were doing. I see your companion has left you?”
She shook her head. “Inuyasha just wanted a look around. I don't think he likes enclosed spaces much.”
Feeling comfortable she turned and began sorting through her bag. With any luck they would be able to take a hot bath inside before heading out the next day. She was so engrossed that she didn't notice the monk had crept closer until a hand drifted over her backside. She whirled and found herself caught firmly by the hips in the monk's embrace.
“What are you doing?” Kagome squeaked, trying to settle her pounding heart.
“Lovely Kagome, you don't have to submit to the hanyou. I assure you that my sutras are strong enough to immobilize him while the beautiful exterminator dispatches him.”
Kagome placed both hands squarely on the monk's chest and pushed. “Miroku, I have no idea what you are talking about but you need to let me go.”
Just as Miroku was leaning down to try and capture her lips, a growl broke out in the door way. It was enough of a distraction that Kagome was able to shove free and place herself between the steaming hanyou and the confused monk.
“Tell me, houshi, why it is you have your hands on what is mine,” Inuyasha growled as he stepped in to the room.