InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Ramifications of Deceit ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of his friends. That right goes to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ. I will take any donations of plushies though.
Chapter 13: Ramifications of Deceit
“Inuyasha, there's plenty of rice and dried fish. Stop pacing and sit down. There is no point in you going out to try and hunt. We haven't seen anything alive since the wolves.”
Kagome was getting exasperated, not to mention tired, watching the hanyou pace back and forth in the tiny hut they'd taken shelter in. It was cramped, but warm, since a pile of rotting firewood had been left outside by the previous occupants. The rice was almost done, and the smell of the dried fish added to it was making everyone's mouths water.
“Keh,” Inuyasha replied, but took his place next to Kagome.
She'd laid out their pallet and extra blankets and piled her fur on top, making a squishy and comfortable place to sit. Sango and Miroku had each made up their sleeping arrangements - on opposite sides of the fire - much to the monk's chagrin. He'd calmly suggested that the two share their bedding to make the best use of body heat. Sango had refused his logic with Hiraikotsu.
Still, the hut seemed secure. The only problem came if any of the humans wanted to scout outside. The hut's only window was covered in a heavy, though somewhat moth eaten, skin to keep out the cold, and the door was blocked by the reed mat. Inuyasha had insisted that he'd be able to hear or smell anything outside and if he missed it, then Kirara would catch the danger.
Thinking of the wolves made Kagome shiver, and she pulled Inuyasha's fire rat tighter. He insisted the cold didn't bother him as much and made her take it until she could mend hers.
“How much longer till we reach the castle?”
Inuyasha looked over at Kagome and cocked his head. His brow furrowed in either concentration or aggravation, she couldn't quite tell which.
“Only a few more days. It depends on how the weather holds out. Even those mangy wolves put on a decent winter coat. We could see snow soon.”
“Snow! But isn't it too early for that?” Kagome exclaimed. In her time, the first snow didn't come until late December or early January.
Meanwhile, Sango began divvying up the rations, saving a bigger portion of fish for the fire neko. They were short a bowl with Miroku around, but Inuyasha seemed content to share with her. It was the only time she'd seen him hold back over how much he ate. Not that it stopped him from trying to grab his share first, though.
“It's after the final harvest. There's still rice to be brought in, and maybe some grains, but the majority should be packed in. There's usually a snowfall around now. Not a heavy one, but something.” He took a bite and continued. “Remember we're heading further to the west and north now, so it's colder.”
“Inuyasha? Do you think we'll continue to have trouble with the wolves?” Sango asked.
The hanyou seemed mildly surprised that the slayer was addressing him directly. He was shocked enough that Kagome managed to snag the bowl from his hands, and settled back to eat without hanyou claws fighting her for the fish. He gave Kagome a reprimanding bark before turning his attention to the others.
“I doubt it. The flea bags may follow us, but I don't think the pack is willing to lose any more wolves. Those were all males, and not in the best condition. It looked like whoever was in charge was trying to weed them out by sending the fuckers after us.”
Inuyasha snatched the bowl back and growled. Sango and Miroku laughed at their antics, especially when Kagome pouted and made Inuyasha lower his ears. The group settled down to sleep. Kirara attempted to transform into her larger form, but found the hut just too small to stay in it comfortably.
“Inuyasha, do you want your haori back?”
“Keh, keep it. None of your stuff is dry enough to keep you from getting sick, and I'm not carrying your ass the whole way to the bastard's castle.”
Kagome smiled and cuddled next to the hanyou. She knew he wasn't going to sleep much, but instead, listen for danger.
The wolf demons waited until the light from the fire died down before making their move. Kouga was well aware of how sensitive a dog demons sense of smell was, and he came prepared. The pile of rotting wood and kindling next to the hut would only make their job easier. A bag full of hellebore added to the fire would ensure the mutt wouldn't be able to tell what direction they were coming from. He hated having to resort to sneaking around like a filthy human, but it would be best to lure the half breed and his `pets' out into wolf territory where they would have the strongest advantage. The other female could be used as a reward for the strongest of the hunters…the monk would be dinner.
No words were to be spoken. Kouga brought only Ginta and Hakkaku along with him, and they'd been briefed fully before they'd gotten well within the distance of demonic hearing; the wolf prince had no idea what the half breed could hear with those ears of his. The plan was to lure everyone out of the hut. Ginta and Hakkaku would provide the distraction while Kouga would go over the roof and grab the girl. He would take off from behind, and they would catch up. A smaller cave provided the wolf tribe with their winter den. He was certain Lord Sesshomaru only knew of the larger summer cavern, and they would have time to enjoy their spoils before taking care of the half breed and overthrowing the dog general.
Ginta, being the smallest, slinked forward with the bag of herbs and the flint. Quickly as he could, he plunged the bag through to the center of the pile and lit the flame. Now they just had to wait for the smoke to do its job.
Inuyasha's nose twitched in irritation. He wasn't asleep, more like resting his eyes, but his other senses hadn't picked up anything out of the ordinary. There were a number of small nocturnal creatures foraging for food, the occasional owl, and once in a while a larger creature would move close, but slink off when they caught his scent mixed with the humans.
His nose twitched again. Growling, he opened his eyes, expecting to see the monk or slayer feeding damp wood to the fire. Instead there was a thick band of smoke roping its way under one wall of the hut. Flashes of orange could be seen through the cracks in the old wood. The hut was on fire.
“Kagome. Kagome,” Inuyasha shook her shoulders. “Damn it, wench, wake up.”
She blinked and rolled over to look at him.
“What is it?” Kagome asked, blinking the sleep out of her eyes. The noise roused the others and Miroku was first to notice the smoke.
“Inuyasha, did you hear or sense anyone outside?” he asked, pulling his things together.
“Not a damn thing. And I won't be able to with this fucking smoke. Hurry up and grab everything. The walls could catch any minute. Be ready for an attack when we go out.”
He and Kagome worked quickly to pack and secure everything in her bag. Inuyasha anchored it to his back and motioned for her to arm herself and take a place in the center of the group. He was confident in her ability to protect herself, but he still didn't want her in the open as a target.
Inuyasha's eyes started to water as soon as he left the sheltered air of the hut. Whatever had been added to the fire smelled like rotted meat and masked everything around them. He caught a glimpse of the others behind him (Kirara choosing to remain small) before his eyes flickered around the treescape. There. Two demons were hovering near the tree line. Inuyasha lunged forward and made two leaps before he heard Kagome's scream. Demons forgotten about, Inuyasha spun around in time to see a third demon leap back onto the burning roof, a limp Kagome hanging over his shoulder, before he bounded off into the dark. Just as his feet left the roof top, the hut collapsed in on itself, sending sparks and black smoke into the night air. Miroku, who been behind the miko, was lying flat on the ground.
When Inuyasha turned to look for the other wolf demons, they were already gone. It had been a trap. They had been after Kagome all along.
Kagome started to stir with a pounding headache and the sensation of someone pulling on her pants. At first she didn't resist, Inuyasha was always taking her clothes off before putting her to bed, especially if she wasn't feeling well, grumbling about the material being too warm and scratchy. Then her surroundings slowly began to register. The floor was hard and cold, no sign of her fur or bed roll, and the air was damp. She could faintly feel the heat from a fire, but it wasn't warming the air wherever she was.
The tugging on her clothes became rougher, more insistent, and Kagome tried to curl herself into a ball. This didn't feel like Inuyasha, he was always gentle. And why did her throat burn? Flashes of the hut, the fire, came back to her. Something had hit her hard on the back of the head. She remembered the sensation of being carried upside down, of the blood rushing to her head, before she passed out again. Claws tore into her thighs as the fabric of her hakama finally gave way and she kicked out, coming in contact with something soft. The squishy thing grunted and cursed while Kagome pulled herself upright and regained her bearings.
Kagome looked around to find herself in the middle of a medium sized cave, larger than the one she shared with Inuyasha, but not as comfortable. Two fires burned in pits on the floor, and the area near the walls was littered with skeletons and half eaten corpses of animals. Wolves growled at her from the entranceway and the circle of the fire, while a group of twenty or so male demons looked at her with hunger in their eyes. They all wore fur of some sort, and had tails like the animals at their feet. These must be the wolf demons Sango and Inuyasha were talking about. The balding one she had kicked was crouched in front of her growling.
“Stupid human. Just make it easy on yourself. Let us have you and we'll make your death quick.”
“Yes, human,” another demon spoke up, “be a good pet and we might even make it painless.”
“Don't you touch me!” Kagome shrieked. “Where is Inuyasha? When he and the others find me, you are all dead. I won't have him hold back.”
Chuckles and growls echoed around the small space. The wolf demon beside her crawled forward on all fours. Kagome desperately looked for somewhere to hide.
“You think a half breed can save you? We'll have our way with you, and then eat you. Afterwards, we'll kill your precious half breed and his full dog brother, and take back the Western lands for ourselves.”
“Enough,” a voice from the front of the cavern called out.
Kagome watched as another male demon entered the cave. He was tall, with black hair pulled up into a long, high ponytail. He had chest armor and a sword at his hip, but instead of hakama he wore brown furs. As his cold blue eyes scanned the width of the cave, Kagome noticed a brown tail swishing from side to side, almost like an agitated dog.
Those eyes stopped on her. “You…you are the female bitch the half breed mutt ruts for pleasure.” He didn't pose it as a question.
Kagome stood, not happy about her lack of pants, especially since she wasn't wearing anything under her hakama that day, but Inuyasha's haori came down to her knees and she was not showing weakness to this wolf demon.
“I belong to Inuyasha. Not one has me for pleasure, I am not a toy or a pet.” She spat the last word out while shifting her eyes to the wolf demon who had tried to strip her.
“I am Kouga, prince of the wolf demon tribe,” the blue eyed man stated with his hands on his hips.
“Well, I'm very happy for you, but you had no right to bring me here.” She cocked her head at the prince's arrogant attitude. “Don't all of these lands belong to Sesshomaru?”
Before she could even blink, Kouga was holding her by the throat.
“Never speak the name of that dog in my presence. It was his and the mutt's father that drove the wolf tribe to near extinction in the Western lands. We had nearly half of the dog's lands before the elder decided he didn't want us eating his precious humans,” Kouga snarled, sending spittle flinging into Kagome's face.
He pulled Kagome onto her toes and brought her face to his.
“I will kill your mutt, and then I will kill Lord Sesshomaru and take back the West for the wolves. We will build up the tribe to be what it once was. Females from the North and East will once again come to us because we will be the strongest.”
Kouga's face crumpled and he tossed Kagome away.
“Take off that shirt. You reek of dog shit.”
Kagome hugged the fire rat closer to her as she knelt on the damp floor. She knew it offered her some protection since it reacted to her miko aura in the same way as it did to Inuyasha's demonic one, but it wasn't going to do much good when she was out numbered twenty to one.
Kouga's growl seemed to set off a chain reaction. Soon all of the demons, as well as the normal wolves, joined in. A few began to belly towards her on the floor, snapping their jaws and thumping their tails on the ground.
“You will obey me, woman.”
“No, I won't, and I am not your woman!”
Then Kouga dove for her, knocking the wind from her and pinning her to the floor. His breath was hot on her neck as his hands squeezed around her upper arms. Kouga moved so Kagome's legs were spread, one of her legs immobilized between both of his. It was becoming increasingly obvious to her that the wolf demon didn't seem to believe in the fundoshi common to this time period. Then again, neither did Inuyasha most of the time. When Kagome felt something hard and damp press against the crease of her inner thigh, she panicked. Struggling furiously, she screamed out over the shouts and whistles of the other demons.
Kouga flew back, repelled by a barrier. Kagome was sure her face mirrored the shocked expression that was on the wolf prince's. She had no idea what she had done. Warmth tingled up her left arm from her hand. Kagome noticed the binding bracelet pulsing. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on sending some sort of message to the hanyou, hoping he would be able to find her.
Inuyasha stayed sitting on his haunches, trying desperately not to howl his anger to the sky. He should have known the wolf demons would come back. The group had slaughtered their wolves, they would want payment. But he couldn't figure out why they would only take Kagome. If they were looking for females, they should have taken the slayer as well.
He shifted his eyes towards where his remaining humans waited. Sango hurried to help Miroku stand and make sure that he was relatively uninjured, and they both were staring at him. Inuyasha fought the urge to snap at them. The important thing was to find Kagome before the wolves did something to her.
“Inuyasha? Do you think you can track them?” Sango asked quietly.
The hanyou shook his head, silver bangs hiding his eyes.
“No. Even if we could find tracks, there were three of them. They could have easily gone for miles in different directions and then met up at a point. I can't smell anything with this damn smoke. Whatever that was they put in the fire smells like shit.”
Sango was squatting as close as she dared to the source of the blaze, poking at something on the ground.
“They put hellebore in with the fire. It's an herb. Exterminators mix it with a few others and use it in stink pellets. It smells of rotting flesh. Not as effective on its own, but it will block the senses of a youkai with a strong nose.”
“No shit,” Inuyasha mumbled.
Miroku turned in the direction where the demons carrying Kagome had vanished. “I think perhaps we should head in the same direction as Lady Kagome's capturers. Even if they would attempt to lead us in circles, at least a portion of the path must be correct, and it is better than remaining here.”
Inuyasha grunted his approval. Once again shouldering Kagome's pack, they set off to try and track the wolves in the dark.
“But where are we going, my Lord?”
“Yes, Lord Sesshomaru, I, too, would be very interested in why you've insisted we venture out at this hour,” Makoto echoed, slapping a stray branch out of his path. The young Lord had insisted they dress in dark clothing, not unusual for the advisor himself, but it was odd to see Sesshomaru's white haori and hakama covered by a deep brown cloak.
“We are going to pay a visit to the wolf prince. I want to send a message that this Sesshomaru does not tolerate treason amongst those under my rule.”
Makoto raised an elegantly sculpted brow. “Was that not your original intention, my Lord? To take possession of your hanyou brother, and see to the death of the wolf prince at the hands of the miko child?”
“It is treason when one does such things against those who rule them.When rulers do them same, it is merely exercising good strategy.”
The toad imp chattered aimlessly about how wise and wonderful his lord was, while Makoto lagged behind. He noticed they were heading in a different direction from the normal wolf den, and wondered how long Sesshomaru had been aware of a secondary den and planning on getting rid of the demons.
The stench of wolves was thick in the area, but there was a familiar lingering scent, the scent of the blood of the old Inu no Taisho. It was too faint to actually be the hanyou, but he must have been through the area at one time. What was Kouga planning if he allowed Inuyasha to walk free?
“Damn it, we've been at this for too long. We're getting no where. I still can't fucking smell anything, and the tracks have circled back twice.”
Inuyasha took his frustrations out on the nearest tree, rendering it to little more than kindling with a few swipes of his claws. The trail was cold, the moon had moved a fair distance in the sky, and there was no way of telling what was happening with the wench. He hated to think how much a part of him she'd become. Even the human blood that he had tried so desperately to suppress during the journey, called out to her. She could keep him balanced when no one else could. He would actually stop to think in order to protect both himself and her.
“Inuyasha, maybe it would be best to wait until daybreak?”
“Fuck that, bouzo. We search until we find some clue. The mark on the pack wolves showed mountain ranges. A range cuts though the center of the Western lands. It's separated enough from the northern border that two separate wolf tribes exist. We head in that direction.”
Sang and Miroku both glanced at each other but said nothing. Neither wanted to voice the fact that it was more than likely that Kagome had already been killed. Wolf demons were not known to be civilized, and exterminators were often called upon to rid the forest surrounding a smaller village of the threat.
Inuyasha moved forward about five steps before stopping and standing ramrod straight in the middle of the woods. Neither the slayer nor the houshi could see any danger, or any indication of a path or tracks. They watched Inuyasha shake his head a few times before facing slightly to the left and moving forward again.
“This way.”
“Inuyasha, are you picking up Lady Kagome's scent?” Miroku asked.
“No.” He tugged at the rosary. “But she's this way. Not far. And we need to hurry.”
Kagome huddled in one corner of the cave, crouching with her lower back under a small outcropping in the rock. Kouga made no further attempts to approach her, and the other demons tore into the animal carcasses littering the floor, occasionally muttering insults at the miko or tossing bones in her direction. She was cold, tired, and sore, and worst of all, she'd never felt more homesick. She wanted hot cocoa with Souta in the living room while pretending to listen to Gramps' stories, and instead she was in a cave full of demons that wanted to kill her.
A small commotion started outside and Kagome looked up, hoping it was Inuyasha. Instead, the body of one bloody wolf demon and the pieces of a regular wolf flew in. As everyone braced for an attack, Kagome crawled under the ledge, and backed as far from the cave room as possible. From the floor, she watched a green, toad like little creature with a twisted wooden staff enter, followed by a tall youkai with silver hair. She took in the amber eyes and the facial markings and figured him to be another Inu youkai. Her blood ran cold as the last figure came in from the dark. Sesshomaru.
A growl escaped Kouga. “What are you doing here, Sesshomaru?”
The green energy whip that Kagome was acquainted with shot out and caught Kouga across the knees.
“You should show more respect for your Lord, wolf prince. Why is it your pack is here in the lower mountains, rather than your normal caverns?”
Kouga groaned from his position on the ground. “Forgive me, my Lord. It is warmer here on the plains than it is in the hills once the snows fall. I didn't think you'd come looking for us yet. We have not completed the task of capturing your half breed brother.”
Sesshomaru walked around, looking several demons up and down, grimacing. “No, you have not. Yet, this Sesshomaru has detected the half breed's stench in the area. Why is it you allowed him so close to you without bringing him down? You would not be planning on deceiving me would you?”
“No, my Lord, we were waiting for the right ti…”
The taiyoukai pulled Kouga up by his ponytail and sneered. “This Sesshomaru can smell him on you. You were planning on deceiving me from the start. Do not think this Sesshomaru is foolish enough to trust the wolves. I am not my father. Inuyasha will die at my hands, but not before finding your corpses.”
Sesshomaru let go of Kouga's hair, and with the same movement, removed his head with his whip. The toad stepped forward, protecting his lord from any advances by setting wolves on fire, their pained howls only being cut off when their vital parts were separated by the taiyoukai.
Kagome bit back a scream as a demon fell in front of her hiding place. His face was slashed open, one eye popped and oozing viscous fluid mixed with blood down his ruined cheek. His neck and chest were torn open, his slowly beating heart spurting red to pool on the floor. Sesshomaru's words rang through her mind. `This Sesshomaru has detected the half breed's stench in the area'. Oh, Kami, the haori! He can smell Inuyasha on the fabric.
Trying desperately not to gag, she smeared the thick, warm liquid on her hands and spread it over her face and neck. Scooping up more of the seemingly endless supply of fluid, Kagome covered as much of her skin as she could reach and then settled back to wait.
The only sounds left in the cave were the crackling of the fires.
“Are you quite satisfied, Lord Sesshomaru? You have succeeded in single handedly wiping out one of your father's old allies,” the silent dog demon asked from his position at the mouth of the cave.
Sesshomaru dropped the bloodstained brown cloak and kicked a head out of his path.
“This Sesshomaru eliminated a weakness. Anyone who knew of Kouga's plan to defy my power will know that this is the punishment for going against the Inu no Taisho. I do not need allies. Those in power do not need aid; they only need others to bow before them.”
With that, Sesshomaru exited the cave, his two followers trailing behind.
Kagome waited as long as she could. She held her breath, counted to one hundred three times, and finally she could take no more. She began to sob. Laying not even three feet from her was a dead body. She was covered in someone else's blood. She'd just watched two demons slaughter twenty others just to make a point; and then, just walk away.
She had no idea how much time had passed; her head ached, and her eyed burned from her tears.She didn't even notice when the other presence entered the cave. The next thing Kagome knew, she was being hauled out of the crevice by a pair of clawed hands.
Tear filled blue eyes landed on concerned red and gold ones.