InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Futures' Past ❯ Living Waters ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Futures' Past
Disclaimer: I make no claims of ownership to Inuyasha or any of his crew. Those rights and responsibilities go to Rumiko Takahashi and her associates. I am but a humble servant to my bumble.
Chapter 19:
Kagome dropped her head onto Inuyasha's shoulder. She didn't even bother to look around to look around and confirm Sango's statement; the hanyou's low growl was enough for her. She had a pounding headache, she was ready to breakdown again, and she wanted nothing more than to be back in Inuyasha's cave, happily naked, if she couldn't be with her family. She didn't think she had the strength to keep doing this. And to make matters worse, they hadn't even gotten a taste of what Sesshomaru was capable of. If they didn't have a chance to rest and recharge before going into that fight, they were never going to make it out alive.
She lifted her head and gazed into the hanyou's honey-gold eyes. His brow was wrinkled and he looked adorably confused and concerned.
“I'm okay. I have a headache, but I'm fine. Do you have any suggestions on getting across the water?”
Inuyasha opened his mouth, but was cut of by Sango.
“Are you certain that Kirara can't fly us over? Perhaps not all at once, but she can fly higher if she takes us one or two at a time.”
The untransformed fire neko moved so she was crouching under Miroku's robes. Instead of answering, Inuyasha scanned the ground for something to throw. Finding a decent sized rock, he lobbed it in the direction in of the water. When it was still in the air, maybe five feet from the water, a thin stream reached out and plucked the stone from the air and dragged it under. Not content with just one demonstration, Inuyasha grabbed a couple more stones and threw them in quick succession, the group watching as the multiple stones were not plucked one at a time, but simultaneously with multiple twists of water reaching up like ropes.
The hanyou turned to his companions and raised a black brow.
It was Miroku who broken the stunned silence.
“I doubt that we will be utilizing Kirara's skills, at least not without some additional distractions.”
Kagome remained silent. There had to be something else they could do. The idea of a sutra-lined bridge was a good one. There was no reason that they couldn't alter it in some way to make it work again. She glanced out at the living water. It wasn't just one moving entity, but it acted sort of like a jelly. It could reach out and surround its prey. Or reach up and grab its prey in this case.
An odd thought ran through her head.
“Inuyasha? Are there birds around the castle?”
He looked at her strangely?
“Birds? You mean demon birds?”
“No, no, regular birds. I know that Sesshomaru must tell his guests the way to avoid the water or else sent someone to meet them so they can cross safely, but what about wildlife? Animals, birds, even insects? Are they all descended from ones that were trapped there when the living water was installed?”
He was quiet so long that Kagome was beginning to think that he wouldn't answer her.
“I remember - I remember that there were never red birds. Then one summer we saw some. Not many, but a few. I remember thinking that someone dyed them liked they did fabric.”
Kagome smiled, picturing a young, happy Inuyasha catching sight of a new animal for the first time. How would his face look? Innocent wonder and curiosity lighting up those sun kissed eyes?
“Then there must be some way to trick the water. Some way for a group to get past it…” she trailed off. But what was the way? The small group of rocks wasn't enough that much was clear.
“The way Sesshomaru crosses it is the same way that Father did. He uses a type of petrifying stone. Once the water has taken it, it lies still and a bridge appears over it. It's all a part of the magic Father used to protect his home.”
Kagome pondered this for a moment longer then turned to the monk.
“Miroku, may I have one of your sutras please? The type for eliminating demonic auras?”
“Of course, Lady Kagome.”
The monk pulled out a small stack and shuffled through them until he found the one he wanted. Handing it to Kagome, he watched with interest as she wrapped it around another stone and then looked at Inuyasha. With a sheepish sort of smile, she shifted her gaze back to the monk.
“Would you mind throwing this at the water?”
“Kagome, what are you thinking?” Sango asked. They'd already discussed how the sutras alone wouldn't be enough to take on such a powerful aura, and if the water could reach out like a hand…what was the miko thinking of doing?
“I just want to see how the sutras work. What they do. Does the water explode? Does it vaporize or does it just disappear? I'm thinking of firing an arrow into the water, too.” She frowned.
“Inuyasha, the water can't reach this far… right?”
To her surprise, he laughed!
“No, wench. If it could have gotten to us, it would have already. I don't think it's seen much in the way of prey in a long time.”
She slapped his arm before nodding at Miroku to continue. The monk lobbed the sutra wrapped rock and to his, and the others surprise, the string of water that reached up to grab the stone vanished with a hiss straight down to the muddy floor before more rushed in to take its place.
Deciding to take the chance, Kagome picked up her discarded bow and drew an arrow. Taking careful aim at the center of the current, she unleashed a stream of spiritual energy and let the arrow fly. She must have infused it a bit too much because instead of the soft hiss of the sutra, she got a loud roar and stream spraying into the air as the aura was purified.
“Well, that worked a little too well.”
Sango shook her head. The young miko really had come a long way from the scared and untrusting girl she met so many moons ago. She'd learned to harness her powers, to fight, to plan, and surprisingly, to love a hanyou.
“So, Kagome, what is your plan?”
“That's the problem, Sango, I don't really have one. Just a bunch of thoughts. We found out how the water grabs things - but we also know that things can get by, groups of birds have make it through over the years. Sutras and sacred arrows pack a pretty good punch. So we have to find a way to send out a lot of objects that are spiritually charged at the same time. That should distract the water and give up time to get across.” A frown drew at the corners of her mouth.
“But I don't know how to do that.”
Kagome turned to Miroku.
“Shikigami. If the two of us charge enough shikigami with our spiritual powers and tell them to not only gain in size but to surround to edge of the living water, then when they step forward, we use the moment the water attacks to move ourselves.”
Kagome nodded slowly. “I remember seeing shikigami in my Grandfather's shrine, but aren't they paper dolls? How do we cut them without scissors?”
Inuyasha ran his claws lightly down the side of her neck, making her shiver, before waggling them in front of her face.
“Leave that part to me, wench."
“I don't know anything about how to make shikigami, though. What do I do? How does it work?”
“I will show you while Inuyasha cuts the dolls.” Miroku's voice was muffled since his head was hidden inside his robes as he searched for blank sutra papers. Recovering a stack, he turned to the hanyou.
“These will need to be identical. If you must, split up the pile and cut several different sets. We will work with those.”
“Keh, cutting paper dolls is child's work monk. Get to your training so we can cross this damn water and rest.”
Sango looked around, once again feeling useless since she wasn't spiritual or demonic. “Is there anything I can do?”
To her surprise, Inuyasha looked up and grinned. “Not on this side, but if you're feeling restless, you and the cat can hunt up our dinner once we get across.”
“You mean we won't cross the wall today?”
“No. We all need to rest. The wench is already tired and this is only gonna drain her more. Hell, I don't know how she's thinking straight as it is, since she just saw those images of her family. It'll hit her tonight, when she's tired, and we all need to rest before we deal with the bastard.”
Sango knelt next to the hanyou, watching his claws make quick work of the thick stack of paper. Those same claws had just caressed her friend's neck and not left a mark.
“Do you think Sesshomaru will fight fairly?”
“Hell no. Nothing that bastard does is fair. He has the title of Inu no Taisho, he has the castle and one of Father's swords, and he would have the respect and admiration of his people is he only gave a damn about someone other than himself. He'll do anything in his power to keep it.” He sighed. “No matter what happens, it has to be better for those living under Sesshomaru's rule. I don't think that he'll ever be able to unlock the powers of Tessaiga, but as long as he doesn't get what he wants, then others will suffer.”
Sango watched as his golden gaze shifted to the young miko who was in deep meditation with the over amorous monk. She shone a soft blue, but even now, not tapping into Inuyasha's aura, she had a faint red haze on the outer layers. Though the monk seemed to be maintaining a respectable distance, Sango could hear a faint growl coming from the hanyou.
“You don't trust Houshi, do you Inuyasha?”
“Keh. I trust him fine. I just don't want him touching Kagome. She's mine.” At the older woman's snort, he continued. “You can't tell me that if a woman with the same reputation as the monk were touching me Kagome wouldn't be upset.”
Sango shook her head. “No, I think she would simply purify you.”
They watched as Miroku assisted Kagome to her feet and led her over. Inuyasha could see her skin was pale and sweat had beaded up on her forehead.
“Wench, are you feeling okay?”
She gave a tired smile. “For now. But the sooner we get this done the better.” She leaned into Inuyasha's embrace without a second thought. “I don't know how much longer I can deal with all this tonight.”
“These shikigami are perfect, Inuyasha. This is just what we need.” For the first time in several days, the monk's navy eyes glittered with a true smile. “Now, you will not be able to touch them, I'm afraid. Once Lady Kagome and I charge them, they will have the ability to purify you as well as the water.”
“What is your plan, Houshi?”
“We are going to surround as much of the bank as we can with the shikigami. When Lady Kagome and I give the word, they will move forward as one and the water should be distracted enough to allow us passage. You and I will be on Kirara and Lady Kagome will be with Inuyasha.”
Sango fingered the tiny paper dolls. “But they are so small. Won't the living water simply knock them over with a wave?”
“They are only small for the moment, my dear Sango.” He handed her a sutra. “Place this on your Hiraikotsu so that you are prepared in case something should happen.”
Handing half the dolls to Kagome, a set of nearly twenty, his grin faded into a look of determination.
“Are you ready for this?”
“I think so. Are you sure we can charge this many? Even in my time the legends say the strongest onmyouji could handle only twelve.”
Miroku's face remained unchanged. “I doubt he was in the same position as we are. We do not have much of a choice. Kirara, Inuyasha, are you both ready?”
The firecat roared and Inuyasha stepped up beside Kagome. She and Miroku began chanting softly, they words forming a hypnotizing rhythm. Slowing the paper dolls began to grow in size. When they were too big to remain in the palms of the monk and priestess's hands, they rose on t heir own and began to spread out, careful to maintain a safe distance from the waters grip. When the dolls were roughly the size of trees, they stopped and fluttered slightly in the breeze.
“We must maintain the connection to the shikigami until we reach the other size or until they are all destroyed,” Miroku explained as he moved to mount Kirara. Sango jumped on ahead of him and Inuyasha scooped Kagome into his arms. He had no doubts that she would be unconscious when they reached the other side. She couldn't even speak. All her energy was focus inside her.
“Move quickly when I say.”
The dolls faced Miroku and Kagome for a moment, and then turned faceless heads forward.
Everything happened in a moment. The dolls lunged forward at once. As soon as the first tendrils of water struck the shikigami, the group lunged. Kirara flew overhead, but Inuyasha had to dodge the sizzling of purifying demonic energy and leap across to the opposite bank. He thought the bottom the river would be scattered with remains of some sort, show something of the victims that fell to the water, but it was smooth and unblemished.
When his feet touched the opposite shore, Inuyasha didn't wait to see if all the living water had been purified, he ran on, only glancing over his shoulder to check on the progress. The last pieces of the shikigami were disappearing into puffs of smoke and rivets of water were making their way back in to the river bed. Inuyasha doubted it would be much of a threat until the next rain, when it had a chance to replenish itself and feed.
Kagome was limp in his arms. She'd passed out the moment he touched ground. Her breathing was steady and the only oddity to her scent was the smell of exhaustion, so he knew she just needed rest. He could share some of his blood with her to help, but he would wait until Sango left to hunt. The slayer had seen him more than one pressing a bloody body part to the miko's mouth and he doubted she'd humor him.
Motioning for the firecat to deposit the monk, Inuyasha went about setting up a camp and getting a fire started. Miroku was quiet and pale on his bedroll, not really sleeping, but too tired to keep up conversation. Inuyasha didn't mind. He wanted all of them rested and strong for what they had to face. The wall wasn't an obstacle for him. Anyone who was a true son of his father could pass through it. It was what lay beyond that worried him. Fingering his rosary, his amber eyes swept the slumbering form of his mate. She'd curled against his leg and wrapped her arms around his thighs.
He hoped he was strong enough to protect her. To protect them. His pack. That was all that mattered at the moment. To get back his birthright and to stop Sesshomaru from once again destroying his family.