InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Game ❯ My Game ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha & Co. nor the song Get Off My Back.*

Song: Get Off My Back by Bryan Adams

Symbols: ~{...}~ Lyrics
'...' Thoughts

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~*

Shippo was lazily chewing on a piece of grass, staring off into the distance. Ten years had passed since he had first met is 'mother' Kagome and his 'big brother' Inu Yasha. He was now nineteen years old. He had grown quite a bit in ten years, though he was still the same old Shippo on the inside. He smiled, 'The days sure are slow since we finished our quest.'

His sensitive ears picked up the sound of someone trying to sneak up on him, he sniffed the air and a mishevious grin crept up on his face. Inu Yasha was coming, no doubt to yell at him for slacking in his training. 'I think I am gonna have some fun today.' He heard the yell, and quickly dodged the attack Inu Yasha had thrown at him. He stood there facing his brother, who's back was still turned to him.

Inu Yasha turned to face the kitsune, his brows drawn together in anger. "You missed training again today, runt."

"Keh." he spat, quickly noting that too much of Inu Yasha had rubbed off on him. "No demons have messed with us since we defeated Naraku. I don't see why I have to learn all of this." He huffed in aggravation.

"Listen, welp, you need to know this. Every demon learns it and it is high time you did too." Inu Yasha shot back.

He puffed out his chest, smiling wickedly, "Fine, I will make you a deal. Fight me right now, and if you win I will train with no objections. But if I win, you leave me alone about it."

"Keh, like you could ever defeat me." He flexed his claws and took a battle stance.

"Let's go then." Shippo took a fighting stance as well, his illusions wouldn't work here so it will be hand to hand.

~{Well you think that you can take me on
You must be crazy
There ain't a single thing you've done
That's gonna phase me
Oh but if you want to have a go
I just want to let you know

get off of my back and into my game
get outta my way and outta my brain
Get outta my face or give it your best shot
I think it's time you better face the fact
Get off my back}~

Shippo watched as Inu Yasha charged at him, Inu Yasha's claws came straight for him. Shippo jumped back, his brother's claws barely missing his face. The kitsune smirked, 'Ok, that is how he wants to play. Two can play at this game.' He cracked his knuckles, "Is that the best you can do?" He smiled when his older brother snorted in anger and came at him again. This time Shippo struck out at him as well. They both made contact and slid to a stop on the oppisite side they had been standing.

Inu Yasha touched his arm with his hand, pulling it back he looked at the red on his fingers. "Keh, not bad for a kid." He heard Shippo huff and he smiled, he looked up and the kitsune was charging at him again. This time Inu Yasha didn't make a move. When Shippo got close enough to him he ducked down, successfully dodging the attack.

Shippo saw Inu Yasha duck down, but what he hadn't expected was the swipe to his feet. He felt himself start to lose his balance. He eeped and fell face first to the ground. "That was a low blow." he mumbled from the ground. He heard Inu Yasha 'keh', and he stood facing his brother once again.

The look on Shippo's face caused Inu Yasha to growl. The look screamed that he was about to do something conniving. He watched as Shippo's image flickered for a second, then the flickering steadied and there was fifteen Shippos standing around him. "Keh, using illusions are you."

All the Shippos smiled, their voices coming at once "What's wrong, Inu Yasha, do you not like my game?" They all took a fighting stance as Inu Yasha charged the first one. When he hit it, a pop noise could be heard and it disappeared. The kitsunes laughed, "Wrong one, brother."

Inu Yasha growled, "Drop these stupid dummies and fight like a demon, brat."

~{You know it's all just a game that I'm playing
Don't think that you can find a way in
That's what I'm saying
Oh if you want to have a go
I just want to let you know...

get off of my back and into my game
get outta my way and outta my brain
Get outta my face or give it your best shot
I think it's time you better face the fact
Get off my back}~

"Fine, Inu Yasha, be a sore loser." Shippo dropped his dummies and took off after his brother at the same time. He felt his claws hit and felt his flesh rip from his brother's claws. He touched his new wound and felt the warm sticky fluid. The kitsune growled, this time he waited for his brother to attack.

Inu Yasha felt himself hit Shippo at the same time the kit had hit him. 'He is getting good.' he smirked. Looking up he saw Shippo, he was just standing there. Noticing he wasn't even trying to protect himself, Inu Yasha lunged at him again.

When they hit they kept going, for miles around you could hear the taunts and grunts of the fight. The near by animals stopped to watch, this was nothing new to them coming from the two fighting. The sun started to set when they finally pulled apart. Both were bloody and panting from being tired.

"I won." Shippo cried triumphantly. "No more of those annoying lessons from you." He stuck out his tongue at Inu Yasha.

"Keh, you did not win. You are still training with me." Inu Yasha straightened his back while crossing his arms over one another.

"I did too."

"Did not." Before Inu Yasha knew what was happening Shippo struck him again.

In between the punches, some blocked some not, he laid down his law again. "Inu Yasha, I am done training."

~{oh if you wanna have a go
i just wanna let you know
get off get off yea get off my back
and into my game
get outa my way and outa my brain
get outa my face or give it ur best shot
you know this train is commin off of this track
Get Off of my back yea get off of my back}~

"What are you two doing!" A woman yelled, bringing their fighting to a halt.

Both turned in unison and the look of guilt washed over both their faces when they saw the look on Kagome's face. They watched as her facail features went from worried to angry, unconsiously they started backing up away from her.

"Inu Yasha..." Kagome said warningly.

"Hai, Kagome." He knew that look, that was the look she always had right before she said 'it'.

"SIT!!" She watched satisfied as Inu Yasha went plummeting to the ground. She turned her gaze to her adopted son. "Shippo, come here right now."

He hung his head as he walked to her, he hated upsetting his mother. When he was just a step away from her he looked up to her, his eyes holding the look of guilt. "Hai, mother?"

"I will never see you act like this again. So you understand me, young man?" She put her hands on her hips and glared at the kitsune.

"Hai mother." He turned to walk back to the village. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and he stopped, he knew his mother wasn't done yet.

"And starting tomorrow, you will train with Inu Yasha wether you like it or not. You need to know how to defend youself. No more complaining and no more skipping." With that Kagome walked rather stiffly past the two back to her home.

Inu Yasha pulled himself up from the ground. "Looks like I won, brat." He smiled when Shippo walked up to him stopping only an inch from his face.

"No I won, stupid dog turd." Shippo said mater of factly.

~{get off yea
get off get off
get off get off
get off get off
get off get off my back}~

They were about to break out into a fight again when they heard someone speak.

"No, I think Kagome-chan won this one. If you guys know what is good for you, you will head back to village and not fight again. I would hate to think of what would happen if she was to return and you two were fighting again."

They both turned to face the person speaking, both cringed when they saw the smile on Miroku's face. Shippo hung his shoulders in defeat. "Your right, Miroku, I am heading back to the village." He turned away from the two and made his way back to the village.

Miroku turned to Inu Yasha, "You coming?"

"Keh." was all Inu Yasha said as he turned his back to the monk and started to walk towards the village.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~*

Hehe I hope you guys like this one, I personally had alot of fun writting it. Anyways, read and review please.