InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Greatest Love ❯ The Greatest Love ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
****Disclaimer- I DONT OWN ANYTHING.****
Cept for the thoughts of the story...

To my greatest love,
One day I shall meet you and when I do, I'm sure it won't be magical. There will be no love at first site, There will be longing gaze and then one of us disappears from site while the other searches hopelessly.
I'm positive I'll say something stupid and spit out word vomit, and you won't be a prince charming you'll be a total asshole that I just can't help but think hes totally hot.
We'll be become great friends with things we just hate about each other. I'll probably dislike your anti-social no touch contact attitude and You'll hate my happy attitude and out look on life. You'll hate how my moods can switch from being lovey dovey to fuck you back off to I want to crawl away and cry.
But in the end you'll understand.
There will be no confession of undying love for one another, Who needs it anyways. You won't be a knight in shinning amor cause you know I can kickass if needed but you'll always be there as a back up.
We'll bring out the best and worst of each other.
But at the end of the day we know where we belong like some cheesy cliche romance movie we both hate that we watched anyways cause nothing else was on.
We'll both be always paying attention to each other without truly knowing it.
We'll both always be hating the fact that the other gets so much attention.
We'll kiss and make up it will all be good.
I'll complain about something you wont care about or babbler on about something useful and wisdom like and you won't pay attention.
You'll say things I won't get but I play along with and just smile and nodd my head like I understand.

We are both out there dealing with differen't things in our lifes but,
One day will pass by each other smile and thats it.
The greatest love should never happen.
This isn't kiss the sleeping lost princess to wake her and love her.
This isn't rescue me from my evil stepmother
I wont let my hair down for you to climb upon
I wont leave a shoe behind because they just cost to much to do so.
Each love, should be the greatest love.
Each love, shows you a new thing.
Each love, guides you through.
Each love, is new and will always be greater than the next
Till that one.
The single one.
Where you'll pause in the middle of nothing and think
"This is it, This is true love and it is the greatest of all greats!" and then you'll call your hunny just to say I love you for no reason at all.

"Hey, You okay, do you need me to come home?" He answered.

Kagome sighed, rubbed her ever growing belly and thought how lucky she is to have a wonderful life,
"No sweety we're fine keep working I just wanted to say....I love you Inu"

"I love you too, Gets some rest its late I'll be home soon don't wait up Bye Gome" Answered Inuyasha.

Kagome hung up the phone and crawled into bed with a small smile on her face dreaming of a dashing prince and the sunset she finally found.

A/N***Please don't steal this....I wrote this for my own I just added the convo at the end to make it a story***