InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My green Eyed Master ❯ Chapter2. Time Passes ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Green Eyed Master
Chapter 2: Time Passes

Kagome woke up with a scream as shots of white hot pleasure ran through her blood turning it into liquid fire. As quickly as the orgasmic high went away she finally took her surroundings in and was surprised to find all of her friends looking at her with groggy eyes, (except for Shippo who was still sleeping like a rock) like she had grown a second head.

Kagome looked at the sky to see it was early morning and then looked back at all her friends with a frown on her face that said `What are you all staring at?', but when she looked at Inuyasha she saw him sniffing the air with wide eyes.

Kagome looked at him in confusion a moment before the horror overtook her. `Oh kami! He can smell my arousal! Kami, kami, kami!' she thought as she blushed cherry red from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair and looked down guiltily for two reasons. Once again she was caught dreaming of a gorgeous kitsune instead of Inuyasha and again, this dream man made her aroused even after the dream was over. Even just remembering the man's eyes made her hot and start the familiar coiling of pressure in her lower regions. While lost in her musings she failed to see Inuyasha's smug look.

Kagome then felt a hand on her shoulder making her jump a bit and look up, but relaxed when she saw it was Sango looking at her; her brown eyes alight with worry and she spoke softly.
“Kagome are you alright….are you feeling ok?” Sango questioned worriedly, confusion and concern on her face.

“Yeah....I'm fine….just a scary dream.” Kagome said hastily, shifting in her sleeping bag a bit, as she became aware of how wet she was. `Damn kitsune…I don't even know his name and he does this to me…' she thought before contemplating her voiced, `Scary dream…' Frowning, she thought, `Well it's not a total lie…I am very scared of those dreams….because it's not Inuyasha in them…'

Kagome was broken out of her thoughts when Miroku said, “Why Kagome ….that didn't sound like a scream for help… fact it sounded like a scream of…”

He never finished because once again his head met Sango's handy dandy over sized youkai killing boomerang, and down to the ground he went. Every one shook there heads at the monks stupidity, including Shippo who had woken up by now.

“I'm taking a bath!” she shouted, scrambling out of her sleeping bag and grabbing fresh clothes and her supplies.

Everyone watched her go, confusion on their faces, except for Inuyasha, who could smell her arousal even further now that she was out of her sleeping bag.

Kagome growled out each step as she came closer to the hot spring they had camped near. “Damn kitsune…” she muttered before coming to the spring. She sighed and quickly undressed, slipping into the steaming water that instantly soothed her muscles that were still raging from her dream.

She washed herself thoroughly before spotting a pair of smooth rocks in the corner of the springs. Looking up, she saw the sun shinning down on her. Grinning to herself, she lifted herself up on one of the stones and relaxed her body. “Now this is the life…” she whispered heavenly to herself, as the sun dried the droplets of water from her skin and began to tan her already slightly tanned skin. Drifting off to sleep, she began to dream a dream that seemed too real to be true…

//Suddenly she stretched and sat up looking around with sleepy eyes…which had instantly widened the moment she saw him. She watched as he visibly gasped when his own eyes met hers. She stared wide eyed at him a moment before she realized she was naked and screamed “Hentai!” before clamping her hands over her breasts, blushing a deep red. She could feel her face flaming with embarrassment. Her hands didn't do much good as little was left to the imagination and she groaned, narrowing her eyes at him in frustration. She watched at his eyes met hers once more before his gaze left her. She looked confused a moment before following his line of sight. Horror filled her face as he walked closer and closer to her clothes.

She watched as a large smirk came to his face before he picked up her clean clothes and began to inspect them. She couldn't help it, she protested, rather loudly.

“Hey what are you doing…put down my clothes this instant!” She screamed at him while still trying to cover herself, but failing miserably.

“I think not my fair lady.” She heard him say as he grinned at her, his smile changing into one of mischievousness. “If you want them…” he began, getting her attention again, before he picked them up. “…you have to get them from me.”

Kagome blushed and huffed, but she did get in the water and swim to shore. When she got to land, she walked out while trying to cover herself with one hand, reaching for her clothes with the other. The green eyes of the kitsune followed her every movement, and she wasn't sure whether to be angry or intrigued. As she reached for her clothes, he pulled them away from her and put them up over his head. Frowning, she glared at him before he said, “Ah, ah, ah...” the fox wagged his finger like he was chastising a child, “…you have to work to get your clothing back.”

“Work?” Kagome asked worriedly, a slight fear in her eyes.

She waited a moment before he spoke again, sending a wave of warmth crashing back to her center. “Yes…answer my questions truthfully and I might just give you your clothing back…although…” he paused, and she watched as he looked her up and down once more and gave her a gentle smile. “…I still think you look MUCH better this way…” He grinned at her. Kagome was shocked at first, and then, after twice repeating his words to herself, she began to blush a deep scarlet once more. She was wondering if she would ever get rid of it.

Kagome could feel her face flame deeper before she scowled at him. She shook her head before sighing softly, resigning herself to fate.

“Ask away…I guess…” she muttered, unhappy with the way things were going. Somewhere in the back of her consciousness, she wanted him to kiss her…but why…she had no idea. She shook the thoughts away as he began to speak to her again, and this time, his voice was deeper, and more seductive, sending more heat to her center.

“Well first things first…” he started, “…my name's Suichi Minamoto…but you my fair lady, may call me Kurama.” He said, his voice slightly husky and seductive as his voice deepened, and his eyes took on flecks of amber gold.

Kagome's eyes widened at the name Suichi then narrowed in distrust. Instantly, the kitsune was taken aback at her glare. `Humph. Serves him right. After all this time he gives me a name, and it has to be one of the most antisocial people in all of Japan. How the hell did I end up in this situation?' she thought to herself before deciding to bring him down a peg. He may have her clothes, but she was still Kagome. Grinning mentally to herself she spoke lacing her voice with distrust and curiosity along with a bit of laughter.

“THE Suichi Minamoto…who has the best grade point average in all of Japan, The Suichi Minamoto who looks are said to be better then the best Brazilian model, The Suichi Minamoto with the most fan clubs…both male AND female…and has never gone on a date with any of the members?” she held in her laughter as his eyes got wide in fright and his skin got paler and paler with every word she said. After a moment of him squirming under her piercing gaze, she could visibly see as he pulled himself together.

“I didn't know I was that well known…” he spoke with a hint of nervousness in his voice and there was a moment of silence between them before he began talking again, an award winning smile on his face. “But…please call me Kurama…I would like it better coming from you…by the way…” he paused, a little more nervousness in his voice, “…can I get the name of the beauty before me?”

“You do know I'm not falling for your kitsune charms, don't you?” she laughed as his nervousness disappeared to shock, a grin forming on her face before she talked again. “But I guess my name couldn't hurt…My name is Kagome Higurashi. It's nice to meet you Suichi.”

`He's not that bad, I guess it's right that people shouldn't believe in rumors. He's got such a sweet smile…and those eyes…' Kagome was so lost in thought that she smiled and stuck out her hand totally forgetting that she was naked. She watched as his eyes took her form in once more before taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

Kagome gasped slightly, and a soft blush came to her face again. `Such a gentleman…now if only he would give me back my clothes.' She mentally growled.

“I told you to call me Kurama…” he said, getting her attention again with a look that showed he was disappointed in her before he stepped closer to the point where they where almost touching. Kagome felt her eyes go wide with surprise, and her heartbeat picked up speed as stepped closer to her.

`He's so close…and I'm….NAKED!!' she shouted mentally, fear filling her as she tried to step back from him. `Too close…too close!' she shouted again as she finally noticed his smirk. She blushed deeply again, and this time it stretched from the top of her head to her chest. She watched as he dropped her clothing carelessly, almost signifying as her heart dropped in her chest. Then fury overtook her.

`How DARE he play with my emotions like this!? I'll show him…!' She shouted mentally before she raised her hand to strike him but he caught it when it was a just a little ways from his face. Milliseconds seemed like days to her, as she watched his expression change from one of amusement, to one of pure, untamed lust. His eyes softened and more flecks of gold showed in the emerald depths. Closing her eyes, she began to shout, “Hentai!” but even before the first syllable was out of her mouth, it was covered by his in a deep, mind-blowing kiss on the lips. Kagome struggled as he pulled her closer, trying to keep her mind free from being overtaken by the emotions that were so ready to be released.

Her heart began to beat wildly in her chest and a crash of liquid heat seared down her body to her lower stomach, making her body temperature rise drastically. She couldn't think straight, and when his tongue stroked her bottom lip, there was nothing stopping her from letting him in and involuntarily giving Kurama permission to explore her to his hearts content.

Giving up fighting against this, she wound her arms around his neck to try and pull him closer as their tongues battled for dominance of the kiss. Kagome lost all coherent thought as he began to explore her thoroughly with his tongue, and she shivered as he ran the appendage over the roof of her mouth, sending more shockwaves through her body. After a few moments, they broke apart, both breathing heavily as each one gasped to get more oxygen into their bodies.

Kagome was staring off into space, trying to get some semblance of coherent thought back to her mind, but it was proving to be more difficult than originally thought.

She looked to Kurama who smirked at her. Then he laughed. It took less than a millisecond before she snapped. Kagome broke out of her daze and fury overtook her as her face turned red in anger and her fists clenched at her sides, her anger overclouding the fact once more that she was nude, involuntarily letting Kurama look at her unadorned body once more. She watched as he visibly winced at her harsh shouts, “How dare you!! That was my first kiss!! You Jerk!!” Kagome screamed in fury, before a different scream filled her ears, one of her friend Sango calling her name.

Kagome bolted up off of the rock, looking around frantically for Kurama in the clearing. Confusion overtook her as she looked around. “Clothes…check. Rock…check. Naked…” she blushed deeply, as she tried to cover herself once more from the world. `That was just a dream?' she thought, her eyes softening as the taijya came into the clearing.

“We were worried, it's been almost an hour, Kagome.” She said, looking gently to her friend. “Are you sure you're okay?” she asked again, worry in her voice.

“I'm fine, Sango. Just tired…maybe I'm getting sick.” The miko gave a half hearted response as she looked around one last time before swimming up to shore and getting dried and dressed.

“Then maybe we should rest? Go back to Kaede's?” the dark haired woman suggested, placing a soft hand on her friend's shoulder.

Kagome sighed and nodded, replacing her things back in her small shower bag. “That sounds like a good idea, Sango. I'll sit Inuyasha to hell if he won't let us go.” She grinned at the all knowing expression the taijya received on her face and it brought Kagome out of her thoughts, at least, for now.