InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Green Jealous Heart ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N= It maybe Inu/Kag or Inu/San...Depends on the reviews.
Prologue (Sango starts hitting on Inuyasha. How does playful revenge turn into love? Will the group solve these complications? Not anytime soon...)
It had been already a few days since the group had taken a break and settled camp near a village. Happy discussions, delightfully delicious foods, and advanced built houses; it couldn't have been better. The weather was convenient and demons hadn't intruded. The summer air was relaxing and it seemed this week was a fantasy.
Except one in particular.
Her days were a living hell.
Sango's days were a living hell.
She had never felt betrayed and glum since that fateful day of the deaths of her family. But watching her secret love clasping a stranger's pair of hands and asking to bear his children; she couldn't bare to watch it. Does he purposely ask this to every woman he sees when I'm around?
The exterminator quietly entered the lord's house, placing her boomerang beside the door. A party had been taken place here, a thank you party for saving the village. The credit had gone to Miroku for exorcising a demon hiding in a Buddha's statue.
“Oh Nazuna...will you bear my children?” Miroku stared into the woman's eyes, and held her hands in his.
Sango's eyes went wide, and felt her body freeze. She caught him asking another woman.
`That lecherous monk, what is he trying to do? Make me jealous? If that's it, two can play his game! Kagome is sort of lucky, she happens to be close to Inuyasha...
“Miroku! That fucking lech! Where the hell is he?” Inuyasha interrogated while holding the kitsune by his tail. The fragile fox whimpered and cried and shook his head, “I-I d-don't know!”
“You don't know?” He asked once again.
“No...” Inuyasha threw him to the tree and said, “You're useless, you don't know how to fight and you can't-”
“Sit! Inuyasha how can you do that to an innocent child?” The concerned miko ran to Shippo and bent over for the fox to sit on her shoulder. He cried into Kagome's hair.
“Now you've done it, Inuyasha!” She yelled at him while he was dusting off his haori.
“What the fuck did I do?!” He waved his hands in front her face as if she was retarded. “I was looking for Miroku!”
“He's in the house where the party is...” She squinted at Inuyasha, deciding whether or not she should sit him once again. Then she waited what he'd say next.
“Don't you look at me like that wench; whenever I talk to that wimp he says how much of a tool you are in his plans to tease me!” Inuyasha pointed at Shippo who displayed his innocent look.
“He's just a kid, go easy on him. Or should I say `it' again?”
“Damn you bitch, I dare you to!”
“Well, you asked for the sit so now you're going to sit all night in the forest. But no worries when you sit you can stand up so sit all you want...” She said calmly, she heard the cussing slip out of his mouth.
He pulled himself up, and didn't spare Kagome a glance; he walked into the large house. He saw Sango in the corner to his left, she was sitting and sulking. Might as well join her, he had nothing else to do. Why bother arguing with Miroku in front of women and other people around him in here.
“Hey...” Sango said looking up at the hanyou who sat beside her. “What are you doing here?”
He turned to her, “I could ask the same about you...” They both heaved a sigh at the same time, with that they both caught eye contact.
“You first” Inuyasha said. Listening attentively, his ears twitched to indicate that.
“I'm kind of upset that Miroku has been flirting with other girls...”
“But when he flirts with you, you just slap him...”
“I guess your right, but couldn't he keep his hands of other women until I'm ready?”
“But he's got a curse in his hand, and he can't wait. He needs children...”
“Well, there is no rush, I was thinking about-”
“But-” Inuyasha attempted to interrupt but she slightly pushed him.
“Hey! I wasn't finished talking!” She said angrily. Inuyasha pushed her back and they began pushing each other in a fight. “Two wrongs don't make a right!” Sango pushed Inuyasha hard, for him to fall on the wooden floor.
Her hand covered her mouth, to keep her giggles in control. The expression on his face, it was priceless! It was cute...His brows furrowed into a V, and sat back down. “What the hell wench?!”
“You let yourself fall, you know that...” She huffed and crossed her arms, turning away. From the corner of her eye she saw his dumbfounded stare at her.
“I'm gonna to push you so hard that the wall behind you is gonna collapse!”
“Such a gentleman” She rolled her eyes in sarcasm. She knew that was the only reason he wouldn't do such a...mean act...
“Now tell me why you are here?”
“Me? I don't have a reason; I just want to get away from Kagome.”
“She sits you too much.”
“You think?” He growled remembering the pointless sits she had given him this morning, she laughed at the sight of him making contact with the dirt.
“Give her the silent treatment...” Sango blurted out. She had this urge help Inuyasha to get back at Kagome. Maybe she should stop subduing him all the time and talk to him about their problems instead.

“Silent treatment?”
“Ignore her and don't talk to her. She does it to you a lot, so do it to her. It's only fair...” His golden orbs brightened. He smirked, throwing a `that's-perfect' look.
“For instance when Kouga comes, you and I can sit on Kirara and talk while Kouga tries to steal Kagome's heart...”
“I don't know,” He said with uncertain eyes, “what if that mangy wolf pulls something?”
“Whenever you try to defend her she subdues you to the ground, so anything bad happens to her. She'll know what's coming. You know Kouga loves her so he won't do any harm.”
“You're right...why do I bother? Kagome manages to get rid of him herself.” He nodded and grinned evilly. “What if I put Miroku in charge for guarding the night...and you fall `asleep' and...”
“And I mumble your name in my so called `sleep” She finished for him. They both grinned.
Through the hours, and party, they came up with plans to get back at their friends.

Oh it was going to be a very sweet revenge...
A/N= Well End of this Prologue. If you want the next chapter soon then update sweetie.
Chapter One- Sweet Revenge
“I-Inuyasha, h-help...” She stuttered
“Oi, Kagome! Not now, don't you see I'm busy?!” He yelled from him position.
Well that's a preview. I may change the words into my editing, but it'll be similar.