InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ A Soft Push for Answers ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Joe is old. Hence…. “Old Joe”…. xD Just watch out for his speaking. It was meant to be… bad. ^^;; Review and stuff please?

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha, I never will. Stop pestering me kay? =D


"'ere to miss?" The gruff voice of a cab driver asked as Kagome got settled into the back seat.

Looking out the window, Kagome muttered quietly; "T..Tokyo United please."

"Ya sure 'bout this miss? Er, ya uh 'eem young to be travlin'. Wouldn' ya like ta'be sent to the mall 'stead?" Dispite his questions, the driver started up the car and slowly worked his way into traffic.

"Yes I'm sure." Kagome nodded. "I need some time off is all. I'll come back someday. But right now I just need..."

" 'aight miss. But might I ask wha' it is a youngin like ya are do'in runnin' way?" The cab driver glanced at her through the rearview mirror, all the while gripping the stearing wheel more tightly.

"I'm... I'm not runnin! Sir, please, I'm not running. You cant think that about me. I would never.." The young woman's voice trailed off as silent tears rolled down her face. 'I really am running away... arn't I? Maybe...Maybe I should stay...'

"No...I'm not running away. I just need some time to my self again..." She stated as if she was trying to convince her self of that fact.

"Eh..? 'aight miss. I did't mean ta make ya cry. I've been in this business 'or a while na'. 'nd seems if every week some girl is runnin'. Some say their boy'fend 'roke up wit' them. Some say 'eh just can't go on liv'in here no more, miss. Breaks mu' heart eve'y time a youngin goes on leavin'."

"Its fine." Kagome said with a somewhat bright smile. "I'm not running away. It's not because of my boyfriend...well not entirely."

"Not 'tirely? Miss, Old Joe here 'ill list'n ta' ya pro'blms. 'e have an hour an a ha'f til 'e get ya ta' the 'port." The cab driver caught Kagome's eyes through the rear view mirror, a gental smile was on his face.

"Joe? Is that your name sir?" By this time, Kagome's tears had creased, instead being replaced with a smile that would brighten up anyone's day.

"Yessum. 'an ya miss?"

"Kagome. It's a pleasure to meet you Joe."

"No no. Plas'ure s'all mine. I d'nt mean ta' pry Miss 'gome...But Old Joe here 'ould like ta' listen ta' why ya leavin'."

Kagome smiled, "Are you sure about that Joe? It might put you to sleep I'm afride."

"Yessums 'm sur'. 'e h've a long time til 'e 'et ta the 'port." Joe slowly, but defiantly, progressed his way through traffic, signaling to make a turn into the high way.

Sighing, Kagome replied; "Well... I guess you could say this all started at work...."

----- FLASHBACK (Keep in mind most this story will be done in flashbacks)

"Sango! The first rule of dating is to play hard to get!" Kikyo, a young successful model gushed as she stood up on the stage letting other's mend her dress.

"But still! The man loves you! If you play hard to get for too long you'll lose him!" The woman known as Sango glared, the smile on her face contradicting the displayed emotions.

"I know! I know! And I like him a lot too... but sometimes... the prize is worth more if the player waits for the outcome. Sango! I need to know he wants me for me! Not because of my fame, not because of my looks!"

Kikyo Takamari: smart, sexy, rich, beautiful, and envy of all the woman in Japan. She was a star line super model. Perfect body, perfect personality. Perfect everything. The young woman had men flocking to her at every moment of the day, yet...despite all that, she wasn’t happy. She knew what people wanted from her. She knew. She want stupid. She wasn’t a dumb female who just took up this career because she couldn’t make it in any other job. No. She was everything a person would want to be. Everything a person would want in a girl. She knew men lusted after her body. And why shouldn’t they? What, with her C cup breast, non-existent tummy, and flared out hips. She knew what men wanted from her. She's been told it all her life. And it was because she knew... because she knew what all men desired, she refused to give herself away to just any person. She would save herself for her husband; the man who would have to win her heart over. A man she knew she would love.

"Kikyo! My GOD woman! He's declared his love for you time and time again! I think its time you took him up for his date! Your fame? He's not interested in your fame! Not even your body, I don’t think! Kikyo... just think about it! Think about who he IS! He is the man of the hour! Damn, the man of the century! He is the most sought after bachelor there is! He's Inuyasha Taisho! Your making a mistake in turning him down!" Sango sniggered as she playfully yelled with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"What's this I hear about someone turning down Inuyasha Taisho?" A young woman asked as she sipped her morning espresso, a small smile playing on her face.

"Morning Kagome! It's Kikyo! She was being a bitch and turned him down!" Sango exclaimed as she rapidly sewed the loose ends of the dress, trying to get Kikyo ready and prepared for the Fashion Show that was later that day.

"Oh what the hell? The boy has it bad for you! Just give him a god damned chance and he'll stop ringing the studio every five minutes!" Kagome scolded lightly while walking to her working area to set up for the day. Unlike Kikyo, she was not a model. Though many told her she should be modeling, that she had the perfect body to fit whatever was thrown her way, Kagome never stepped up to modeling. Instead, her life was behind the designs and creations that the paid models wore while strutting down the cat walk.

Kagome Higurashi twenty-one year old designer. Known for her artistic creations and spontaneous personality. She was the creator of 'Fallen Elements', and the inspiration for most other designing companies. 'Fallen Elements' was the result of a few hours of boredom back in high school when left alone with scraps of old clothing and a wild imagination. Now, it had become one of the biggest and most selling clothing companies in Japan; soon to take over America. She had long wavy dark brown hair, with random vibrant red streaks, and a wonderful body. Standing at merely 5'2", to Kikyo's 5'5", it was a wonder why she never modeled any of her own inspirations. Considered one of Japan's "sexiest females" and "most progressing self start designers", Kagome was the envy of many.

"Morning to you too Kags," the supermodel smiled, "He doesn’t call every five minutes. He has work too. Give him a break!" Even as Kikyo said this, the shrill tone of the telephone ringing echoed in the closed studio set.

"And you were saying....?" Sango worked quickly, glancing worriedly at Kagome.

"Oh just slow down would you?" She laughed, "It's not like we don’t have time. We still have a solid 5 hours before the premier. I think we can get done on time, Sango, you don’t need to go so fast. I'm not angry...don’t worry about it."

"Thank god, I thought if I went any faster I would have ruined it instead!"


"Holy crap its wild out there! This is the biggest show Fallen Elements have put on Kags!" Sango smiled as she peeked out into the crowded.

"Yes it is! Hopefully Kikyo wont get blinded by the flashing of the cameras!" The young designer called while still on her knees doing some last minute touchups on one of the passing models.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for coming tonight to Shikon Studios in honor of the latest release from Fallen Elements!" The crowd roared with applause, "Now lets get this show on the road! First up, we have Sakura Onomaki--" The crowed applauded as the camera’s went off.

"By gosh, it's here! Kags! You sure you wont come out to the front and watch? We have reserved seats for crying out loud!" Sango pleaded as she peeked out once more into the crowd, finally seeing who she wanted to see, Sango let a bright grin appear on her face.

"Oh just go will you? Miroku will be liking some company right about now..." The young designer sang in a sing song voice, "I'll be out soon, promise."

Taking one last glance at her boss, Sango nodded and walked off quickly toward the entrance, a bright smile lit her face as she noticed her boyfriend waving at her from his seat.

"Ah. Young love. Oh how envious I am." Kagome muttered sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

"Aw Kags. You'll find someone soon, I'm sure of --"

"No! Don’t say that Kikyo! Honestly, I don’t want anyone. All that ever happens is that I get hurt. I'm not going to take the chance again!"

" 'Gome, you know your like a sister to me. I'd do anything to make you happy. But you should go on a date sometime... just you know... let lose for the night?"

"Nope. Don’t want to. Too much work to get over in the morning. Now, hold still!" She tugged lightly at the dress’s hem.

"Ka-go-me! Come on... It'll be fun. And I heard Kouga was asking about you..."

Blushing, Kagome ducked her head, a small smile formed on her face. "He...he wasn’t... was he?"

Bingo. I've got her! "Yes he was Kags. He still likes you a lot... he's been meaning to call you actually..."

"And now.... tonight's most anticipated production... Modeled by the one and only Kikyo Takamari... Fallen Element's production... Sweet Bliss!"

"Just go! Your on!" Kagome pushed her into the walk, all the while trying to control her blush.

Appearing in all her glory, Kikyo wore a floor length light blue tinted dress. The dress itself was amazing, dragging behind her like a bride's train, it had tiny gemstones sewed into it. With a long slit coming up her thigh and stopping in the middle, it showed off her amazing legs. The dress was tied in a knot and held in place by a small glittering bow at her hip, layer upon layer of silk folded upon itself where the knot was and where it was pulled back. The neck line dipped low enough to show enough cleavage to be dressy, but not enough to be considered slutty. The top of her dress tied around her neck, once again held together by a glittering gemstone filled bow, left her entire back bare. Her hair was tied up so exclusively that her slender neck and delicate shoulders was viewable to the eyes of the public.

While walking out, someone threw an assortment of flowers at her feet. Glancing down quickly, she noticed... white roses. Her favorite. Looking in the direction, she spotted Inuyasha's smirking face, his golden eyes held the love he had for her. Smiling to her self, Kikyo walked on as the photographers continued to snap away.


"We did it Sango!" Kagome whispered into the girl's ear as she kneeled down to her level, hoping to not draw attention to her self.

"What do you mean we did it? Don’t you mean you did it? You were the brains behind all this!" Sango whispered back, keeping her eyes locked on the walk.

Both women were surprised to see that the ever professional Kikyo glanced off to the side, breaking one of the many rules of modeling.

"Aw...Look Kay! He got her flowers! Damnit Miroku! Why don’t you do that for me?" Sango muttered hotly as she whacked him on the head.

"But my Love! I like to express my love in more unique ways!"

"Groping isn’t romantic you dolt!"

"You know... they really do belong together...." Kagome sighed while interrupting the argument between the two lovers.

"Hey Kags. This show is awesome! Good job!" Miroku smiled.

"Yes, we all know that. Everyone except her at least...Say... Kagome... How about we make a bet?"