InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Hanyou love ❯ Trapped ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha had heard the scream and knew it belonged to Kagome. He was scared for her now because there had been so much pain in that scream. He willed Kilala on. " I'm coming Kagome!" Kilala flew gracefully through the sky and stopped at a clearing where a figure below caught her attention. " Kagome!" Inuyasha was so relieved to see her okay. He jumped off of Kilala's back. " Where the hell were you? How are we gonna find all the jewel shards if your off taking a stroll through the woods?" he yelled at her. " We aint got time to--" Inuyasha caught the strong smell of blood, Kagome's blood. When he looked at her, he noticed that she was flinching the whole time he had been yelling at her. " I'm... sorry..." she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. " Don't cry Kagome... I didnt mean to..." Inuyasha didn't know what to say and he was feeling crappy for yelling at her. He stepped towards her but Kagome fell to her knees. He could tell now that she was bleeding badly so he had to get her back to the village. "Please... don't...Inuyasha." Kagome begged him to leave her be. She tried to stand but her legs gave way beneath her. Frustrated she began to cry again. " Kagome, what happened to you? What are you so afraid of?" Inuyasha asked gently touching her shoulder. Kagome winced from the pain. " Let me carry you back Kagome." she shook her head. It became obvious that she didn't want to be touched by him right now so he tried again. " Then lets get on Kilala and we'll fly back." Again she shook her head more weakly this time though. She called Kilala over and leaned on her for support as she struggeled to walk back to Kaede's village. ' What is going on? What did I do?' Inuyasha asked himself as he walked close to Kagome. Finally they arrived at the village and Miroku rushed out of Kaede's hut just as Kagome collapsed from the large amount of blood loss.He caught her. " Kagome! Inuyasha, what happened to her?" Inuyasha said nothing as Miroku took her inside and left as Kaede and Sango tended to her.
Sango was shocked when she took off Kagome's shirt and saw the slash marks. "They're so deep. Who did this to her?" the demon slayer asked as both she and Kaede laid the unconscious miko on her stomach so they could heal her injuries. When Inuyasha walked into the hut and saw Kagome's deep cuts, his eyes filled with anger and concern. Sango wanted to say something to calm him down.But she didn't know what so she stayed silent. Kagome stirred. " Sango." she said trying her best to smile. "Are you okay?" Sango was concerned for her friend. Kagome clearly didn't notice that Inuyasha was in the room until he spoke. " Who the hell did this to you?" he demanded. She jumped at the sound of his voice looking around the room for him. "Inuyasha..." she whispered and collapsed again.
' My. This is going better than I originally thought it would.' Naraku had followed Kagome after she left the castle with his final warning, " Do not say anything to Inuyasha, Kagome." He had told her. " I don't want you to ruin the surprise i've been working so hard on. If you say something i'll kill all your friends one by one and take my time doing so." With that he let Kagome flee. Naraku stayed a good distance from Kagome and Inuyasha only too aware of Inuyasha's keen senses. Watching as Inuyasha joined Miroku outside the hut, Naraku could see Inuyasha was angry and probably confused. ' No, i'm not finished with Kagome yet, Inuyasha.' he thought as he slunk back into the trees.
" Why didn't you carry her, Inuyasha? Was it no obvious that she was in pain?" Miroku asked calmly not wanting to set off the hanyou's temper. " She wouldn't let me. Don't you think I would have carried her back other wise?" Inuyasha angrily sat on the ground next to Miroku. " That's odd. Did she say what happened to her?"
"No." Just then Sango came out with a worried look. " Is she okay?" Both Inuyasha and Miroku asked. Sango sighed heavily. " Yeah. The wounds on her back are pretty deep, though." she paused and then hesitated before she spoke again, "Inuyasha? Can I speak to you alone for a moment?" They walked over to the river in silence. " Inuyasha," Sango finally broke the silence, " This might not mean anything but while Kagome was sleeping she kept murmuring, ' Stop. Inuyasha. Don't hurt me anymore.' What happened?" Inuyasha was speechless. Sango studied him for a few moments. ' Kagome. I would never hurt you.' He walked past Sango and sat down in Kaede's hut where she was watching poor Kagome. " I'll leave ye alone for awhile. But ye need to find who took their anger out on Kagome, Inuyasha." She walked out of the hut leaving Inuyasha alone with Kagome. He went over to her side and sat there. " You look so pale and sad lying there." He reached for her hand silently begging her to tell him what happened. When night fell, Sango,Kilala, Shippo (who insisted on sleeping next to Kagome), and Miroku came in to sleep. Only Inuyasha and Miroku stayed awake to watch over the group. Suddenly Kagome awoke and moaned. " Are you hungry, Kagome?" Miroku asked rising to bring in some fish. She nodded but was not looking at him. Her eyes were trained on Inuyasha.
Kagome watched as Inuyasha moved closer but she could not take it right now. She replayed Naraku's threat over and over in her mind and was frightened that she would say something to Inuyasha. He was in front of her now and before she knew it, Kagome was encircled in Inuyasha's arms. " You scared me, Kagome." he whispered into her hair. How wonderful his arms felt around her. She never wanted to leave them. But then she sensed jewel shards near by and let go of Inuyasha relunctantly. Kagome stood up. " I have to go somewhere. Please stay here." Inuyasha stood up too. " No. Your still too weak to leave." he protested. Kagome leaned over and kissed his dog ears. "I'm sorry about this Inuyasha. Sit boy." The beads around his neck lit up and pulled him to the ground. " Kagome! Damn it!" he watched as she side stepped Miroku and left. "Kagome!" he yelled.
Naraku watched as Kagome struggled to walk towards him. Her bow and arrows with her. " Naraku! Come out you coward!" she yelled into the tree tops. " Why, I believe you found me. I think it's time for another lesson, don't you agree?" he jumped down and threw Kagome's back against a tree. She cried out in terrible pain. He bound her to the tree with similar roots as Kaguya's. Sanyosho came out of the sky and settled on the roots. " Call for Inuyasha." Naraku told the girl. " Call for him, now!" He waved his hand making a thick blue haze appear followed by six ogre type demons. They attacked Kagome, scratching her face and punching her until she cried for Inuyasha.
After the effects of being "sat" wore off, Inuyasha ran off towards the trees where he could hear Kagome screaming his name. The others were not far behind him. He passed through a white mist until he found Kagome. She had her hands above her head bound to the tree with thick roots. Her waist and feet were also tied. Her head was bent down. "Kagome?" Inuyasha rushed to her. " Go away, Inuyasha! It's a trap!" Kagome kept her head down. " Look at me, will ya!" He lifted her head and saw that her face was cut and bruised from the demons. Inuyasha whipped his head around. He could smell Naraku. " Naraku! You bastard, what the hell did you do to her?" Naraku stepped forward wearing his white bamboo pelt. Inuyasha pulled out his Tetsugia and charged at his most hated enemy. " Die!" he yelled. Naraku jumped above him, turned around, and punched Inuyasha square in the jaw. Inuyasha stepped back, growling. He charged again but Naraku knocked Tetsugia out of his hands. It flew into a tree returning to its normal form. " Damn you." Inuyasha said. " Iron Reavor Soul Stealer!" He swung his claws at Naraku and was rewarded by destroying his pelt and slashing Naraku's chest. Inuyasha ran for Tetsugia and pulled it from the tree. " Time to finish you off, Naraku!" He pointed his sword in front of him,smiling. " WIND SCAR!" Inuyasha threw the attack at Naraku but he disappeared before the wind scar reached him. " This isn't over Inuyasha. Believe me." Naraku said as he vanished. Cursing, Inuyasha put Tetsuiga back into it's sheath and ran back to Kagome. He cut the roots grabbing her as she dropped to her knees. " Are you alright?" Inuyasha asked wrapping his arms around her again. " Inuyasha, i'm so sorry." she sobbed on his shoulder, shaking. " You have nothing to say sorry for. Stop it." he told her as he lifted her up. " Let's go find the others." The white mist that had turned out to be a sleeping gas that only Inuyasha was unaffected, was gone. The group woke up on the ground and cursed Naraku for the trap. " Whats wrong with you now, Kagome?" Shippo asked. "Just a little weak. I didn't mean to worry you." They slept on the ground that night, having all decided to continue the search for Naraku instead of returning to Kaede's. Inuyasha next to Kagome, who-- because of her reopened wounds-- could not sleep on her backside. Inuyasha was tired but wouldn't let himself sleep. ' Naraku knows my feelings for Kagome. What do I do now? I can't keep her here with me because Naraku will just attack her again. But I can't send her back home, either.' Inuyasha clenched his sword which he had standing in front of him. ' Damn.' The next morning, while Sango helped Kagome change her bandages, Inuyasha walked around the flat plain. That was when he smelt it. That god-awful smell that made him want to grab Kagome and run. The smell of the wolf demon tribe leader, Kouga. "Great. Just what I need." Inuyasha murmured as the whirlwind stopped in front of him. " Where's my Kagome, Mutt Face?!" Kouga demanded. Inuyasha growled. " She's not yours, stupid." Kouga turned around and spotted Kagome walking towards Miroku wearing a gold spagetti strap top, blue jeans, and white sandals. To shade her face from the sun she also wore a white sun hat.