InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ Lines in the Sand ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two: Lines in the Sand
“Ayame! Ayame come quick,” Keiko yelled, running into the wolf princess's room. She saw the beautiful redhead calmly brushing her hair. The demoness turned, casting quizzical eyes onto her personal servant and friend.
“What is all the fuss about,” she asked softly. She didn't know of any important visitors or crises that would require her presence.
“You grandfather told me to get you and bring you to his den quick. There is some male from another pack, and the old wolf wants you to see him,” the girl gasped, trying to catch her breath from the mad dash to the wolf princess's den. Sighing, Ayame put the brush on the bureau before rising to leave the den. She grabbed her fur cape as she headed out, wrapping it snuggly around her small shoulders. She hurried to her grandfather, somewhat worried about why this visitor was so important.
She spotted the opening to the old wolf's den, putting in an extra burst of speed. Reaching the entrance, she slowed to a graceful walk, not wanting to embarrass her grandfather with any inappropriate behavior. She saw the old wolf sitting on his haunches, hiding the visitor from view. Approaching slowly, she gently touched his shoulder, looking into his kindly old face as she came around him before facing the visitor and letting out a startled gasp which quickly turned into an enraged growl.
“What is he doing here,” she hissed.
“Ayame, I'm glad you got here so quickly. Kouga has come to claim you and finally unite our two tribes. Isn't that great,” her grandfather said excitedly. She noticed the barely contained disgust on the wolf prince's face. Apparently their mating was not something he'd brought to the table. Just wonderful, the one male she loved other than her grandfather had finally come, and it wasn't for her. Feeling the tears welling in her eyes, she viciously suppressed them. Like hell she was going to let the bastard see her cry.
“I don't want him,” she spat before turning and exiting the den. She heard her grandfather's tired sigh and felt his presence following her. Once they had passed the wolf prince's hearing range, she turned to address the old wolf. She noticed sadly the tired lines of his face.
“Grandfather, I don't want to mate with Kouga,” she said quietly.
“I know it isn't the proposal you had been hoping for child, but my time here is growing short. I just want to see you taken care of before I go. Kouga would be a fine mate,” he said tiredly, slowly lying down upon the lush grass. She felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She knew her grandfather was dying. She had never realized he worried about her so much. Chewing her lip in concentration, she thought over the paths left open to her. Wearily, she realized that Kouga really was the best choice for her. Muttering under her breathe, she gracefully sat next to her grandfather, running her fingers caressingly through his fur. She sat quietly for a few minutes, composing herself for what she was about to do. Taking a deep breathe, she finally addressed him.
“Very well, Grandfather. If you wish for me to become Kouga's mate, I will,” she said quietly, the conviction in her tone easy to recognize. She felt the body under her fingers shift as he raised his head to look her in the eyes. Softly nuzzling her neck, he gave her a playful lick.
“I am happy, my child. Come, let us go tell Kouga,” he said happily, bounding up with renewed energy and guiding her back to his den to confront the one male she had hoped never to see again.
Kouga watched the red-haired female storm out of the den, her grandfather following closely behind. He had to admit, he hadn't been expecting such a hostile welcome from the woman. It seemed he had hurt her more than he thought. He also reluctantly noticed that she had become quite beautiful.
When she had arrived, her hair had been allowed the freedom to fall in gentle waves to the small of her back. It had shined with its own light making him want to run his fingers through it. Her body had toned down from the traveling she had done when chasing him, and he was sure from living in the valley for so long. Her breasts were a little fuller, giving a tantalizing show of cleavage over the top of her chest armor. She had a narrow waist that flowed into full hips, perfect for bearing pups. Her emerald green eyes had flashed when she'd snarled at him, making his groin tighten with arousal. She had definitely grown up in the last four years.
The sound of approaching footsteps interrupted his reverie. He watched as first a glowering Ayame walked in, followed by a beaming wolf. So her grandfather had gotten his way, which meant he and Ayame were going to become mates. Suddenly, the thought of mating the fiery bitch didn't seem so bad. He could feel his hands itch with the want of touching her lush curves. Smirking, he looked on as they seated themselves before him.
“Ayame has agreed to become your mate. Since she is the alpha female of this pack and you are the alpha male of yours, this mating will unite the two tribes under your joint leadership. How do you plan to control two packs as large as these,” he asked softly.
“My pack has been severely depleted. I want to bring some females back with me to mate with the males and start building my pack back up. I figured we could spend half the year there and the other half here. I will select a second-in-command for my pack for when I am away. I was hoping you would retain your leadership here when we are not around,” he said calmly, waiting for the old wolf's approval of his plan. He had thought long and hard about how best to unite the tribes. Neither den site was big enough for the collective tribe, so he thought it best to keep them where they were and travel back a forth.
“That sounds like a splendid idea to me,” the old wolf replied. They quickly got down to business concerning the females he wished to bring back to his pack and the terms of the mating contract. He could feel Ayame's heated gaze burning into him. He had thought his return would make her happy. It would appear that he had shunned her for too long. He knew he was going to have a fight on his hands when they left her grandfather. Strangely, he was looking forward to it.
They talked well into the night before agreeing on all terms. Finally breaking up, he watched the old wolf slowly head into the farther reaches of his den before turning to the scowling female in front of him. Gods, she really was beautiful. How he'd never noticed he wasn't quite sure. Sighing, he went to touch her shoulder when she pulled away from him sharply.
“Don't touch me. We aren't mated yet,” she hissed, baring her fangs. Smiling, he quickly backed her up against a wall, caging her in with his arms on either side of her head, his body pinning her to the unflinching surface.
“We may not be mated yet, Ayame, but you are still mine. Therefore, I can touch you when I feel like it,” he said silkily, nipping her ear playfully and earning a shudder from the female.
“If I had any say you would never touch me. I waited for you, Kouga, for four years. Finally, I realized that you were never coming for me and moved on. Then you have the audacity to come and claim me. I would just as soon rip out your throat than mate with you,” she snarled, wiggling against the hold his body had on her. Suppressing the pleasured moan trying to leave his lips, he narrowed his eyes in anger, pushing himself more fully against her.
“You listen to be, girl. I didn't want to mate with you either, but circumstances have thrust us into this situation. Come the full moon, you will be mine in every way, so just deal with it,” he growled before stepping away from her and walking away, leaving a kneeling woman in his wake. Her refusal just spurned the need to possess her even more. Yes, he was definitely going to enjoy taming his bitch. Kouga smiled lasciviously as he exited the den.