InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My hate for you ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Kagome sweetie! Wake up! It's time for school!” Kagome's mother shouted through the closed door.
“Give me five minutes please!” Kagome shouted back.
~25 minutes later~
“Oh crap! I've got five minutes to get to school! Shit!”
Kagome got dressed in two minutes. She ran down the stairs, grabbed a piece of toast, and ran out the door, shouted “Bye Mom!” Bye Sota!”
Kagome made it to school five minutes late. As she was walking up the stairs, she saw her boyfriend, Koga, walking up towards her.
“Hey babe,” he said.
She giggled. “Hey Koga.”
“Why are you late?” Koga asked.
“Over slept. Why are you late?”
“Ran out of gas,” he rolled his eyes.
Kagome giggled. “I'll see you later Koga. Love ya!”
“Love ya too!” he waved and walked towards his homeroom.
Kagome waved back and walked to her homeroom.
Kagome walked to the cafeteria and looked for Koga. With a start she noticed Koga sitting next to a girl, Ayame. He leaned in and kissed her right on the mouth. Kagome slowly backed out of the cafeteria door and ran down the hallway. She went out side and sat down next to a tree. She started to cry and cried for the whole lunch hour.
~Shikon High~
Inuyasha walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria. He looked around for his girlfriend, Kikyo. He noticed she was sitting at their usual table. When he was halfway there, he saw her sitting next to Naraku. She was giggling at something he said. Naraku then leaned in and kissed Kikyo right on the mouth! And Kikyo was kissing him back! He froze. Inuyasha turned around and ran outside. He jumped onto a tree branch and tried not to cry. Wasn't it just this morning she told him that she loved him? Inuyasha felt betrayed. He let his disguise fade and he twitched his ears. Anybody looking up at him would know he was a demon. But right now he didn't care. Kikyo. His first crush. He had his first kiss with her! He though `I vow never to trust another girl again. They're all just going to betray me. Never again will I fall in love.'