InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My hate ❯ Chapter 1 of My Hate ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Damn! She suckered me into another favor that sneak! Though this one seemed easy enough just had to kill some dude that’s been bothering her. Piece of cake. But unfortunately my dearest sister has a wild imagination, telling me I had to go thru some ancient well to get there. . .Right. I am not going to down a well to stand there like an idiot just for her to make fun of me when I get out. I may have not been there at the shrine for three years but I am not going to fall for that cheap trick, they‘ll have to show proof.

I pulled up to the shrine and sighed, Kagome said we’ll leave tomorrow at eight o’ clock it’s not that I am not to used to it but I never got up that early on Mondays, Mondays were my lazy day a bomb could drop and I still be snoring, yes I snore everybody does and I bet some girl just said ‘I don’t snore’ get over it honey your fucking asleep you don’t know. So after I turned off my parked car and locked it I started climbing the longest stairs known in history but I’m used to it, I have a boy kid Hanyou, you have to be active to catch him to play tag, . . .getting back half gnawed shoes . . , and worst of all putting to bed.

I loved him dearly but his father was killed, but I didn’t care he wasn’t my mate, wasn’t worth my time, wasn’t worth crying for hell I rejoiced when the corrupted fuck up died. Damn Dog-demon Bastard! Just thinking about all of the emotional/physical/mental pain he gave got me riled wanting to punch something. I meet him at my old job before I found out my real parents - adopted into the Higarashi family- had been murdered right after I was born (but it took them a very long to find there will and even longer to find me) and left all there riches for there only child, Natsumi which was a hell of a lot of money. He had been a real sweet talker, we had a few dates start dating for about six months then he started to get physical, I didn’t like I was in school at the time and was worried about my education but he kept saying not to worry I had start A’s and was a grade ahead or would go on about how he could support us. And finally he snapped and tackled me pinning me was going to take it me willing or unwilling, lucky for me my mom heard and the only thing a mother would do grabbed a frying pan and going to check who was messing with her daughter.

She hit him so hard on the head that even though he was a demon knocked him out cold or either she hit the right spot to do it by the time he woke up we were in the police station and he was convicted with attempted rape with 5 to 10 years and while I was walking by him, out of the whole place he whispered that even now two years later scared me shitless ’You’ll pay for this’ and that I did a week later he had broken out of jail and was on his way to me but I was oblivious to it all I was a teenager I didn’t want to watch news when I thought news first thing that popped in my mind was BORING but I’ve learned otherwise. Once he had reach my home, my room, to me he had pinned and gagged me with something, he would put up a demonic shield that locked in our voices no matter how much I screamed in pain no one would come, no one. And after he was finished he would get up, get dressed not caring about me then tell me that if I told anyone he would kill my family and take me away and I knew he meant. He came every night but after awhile I got to use it and just lay there limp and counted the seconds till he was done.

Then every morning I would be the first one up take scaling hot shower hoping to get off his scent, his everything. Now don’t get me wrong I tried telling my mother or grandfather but every time I got up to it I would see a shadow move out side or behind my mother or grandfather and then I would remember what he said and told them it was nothing or a joke to see what they would do if I said something in that voice and looked that way and then they would say I should be actress because I was so good. I couldn’t even tell my sister, Kagome. And especially my brother, Souta he was so small and innocent the way he looked up at me with those big eyes it nearly had me in tears, I was so ashamed of my patheticness of not being able to fight off the monster that was causing my suffering that I wouldn’t even look any of them in the eye. Even though the police surrounded our area and looked for him, he was stealthy and hid in the shadow and would pop out of nowhere. I was terrified because I did not want this type of life, I would ask him after his ministrations when he as going to stop and leave me alone and he would say 5 to 10 years and that’s when he was getting me back in his own evil way for sentencing him to jail.

Then the real horror started I was pregnant, hell how could not I we had unprotected rape every night. He knew and told me that was what he was first but changed his mind to the 5 to 10 year thing but said the cops will be getting harder to avoid since I was pregnant and it was already hard to sneak around. So he’ll just leave a gift during the time I was happy, sad, and extremely pissed it took real skill to do that or a lot of break downs . . . We’ll take the ladder one. I was happy because I was not going to have him my life anymore hopefully; sad because he was leaving me an abomination; pissed because well damn it every thing that was going wrong in my once was messed world. As soon as he left I got dressed, ran downstairs and to my moms always waiting arms and cried myself till the pain caused me to pass out when I awoke I was on the couch with my mother and grandfather huddling over me with very worried expressions. I decided it was time to tell them all that had happened afterwards my mother called the police while my grandfather held me crying out my eyes.

I told the police the exact same story and told my mother I was going to get an abortion because I wanted nothing to do with the creep but my mother argued saying that it was not the baby’s fault for beginning born and that I should not kill him/her because she/he had done nothing wrong. But I argued saying it was part of that monster and that it would look a lot like the disgusting thing but she said ‘It may look like him but if you teach it to be like you a beautiful, smart, and kind child. The child will be nothing like him except looks and that’s not what matters the most now is it?’ and after that small yet significant speech I agreed to let him/her live and to do exactly what my mother told me to do.

He is a two year old but looks four because of his demon blood; he has white hair, to adorable doggy ears on top of his head, and bright purple eyes. However, on his human nights, he looks more like me than his father, which I love; his hairs a bright reddish-orange color with blue eyes just like me. I named him after his snow-white hair, Yuki. Though his and my name is somewhat opposite mine is Natsumi meaning ‘summer beauty’, I am going to state the obvious now I was born in the summer.

Finally at the top of the killer stairs, the winds blowing lightly ruffling my hair the sun set just starting to set off to the west it was a sight to behold they are beautiful to just and watch but were a nightmare because to me after the beautifulness came a evil but now I just see it as another day I lived to see with my family and friends. I walk into the house hearing my family in the kitchen so go toward there.

“Mom I have a headache from thinking to much. Can you get me some Advil, please?” I said, then heard Yuki snicker, while walking by him I thump him on the head between the ears to sit down. What I didn’t think to hear was a growl Yuki doesn’t growl at me so menacingly, I was going to look up at him but a throb in my head said to keep my eyes closed to block out the sun last light that was coming thru the window.

“Sure dear’ My moms said with a smile and left the kitchen. Mom was back with two pills in one hand and a glass of water she just poured and handed it all to me.

“Thanks,” I said taking them and swallowing, I set down the now half empty glass of water and look up, jumping up and rudely pointing at the man I didn’t know yelling “Who the hell are you?”

He looked up at me annoyed, and stated sourly, “I could ask you the same thing?”

“Yeah, we’ll your in my house,” He was doing the fish thing then just ‘keh’d’ and looked away glaring apparently he didn’t like losing. I glanced at Kagome who had her head in her hand like she just hit herself which she probably did considering her; next over to my mom who as just humming to herself as she cooked our dinner; down to my son who was just looking back and forth between the man and I clearly entertained; then I looked back to the unknown man.

“This is Inuyasha. The guy I told that’s from the feudal era” Kagome said looking at me like I was supposed to remembered, I got bored when she started talking to much so I pretended and listen to bits and pieces.

“Oh yea Inuyasha, I remember” I said looking fast trying to not look conspicuous, didn’t work.

“You don’t remember do you?” Kagome said getting madder by the second.

“Oh come on, Kagome do you think I listen when you talk about this fake well portal and the past thing. This is probably just one of your friend or your boyfriend and your just trying to get back at me for all those pranks I pulled on you when we were little” I stated watching both of their faces get red with embarrassment, so their together and still shy at the thought or haven’t admitted their feelings yet to each other either way was still cute to watch. I picked up my falling chair and set back down at the table.

“We’re not together” they yelled at me in unison, there goes my ears I muttered.

“Keh” Does this guy have a strict vocabulary. . . Poor guy.

“Natsumi, I’ve told you multiple times I can go back to the feudal era. I am not lying.” Kagome said adding emphasize to her words. I just rolled my eyes reached and grabbed, Yuki and set him in my lap, playing with his hair. Inuyasha finally turned toward back around to look at us. Kagome as still going on about whatever she was talking about but her was sort of like a lullaby like grandpa’s and I get tired, so I focus on something else so not as to go to asleep. I’m not saying she’s boring it’s just if any one talks to long to me I get bored or tired it happens to me anytime anyone talks to me with really catching my interest. It only when people talk I can keep interest in anything sometimes I wonder how passed let alone a grade ahead. But the weirdest part is that sometimes I even get tired when I talk for to long and other times not, I’m just screwed up(A/N: That is literally how I am weird huh)

Anyhow, I need someone who speaks little but grasps my full attention but not likely.

“Natsumi! Are you listening to me?” Kagome was red in the face with anger, she really needs to get laid. I found that my laziness to people talking is hereditary because my son has it to because he’s zoned out too.

“Oh, Kagome you need she can’t stay focused on people for too long. It’s been like since she was little.” Asako(*) Higarashi stated sticking up for me knowing I was probably still wasn’t listening. Like when I was little at the parent-teach conferences the would complain that I would not listen in class, my mom would then ask her what my grades were and the teacher would fumble around then finally say A’s, Asako would just giggle and say she doesn’t see a problem then would ask the teacher was there any other (want to be) problems. The teacher would say no and dismiss us, from then she gave me harder test but it was still easy because they still hadn’t promoted me up to next grade ahead of time yet. Then when we got home I would ask her what happened because I was to worried about missing the new episode Mew Mew Power,, Asako would draw what happened with bubbles that said what they said; knowing I loved to read.

“Hey, Mom” Yuki said waving a hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my trance when I heard someone fall out of there chair I looked around and saw that Inuyasha guy on the floor anime style, foot twitching everybody still doing what the were doing.

“You’re a Mom?! Your he’s mom?!” He said pointing back and forth between Yuki and I.

“Yeah” I said sporting a huge ass grin while giving Yuki a big hug that if he hadn’t been a demon would have been crushed under the pressure. Inuyasha looked at me with disbelief then shook his head, muttering something about way to young.

“Inuyasha, I thought you knew. Hmm.” She said looking up at him, but when he looked at her with a cock eyebrow. “ I could of sworn” Then she looked down at the at the table thinking whether or not she did with her forefinger on her chin.

“I don’t see how she didn’t, she talks so much” I whispered down into Yuki’s ear which twitched at my warm breath, nodding to the statement still watching Kagome.

“So that must mean you have a mate?” Inuyasha said sniffing toward trying to get another males scent off of me. “But I don’t smell another man”

“No, I don’t have a mate, husband, ex-husband, or boyfriend” I said looking at him not waiting for the next obvious question and said “The other conceiver of him is dead”

Inuyasha flashed a look of knowing before covering it up and huffed “I didn’t ask about the fa-”

“I know but you were going to. And the other conceiver is not a parent so don’t ever insinuate that he is” I said cutting him from such a horrible word he was going to said. I stood to go to my room after putting Yuki down in my seat.

“Where are you going, sweetie?” Asako said turned around with a look of concern and confusion.

“I’m going to bed just fix me plate and I’ll eat it later” I said without turning around about to continue.

“Me too. Wait for me mommy” Said Yuki sliding down his chair to race after me.

"Ok" She said cheerfully I heard going up to Kagome's room, I would sleep in my room but I‘m too scared to be in that room, bad memories, I shivered. I got up to the room shut the door after Yuki was in and went over to the bed and flopped down on stomach even though it hurt my breast I didn’t care I was tired. Yuki climbed onto my back lying I was he pushed back my hair trying to look at my face.

“What’s a matter mommy?” He said looking at me confused.

“It’s nothing,” I said looking out of the corner of my at him and laughed at his expression it was on of those I-Know-Your-Lying-To- Me looks I would just shook it off if it was someone else but it was just so adorable when he did it. I reached up my arm fast and pulled him under me to cuddle him even with his protest not to cuddle him he was just to cute.

“Tell me” He said looking up at me serious.

I sighed. “It’s just- When he- It was hard to think about him” I said I couldn’t really get a grip on what it felt like it was sad, hurt, betrayal, pain but how do you express that especially to a child. But he seemed to get the message and wrapped his arms around my neck to hug and I hugged him back no hesitation then he muffled a ’I’m sorry’ into my neck, I just nodded. I sat up got and our night clothes got us dressed and we snuggled up against the wall on the bed hoping Kagome wouldn’t get mad for us sleeping up here but shook off the thought and went to sleep knowing that the nightmare’s would later on.

So what do you think good or bad or not for sure yet?

*A/N: That is the name of the voice person in Japanese of her since her real name is Kun-Loon, I didn’t like it to much Were I found it Website: