InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Hatred, My Obsession ❯ Suspicions Proven ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Hatred, My Obsession
Chapter 15 - Suspicions Proven

Kagome had always wondered how he managed to scare her so much without moving a single muscle on his face. It had to be some divinely-given talent. They were still in the guest room, lying in an awkward position on the floor and she had to wonder how long it would continue. It had terrified her the first time he had jumped on her in the forest, but she had to admit that she had been more fearful when he hadn't been trying to kill her.

The firm yet gentle grip he had on her now put her on the edge. After all, it defied all principles of logic that he was being careful when touching her, and defied all of the perfectly ordered and carefully created rules of the universe that he was speaking to her as if he actually felt some sort of concern. She hadn't counted on this when she had refused the healers he had sent to her. She'd counted on some kind of an angry reaction - a reaction that would give her even more reason to hate him. But she had been wrong…

Oh, she hated him…there was no mistaking that emotion…

But when he kissed her, when he touched her, and when she felt his breath softly brushing her skin, she couldn't help but forget…forget that night…forget every bad thing he'd ever done. And that was when she began to hate herself. That single emotion…that negative energy directed only against her weakness and her inability to truly despise another living creature made her heart pound against her ribs as if it was trying to harm itself and its owner. She found herself wondering once again if this would be her reaction every time he touched her, and if she would react in such a way with anyone and everyone.

Why do you do this to yourself, Kagome? This is just like what happens every time with Kikyo. He goes behind your back, and you are more than eager to forgive him, just as long as he comes back to you.

“You little fool, you would do such a thing out of pride?” She knew perfectly well that he was referring to her refusal of proper medical treatment. And indeed, she did feel like a fool now. She felt sick, nauseated in the pit of her stomach - as if she didn't want anything: not be here, not be home, not to be anywhere, and not to do anything. She felt like she wanted to disappear. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, terrible and embarrassing tears that wouldn't stay where they belonged no matter how much she told them to.

But suddenly…memories of Sesshoumaru's own pride surfaced -

Sesshoumaru! Please work with Inuyasha!

Your barrier is useless…

You should be honored to be of use to This Sesshoumaru…

It felt wonderful, brilliant and spectacular to have something she could throw back at him. Her depression lifted and she looked at him, finally able to answer his question.

“Would you not?”

Would you not do something just like I did out of pride? Would you not put your own life in danger for that?

She had to consider, though, that what she had done hadn't been out of pride or arrogance. There was just something hypocritical about him putting her through so much, and then sending doctors to patch things up. It felt impersonal and sickening - and it made her feel as if she really did mean nothing.

“My actions have nothing to do with yours.” The spark of joy she had felt when she'd found an opportunity to throw his own words back at him quickly intensified.

“If you claim to be perfect Mr. Role-model, you should consider the consequences of what you do.” He raised an eyebrow, an expression that she recognized as an impending put-down.

“Oh? So you dub me as your source of inspiration? How intriguing.” She didn't know what to say to that - struck speechless at the fact that The Great Sesshoumaru had said a phrase containing humor (scarce, but there nonetheless). “It would be natural for you to do so; however, the considerable absence of manners, power, and instincts of self-preservation, I cannot make a claim to. Perhaps you found your example in the half-breed mutt that you follow.”

No humor here, however…just another chance for her to suffer an ignominy.

Still…Kagome was never one to sit silently and watch her honor fly out the window.

“You are speaking out of your league, Sesshoumaru…in comparing yourself to Inuyasha.” She took a deliberate pause, watching in satisfaction as her words sunk in. “You aren't worth his breath.” Once again, he showed nothing of what he felt, but the silent rage in him was far more unsettling to her than if he'd shouted at her. He leaned down, his hot breath urging several tiny hairs on her nape into movement, and she found herself shivering.

“Then I just might have to stop his respiration.” She gasped, negative images of Inuyasha's demise at the hands of the more-than-capable Sesshoumaru shocking her enough to make her reconsider arguing with him. “Would like that?” She was quick on the uptake, though:

“Bold words, Sesshoumaru. Are you threatening me?” Damn her tongue! And damn her for refusing to look away when his predator-like eyes drilled holes through her nervous soul. He didn't back down, something that she had expected.

“Would you like me to? Or maybe your defiance is simply a way of telling This Sesshoumaru that he has made a mistake in letting your precious puppy live.” There was such loathing, such poison in his words, that it seemed like she felt it going inside her. Her heart lurched and blocked her airflow, and she felt the color draining from her face.

“You try my patience, woman. Remember that you gamble not only with your life when you open that mouth of yours.” She had a comeback - she really did! But when his lips crashed down on hers in a brutal, painful, and punishing kiss, her clever words were blown away like dust in a storm. Yes, a storm - for that was precisely what this kiss felt like. She closed her eyes, feeling a pain building somewhere in her gut. Immediately, she felt a hand running up her side.

No…he's using me…he has to be…what reason would he have to touch me as if he…

But her mind was afraid to even imagine any reason for it other than cruelty. Sesshoumaru was cold…no matter that he seemed lonely, no matter that he had been so careful with her in the water that night, and no matter that even now, his hands were tender. She felt the corded muscles in his arms, felt the unimaginable strength there, but didn't feel afraid. She was simply confused, as she had always been when it came to trying to figure out his complex nature.

He broke the kiss, much to her surprising regret, nipping at her bottom lip as he did so. Her cheeks, previously pained from losing their proper blood flow, now burned with what she was sure was a bright red color. The entire room altogether felt hot and stuffy suddenly, but she didn't mind. Her brain felt like it had melted somewhere in the process of being dominated - yes dominated by the ice storm that had suddenly shown a forecast of a partly cloudy sky.

There was a silence, for once, between them. No arguing, no bickering, and no hateful words: simply a pure but not uncomfortable silence.

Why? How?

How could it be that she hated him, yet yearned so much for him to take her, to subdue her, and to kiss her until she was breathless with even more hate for what he was doing to her? How could she want his touch, his breath upon her skin, yet felt the need to push him away? He was the enemy! Inuyasha's most hated living being other than Naraku! How would he feel if he knew just how lost she felt when she looked into the eyes of the predator before her: the killer, the heartless beast, yet the lonely and strangely comforting presence that had managed to keep her safe throughout their time together?

How could she ever explain that he was bitter honey, yet sweet and blissful poison; Divine Light in darkness, yet Prince of that same shadow? How could she ever tell him that she felt torn: that she wanted nothing more than to run and run away from him, yet felt as though the world wasn't right without him in it? She was going mad…there was no other explanation. She had to be insane to feel this way for a creature who had tried to kill her, to rape her, and had hurt her without remorse. She had to be out of her mind to enjoy the kiss of a man she had known so little, and knew even less about…

There was a knock at the door and she started, opening her mouth to protest, to take action against the possibility of someone seeing them in such a position as they were in, but he silenced her with a serious look of warning. He was slow in getting up, and even slower at walking to the doorway. He seemed completely at ease, as if “bothered” was the farthest word from his mind if someone saw him with her.

“Sesshoumaru-sama! Kiba-sama has requested to see you!” Came a muffled voice from behind the door.

Sesshoumaru's reaction was immediate.

His hand slowly settled on the hilt of Tokijin.

Oh, Kami…this must be serious…

His other hand settled on the door knob.

A creak.

A thud.

The door was open.

And there stood, to her shock, Kiba - Lord of the Northern Lands.

Sesshoumaru was everything but pleased when Kiba invited himself into the room, brushing past his servant and entering the chamber through the large, sliding doorway. He stopped when his feet reached the line of Sesshoumaru's and inclined his head. His eyes noted the hand that rested on Tokijin, and his own itched to follow.

“Sesshoumaru! How are you this evening?” He smiled, and Sesshoumaru couldn't help but feel as though he'd swallowed something sour. That fox's smile always put him on the edge.

“You did not come to ask that.” He heard the woman standing up behind him, and Kiba's eyes shifted to her. There was a hunger in them.

“So! This must be the woman I've heard so much about. She is rather lovely, isn't she, Sesshoumaru? I can certainly see why you would keep her around.” To his further annoyance, Kiba walked towards the woman, whose own eyes were anxious. She looked at him, her face almost pleading for him to stop the fox from coming any closer. He, however, could make no move. If he did, then it would be the same as showing that he had some sort of claim on her. He risked confirming what he was certain was Kiba's suspicion that she was a miko.

“Come here, girl.” he said lightheartedly, “I won't bite.” She looked like she thought otherwise. He supposed, in a way, that her reaction could be understood. Kiba was intimidating- tall, large, and had a long, thin scar running down the side of his face and over an eye. In his right ear, four huge hoops dangled like some outlaw's jewelry, the edge of the appendage torn off. The eye that was intact was a strong red, giving the impression of glowing under the current scarce light. It was open now - a rarity since it was always closed when he smiled…

And that was not such a rarity at all.

He chuckled suddenly, having no qualms about showing exactly how he felt. His feet walked the rest of the distance towards the woman, who had - by this time - returned to her normal tart self. She looked the fox right in the eyes, her gaze unwavering. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised her chin.

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow.

Kiba's smile widened.

“Ah! I like your spirit girl. Such a rare thing to find in a woman these days.” Kiba took his time, lazily walking around her and taking in her entire figure. Sesshoumaru presumed that he was trying to find any sort of hint that she was indeed a priestess, but knew that Kagome looked rather plain to the untrained eye. Just when he thought that Kiba was satisfied, she ruined everything -

“I'm not some prize horse being sold at the auction! Don't you know it's rude to stare?” He was indeed surprised, and Kiba didn't look less shocked than he felt, his mouth set in a serious line for once. Her aura had flared - he was certain of it, and there was no way Kiba could have missed it. The Inquisition in the Southern Lands had been thorough when seeking out miko all over the country, and Kiba - present through most of the trials - was no less trained to detect spiritual powers.

The fox turned.

Sesshoumaru showed nothing on his face.

There was a silence.

And then the fox smiled.


As the traveler trudged through thick mud, dried leaves, and rotting topsoil, he wondered if it was worth it, coming this late at night to meet with his friend. He'd received a note that morning, notifying him that things were going as planned, and another urging him to meet here - in the filthy Lower Sector where farmers dumped their excess fertilizer and mulch. He wrinkled his nose, his eye watering from the impossibly strong smell of dung, spoiling vegetables, and wood shavings.

Don't be late.

“Damn it.”

He stopped, putting a hand against a nearby tree and letting his body sag. He wasn't used to this kind of rugged wandering. Where was that idiot? He'd said to meet him here, but it looked like he would the one who would be late.

“Did you wait long?” He jumped, whirling around to see his companion standing behind him. His eyes nervously took in the blood that covered his hands. “Do forgive me, old friend. There was something that I had to…” he wiped the fluid off with the edge of his robes, “…take care of.” The smile on his face was wicked, and the weary man found himself smiling back and removing his hand from the bark to pat his friend on the shoulder.

“Waiting for such a meeting can never be too long.” The smile withered, transforming into a serious mask.

“Let us get down to business.” The traveler straightened, listening carefully. “Our Lord is not a patient man. Have you found me a priestess yet?” He nodded, smiling.

“I believe I have. My suspicions were proven correct.” The man sagged back against the tree, his eyes wide. He looked again at the blood on his companion's clothes. He laughed.

“Don't be stupid! I took care of this little matter only after my victory.”

“But…but how in the world did you accomplish it?” His friend huffed.

“It was ridiculously easy. I had thought that it would be harder.”

The man nodded, accepting the explanation. As he looked once again into the night sky, he realized that they would have to move quicker for the plan to work.

“Tomorrow, then…” The blood-soaked shadow looked at him in question.


“Tomorrow, we shall call together a meeting, demanding Sesshoumaru to hand over the woman to the hands of the Council to be used towards the purpose of protecting the Four Lands.”



So sorry for the short chapters lately! The thing is that I've been trying to stop the chapter where I thought necessary instead of counting pages. I've been trying to update faster, though - something that I hope makes up for the length.

Your reviews - as always - were incredible! I received so much encouragement, that I simply couldn't wait to sit down and write more!

Once again, thank you for voting, and please keep doing so!


P.S - I'll have some art posted on my website soon to help you guys get a better idea of some of the new characters. I've learned some cool tricks on the comp for working with graphics, so be on the lookout! I'll give you the link when its up.