InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Will Go On ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. I want to but it's never going to happen.

Chapter Two

Kagome groaned as she began to awake, her head was pounding and she couldn’t really remember what happened.

“Ah your awake.” Miroku replied walking into the hut and over to her.

“What happened?” She asked trying to remember but everything only got fuzzy after Inuyasha left her at the god tree. Sango then walked in with a cup of tea and a small dish of rice and fish.

“You don’t remember?” Miroku said rather surprised. She shook her head no and took the tea from Sango with a bow of the head.

Sango and Miroku exchanged glances but neither wanted to ask. Sango nudged Miroku and glared at him. Sighing he cleared his throat and his gaze landed on Kagome. “Kagome, um..?” Miroku began but couldn’t think of really how to phrase the question.

“Kikyo lost her souls during lunch.” Sango said helping Miroku out.

“That is when we came across you; we followed one soul which is clearly yours.” Miroku added.

Kagome said nothing as the reason for her feeling so much more powerful clicked. “And well, Kikyo is…” Sango began.

“Still amongst the living…” Miroku finished then asked. “How is this possible?”

Kagome look up at her friends not believing it herself. “Her own soul has returned to her.”

“You mean…?” Miroku wide eyed.

“She’s really alive?” Sango asked rather shocked.

“So that is why Inuyasha is so happy.” Shippo said from the corner.
”He deserves to be don’t you think?” Kagome said smiling sadly.

“Kagome, did you..?” Miroku began staring at the miko rather confused.

Kagome nodded. “A life of happiness for those I care about.” She said simply.

“But Kagome…?” He began again.

“What was I suppose to do? It was obvious that he chose the walking dead over me. I can’t change that.”

“But why give him happiness when you’ve been suffering all these years?” Sango asked.

“Trust me I didn’t want to at first, but I just couldn’t bring myself to wish for such a selfish wish.” Kagome replied her eyes downcast.

Not wanting to keep the mood so sour, Miroku thought now was a good time to talk about the slayer village. “Kagome? Sango and I have decided to return to the slayer’s village. We’ll rebuild and repopulate….” He said rolling his hips, in only a lecherous way, Miroku could.

Sango elbowed him in the ribs. “He meant recruit.”

Kagome giggled at her friends “Are you going after your wedding or before?”

“As soon as possible.” They both answer, the reason for their leaving was clear.

“And who will marry you?”

“We will find someone.” Miroku said thinking of priest he knew.

“And when we do, you’ll be the first to know.” Sango said with a wide smile. “Can’t have my maid of honor not show up, now can I?”

“Me really? Oh Sango…” She then leaped into her friends arms and hugged her for all she was worth. “Thank you so much.” She said holding back tears.

“Oh don’t cry, if you cry, I’ll cry.” Sango said becoming teary eyed also.

“Dinner’s ready.” Inuyasha said from the doorway.

Everyone turned to look at him but said nothing as they slowly got up and piled out side to sit around the campfire and eat the rabbits he caught.

“Ah yes, Shippo?” Miroku called.

“Yea?” He replied turning to the monk.

“I was wondering, if um you would be my groomsmen?” Miroku asked.

“Me? I thought you would have picked Inuyasha.” Shippo replied.

“Now why would I do that?” Miroku replied keeping the conversation going as if Inuyasha wasn’t sitting in-between both of them.

Shippo shrugged and then replied. “I would be honored.” He said smiling.

“Who all are you inviting? Have you thought about when you would like the wedding?” Kagome asked looking at Sango and Miroku.

“We were aiming for having the wedding once we are done recruiting and rebuilding.” Miroku responded.

“We don’t really know who we are inviting, except, Shippo, you and some of the other village leaders we have met throughout our travels.”

“Sango was even thinking about inviting Lord Sesshomaru.” Miroku said thoughtfully.

“What? Like hell you are inviting him. I don’t want to see him at your wedding that would just ruin the day.” Inuyasha spoke up. He didn’t care about being groomsmen but seeing his brother at his friends wedding, keh yea right.

“Who said you’re invited.” Kagome shot back remembering that Sango had not mentioned his or Kikyo’s name.

Sango, Miroku and Shippo froze. Inuyasha looked rather shocked and Kikyo just sat their staring at the other miko.

An uncomfortable silence fell, Miroku was about to say something when, Inuyasha smacked his neck, only to pull back with a flattened Myouga in his palm. “Ah Lord Inuyasha, your blood is a tasty as ever.”

“What do you want?” Inuyasha asked in rather irritated voice.

“I have come to tell you, that there is disturbance in a village not far from here. It seems lately there have been more than the normal amount of rouge demons flocking there and more and more elderly are disappearing from the village.”

“Really Myouga..?” Kagome asked shocked to hear this.


“Keh, who cares, elderly should be killed off or just die. They can’t reproduce and they can’t fight so there is really no point for them to be around, if ya ask me.” Inuyasha said putting his two cents in.

“Well no one asked you.” Kagome gritted out through clinched teeth. “Myouga, are you sure about this? I do think it is strange that we haven’t heard anything about it seeing as how the village isn’t that far from what you told us.”

“Well that’s just it, everyone is scared to leave the village for help and it seems that no one goes near the village anymore.”

“Keh and neither are we.”

“Inuyasha?” Kagome said shocked that he wasn’t willing to help.

“Kagome it’s on my brothers lands, he can handle it.”

“Kagome, Inuyasha is right the problem resides on Sesshomaru’s lands, it is best if we don’t get involved.” Miroku jumped in hoping to persuade the miko into not going.

“I can’t just sit here and do nothing.” Kagome said grabbing her bow and a quiver of arrows just as Inuyasha hit the floor.

“And what will you do? You are not strong enough, you will die, if you go alone.” Kikyo said to her.

“Isn’t that what you always wanted?” Kagome asked looking at Kikyo out of the corner of her eye. “Me out of the picture..?”

“I did in the past but that was then.” Kikyo replied.

“No Kikyo, you still hate me, only now it’s for a different reason…” Kagome paused. “Now it’s because, I am, stronger than you.” Kagome said turning to her, Kikyo gritted her teeth and Kagome smirked as she picked up her bag, turned from her friends and began walking into the forest towards the west.

“Kagome..?” Sango, Miroku and Shippo all called after her.

“Let her go, it is her time, she must walk her own path, face her own destiny.” Kaede’s weak scratchy voice came from the hut.

“Kaede…?” Miroku said stunned at her words.

“She will do great things; I just wish I could be here to see it.” Kaede replied.

“Kaede…” Sango said tears in her eyes; she was losing too many friends at once.

“She will return, but ye must let her be.” Kaede replied before slowly falling back to sleep.

Miroku placed an arm around Sango’s shoulders and pulled her close, Sango didn’t object she just held onto him and cried. Inuyasha kehed and turned from them all before Shippo knocked him over the head, knocking him out and then turned to Kikyo. “You’re a bitch and you will get what is coming to you.”

“Do not forget who you are talking to youkai.” Kikyo said with venom in her words.

“Believe me I know who I am talking to clay pot.”

“Do you forget about the miko’s wish?” She replied smirking.

“A wish can change an appearance and smell but it can’t change what you really are.”

“And what am I really?” She asked the kitsune as he turned his back to her and began walking way.

“Nothing…” He threw over his shoulder as he disappeared into the sunset.

Hope you enjoyed, review please and thank you. Suteinu