InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Will Go On ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. I want to but it's never going to happen.

Note/Credit: I got the chapter title and the song from Evanescence. (Sweet Sacrifice)

Chapter Three
Sweet Sacrifice

The last room in the eastern wing of the western Lord’s castle was dimly light by the red and pink sky, an irritated growl rose from his throat as the door of the room flew open and the horrid high pitched voice of his retainer filled the room destroying all essence of peace. In broken, breathless words the green toad hurriedly tried to relay the news to his lord.

“Jaken, if you have news to relay then I suggest you calm yourself and tell me…” Cold golden eyes stared down at the inferior toad.

“Ah yes m’lord…” he then took a deep breathe. “A messenger from a village on the edge of your lands had just arrived bringing terrible news.” His cold eyes remained on the toad waiting for him to continue. “The villagers are trapped in the village for fear of the youkai that haunt the woods around them. They are asking for your help.”

The stoic demon debated on the situation but finally came to the conclusion that he could not let low level demons do as they please on his lands. “Jaken, you are to watch over Rin, if anything is to happen to her, you will pay with you life.” He said standing.

“..and what of the messenger?” A gulping question chocked out the toad’s throat.

“Given him food and water then send him on his way.”

“Yes m’lord.” Jaken replied before running off to do as told.

Sesshomaru called in a maid who helped him dress his armor; she smiled warmly at him and ran a hand up his fluffed armor and across his cheek. Her face contorted in pain as he grabbed hold of her wrist and held it so tight it would snap at any moment, with a low growl and quick flash of his fangs he threw her from his side satisfied with the sound of breaking bones.

It's true, we're all a little insane.
But it's so clear,
Now that I'm unchained.

Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it's taking over all the time.

The sun had disappeared some time ago taking all source of light with it, leaving a terrified Kagome looking over her shoulder every few seconds. She couldn’t see the road or her hands in front of her face. She hated the sounds of the night and the fact that she was all alone, she continued to walk straight hoping that she was still on the main road but the uproot she tripped over told her other wise. Landing on something rather hard, which she prayed was the ground and hoped it was root that was wrapping around her ankle, but then again roots don’t move nor wrap around your ankle, now do they? Sitting up she grabbed at whatever it was around her ankle and tried to unwrap it but it only wrapped tighter and began pulling her towards something that was growling or rather hissing in front of her. Blood red eyes opened and looked dead at her as the hissing grew, scared now more than ever she felt around trying to find her bow and arrows but found neither. ‘No, no this can’t be happening.’ She thought before her eyes met with red and she swallowed thickly realizing she was being held upside down by her ankle.

You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me. Don't deny.
Sweet sacrifice.

“Who dares wake thee?” A deep hissing voice asked as the red eyes study her and a rather dry tongue flicked out and licked her.

Kagome’s mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure some way out of this, but her thoughts were stopped by the tongue that licked her. ‘Did it just lick me?’ She asked herself then shook the thought and replied. “Uh it was an accident really and if you put me down I can get my things and go, then you can fall back to sleep.” She gave a nervous laugh.

“You wake us up and think you can just leave.” Another hissing voice stated from behind her as other hisses of laughter followed.

More red eyes began to appear along with some yellow, her mind began to panic and her heart began racing. “Please I didn’t mean it…” Was all she could say before she dropped to the ground and surrounded. ‘Ow…’ She rubbed her hip and looked around trying to find a way out and yet knew there wouldn’t be one. ‘What have I gotten myself into, maybe I shouldn’t have come.’ She thought chewing on her bottom lip.

One day I'm gonna forget your name,
And one sweet day, you're gonna drown in my lost pain.

Fear is only in our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds but it's taking over all the time

“We have been sleep for quiet some time and you wake us up and guess what?” She looked up to the snake and cringed in fear as she saw the hunger in his eyes. “We are hungry.” He stated leaning closer to her.

‘But, but…’ “You can’t eat me…” She stated without reason.

They chuckled at her words and again she was licked. “Oh why would that be my tasty little morsel?”

‘Eww! Why are they licking me?’ She wondered. “Because…um…well because…” She paused hoping to come up with a reason but was failing miserably. “Because I’m small and not enough to fill anyone up.”

Once again they hissed with laughter. “Now who ever said you were the main course.”

You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
And oh you love to hate me don't you, honey?
I'm your sacrifice.

‘Wait are they the ones that are terrorizing the village?’ “Are you the demons that the villagers are afraid of?” She asked going to stand but was stopped by the pain in her left leg.

(I dream in darknessI sleep to die,  Erase the silence,  Erase my life,
Our burning ashes  Blacken the day,  A world of nothingness,  Blow me away.)
Do you wonder why you hate?
Are you still too weak to survive your mistakes?

“We gave them the chance to leave but they didn’t take it.” One replied.

“They think that the lord of these lands will protect them, that he will come to rescue them. Foolish humans.” Another added with a snort of disgust.

“Why do you want them to leave, what do want with their land? What possible value could it be to you?” Kagome asked her eyebrows knitting together in anger.

“These lands belong to us...”

“No, they belong to the villagers and Lord Sesshomaru.” She retorted balling her fist and finally standing no matter the pain that shot through her leg. Once Sesshomaru’s name was out of her mouth she went flying landing hard on her back making her cry out in pain.

“He took this land from us, the land his father gave us. My father was ruler than and didn’t wish to fight so he gave up that land but that was then and I rule now. We will set things right by taking back what is ours and we will take what is his.” He hissed out as his eyes grew with blood lust. “The dog shit will know what it is like to lose everything.”

“But the people on the land having nothing to do with you and him, leave them alone.” She said sitting up and trying to ignore the pain. “Why put them in the middle of this?”

“I could ask you the same question girl, you have nothing to do with this, you aren’t from here nor do you have any association with the problem, so why are you here trying to defend people you have never met?”

‘Good question…’ She thought to herself and then rolled her eyes before answering. “Because, I have to big of a heart, I am not one who will stand by and let evil happen around me.” She said anger seep through her words as she thought of the innocent people that were killed for nothing more than bait. She could feel the power flowing through her veins and the anger in her heart.

The change in her emotions was clear as day and the power she held within her showed as she began to glow a faint blue. “Because I hate people and or demons like you, the kind that think they can do as they please because of the power position they are in. Well I have a surprise for you buddy, you can’t and you won’t get away with this. Sesshomaru may not come to the rescue of the villagers, but I have.”

They hissed and some rattle their tails but she didn’t flinch or bat an eye lash. The self proclaimed leader slowly began backing away from the miko. “Kill her.” He commanded.

Closing her eyes, she concentrates all her anger and hate into her powers, making a strong shield. “You kill innocent humans and run from your own death, you coward.” She growled out anger and hate flowing in her words. She opened her eyes slowly and a devilish smirk crossed her lips as she looked around at the demons waiting for them to attack. “And justice is what I will deliver.” She stated as purifying energy began to flow from her and out towards the demons, first freezing them in place with numbing pain, then slowly disintegrating their flesh and bones into nothing but ash.

The power fade, receding back into her, once most were dead or injured. Tried and unable to stop herself, she fell lifelessly to the ground, drained from using so much energy. The remaining youkai circled the weak miko, hissing and flicking out their tongues ready to strike and tear her apart. A blur of white and red, was all that could be seen before they fell dead leaving just the leader standing. Golden magma, stared the snake down, a furious growl rising out of the Taiyoukai’s throat.

The snake chuckled. “What a pleasant surprise.”

Sesshomaru looked at the soon to be corpse. “What are you doing on my land?” He asked in a deep monotone voice.

“Your land?” He hissed glaring at the Inu. “This land belongs to me and I plan on taking back what is rightfully mine.”

“I’d like to see you try.” He replied smirking, his fang poking from his lips.

The snake hissed, reeled back, swinging around so that his tail shot out at the demon lord, whom easily side stepped the readable attack and countered by grabbing it as it was being retracted.

“Open books hold no secrets.” Poisonous claws dug into the snake’s tail, piercing the hard scaled armor and slowly making its way up the tail disintegrating flesh and bone on its way up. The lord dusted off his hand and walked over to the fallen miko, looking her over he was still amazed at how much power she now carried, for even now warn out she still radiated power. Bending down he reached over to pick the miko up only for her power to reach act and try and purify his hand. Baring his fangs, he suppressed a growl, knowing the miko wasn’t doing it purposely. “Miko, I am here to help you, cease attacking this one.” He watched as her body responded to his words and he leaned over picking her up and tucking her against his body before standing.

Feeling herself tucked against something soft she focused her eyes on seeing who or what and gasped as her eyes locked with golden. “Sesshomaru…?” The world then went black.

You poor sweet innocent thing.
Dry your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break me.
Don't deny.
Sweet sacrifice.

Sorry it took so long to update, but I am on a role and should have another chapter up like tomorrow or so. If not I will put up half a chapter just so I don’t totally break my promise. Review please and thank you. And once again the chapter’s title and song are not mine but Evanescence.