InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal aka Sango's Sadness ❯ Chapter 1

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"My Immortal" Songfic

*I do not own the Inu-Yasha gang, Takahashi-sensei does…I also do not own the song "My Immortal", Evanescence does.*

This song fic is supposed to be a bit of a deeper look into Sango's mind, the things that trouble her most will surface here.

I'm so tired of being here,

Suppressed by all my…childish fears…

Sango wiped a tear from her eye. She was tired of living in the past, tired of being held bac by her fear of loving and losing. She loved her family and had lost them, she didn't even want to risk expressing her love for the houshi Miroku, for his Kazanna had not yet been sealed…

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

`cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone…

//Kohaku…// she thought, //I failed you, I have lost you to Naraku, perhaps for good…If you can't come back to me, please allow me to let go of my memories of you and father…All I ever see is memories of you…//

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase…

As if someone had driven a knife through her heart, Sango let her tears fall. Her heart ached in sorrow. Sorrow for her family, sorrow for Miroku and sorrow for all those at Naraku's mercy. One year had still not diminished the pain of losing her baby brother and her father to that monster, and she feared that it never would…

When you cried, I wiped away all of your tears

When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have…All of me…

Sango remembered caring for Kohaku as a child when their father was away. He used to have nightmares about demons and would cry and scream. Sango would tear into the room to comfort him by drying his tears and rocking back to sleep as a means of fighting off his fears of being left alone. She was always there during his training as a Taiji Ya, and held his hand and walked him through something when gave him trouble. She encouraged him through it all…and even though she wasn't with him anymore physically, Kohaku still had all of her in mind heart and soul…

You used to captivate me

By your resonating light

And now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts, my once pleasant dreams

Your voice has chased away

All of the sanity in me…

Her brother was always alive with energy and was always giving off an aura of love. Losing him, she felt bound by their blood and the light he had brought into her life and now that he was gone, she couldn't even get one night of sleep without seeing his face. In her waking house, his voice had stolen away most of her sanity. His last concious words rang through her head echoing "Sis! Sango I'm so sorry…I'm so scared…"

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

Ther's just too mcuh that time cannot erase

Touching the scar left by her brother's weapon, more tears welled in her eyes and flooded onto her cheeks. Though long sealed, the scar was still a reminder of what time would never fully ease.

When you cried, I wiped away all of your tears

When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have…All of me…

His nightmares, the injuries only a child could sustain, she missed it all. She began to cry even harder. All the times that she had yelled at him for his crying, she would give anything to have them back…she wished that she could have another chance to watch him grow up…holding his hand all the way just like she used to…

I tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone all along…

She had tried to convince herself that he was dead but in her heart she knew tha truth. Her baby brother was still alive but no more than a shell of his former self, // Just like Kikyou…//. Kohaku may have been still alive but he didn't know who she was, leaving her all alone in her misery.

When you cried, I wiped away all of your tears

When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have…All of me…

She would never give up trying to get him back but she knew that she may not succeed. Naraku was cruel but must have had someone love him at some point…he must have had someone to dry his tears, to scare away the monsters in the night just like she had done for Kohaku…Maybe Naraku just needed someone…just like she needed Kohaku…

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A/N: This is my very first songfic so please R & R! It's a short one but if its liked by a lot of people then maybe I'll write some more

Ja Ne!