InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ What happend ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Black Heart
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Summary:You said you would always be here
you said you would always hold me close
that no one would ever hurt me
when your the one who did
and now you cant be here or hold me least not anymore
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Chapter 1:No More!
Rated: R
Oh right I dont own InuYasha or any of the charactors ans the lyrics belong to Evanescence: My Immortal
this is an Alternate Universe.
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Another not so normal day. The sun wasnt out and it was pouring down rain. Sango and Miroku had come up with an agreement, He wouldnt hit on any more women and Sango would marry him,wich is what they both wanted. Shippoe had grown up some, he was no longger the adorable little demon he used to be. He was taller and no longer took crap from InuYasha. And he fought his own battles and didnt rely on them to always protect him but he let them from time to time.
And InuYasha, the poor guy was still caught between loving Kagome and Kikyo.
Kagome hadnt been back in almost a month and there was a good reason, as usual InuYasha pissed her off and broke her heart in the process.
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It was rainy that day too. Dark black skies that were usually beautiful blue. Thunder and Lighting popping out everywere.
"Well guys its official we cant go anywere" Kagome said with a cheerful tone and enlighting smile.
"Keh what was your first clue." InuYasha snapped gruffly
"InuYasha what the hell has been your problem ?"
her cussing had shocked everyone but not Inuyasha
"Kagome-chan .."Sango said in shock
"Hmph what ever " he said readying himself to leave the house
"Hey InuYasha were are you going?" she said flattly
"Out " is all he said before leaving abruptly
Kagome got up and was about to leave when Sango dumbly asked
"Kagome were are you going?"
"After InuYasha" she replied sweetly
she ran out into the pouring rain and the black skies
"InuYasha.......InuYasha......." she called
over with InuYasha
"Kikyo were are you?" he snapped
"InuYasha there you are I have been calling you for the past few days"
"Look Kikyou I need to...." he was smotherd by her kiss
around the same time Kagome comes up
'InuYasha how could you?'
she couldnt stop the tears from falling
'Why am I still looking ?' she scolded her self inwardly for staying but she couldnt help it until she saw him kiss back .so she ran

<I'm so tired of being here
Suppresed by all my childesh fears
And if you have to leave
i wish that you would just leave
because your presence lingers here
and it wont leave me alone>

she ran for as long as she could.
she finally reached home when InuYasha realzied she wasnt around the area
he snapped out of his transe to realize he wasnt kissing the one he wanted to.
he pulled away from Kikyou as fast as he could

<These wounds wont seem heal
this pain is just to real
there just to much that time cannot heal>
::::::::::::::::::::::::::End Flashback::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Kagome was at home balling her eyes out on the bed
InuYasha was nearing the door of her home
He smelt Kagome's tears
And ran up to her room
but it wasn't Kagome in the room
it was her mother,
"Mrs Higurashi whats wrong..were is Kagome"
"Were's Kagome? Were's Kagome? I would like to know too !"
"Whaddya mean?"
"Ever since you did whatever you did to her she has been a totally different person, she is dark and no longer the cheerful little girl I raised."
"Wh-whaddya mean dark?"
"Dark, as in the balck make up putting red-sreaks into her hair. sneaking out, riding on the backs of motercycle's with that horrible boy Kouga. Disrespecting me and the family. She has turned into a horrible girl." her mother cried banging her fists agaist InuYasha's chest.
"Mrs. Higurashi I'm sorry I didnt know"
at that moment a motercycle was heard coming to a stop infront of the shrine
"Bye Kag's " said a gruff voice only to be known as Kouga
"Bye Kouga" she said kissing him feircly
she knew InuYasha was watching and thats another reason why she kissed him
she reached her room only to see InuYasha in there
"Oh Hi Yasha"
"Kagome enough with the act ok"
"What act"
"This act"
she had on a black leather vest and denim mini with knee high steletto's {sp?} black leather of course
her hair was shorter
it was shoulder length shorter in the back and loner in the front with
deep red streaks.
her eye shadow was blackest black and black eyeliner and mascara.
"Kagome you look...."
"Look what Yash ... different? yea see when you left I was able to come out and my black heart took over. and look at me I'm myself finally"
"Your---yourself" he squeaked
"Ummm Kagome...{he got up his anger} WHY THE HELL WERE YOU WITH KOUGA?!"
"Uhh Ka-kagome...."
he stammered back
"Ohh and InuYasha this is for all the times you broke my heart and hurt me "
"What is?"
Kagome took her pistle and fired 6x in the chest
InuYasha fell on his back bleeding profusely
"InuYasha it's over"
she said with a smirk and left
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A/N sorry wrote that out of a sper of the moment
well i was feeling dark
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