InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Downward Spiral and a Change for the Better ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Repost from my old account. Said account I cannot remember the password of course it will be edited for grammar and content to my liking so the story may change a bit.
Disclaimer: -snorts- like I'd own ever Inuyasha. That's funny. If I owned Inuyasha Fluffy would be paired with Kagome and Inuyasha with someone else. I don't own the song “My Immortal” by Evanescence
~Song Lyrics~
^Time Change^
\/Location Change/\
Chapter 1: Downward Spiral
Kagome popped out of the well excited about her newest decision. She was finally going to tell Inuyasha how she felt. She was in such a hurry to get back she didn't bother packing her giant yellow bag, Inuyasha could wait until he heard what she had to say to get some ramen, not that he needed it, let's be honest.
She rushed towards the God Tree, where she knew Inuyasha would be, that's where he always waited for her when she went home, with an almost demonic speed; she was just so excited and giddy! She stopped short when she heard intimate sounds coming from the direction of the tree. Gasping she had to see for herself, she hoped that the sounds she were hearing were not from the one she loved so dearly. She snuck, in a roundabout way of course, towards the God Tree, hoping the entire time that it was not Inuyasha. She peered around the only tree large enough to hide her from sight and saw exactly what she feared. There was Inuyasha in his most natural sexual position behind Kikyou, pounding into her like there was no tomorrow. Kagome cracked, she almost fell to her knees but instead she decided to continue on to the village, she had to see Sango and her beloved Shippou before she left.
~End Flashback~
“Sango… I just don't know what to do anymore, I thought I could forgive him, but this time it was too far. He knew I was going to be back today and yet still he chooses her over me.” Kagome explained sadly to Sango. Kagome's eyes were glittering with unshed tears; she was at such a loss she couldn't even cry properly, the tears just stuck in the rims of her eyes.
“It's ok Kagome; you're too good for him anyway. Your heart is too kind for him, if he wants the wretched corpse that is Kikyou then leave him to it.” Sango attempted to comfort her friend, fearing that it wasn't enough. She knew Kagome wasn't going to stay
“I'm sorry Sango, I love you as my sister, and I love my dear son Shippou but I need you to take care of him, I need to get away from here and I'm not going home. I'm going somewhere that Inubaka cannot find me!” Kagome had a new look of determination in her eyes, all sadness abandoned, she finally snapped. `I'm done with Inuyasha! If he wants the clay pot then he can have her but he will not have me. I will be with someone else by the time he sees me again, and boy will he be sorry' Kagome thought with a vengeance.
“Where will you go Kagome?” Miroku asked curiously, having heard the tail end of the conversation. He was worried for the woman he had come to think of as a little sister but he knew she had grown into a strong woman and could take care of herself.
“Oh, Miroku, I'm sorry. I don't know where I'll go yet; perhaps I will go spend some time with Kouga and his tribe, that will really get Inuyasha's goat. I'll finish the jewel for sure it's my responsibility after all. Whatever you two do though, please, just tell Shippou the well sealed and I can't get back and do not tell Inuyasha I left.” Kagome finished with a very serious edge to her voice.
“We'll miss you Lady Kagome try and come back to see us.” Miroku gave Kagome a friendly hug and a watery smile.
“Kagome I wish circumstances were different, I'll miss you more than you know.” Sango hugged the stuffing out of her friend who became more of a sister over the years. “Take care Kagome, remember we'll always be here for you.” Sango turned away from Kagome and fell into Miroku's embrace, sobbing quietly.
Kagome turned and walked into the forest, they watched until they could see her no more and broke down. “It's alright Sango, she'll be alright, she's a bright woman and can take care of herself.” Miroku hugged Sango tightly stroking her hair, he knew now was not the time to be making any moves. They were both worried about their friend and more so Shippou the poor little kitsune will not take it very well.
~I'm so tired of being here…~
~Suppressed by all my, childish fears~
^A Few Hours Later^
Inuyasha trekked into Kaede's hut looking as normal as ever. Everyone stared at him angrily, including Kaede, which was by far one of the rarest occurrences ever.
“What are you fuckers staring at?” He spat viciously, Inuyasha had no tolerance for all the stares he got today. Kagome was late and he swore he smelled her while he was with Kikyou but brushed it off as his senses just acting up.
Sango was the first to say anything, she handed Shippou whose form was still shaking with sob, Miroku and Sango couldn't lie to the little kit and told him the truth about Kagome. He was furious with Inuyasha but at the same time heartbroken that Kagome had left him. “What the fuck are we staring at you ask?” Everyone was shocked, no one had ever heard Sango curse before. Her eyes hardened, “Inuyasha, you've hurt Kagome for the last time, she came back today to tell you how she felt, to tell you she LOVED you and instead of being able to do that you broke her heart again by choosing Kikyou.”
Miroku gave Inuyasha a long hard look and it was Kaede who spoke next, “Perhaps ye should leave Inuyasha. Ye are no longer welcome in this village.”
“Feh, I ain't leaving here, Kikyou is the rightful miko here, not you.” He spat back in the old lady's face.
At this point Shippou had heard enough and he launched himself at Inuyasha beating him with his little fists with all his might. “GO. FIND. MY. MOTHER!” Shippou put extra emphasis on his last word, tears flying from his eyes as he beat on Inuyasha as hard as he could. Sango and Miroku exchanged glances deciding it would be best to peel Shippou off Inuyasha before he decided that Shippou was better served as a punching bag.
“Keh, Kikyou will make a much better mother for you and she can sense the jewel shards so it's a double win for us. No more emotional Kagome and we get to keep searching for the shards.” Inuyasha barked and marched out of the hut, he didn't have to take this abuse from them. He sought out his Kikyou, she seemed to be the only one who understood him.
~And if you have to leave… I wish that you would just leave~
~'Cause your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone.~
\/Somewhere in the forest/\
Kagome fell to her knees crying, she didn't know how long or how far she ran but her emotions overwhelmed her finally. “I can't believe he went back to Kikyou, so much for his promise to protect me.” Kagome sobbed into her hands. “That's all you are Inuyasha! You're a skin sack of worthless promises!” She screamed to the sky “I wish I had never met you…. I wish… I had never come here.” She looked back down to the ground and stiffened when she felt a very powerful youkai presence behind her. `This is just great, I'm lost in the woods and now I'm going to die a heartbroken miko.'
“Are you Higurashi, Kagome?” The Youkai asked in a very serious tone, a tone that did not leave room for nonsense.
“Y-y-yes. Why?” Kagome asked fearing for her life. She was not ready to die yet.
~These wounds won't seem to heal~
~This pain is just too real~
“Joy!” the mysterious youkai said a little too happily for Kagome's liking, “I won't have to kill you then!”
Those last words scared the living daylight out of Kagome and she paled, fear started to seep into her scent. `Great, I won't die today but I'll become this woman's slave. That's just fantastic.'
The mysterious youkai sensed Kagome's fear and attempted to reassure her that she was safe. “Child, do not fear me, I will not bring any harm to you this day. My name is Katsumi.” Kagome breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't sense any evil coming from this youkai. “I'm sure you've noticed I'm a kitsune youkai,” Kagome honestly had not noticed at all but looking up at Katsumi she did take note of the stunning emerald eyes and mischievous look on her face. “I've come today to request your assistance.”
Kagome eyed her suspiciously now, why would anyone need her help, and who honestly knew who she was. “For what task do you require my assistance? If it has anything to do with Inuyasha I will have nothing to do with it! I am done with that wretch. He has broken my heart too many times at this point.”
Katsumi sighed; she knew this would be difficult. This girl had a fire within her and she would not give up easily. “I need you to retrieve Shippou, he's my nephew and he's in grave danger.”
“I love Shippou, but I left him in Sango's care, I know he'll be fine.” Kagome looked away as she finished her sentence. She regretted leaving Shippou behind more than anything she's ever done.
“Kagome, you must understand, Inuyasha has no tolerance for the kit and he will not be safe, we must go get him, please I beg you.” Katsumi was almost crying at this point.
Kagome sighed, she knew she needed to. She knew the only reason Inuyasha ever stopped beating on Shippou was because she stopped him. “Ok but I can't go alone, I can't face Inuyasha. I just can't.” Kagome was on the verge of tears again. Her Shippou was in danger and it was her fault.
“Then it is settled, we must be on our way.” Katsumi had a new look of determination across her face and started to head off after 3 steps she stopped suddenly, “Oh, I almost forgot. Kagome I have an interesting proposition for you.”
“What's that Katsumi?” Kagome asked, she was all to curious to what else this Kitsune had up her sleeve.
Katsumi smiled at Kagome impressed at how quickly she came to trust her, “Though you are a powerful priestess, would you perhaps be interested in becoming a youkai to further ensure Shippou's safety?”
Kagome's eyes went wide. This was probably the most exciting question she'd heard in a long. “I'd do anything to protect my Shippou!” Kagome said excitedly, all she ever wanted was to keep Shippou safe, and the idea of becoming a demon, this was all too exciting for her.
Katsumi smiled. `Of course she wants to, she's a very brave girl and would do anything for that little kit.' Turning to face Kagome, Katsumi asked, “Now what kind of youkai would you like to become, seeing as you are human now you can choose any species you prefer.”
Kagome stared in awe, she was so excited, any kind of youkai she wanted and before she could think it through she exclaimed, perhaps a bit too excitedly, “An Inu Youkai! Just like Lord Sesshomaru!” Kagome's face was overcome with a mixed expression of admiration and love. `Oh no, I did not just say just like Lord Sesshomaru… surely this woman will think my reason ridiculous. Surely my reason doesn't matter anyway, it's simply a dream, and Sesshomaru would never want to be with me, Human or Youkai.'
~There's just too much that time cannot erase.~
~When you cried I'd wipe away all your tears~
Katsumi smiled sympathetically, knowing all too well what was going through Kagome's head, “Ah so I see you've taken a liking to the `Almighty' Lord Sesshomaru,” Kagome nodded quickly, “do not underestimate yourself Kagome, Sesshomaru may have a spot in his heart for a powerful female youkai yet.” Katsumi finished with a smile and began chanting an ancient spell, one Kagome was sure even Kaede wouldn't have known. “An Inu Youkai worthy of Sesshomaru you shall be then!” Katsumi grasped Kagome's hands and finished her spell. As she finished Kagome felt overwhelming warmth come over her, but along with the warmth a searing pain in all of her joints.
Katsumi watched as Kagome's hair lengthened and midnight blue and violet streaked her hair. Her breasts increased by at least a cup size. Her hips became curvier and shapelier, her fingers longer, her nails deadlier and sharper, her legs became longer and even more toned. Her face changed slightly as well with this transformation, her eyes turned a piercing aquamarine, she gained markings on her face similar to Sesshomaru's except instead of magenta her stripes were midnight blue and instead of a moon she had a violet mini star. Along with all her changes she also received her own tail, a black tail was now wrapped around her waist, and its fluffiness rivaled even The Great Lord's.
The warmth left Kagome almost two hours later, and Katsumi released Kagome's hands, eyeing her up and down, she had to admit, Kagome was one fine Inu. Katsumi stepped back a bit to admire Kagome, “Kagome, You look too beautiful for words.”
Kagome's face flushed, she was happy that she was an Inu, the world around her with her new eyesight and senses was just so much more amazing, she never could have imagined. “Thank you, for everything so far.”
Katsumi smiled at Kagome, “Now, let us go rescue Shippou from that clay pot and half demon wretch!” They took off at an exhilarating speed towards Kaede's Hut. It was time to save the dear little kitsune.
~When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears~
~I held your hand through all of these years, but you still have… all of me~
A/N Not exactly a terribly long first chapter but long enough I suppose. Remember this is a repost with changes and I'm hoping they are changes for the better! I always appreciate reviews! That's what keeps me motivated to keep going! ^o^