InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Blood Hunt ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Immortal
Chapter 2
Blood Hunt
Kagome crouched on cold ground, watching the doe graze lazily on grass. Careful to not make a sound, she inched closer to her prey, engrossed in her mission. Her ears twitched madly as she listened to the animal in front of her and to the woods around her. Delighted in her waiting meal, she gave the smallest of snarls. But, unfortunately for her, the doe heard. Its head snapped up and it looked around the clearing for its stalker. Furious with herself, Kagome leapt at her prey. With a growl and a snap of her jaws, the animal was no more. While she feasted, she kept an ear trained on the sounds of the forest. When her meal was done, Kagome licked her mouth clean and leapt into a nearby tree to scan for her next meal.
She heard a few small animals scurry in the grass, all aware of her presence. She gave those creatures a scornful glare, not bothering to waste time on such measly prey. Her right ear twitched in irritation as Kagome grew tired of waiting. And, as if to further her irritation, the small part of Kagome conscience mind that had remained human began to fight for control. Her dominate demon side shoved it back into the depths of her mind with a snarl. Satisfied that her human side wasn't going to bother her until morning, she returned her attention to the forest. With the confirmation that no worthy prey was nearby, Kagome dropped from the tree and ran quietly through the trees.
Inhaling deeply, Kagome search for her next meal. The scents of animals and the forest drifted through her senses, but a faint smell caught her attention. It was very different from the normal smells and was quite enticing. Abandoning her previous mission, she turned to follow this strange, new scent. She ran for quite some time before she notice the smell getting stronger. What ever she was pursuing, it was also moving, as just as fast as she was. Growling in aggravation, Kagome ran faster. She came to a sharp drop off where the smell was originating. She crouched at the edge of the drop off and peered cautiously over the edge. First thing she noticed was that the bottom was really far below her, but she, being a demon, wasn't worried. The second thing that she saw, and that kept her attention, was a white haired person and a smaller, and less-interesting, black haired person. She tuned her ears into the voices drifting up from below.
“Really, Inuyasha. Can't you eat a little more...civilized?” The first voice said, and earned a growl in response.
The voice sighed. “I really don't know why I agreed to watch over you during your `time'. Not only do I have to watch my neck, but I have to protect your sorry ass, too.”
“You're only helping because you know how much damage I can cause without supervision. Plus, the cash is good.” A second voice said, after the sounds of licking.
“True, true. That, and I'm your friend and it's my job, as a friend, to keep you out of extreme trouble. I suppose...” The first voice sighed.
Kagome, while cautious at heart, was extremely curious about the two figures. Especially the part about the one person's `time'. Was there someone else like her?
`Time to stop sitting around and find out.'
So, without a second thought, Kagome jumped off the edge and landed in a crouch behind a bush, where she sat watching.
The white haired figure stood up and looked around as if he heard something. The black haired guy looked at him questioningly.
“What's up with you? Did you hear something?” The black haired guy asked.
“Yeah, I did. It came from over there.” The white haired man responded, pointing a few yards to Kagome's left. “Although, with the echo off the walls, I can't really tell.”
“Wanna check it out?”
Kagome sat very still as both men began walking around, praying that she was down wind. The white haired guy went over to her left, but the black haired one began walking directly towards her. Cursing to herself mentally, she braced herself for her discovery, and the attack. The interesting smell wasn't from this guy, but maybe if she got rid of him, she could save her skin from the other. The guy began poking bushes with a long staff he was carrying in his hand. `Very courageous.' Kagome thought sarcastically with a sneer. The guy paused as he poked something solid, mainly her...well, let's say it wasn't the best place to be poked for a girl. With a very audible snarl, Kagome leapt out of hiding and snatch up the guy by the collar of his shirt.
“You're gonna pay for poking me there. Any last prayers?” She growled, giving him a hard shake.
“Just one...HELP, INUYASHA!!!” The guy screamed at the top of his lungs. Kagome winced at the volume and tossed him to the side. `So much for an easy get-away...' She thought as she turned to run. She only got a few feet before she was knocked to the ground by an extremely strong force. Rolling onto her back, she came face to face with the white-haired man, the one emitting the strange smell. And at this close range, she was able to identify it.
“'re a dog demon!” She gasped.
The guy paused for a moment, and then, with a vicious snarl, grabbed her by the throat and hoisted her off her feet to dangle in the air. “And you're not going to live to tell about it.”
“Hold on, Inuyasha. Don't kill her yet. There are a few questions I want answered.” The second guy said. The white haired guy, Inuyasha, glared at his companion and lowered her to the ground, but didn't remove his hand from her throat. “Now, now, Inuyasha. How can she answer if you're strangling her? Let go.” The first guy scolded. Inuyasha loosed his grip, but didn't let go. But it was loose enough for maneuverability. And Kagome was going to take advantage of that.
Kagome, being ever observant, saw the ears on the dog demon's head. She let out an ear-piercing yip she knew would hurt his sensitive hearing. Her assumptions were correct and Inuyasha immediately dropped her to grab his head and cover his ears. She took the opportunity to jam a knee into his stomach and make a run for it. Once again, she was on the ground after a few feet. This time she rolled onto her back and flipped him into the air with her feet, then jumped to her feet for another try at an escape. She felt something lightly hit her back, and with a yelp of surprise, she hit the ground a third time, but this time she couldn't get back up. She was roughly flipped over and glared at by the Inuyasha guy.
“Who do you think you are that you can just get away from me, bitch?” he growled.
“I should have kicked you harder.” Kagome spat back.
“And I should have killed you before Miroku stopped me. But now I'm just gonna relish your death even more.” He snapped. He stretched out his hand to expose his sharp claws, and slashed at her. Kagome snapped her eyes shut and braced herself.
“What the...? Miroku! Stop protecting her!”
Kagome opened her eyes and saw a bright purple barrier between her and Inuyasha. She opened her mouth to say something, and to her surprise, the barrier dissolved before her eyes.
“Thank you!” Inuyasha growled and reached for Kagome again.
“I didn't do that.” Miroku stated, putting a restraining hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. “She did.”
“What?” Inuyasha and Kagome chorused.
“So you don't know how you did it either, hmm?” Miroku sat by Kagome and pulled an ofuda off her back, releasing her from its spell. “Don't go running off, now. There are some things I want to know. And Inuyasha, don't kill her. If you do, I'll do horrible, painful things to you.”
“Fine.” Both chorused again, giving each other glares.
“Good, now come back over here to the fire. We'll talk there.” Miroku said, leading the two demons over the spot. Inuyasha sat opposite Miroku, who had Kagome off to his right, and far, far away from Inuyasha.
“Alright, first of all, who are you?” Miroku asked, turning to Kagome.
“The name's Kagome.” She replied after a moment's hesitation. “Same question.”
“I'm Miroku, and my moody friend over there is Inuyasha. Question 2. How did you break my spell?”
“I don't know. Probably the same way I broke the protections my family put on me.”
“Your family locks you up? Hah! They let me roam around.” Inuyasha grunted, head turned to the side.
“Yes, but not without me.” Miroku added.
“Mine locks me up for the protection of myself and others. Yours gives you a nanny. I say that's worse.” Kagome laughed sourly.
“Hey! I resent that! I'm not a nanny. I'm a concerned friend.” Miroku argued, indignant.
“Whatever.” Kagome waved him off. “I heard you mention something about Inu-butt over there's `time'. What did you mean?”
Both men paused. After a while, Kagome thought they wouldn't answer. Then, Miroku spoke up. “Inuyasha's...well, he's a dog demon. But not all the time. He's actually a half-demon, but changes to a full demon every full moon. Kinda like a werewolf.”
“Like me.” Kagome mumbled.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Miroku asked.
Kagome sighed. “I'm a normal human high school girl, but every full moon I become a demon wolf. So I guess you could say I'm a werewolf, but the demon kind.”
“Well, that explains a lot.” Miroku sighed, then clapped his hands. “Now that you know us, do you still want to rip us to shreds?”
“I don't know, know you. I just know who you are. But, you? No. Him?” Kagome said, thumbing in Inuyasha's direction. “Yep. Without a doubt, I want to tear him to little tiny, bite-sized pieces.”
“I'd like to see you try, you annoying little wench.” Inuyasha growled and stood up. Kagome followed his example.
“Alright, you're on. And since we're both were-something, we can use our teeth and claws.” Kagome said, baring her teeth in a maniacal grin.
“But no killing!” Miroku added before it was too late.
“You've got to be kidding me! She's asking for it!” Inuyasha whined.
“No killing. It must be limited to injuries that I can heal if necessary. Got it?” Miroku warned.
“Good. Now let me get out of the way. There's no way in hell that I'm gonna get caught in this cross-fire.” Miroku mumbled as he scurried out of the way.
“Ready, bitch?”
“Bring it on, Dog boy.” Kagome grinned.
A.N.: Another cliffhanger. I just love them. ^_^ If you promise to review, I'll put out the next chapter in the next few days, k? Oh yeah, here's your preview of the next chapter!
Chapter 3 Preview:
Inuyasha dodged trees and brush as he raced after the boomerang's scent. `I hope the wench is alright.' He sighed mentally, his thoughts drifting back to the girl. She was so...strange. So different from the others, the ones who ran at the sight of him. Instead of running, she came face-to-face with him and picked a fight! Not only that, but she put up one hell of a fight, too. He was willing to wager that if they hadn't been interrupted, she could have evened the score with him. But now, she was back there, with Miroku nursing her bleeding head.
`And that better be all he's nursing, or else I'll...' He thought maliciously. He paused in a clearing as the scent he had been chasing became a lot stronger. He leapt into the air as the boomerang whistled through the air under him. “Nice try, but if you want to beat me, try using a quieter weapon.” He yelled, breaking the silence.
“I wouldn't need a weapon at all if you and your filthy kind didn't exist. So, I gonna put an end to you, and your female.” A voice rang out in the night, echoing through the clearing.
“Show yourself, you coward. I want to fight you face-to-face.” Inuyasha growled. “And she's not my female!” He yelled as an afterthought.
“Whatever.” A woman said as she jumped down from a tree opposite from him. Inuyasha looked again, and found she wasn't really a woman, but more of a girl around Kagome's age. She wore a skin-tight black leotard with black boots and red armor covering her most vital areas. Her black hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and she carried her boomerang and a sheathed sword at her side.
“Who are you? And why do you feel like picking a fight with me?” Inuyasha asked, shifting his position into a fighting stance.
“My name is no business of yours. But I will tell you why you must die. I'm a demon hunter, but recently, there has been an outbreak of were-creatures. Werewolves and were-dogs are the most prominent of problems. So, I've been hired to exterminate all of them.” The girl replied, hoisting her boomerang up onto her shoulder. “Starting with you.”