InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Inamorata ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey! Welcome to `My Libido's' sequel. But no worries if you are uncomfortable with lemons and what not, no need to go back and read it, you'll be fine with just what I am about to give you! But please if you want, go back and read it! But you will not find it on so look at or A Single Spark under the penname xXxMirokuisMinexXx…Read and review now!
Kiyoshi: Arms crossed looking away.
Me: Kiyoshi you really aren't still mad that I used Miroku as a muse for the last story instead of you?
Kiyoshi: Hmph! I thought I heard someone…Odd…
Me: Growls. You can go back and read the story when you are older! SO now for the sake of my soul will you just quit and help me write!?!
Kiyoshi: Looks at little paws and blows on them</i>
Me: Sighs. I have chocolate.
Kiyoshi: Well what are you waiting for let's git' er done!
My Inamorata
By: xXxMirokuisMinexXx
Chapter One:
I was caught somewhere between a woman and a child
When one restless summer we found love growing wild
On the banks of the river on a well beaten path
Funny how those memories they last

Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
-Deana Carter
n : a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship
Kagome had barely made it in time to wretch behind a bush, as a wave of nausea hit her. She swayed, feeling dizzy. It flooded her mind and soul as she felt overpowered by it. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand looking up at the beautiful day. It was so bright it just screamed innocence. She sighed deeply at the mere thought of the word. Innocence was something she no longer had. Maybe because of this God was punishing her. Ever since that fateful night she had been unable to return to the future. In fact, Kagome believed that it was because of her loss of innocence, that the well would not accept her. What a fickle thing that well was. Kagome began turning to walk back to Kaede's hut, but as soon as he had a made a one-hundred and eighty, turn she ran into the before mentioned Kaede.
“Child, what ails thee?” Her arms were behind her back and she was giving Kagome a scrutinizing, yet worried look over.
“Oh it's nothing Kaede just a little upset tummy,” Kagome smiled reassuringly up at her, though she really was beginning to wonder what exactly ailed her. Her stomach had become easily upset lately, but the younger miko was not about to worry the other with her little sickness. Kaede continued to look her over with her good, uncovered beady eye.
“Hm, well child I came to tell ye that Miroku has finished preparing the meal,” With this both mikos began to walk side by side.
“How many jewel shards do you think Naraku has gathered?”
“Hm… Child I fear I haven't a clue,” Kaede kept her eye on the dirt ground, her mind on dramatically different issues. Kagome sighed, exasperated looking forward, towards their destination. She had been a bit past the Well when she had felt the urge to spill the contents of her stomach on the ground. Not wanting Inu Yasha to complain about the stench, she ran as far as she could till she could hold it in no more. She had gotten a pretty good distance away too, she was surprised Kaede didn't mention anything about her being so far away. Kagome turned her head to look at a crisp blue expanse of sky. The feudal era was so untouchably beautiful, it smelt fresh, wild, unruly, and magical. It made Kagome want to run out into a field of flowers, and twirl around until she collapsed and just lay there, content. She tilted her head to the side slightly, as they passed the God Tree, in all its mighty beauty. Whenever Kagome walked by it, it would whisper to her through its leaves. Where I met Inu Yasha. After her thought a gust of wind blew about her making leaves dance by her. A small smile came to angelic features. Funny, what experiences and time can do to love. Sure there was no denying there was still something between the hanyou and the miko, and there would always be, it just wasn't the same emotion. It was love but not such a passionate love. Kagome didn't really understand what to name it, but she assumed, that with the years of her life and wisdom, she'd be able to place the emotion. Though she had to admit that one night with Sesshomaru had affected it. In actuality their encounter had changed a lot in Kagome. She had always been bold speaking her mind, but now she was bold in the little everyday things. Like singing in public, something she previously would have been mortified to do.
Only one person knew about the miko and demons' encounter, and that said person was none other, than everyone's favorite Taiji, Sango. Kagome had kept her mouth shut for one whole month before it had finally eaten away at her, so that she had to tell her closest friend. She remembered clearly how she had wanted to tell Sango so badly how it had been killing her slowly until she finally spilled and in actuality that was when the new bolder Kagome met the world. When she admitted about her strong emotions for a seemingly emotionless person. Sango had been weary of Kagome's emotion at first but she couldn't stand not being happy for her friend, though it took her awhile and she still struggled to understand why Kagome, hadn't ran, purified his ass, done anything, but still she wasn't Kagome so she may never know.
Kagome had been so caught up in her thoughts that she had not realized that she was already at Kaede's quaint wood hut. Kaede pulled back the flap that served as her door, “Ye coming child?”
“Yes Kaede, I'll be in just a moment,” She smiled shooing the old woman into the hut, with her hands. As soon as Kagome was sure the old miko was inside she pushed out with her own miko powers. She was almost positive she had sensed a demon for the slightest second. A certain demon that unknown to her, made her heart flutter. She shrugged, must have been my imagination. She pulled the flap back and joined the others inside the hut.
She had sensed him, he knew it. He, Sesshomaru, demon lord of the West, had again let the human wench catch him off gaurd. He had smelt her many miles back, noticing something slightly different in her scent. Of course that was the only reason he had even bothered with the human filth. His curiosity got the better of him. The moment he laid eyes on her he had been put into shock by her beauty, making him slip up on hiding his presence. After watching her, before he knew she was an intelligent and curious creature, and if he didn't leave she would probably begin a hunt for the `demon presence', of course she could never catch the great Lord Sesshomaru, but still he would leave soon all the same. He filed the slight change in her scent in his mind, called for his demon cloud and began flying off into the distance to his castle.
“Mmm!” Eyes all about the room were wide as saucers, “Oh wow!” Jaws now dropped, “Mm, yes!” Now the people in the room were beginning to get frightened.
“Um Kagome? A small red headed ball of fluff spoke up. She paused slightly in her eating to look over the bowl at Shippou. “Are you feeling alright? You are eating like Inu Yasha.”
The before said Inu Yasha grunted, “Feh! I don't eat like that!” A look of complete horror was plastered over his face.
Kagome tried to say something which they all figured was an apology. She swallowed down what was in her mouth. “Mm Miroku it was so good! Thanks!”
Miroku scooted his body slightly closer to Kagome, scared if he made too much movement he'd be brutally beaten before he even had his fun, “You know Kagome, if you enjoyed it so much you can pay me back,” he began winking, “all you have to do-" Kagome made no move to slap him because just a few moments later there was a very impressive sounding smack.
Shippou stood on the monk's toppled over body, “Are you ever going to learn?”
“Learn what? I am completely innocent,” He smiled childishly at the occupants of the room, especially a fuming Taiji. “You didn't even give me a chance to finish what I was saying,” He took Sango's hand in his, the room fell completely silent. You could hear all <i>seven</i> of their heartbeats.
“My dear Sango, you believe me don't you?” He looked at her so intently; it was a truly loving gaze. She was a crimson color.
“Houshi-sama I-” She was cut off by a familiar caress on her butt. “You hentai!” Now Miroku was sporting two bright red hand prints on either of his cheeks and a minor concussion from hitting the wooden floor so hard.
Shippou turned to Kirara, “Will he ever learn?” Kirara mewed and shook her head no. Kagome just sighed.
“Idiot,” was all Inu Yasha had to say on the matter, and Sango was furious and her face held an unnatural red color so the five occupants of the room, excluding a lecherous monk, were in agreement. He would never learn. Inu Yasha stood suddenly sniffing the air like a mad man, well dog. Kagome's delicate brow arched, “What is it Inu Yasha?”
Before Inu Yasha could answer her, the flap that served as a door to the hut was swinging roughly from side to side as a miniature tornado made its way into the room.
“Feh! It's that wimpy wolf!” Inu Yasha was snarling but Kouga was ignoring him.
“Kagome I picked up your beautiful scent as I was passing by and I thought I'd stop by and visit my woman,” He had just been about to pull her into an embrace, but stopped and pulled back slightly. Thus doing so caught Kagome's attention, postponing her correction, on the `My woman' matter.
“What is it Kouga?” Concern laced her voice delicately. Kouga gave her one more thoughtful sniff and gave her a toothy smile.
“I just thought I smelt something kind of different. Are you using new bath oils?” He spoke to her while pulling her into his arms. Kagome now a bit flustered and confused had just been about to give her reply of, `no', when Inu Yasha's loud mouth interrupted.
“Oi, Wolf breathe let go of her!”
“Mutt Face just stay out of my business!” He released Kagome, guiding her body to step behind his own being, while taking a fighting stance.
“You know what, I've had enough of you bastard!” Kagome let out a breath, these encounters where really becoming agitating. She opened her mouth to say the magic word but suddenly she felt nauseous and dizzy. She staggered backwards slightly. The world whirled about in her face as her stomach seemed to drop from her body. The only person that was paying her any attention, was Shippou, he watched as she held her head, and to him time seemed to slow as her body began to fall backwards as her eyes rolled into her head and her lids came down to cover them. He moved as quickly as he could, transforming himself into a plush green pillow, to beat her head in the race to the floor, by mere seconds. The resounding thump the rest of her body made didn't even attract anyone else's attention as they were all too engrossed in the brawl in front of them. Shippou tried desperately to yell out to the group in his pillow form, but right where his mouth was located, just happened to be where Kagome's head was located, effectively muffling his voice. Now to make matters worse it was getting a bit hard for Shippou to draw air, and he had to wonder just how long it would be before anyone noticed the state he, and his surrogate mother where in. Well it was quite a while, the only reason they were even noticed, was due to Kaede walking in a good fifteen minutes later.
“What happened to Kagome?” She looked about the room, her face contorted with confusion. All the occupants in the room turned, slowly eyes widening when they fell on Kagome's form. It would've been quite a comical site had not it been a serious matter. Inu Yasha and Kouga both were by her side in a heartbeat. They shoved each other in a fight of supremacy even in a moment like this. They're little tiff was interrupted though, when Sango knocked both of them out of her way. Sango hit her knees and kneeled at Kagome's side, her brow was knitted in concentration and worry.
“Sango my dear, straighten your brow, you are so much prettier when smiling,” The monk's voice pierced the silence, she just snorted at him. He was going to aggravate her in a whole new extremity if he was not careful. She looked over to Kaede with worry and questioning, when she felt it…That damned hand on her butt. She turned on the Monk her eyes might as well have been flaming, it would have been no more terrifying.
“THIS is NOT the time for you're perverted antics!” To add emphasis to her statement she, punched him, square in the eye and turned back to Kagome in a quick jerky moment.
“Well I see my dear Sango, that you are implying new methods of expressing your love for me,” He smiled at her back, his cursed hand laid covering, his soon to be black eye. Sango's nose wrinkled in disgust. `He probably enjoys it when women beat him. Must be some sick fetish.' She gagged reflexively.
“GREAT LOOK WHAT YOU DID DOG BREATH!” Kouga erupted at the lack of care his woman was getting.
“Me! If you hadn't came this woulda never happened!” And so the fight was on once again. Sango pushed them all out so they could continue it else where. Her last nerve was about to snap. Kaede came to kneel beside her now that there was room to do so in the hut.
“Aye, what is this?” Kaede's hand went out to touch the green pillow below Kagome's head.
“I- I don't know,” Sango felt it herself. It didn't look like Kagome's usual sleeping pillow. It was white and a bit larger than this one. She raised Kagome's head gently, and just as soon as her head was a few inches from the floor, there was a pop, and standing before them was a panting Shippou.
“I WAS WONDERING WHEN SOMEONE WOULD NOTICE I WAS-" He paused to take a big gulp of air, “UNDER THERE!”
“Sorry Shippou,” Sango said trailing off looking over Kagome.
Kaede let out a sigh as she looked Kagome over, letting her hand rest on the young girls' abdomen and then forehead. “This is not good, child. Shippou what happened?” Shippou began the tale of how Kagome fainted, adding little flourishes here and there, and dramatizations.
Kagome awoke with something cool on her forehead and laying on one of her own pillows. She blinked hard trying to clear her vision, staring up at the dull brow of the hut. She turned her head slightly, feeling the headache that lay just below her temple, to see Sango and Kaede in the opposite corner heads bent in conversation. “What-what happened to me?” Kagome's voice was light and feathery. Sango's face was pale and her eyes wide. Kaede stood and walked to stand above Kagome.
“What is wrong?” Her voice cracked slightly with worry as she watched the worried expressions of Sango and Kaede.
“Child, do ye not know? You are with child.” Everything went black as Kagome passed out for the second time that day.
End Chapter
Me: Well how was that?
Kiyoshi: Review us!