InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My innocent little girl ❯ The Birds and The Bees ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Innocent Little Girl.

Summary: What happened when Rin asks Sesshomaru where babies come from?

~@~@~Missy notes: It's been a while since I wrote a fic fan. Well, one worth uploading anyway. Been having an awful lack of interest in all my unfinished works as well. Anyway I was going through some of my old notebooks and I found this story. I had wanted to type it alone time ago but I had lost it. (Silly me.) Anyway this is just one of my famous or infamous Sesshy & Rin one-shots. Please leave a review. ~@~@~@~

It started out a normal day three figures roaming seemly aimlessly around the countryside of the western land. It has been pretty dull for Sesshomaru and his misfit gang as of late. No news from Naraku had come their way, the wind witch Kagura hadn't bugged him, and Inuyasha didn't even seem to be on the planet.

Deep down Sesshomaru had to admit he liked the peacefulness; however, his demon nature required him to rip something to pieces every now and then. His nose ached to smell some fresh blood it seemed his whole body ached for a battle. He dared anyone to even look at him the wrong way today. It seem there was certain restlessness in the air today.

Rin was just her happy carefree self. Skipping along with her dog lord protector and his faithful goofy toad-like youkia Jaken. Oh and of course the two dragon-headed Uh-Un that Rin easily fell in love with. She had made a flower wreath for everyone but Sesshomaru and Jaken recline the gifts.

(Like Sesshomaru would be caught dead wearing a flower wreath on his head. Jaken was just being spiteful towards Rin as always.) So Rin hopped along with three flower wreaths on her head and looking at all the rice fields. Till her stomach growled loudly causing her to blush.

"Jaken we will stop for now. Go help Rin find some food," Sesshomaru order not even looking back. "Yes Sesshomaru," Jaken as her scurry off ahead of Rin. "Does Sesshomaru-sama want something to eat too," Rin asked sweetly.

"I am not hungry at this moment," Sesshomaru said flatly. "Okay. Bye Sesshomaru-sama," Rin said a she ran after Jaken.

Rin knew he would say that and Sesshomaru knew she would ask him that as well as the fact that even though he just said no she would bring him back something anyway. `I'll never be able to understand her,' he thought as he lean up against a tree. He cleared his mind he had to become more aware of his surroundings; Jaken alone couldn't protect Rin. Suddenly he heard a loud scream shot out his blood froze for only a moment. He flexed his claws who or whatever made the mistake of attacking his Rin was going to die.

{What had happen?}

Well curiosity got the better of Rin today and saw a small figure hopping along the rice fields and wanted to investigate she thought it was a cute froggy. She forgot all about Jaken and ran ahead of him. `Maybe today Jaken can find a new friend,' Rin thought happily however when she ran up on the object it wasn't a frog it was a wild dog seemed like. Rin ran away screaming and the dog was hot on her trail. Jaken tried to fend the wolf off the girl after having to run after the two beasts.

"Lord Sesshomaru going to kill me," Jaken cried out loud. The dog snarled at Jaken feudal admits to harm him. Jaken tried to burn the dog again but it skillfully dodged it and pounced on Jaken. Rin was way to scared to come anywhere near the unfriendly mutt. This was no ordinary wild mutt running around. Well until…

Sesshomaru drop down in between them and instantly slice the mutt into mere dust with his venomous claws. Needless to say both Jaken and Rin were grateful that the demon lord had arrived just in time. "Sesshomaru-sama," Rin cried out loud latching onto his legs and burst into tears. Jaken was by his other leg babbling insanities and begging to be forgiven.

`It seems that I already have a headache,' Sesshomaru thought. He picked Rin up with his one good arm and headed away from there. "Jaken go find some food and this time try not to get yourself killed," Sesshomaru, ordered harshly. "Yes milord," was all green imp said before scurrying off.

"Rin you can stop crying now," Sesshomaru said as he placed her gently on Uh-Un back. Rin quickly dried her tears away and smiled brightly at Sesshomaru. "You saved Rin's life again Sesshomaru-sama," said she hugged him around his leg. Then she frown again Sesshomaru place his hand on her head trying to cheer the girl up he couldn't take anymore crying today.

"The mean dog made Rin lose all the flowers," she sniffed looking at Sesshomaru for understanding. "There's always more Rin," Sesshomaru almost kindly. Sesshomaru smirk a bit at the girl lack of understand of the whole situation but that was his Rin the one that claimed she loved him. Sesshomaru sat down on the grass staring off into space though well aware of his surroundings.

Rin mindfully that there could be another mean dogs around stayed closed to Sesshomaru picking random flowers. She sighed it seem she was going to start all her pretty flower wrath all over again. Maybe if she made a real pretty one Sesshomaru would want to wear it at least just once. During her little escapade for the perfect flowers for the perfect wrath for Sesshomaru she spotted to bird acting weird.

Actually now that she notice all animals around the area were acting funny. They were running around each other in pairs. Rin watched in an amazement rabbits, chipmunks, weasels, cute little mice, and other little wood animals jumping around. The birds above were twirling around each other.

Pretty soon little bunnies started popping out as following their parents. (A/n: darn those rabbits work fast. LOL) Rin watched quietly almost smashing her freshly picked flowers. `I wonder where babies come from,' Rin thought to herself. However before she could ponder any further her stomach rumbled again she forgotten how hungry she was.

Rin gleefully ran back towards Sesshomaru just as Jaken arrived with some fresh fish. "Thank you Jaken-sama," Rin said picking the little imp off his feet and hugging him. Jaken being the imp that he was broke her hold on him. "Enough of this Rin just eat your food and be quiet," Jaken snapped.

Rin happily did so and ask if either of the two demons wanted anything. Sesshomaru declined and Jaken just ignored her. Rin figured they wouldn't want any so she started eating alone. Sesshomaru knew she probably get sleepy as well now but something in the area was making him feel uneasy. `It must be mating season for the wild animals,' Sesshomaru thought to himself.

"Sesshomaru-sama where do babies come from," Rin ask coming up to him. Her brown eyes full of innocent curiosity. Sesshomaru some how kept his stoic face in place this question really did come from out of nowhere. The human girl really shouldn't be asking him the great and powerful Sesshomaru of the western lands a question such as this.

He ponder for a second should he pass this question over towards Jaken. The toad already engrossed with the scene that was unfolding before his eyes. `How did this question pop up,' he wondered in his little mind. He couldn't believe his little ears how the girl come up with such a question.

Sesshomaru wonder if even realized what kind of question she was asking. However he had to come up with something soon her steady but uneasy glared on him wasn't helping. "You don't need to know as of yet Rin," Sesshomaru said flatly.

Rin gave him a sad frown. "But Rin what's to know now please Sesshomaru-sama," Rin whined. "Later Rin, later," was all he said to the girl.

Sesshomaru felt it was time for them to start to move on before he became too uncomfortable with this young girl. He got up and just walked away. To think that he, the great Sesshomaru was doing his get his tail ruffled by a mere innocent question. `Still this Sesshomaru will not be the one to wreck her innocence,' Sesshomaru thought as he strolled off.

He couldn't tell the girl a lie, he wasn't going to let Jaken even answer this, nor was he ever going to let her touch this question again. He sighed softly he hated it when his mind was muddled by her actions and thoughts. The sun was starting to set and Rin was already lagging. With demon fast speed he picked the girl up, placed her on his dragon's back, and then reclaimed his place in the front of his pack.

{Later that day}

They were near the castle now if Sesshomaru had wanted it they could be there in less than one blink. Rin had awakened from her little nap and was now playing the dragon, Jaken was out scouting for food, and he was alone for a while. The question Rin asked him earlier still plagues his mind he still had no idea what had cause her to ask such a question. Of course he knew the answer and there wasn't a doubt in his mind that sooner or later she was going to ask him again.

He watched her now so young and innocent he almost envy her. `Kuso, why should I envy a small human girl,' he snarled to himself. True enough he never was so lucky he hadn't gotten a chance to enjoy his pup hood long. Perhaps that was had stirred the emotion in his body just now.

He lean up against the tree with his eyes closed he need to meditate. Perhaps in the morning he would take Rin and Jaken to the castle then go off somewhere. It had been a while since he had been completely along maybe he needed to off and raid a bunch villages it might even attract Inuyasha to him. He had an urge to spar with the lowly half-breed all of a sudden. Maybe he found some information on that other disgusting hanyou Naraku. He just needed to get away from all this peacefulness and quickly.

Rin had been happily making her infamous flower wreath for everyone once again humming happily with Uh-Un. Making sure that this time Sesshomaru would want to wear the one she made just for him by picking flower that match his clothes. She still wonder why Sesshomaru wouldn't answer her question he always answer her questions.

`Sesshomaru-sama said later he would answer it though. Does that means he doesn't know the answer yet,' Rin question looking back at her protector in question. He seemed to be asleep up against tree. His long tail supporting his head and upper body like a big fluffy pillow his silver hair fanned around him while the setting sun seemed to make him glitter from head to toe. Times like these Rin thought Sesshomaru looked his very best it was a no-brainer why she followed and loved him. She smiled as she got back to work though she was already getting hungry.

Soon enough she was finish and on cue Jaken arrived with their dinner and started a campfire. Rin rushed over to welcome him back though in return just told to sit down and eat. Jaken rushed over to his owner and prepared Sesshomaru's meal they ate in silence as usually. Till out of the blue again….

"Sesshomaru-sama, are you going to Rin where babies come from? It's later now the sun went down," Rin asked after swallowing a mouth full of fish. If Sesshomaru had been anything less than what he was he would have chocked as Jaken started to do. Sesshomaru just stared at the happy child in front of him that inner battle within himself starting up again. Why did this question keep coming up? He wish something other than Jaken chocking could take her mind away for this subject. Just think the great and powerful needing a scapegoat for once! Jaken manage to spit out what he had chock on causing Rin to look at him in disgust.

"Eww Jaken-san don't do that it's gross," Rin scolded out. Jaken was no happy camper even if Sesshomaru could and hopeful would revive him it was no fun chocking to death. Future more he didn't like being scold by what he thought was a half-wit human child either. "Be quiet girl and stop asking questions go pick some flowers or something," Jaken sneered.

"Where are those flowers," Sesshomaru asked loving that his prayers had been answered. The girl happily bounced over to her project Sesshomaru wanted to sigh in relief but he wouldn't do so in Jaken's presence. Rin bounced back with her wreaths again and happily starting place them on everyone's head but Sesshomaru's head. "Look what Rin made for you Sesshomaru-sama! It matches your pretty clothes too," Rin said holding up her new and improve flower wreath for him.

Sesshomaru stared at it for someone so young she certainly knew how to work well with her hands. He was somewhat impress with her work though he still was going to be caught walking around with flowers on top of his head. However…

"Wear on your head Sesshomaru-sama like Jaken-sama and Uh-Un," Rin explain to him. However she had already told him how to use it before and needn't repeat herself. Yet it seem he did, "this Sesshomaru will not wear flowers in his head." Rin frown in sheer defeat at him and lower he head then he start to catch a whiff of salt. `Oh no,' he thought he really hadn't meant to sound so coldly. `Why should I care,' the demon in him thought. `Because I can't stand to hear her cry,' he countered with himself.

He sighed he was again defeated by this small child who had no idea how much power she had over him. He took the wreath from her as she watched him place it lifted him towards his head then stopped. "Rin if I wear this for tonight and only tonight you will not ask me where babies come from again," Sesshomaru stated flatly.

Rin frown a bit but nodded I guess it was something he didn't want to talk about. "Sesshomaru-sama knows the answer but he won't tell Rin," she said all too sweetly. "Hai, you're too young to understand the answer yet," Sesshomaru said when he place the wreath on his head.

"So someday when Rin is older Sesshomaru-sama will tell her," Rin said as she smiled at him. "Hai you're too innocent right now for this subject," Sesshomaru said. Sesshomaru stared at the girl in question hold on to his mask of indifference.

He wanted to smile back at her perhaps someday when he really didn't give a damn who saw him but not now. "Sesshomaru-sama you look pretty with your flower crown like a king," Rin said snuggling up to him like a lost puppy. Sesshomaru wanted to push her away but he didn't. Why?

`Because you like her near you like this,' he told himself. `I am the great and terrible Sesshomaru I don't need a human girl near me,' he countered. "This Sesshomaru is not pretty I am too be feared," Sesshomaru said coldly.

"Okay Rin says Sesshomaru-sama is pretty but Sesshomaru-sama says he is fearful. Put it together and Sesshomaru is pretty fearful," Rin said smiling now snug in his lap clapping her hands. "Hai," he said trying not to enjoy the little word association game.

"You're fun to play with Sesshomaru-sama that why Rin love you," Rin said gleefully. `Everything is a game to you isn't my little Rin,' he thought. Funny how the small things such as this could put them both at ease.

Sesshomaru didn't know when he began to feel this way about her though. He had been treating as if she was his own pup little by little for a while now. *Perhaps it happen some time after she had first told him she loved him and kissed him. However the inner in demon in him still wanted to fight the feelings he had for her but it was a losing battle.

Jaken was at a loss for words and didn't know what to know. Right before his eyes was his master snuggling close to a half-wit human. `I'm so confused Lord Sesshomaru,' Jaken whined in his head.

As of late his master and the half-wit human was getting into a friendlier relationship one that he could never have with him. `It's like she's his pup or something,' Jaken thought in disgust. He turn his back he might as well sleep this off though he would probably have nightmare about his master and the girl frolicking in flowers like a few nights ago.

Sesshomaru glanced at his sleeping servant and the now sleeping Rin in his lap. He gently wrapped his tail around her for warmth as he touched the flower wreath on his head. He knew he looked like a fool but Rin made him do foolish things. He touched the side of her face with his claw. `Just how long are you going to stay innocent,' he wondered to himself.

One day he would have to answer her question since it was one he soon wouldn't forget. He just wish it was a very long time before he would have to do so and in that moment he let out a smile just for her. "My innocent little Rin," he whispered smoothly.


~@~@~@~Author note: Ha! The muse is back! I did it! I did it! Bet most of you enjoyed it and some of you might even review it. See I have mature a bit since my last fan fic. Well I just I should do either another one-shot or a follow up on this one. Not sure but I know my muse is back. (Smirk) see ya. ~@~@~@~@~