InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Insanity ❯ My Insanity ( One-Shot )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Depressed_Fallen_Angel 
To dive into insanity, fall into hell, scream until i can scream no more, let
go of the pain, just let it all go away, standing in the cold rain, soaked in
my tears, sitting in my dark corner at the far side of my room, the safety
of the dark, for now i feel safe, the sun comes up, my safety fades away
as the darkness leaves and the sunlight begins to surround me, i feel
alone and unwanted, not loved in this world, sinking deeper into
depression, no ones here to save me, im alone, i get up, pull on my
clothes and flip up my hood, walk out the door, steping out of my once
dark domain and into the bright uninviting light, i meet up with my
friends, they still dont know, there friend they once new is dead, i smile
a little smile to throw them off, this is my problem not theres, they dont
need to know, All the pain i feel, the hurt i go through, I dont want to
feel, not anymore, everytime i do, i feel unwanted pain, I get to school,
they stare at me, I look away and keep thinking it will all be over soon, I
get through my day, and walk home alone, open my door, and walk into
my room, resuming my place in my well known dark corner, as the light
fades into darkness, I get one last glimps of everything around me,
before im surrounded by the endless darkness once more.......
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Drama | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 11.19.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 361 | Status: Completed

To dive into insanity, fall into hell, scream until i can scream no more, let
go of the pain, just let it all go away, standing in the cold rain, soaked in
my tears, sitting in my dark corner at the far side of my room, the safety
of the dark, for now i feel safe, the sun comes up, my safety fades away
as the darkness leaves and the sunlight begins to surround me, i feel
alone and unwanted, not loved in this world, sinking deeper into
depression, no ones here to save me, im alone, i get up, pull on my
clothes and flip up my hood, walk out the door, steping out of my once
dark domain and into the bright uninviting light, i meet up with my
friends, they still dont know, there friend they once new is dead, i smile
a little smile to throw them off, this is my problem not theres, they dont
need to know, All the pain i feel, the hurt i go through, I dont want to
feel, not anymore, everytime i do, i feel unwanted pain, I get to school,
they stare at me, I look away and keep thinking it will all be over soon, I
get through my day, and walk home alone, open my door, and walk into
my room, resuming my place in my well known dark corner, as the light
fades into darkness, I get one last glimps of everything around me,
before im surrounded by the endless darkness once more.......
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Drama | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 11.19.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 361 | Status: Completed