InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Inuyasha ❯ The start of a new journey ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Welcome to my first Kagome and Inuyasha one-shot fic I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inuyasha... you don't have to rub it in.


An action
Hey you can also check out MY YU YU HAKASHO STORY: Clouded by Tears of Blood (Romance fic Kurama/OC and Hiei/OC and yes both OC characters are GIRLS.)

1: A new journey starts
four years it was finally over and relief flowed within them; the curse was gone, vengeance was theirs, and peace were brought to them, they were finally free. It had been a hard battle between the Inuyasha gang and Naraku; Kikyo had helped them destroy the object of her detestation and moved on to find peace and the Shikon no Tama was theirs.

Kagome sat by a pond a few days later looking at her reflection who was she?

Was she really just Kikyo's reincarnation or was she meant to be something more?

Kagome was confused and frustrated did Inuyasha really want her to go? Even if he didn't Kagome knew to him she was just the copy of the beautiful priestess and his first love, Kikyo. She had to go they didn't need her and jewel was complete all she had to do was give it to Inuyasha, right?

Kagome walked through the forest desperately trying to find the silver haired hanyou she had just finished telling the others goodbye and it was like a stab in the heart. Shippo and Sango cried and Miroku didn't even grope her for the last time but it was probably because he and Sango were going to get married in a month and Kagome regretted not being there very much.

"Oi wench, what are you doing?" Inuyasha asked jumping off a tree branch and landing gracefully next to Kagome.

"I came to give you this," Kagome said giving the hanyou the jewel. "I'm going home Inuyasha and this time it's for good." Tears welled up in Kagome's eyes, Inuyasha stood there trying to think of an excuse to make her stay.

"Feh, What about Shippo are you really that heartless to just leave your own pup?" Inuyasha asked puffing out his chest Kagome turned to him almost menacingly, fire burn within her now darker brown eyes and he had to admit it scared him somewhat.
"Heartless, HEARTLESS?! If I recall correctly the only one here who's heartless is you, goodbye Inuyasha!" Kagome ran away leaving a speechless and frightened hanyou but he quickly shook off his shock and ran towards the well. 'Wait there's a scent coming closer shit it's Koga!'

Kagome ran to the well her tears were now streaming down her cheeks freely and all she could do to stop her aching heart was to run and run fast.

"KAGOME!" Kagome stopped and turned around it was Koga; he caught up with her in ease and embraced her. "The jewel is done and now we can finally return to my pack. They have been waiting for you to live with us for a while now." Koga said there was something wrong and fake in that bright smile of his, which for the first time made Kagome shiver, but not in a good way.

"I'm sorry Koga I have to get back to my uh... village maybe some other time." 'Yeah like in maybe 500 hundred years from now! God he's just as dense as Hojo when will they ever learn I'm not interested in them?' Kagome thought having the urge to roll her eyes and hit him over the head. Kagome just smiled sweetly and walked around the wolf demon and towards Keade village. She couldn't just jump in the well with him watching he'd just try and 'save' her or something stupid like that.

"No I think that now is perfect." Koga said in a rough voice grabbing Kagome forcefully and running off with her, she did the only thing that came to her mind.

"INUYASHA!!!" She knew there was something strange about Koga she could sense it and now she was going to pay for it. "Let me go Koga!" Kagome yelled trying to get free of the wolf demon's hold he pinned her down in a clearing and tore her shirt off.

"Kagome we could do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way either way you ARE going to be mine so shut up. Haven't you realized that Inuyasha could never love you he was always going off with that Kikyo girl and left you behind incase he needed comfort, you were being used. Kagome I love you so shut the fuck up." Koga said smirking this only made Kagome struggle harder he growled and grabbed her breasts she let out a scream when his claws pierced her flesh and he happily lapped up the blood. He enjoyed the taste of the girl's blood and wanted more Kagome realized she could move her legs and swiftly kicked his hardened groin waiting for him to tumble off of her in pain, but that never happened.

'Shit' That was all she could think about before Koga punched her she couldn't see right out of her left eye.

Koga advanced on her she was still bleeding from her chest and guessed Inuyasha wasn't coming. She was on her own this time dear lord give her strength because she REALLY needed it now.
Koga leapt on her cutting her skirt in half she screamed once more now crying she couldn't struggle, this time she couldn't even breathe, this time she was his. Koga placed his finger in Kagome's core she cried out in pain and saw Koga's smirk grow.

"YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT GET OFF OF HER NOW!" That was Inuyasha she was saved and thanked the gods for this beautiful half demon she was blessed with even though he acted no ACTS like a COMPLETE and TOTAL ass almost ALL the time.

Inuyasha grabbed Koga and slammed him into a tree his head was bleeding but he was Koga after all which meant that he was stubborn, stupid, and annoyingly persistent.
"Hey mutt, why don't you go run off with that life-size clay pot of yours it's not like you actually care about Kagome as long as you have that sack of dirt with you." Koga said calmly waiting for Inuyasha's comeback but it never came instead Koga saw the hanyou transform into a monster with all his attention on him.
"Inuyasha no wait! SIT!" Inuyasha was pulled to the ground growling he was mere inches away from slicing Koga into pieces and no one was going to take that privilege away from him not this time. "Koga run!" Kagome yelled warning the shocked demon she didn't know why she was helping Koga she should have just let Inuyasha kill him but apart of her told her to interfere, as always. Koga being able to move his feet again ran just as fast as when he had the jewel shards within his legs.
'Coward.' Kagome thought thinking of a way to bring Inuyasha back to normal without sitting him she could always scratch his ears or talk him through the whole thing.
"Inuyasha it's me Kagome come back to me Inuyasha please." Kagome tried to sound reassuring and calm but her voice wavered in fear and the demon Inuyasha noticed getting closer to her. "Inuyasha I know you're in there please fight it." Inuyasha grasped Kagome's shoulders and leaned down to nuzzle her cheek her scent was calming for him as he started to change back and fully pull away from the girl missing her warmth already.
"Kagome, are you alright?" Inuyasha was back to his old self concern showed freely in his eyes, she nodded still wasn't sure how to act towards him. Inuyasha wasn't a baka he saw the blood staining her bra and the cuts that were visible on her body but what worried him was the swelling bruise on her cheek. He didn't even want to think about what would have happened if he had gotten there any later. "I'm sorry if I scared you." He said his ears drooping against his head and his gaze dropping to his feet which were sadly covered by his beautiful ivory bangs.
"You didn't scare me." Kagome said slightly lying she was afraid but when he nuzzled her cheek she could have felt safer.
"Really?" Inuyasha asked perking up and watched Kagome nod a warm smile gracing her features.
"Thank you Inuyasha for saving my life again, I guess I'll see you in around 500 years." Kagome walked in the direction of the well but this time Inuyasha got to her first he didn't know what to say so he followed his heart for once.

"Gods, Kagome." Inuyasha embraced her tightly against his chest never wanting to let her go not caring if her blood stained his hoari just as long as the angel in his arms was safe. "I thought I had lost you, listen Kagome I love you more then anything and I want you to stay by my side. Kagome, will you marry me and be my mate?" Inuyasha asked hope and love shimmering in his eyes Kagome stood there in awe she could see the love in his eyes, but did he mean it was the real question. Was that love for Kagome or for her dead 'rival' and incarnation Kikyou?

"Are you sure I'm not just a rebound?" Kagome asked gazing into Inuyasha's eyes he felt the question burn his stomach and hugged the girl tighter to him.

"No Kagome you're not the rebound, I love you too much for you to ever be a rebound." Inuyasha said pulling away to look into her uncertain chocolate eyes he took off his hoari and placed it around her body while she continued to stare at him.

"Yes Inuyasha yes I love you, you don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that!" Kagome said crying Inuyasha cocked his head to one side not sure whether or not he should be pleased with her reaction.

"Kagome why are you crying if you said you loved me, aren't you happy?" Inuyasha inquired the schoolgirl giggled and leaned closer to the hanyou's face so they were only an inch apart.

"I'm crying because you might be a baka, you might be a jerk at times, and you are definitely the most egotistical person I have ever met but you're also loving, caring, and absolutely wonderful and I wouldn't change a thing because then you wouldn't be MY Inuyasha." Kagome leaned forward and gently but passionately kissed the hanyou's lips.

"Kagome make a wish." Inuyasha breathed finally pulling apart from the enticing lip lock and handing Kagome the Shikon no Tama.

"No Inuyasha I know you want to be a full demon so it's yours to wish on." Kagome gave Inuyasha a reassuring smile and placed the jewel back into his clawed hand.

Inuyasha closed his eyes, his hands glowed pink, and with a smile on his face he opened his eyes. Kagome cocked an eyebrow indicating that she wanted an answer on what happened and Inuyasha grinned he had just done something that would make Kagome very happy as well as himself.

"I wished that our family would live out their lives with us in your time or mine which means that the jewel will let Sango, Miroku, Keade, and you have a demon's life span like Shippo, Kirara, and me. As for the well now we can take Shippo, Sango, and Miroku to your time with us." Kagome stared at her fiancé wide-eyed she had never expected him to use the jewel so selflessly. After all he WAS Inuyasha but he also had a kind soul which Kagome was very grateful for. "Kagome please say something." The hanyou was getting worried he could see shock gracing her lovely features and finally Kagome tackled him to the floor kissing him every other second.

"Oh kiss Inuyasha kiss I love kiss you kiss so kiss much!" Kagome and Inuyasha continued this um uh... exciting activity through out the night and they knew now more then anything that their love would survive the bumps of the journey ahead and they were ready for them. They had gone through a tougher journey then with Naraku one that consisted of a dead priestess walking in the land of the living and confused feelings of love and frustration and victory was once again in their hands. This was it, the start of a far more dangerous journey the start of Kagome and Inuyasha's lives, together.


I hope you liked it please R&R and I hope you'll check out my other story for YU YU HAKASHO: Clouded by Tears of Blood.the way baka means idiot and hoari is the overcoat thingy that Inuyasha wears.thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed, BYE!!!!