InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Last Breath ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Last Breath
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Summary:What happens when you screw up so bad that you lose something so important? typical InuYasha is found with Kikyo senario but with a heavier price.
It didn't end the way we all expected.
Rating: Pg13
Lyrics by Evanescence : My Last Breath.
Alternate Universe
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<Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long.>

I walk through the forest I have come to fnd very comforting.
I smile only because I have to. I know if I don't fake it I will break.
I'll cry. and I know I can not cry. not when I have come this far.
Not when I know the truth now. I always new somehow he would chose her. My opinion I belive he chose wrong. But like so it is all a matter of opinon. I have come here once more for one last reason. I know I can not get him back but I can atleast tell him what I think.

<All I wanted to say was I love you and
I'm not afraid.>

I walk to the house to visit Sango and Miroku. The two have been married for around two years.They are so happy together I always knew they would be.I was 18 when they married of course Sango was two years older and Miroku was 3 years older and InuYasha was about 4 years older then I was and at my age then of course you would fall for almost anything but you wouldn't believe everything . Now at the age of 20 I am wiser to His games. And I know exactly how to play them.

It's about 8:30 pm I tap on the wooden door and a little girl answers hugging me tightly around my legs. She looks no older then 5. She is beautiful. She has her mothers eyes and hair and Miroku's outspokeness. In a good way of course.
"Auntie Kagome I missed you..." the little girl squeals
"Arya how are you sweetie" I ask picking her up
{A/N her name is pronounced Are- E-Uh}
"I'm good, Mommy has missed you.. she tells me the stories of the good old days. And how she always thought you and InuYasha would end up together" she looked up. She had no way of knowing InuYasha and I were nolonger together.
"Actually dear that is why I have visited today. I need to speak to your mom about something, can you get her for me.?"
"Hai, of course." She sounded so mature just then.

<Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms?>

Sango walked outside. She looked the same as usual. Skinny, looked like she had never had a child or eaten for that matter. Still had long black hair and a tall figure. She was still a model.
"Kagome its soo good to see you" She screamed running to me to give me a hug.
"Good to see you too Sango , how have you been?"
"Fine and you?" she looked and added "How are things with you and InuYasha?"
"Engagements off"
"What?" she screamed
"You heard me. Engagements off I can't handle him going off to see Kikyo even after we are engaged and yes he keeps doing that."
"Oh Kagome I'm so sorry"
"Yea I was too at first. Now personally I hate him"
"What happend?"
***********************Flash back***************************
8:30 am .
The alarm clock is going off. I reach over and slam it quiet.
Yawn. I force myself out of bed so I might get ready for work.
I live now with my boyfriend ,now fi'ance, of three years, InuYasha.
He's rich and beggs me not to work, but I want to so I can get out of the house occasionally. InuYasha and I had been best friends all our lives and out of the blue when I was 16 I began to like him. Well I had always liked him somewhere deep inside. But now in a whole new light.
He asked me out on my 17 birthday when he took me to the beach and we had a beautiful picnic out there and stayed there all night.
And now he is my fi'ance. We plan to get married next summer at the shrine. But somehow things changed.
In the begginning he was sweet and gentle and of course over protective, he always wanted to be with me, and never let me out of his sight .
Now...he didn't really care what I did. He let me get a job.
He doesn;t care anymore. I think he has been hanging out with his ex-girlfriend Kikyo. He did once ,I remember, and I almost didn't forgive him. And now he is doing it again.

<Holding my last breath.
Safe inside myself.>

I can tell. But I found out the hard way.
It was 9:00 I was running late.
"Yash I'll be home later gotta work late tonight ok"
"K babe" he says
He kisses me on the cheek.
I run out the door, get in my car and drive about five miles down the road before I realize I left my hat and badge.
I quickly turn my car around and drive back to the mansion.
I pull up in the drive way only to see another car. A pink camaro to be exact. I knew only one person who had that car. Kikyo

<Are all my thoughts of you.
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight.>

I walk into the house only to hear quiet and then loud obnoxious moans .
I was hoping Shippoe and Rin were here rather then well.. I hate her.
Better not get my hopes up.
I silently walk to the upper room.
I peak into the slightly opened door.
I gasp . outloud. cant help it.
InuYasha's ear's perked up...he stands up stark naked and walks towards me I'm way to angry to notice his hot body.
"Uhh Kagome...I thought you were at work. " he squeaked of emmbarrassment.
"Yea and I thought you had gotten rid of Kikyo, but I guess we didn't know everything,"
"Kagome I can explain"
"What how you couldn't keep your pants on? SAVE IT"
"Kagome I uh.."
"No you did it so you can stick with it" I snapp walking way

<I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree {come find me}>
*****************End flash back*****************************
I continue ".......That's when I ended up running to your house I knew you would listen to me"
"I'm sorry Kagome"
"Me too..omig look at the time...I'm sorry I kept you up so late."
"It's allright..its not that late Kagome.remember all those nighrs we stayed up studiying for finals or just goofing off...or even that party we snuck off too." She continued her recolletions as I remembered all those times had InuYasha in them as well.
"Sango it's 11:30 pm and you have a little girl who has been listening for the past hour...Arya come out dear." I say lauging.
"Auntie Kagome are we still going to the park tomorrow...? " She asked hoping for a yes..
"Of course dear." She giggled and hugged me before running to bed.
"Well goodnight Sango..."
"Oyumi nagashi Kagome"
************************************************************************ ******
I was in my car driving down the pitch black high way.
All I see is two very bright lights.
"AHHHHH" I scream as the druken vehicle hits me head on.
I wake in hospital bed three weeks later.
I taste tears falling onto my chapped lips.

<I know you hear me
I can taste it in your tears.>

InuYasha is sitting by my side.
"Kagome...I thought you would never wake up"
"You'd like that tho."I mumbled and continue
"How long"
"Three weeks crash.. what were you doing out that late."
"I was at Sango's not that it matters...what are you doing here?!" I snapp coldly
"I was worried or am I not allowed to be"
"Not when your involved with Kikyo."
"Kagome...please don't act like don't understand the circumstances."
"Kagome I...look it was an accident. I'm sorry I just...I felt like....I don't know and nothing I say can change what I did I know I'm sorry,"
I look pathetically at him. I know he is sensere about it but trust him...
"InuYasha...make sure it doesn't happen again..ok" I begin coughing harshly ...blood erupts from my mouth.
" calm down..."
"InuYasha....I never thought it would end like this..."

<Holding my last breath.
Safe inside myself.
Are all my thoughts of you.
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight.>

" it can't end like this...." he said ..I swear I saw him in tears.
"It is..."
"I'm sorry" he said
"Why are you apologized for the Kikyo thing...."
"No I was..." he couldn't finish his sentence .
"InuYasha ..don't speak just kiss me one last time."
He leaned in a kissed me with all his passion.
I felt a little blood run into both our mouths but he didn't seem to care.
I broke away first and coughed painfully.

<Closing my eyes to disappear
you pray your dreams will leave you here
But still you awake and know the truth
Noones there .....>

"I'm fine I don't feel pain anymore...InuYasha I think I'm ....."
" you can't be not now"
"I am...I love you"
"I love you too." he said right before I died.

<Say goodnight
Don't be afraid.
Calling me calling me as you fade to black...>
************************************************************************ *****
Sango and Miroku walked into the hospital room the second they got the call.
They found Kagome dead and InuYasha dead aswell.
His head was laying on her chest, tears stained his face, and he was covered in blood.
The note on the table stated
"She will never know it was my car that hit her last night..It was I who drove her to the hospital and I who felt both her and my heart break the moment she died, and the moment I will commit suicide I will feel no more pain but I will be with her.
Sincerely ,
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A/N sad fic I know any way R.R