InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Libido ❯ My Libido ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey there again! I'm back. I wrote this because I love the Sesshomaru Kagome pairing and I was having writer's block, on my Miroku x Kagome fan fiction. So this is what'cha get instead. I will not be posting this on since it is a lemon and I don't want to be reported. Also if sexual situations and sex in general bother you or you are not of correct age, I advise you leave now. You will have no reason to flame me saying `I'm a sick-o' because you have been fairly warned. I'd like to thank anyone who nominated this fic for either; Best One Shot or Best Lemon/Lime. I was just so happy that it was even nominated thank you…
Disclaimer: Too busy being in my perverted world.
Kiyoshi: Yay another story!
Kiyoshi: Looks over my shoulder. Why can't I read it? I AM your muse.
Miroku steps into room.
Kiyoshi: What is he doing here?!
Me: Umm well Kiyoshi, he's kind of gonna be my muse for this story
Kiyoshi: In shock.
Me: Quick Miroku pick him up and take him outside. Shakes head. Poor Kiyoshi, but it was for his own good.
My Libido
By: xXxMirokuisMinexXx
This may never start.
We could fall apart.
And I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
Feelings insincere.
Can I be your memory?
The psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives.
Sexual desire.
Manifestation of the sexual drive.
He sat high up in a tree branch. He had perched here many a night, stalking his prey, just waiting for the right moment to pounce. Whenever her bevy stayed at this certain village she always frequented to this spring. Sometimes she came with the other female of her little shard hunting company. He did not enjoy these times nearly as much as when she was alone. It was not that her companion was uncomely or anything along the lines, it was her actions. Her behavior was drastically different when she was alone in comparison to when she was accompanied by the Taiji. He got a show either way, but when she was accompanied it was nothing in comparison to when she was accompanied.
His breath hitched as the girl that had plagued his mind, stepped into the dimly lit clearing of the hot spring. He smirked, something you would never expect his person to do. `Kagome', he had heard her name many times, whether it came from an ill tempered hanyou's mouth, a young kitsune, a lecherous bouzo, or a feisty taiji.
Perhaps it was just in Fate's plan that tonight she would step into the clearing, alone, unprotected. He had no need to worry about the foul-mouthed, idiot, Inu Yasha smelling him, the girls took care of that for him, distancing themselves far enough away to secure their privacy. They really did make this entirely too easy. But Kagome had a reason for wanting Inu Yasha to be so far away that his nose couldn't pick up her scent, or his ears hear her words, or better described in her situation as moans normally paired with screams. Yes the petite, pure miko had a dirty little secret. From the way she acted and carried out her life, so righteously, you would never expect it from her, but it existed, but only one man, well demon, knew, but he wanted to keep the devilishly enjoyable secret to himself.
He could smell her, lavender and chamile assaulted his nose. He narrowed his eyes as they took a pink color to them, in his lust. For so long he had told himself the only reason he had came to watch her was because of the odd behavior for her character intrigued him, but now he could not lie to himself. He desired her. He desired her with a passion unmatched. He wanted every inch of her body.
He had come across her the first time in an attempt to kidnap her and use her to ransom the Tetsusaiga from Inu Yasha, but the way he had seen her had made him stop dead in his tracks, transfixed on her wet skin, shimmering in the last rays of light. Of course his great and rumored nose had smelt her arousal early on and it had made him wonder, but that had just made him even more curious to seek her out and hold her captive. He watched her now; she looked about the clearing for peeping toms. She seemed nervous as she always did when she came alone, with her intentions. Kagome circled about the pond, absent mindedly letting her hand run along damp boulders, her lips were slightly pursed in concentration, searching the area. Finally she seemed she was pleased with her search and began stripping off her clothes and his eyes became glued to her alabaster skin. Nothing in the world in that moment could have made him look away. He had, had his share of beautiful demon concubines, but there was something about the radiant miko before him. He thought that maybe it was her innocence, that called to him, how with her actions begged for that innocence to be taken from her. `Yes,' he thought, `her innocence is what compels me to her.' His eyes danced as he watched in torment as she slowly pulled her shirt up and over her head. Then painfully slowly pulled off the contraption that bound her breasts, then the skirt would slide down, off lush round hips, till it hit the ground, shortly followed by the last of her undergarments. Her demon stalker always felt as if she knew he was there, the way she seemed to tease him, with her skin and slow movements. She slid her body gracefully into the water and a slow rising scent of arousal soon followed, and reached out to his nose. She had the best kind of love, the kind you share with yourself.
He watched her go through the process she always went through, first washing her raven tresses that cascaded well down her back, like a glossy waterfall. After her hair had gotten the attention it deserved she began to wash her body. She'd run the cloth with her soaps in it over her skin, and it was almost too much for him watching her hands roam her body freely. This is always what started it; she would soon discard the cloth and let her hands touch her hot flesh. The demon, still perched up high in the tree, had to shift his body, the bulge in his hakamas was beginning to make him painfully uncomfortable. He could hear her breathing get heavier as her hands traveled between her thighs and a soft moan escaped from her mouth, between two cherry red lips, and over her bubblegum tongue. She stopped suddenly, wadding over to a boulder that slanted into the spring. Hoisting herself up onto it, she laid back against it and put her hands back between her thighs.
The demon lord was beginning to get painfully hard. She teased her flaps at first before slipping the first finger into her womanhood. Kagome began pumping her finger in and out of herself to soon place a second finger inside, only for the two too be accompanied by a third. Next her other hands came into play, while the other one pumped her pussy, this one teased her nub. Both hands moved in unison and the flushed miko's body was racked with moans of pleasure. He groaned quietly, and his youkai growled with need. He needed her, he needed her hot caresses, her hot flesh on his. She screamed as she had her release but what awed the demon was what she screamed out. She normally screamed things such as `Yes!' or a classic `Ooh!', so what she said kind of came as a double shock.
There was no denying it. She had screamed the stoic Taiyoukai's name. That is what they say `was the straw that broke the demons' restraint'. He could take it no more. He would have her tonight. He watched her body spasm with the after shock of her orgasm, as he descended from the branch with a lustful growl. Immediately her cerulean orbs opened in horror as they landed on a beautiful pale demon lord.
“Sesshomaru-sama,” Her voice got lighter as she finished his name apparently embarrassed.
“Kagome,” he growled out huskily closing the distance between them staring into her eyes. He pulled her down into the steaming water with him. She was in shock to say the least about the whole situation, her orgasiming screaming his name, him actually saying her name. Kagome didn't really know why she had screamed his name in the first place, but at her climax all she saw in her minds eye was his perfect face. She was filled with need for him and at the moment she threw all caution to the wind. This was all probably part of Fate and Destiny's plan.
“Please Sessho-“ before she had finished his name he had captured her lips in a searing kiss. Sesshomaru let his hands travel all over her moist, hot skin. He trailed his tongue across her lips, asking her tongue to come out and play. Their tongues danced and fought for supremacy, twisting together. Kagome tugged at his armor-free kimono as he complied, helping her pull it off. Sesshomaru needed to feel his skin against hers. His hand found luscious breasts and it began kneading them, pinching the already stiff nipples. He smirked when his ministrations elicited a moan from her and she began desperately tugging at his hakama.
“Eager, miko?” He whispered breathily into her ear. She gave her great, witty remark, she whimpered. He didn't smirk this time, this time he gave her a genuine smile, and began kissing down her neck, nibbling at the point where he could feel her pulse. Sesshomaru continued his trail of butterfly kisses down between her breasts and still down past down her naval, to her womanhood. She gasped as he picked her up and put her down on the boulder she had earlier masturbated on. The demon lord spread the miko's legs and placed his head between them. He parted pink folds with his clawed fingers, he nipped at her nub while she squirmed, then plunging his tongue into her virgin passage. Her innocence only drove him on as he plunged his tongue in and out of her. The taiyoukai put his clawed hand on her clit, rubbing it, making her moans and squirming intensify. He sensed her climax and then stopped his ministrations. He wanted to at least repay her some of the torture he had, had to endure.
“Sesshomaru please! I need you!” She managed to moan out. His last little, itty bitty, bit of resistance broke at these words, he ripped his hakamas from his body. He grinned in satisfaction when her eyes widened when they glanced at his erect cock. Sesshomaru quickly repositioned himself between her thighs. He guided his rod between her hot folds looking down into her eyes.
“Sorry Kagome,” he didn't give her a chance to do anything before thrusting into her. She let out of a scream of pain and pleasure, he captured her mouth in a desire filled kiss, and when she returned his passion he began to pull out of her to push back in. Sesshomaru broke the kiss and focused on what he was doing. Sesshomaru was about to die, going so painfully slow and soft.
“Sesshomaru-“ She panted, “I want all of you! I need you to go harder and faster!” She continued her beg with her eyes. That was all she needed to say. He began to pound her little tight passage.
“Faster! Harder!” Kagome managed to moan out. The great lord felt like she was challenging him and it only fueled him and turned him on, as his youkai took control and screwed her mercilessly. He was reaching his release and judging by the way her inner walls were clamping down onto him, so was she.
“Sesshomaru!” The beautiful cry filled the night once again only to be followed by a matching “Kagome!” After allowing the feeling ware off of both of them slightly, he pulled out and rolled to the side, not wanting to crush her. Sesshomaru pulled his miko, at least she was for tonight, on top of him. Kagome blushed redder than she had all night and tried to cover herself. He found this beyond entertaining.
“We just made love and I have seen you naked many times. Now is not the time for modesty, Kagome,” She looked terribly embarrassed by his comment and became even redder, she kept her eyes steady on his chest. He hooked a finger under her chin to make her look up at him.
“Go to sleep,” She nodded compliantly and closed her eyes, “Shh…” He rubbed her back and wrapped his tail around them, “My libido.”
Bows. Did you like it? I hope it wasn't too graphic at some points or anything. Blushes furiously. Was it too short? Too blah? Did it suck? Was it good? You gotta let me know! Also there is a sequel to this My Inamorata. So review me!
Kiyoshi: CAN I COME IN YET!?