InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Miroku and Sango's wild night. ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning there is a lemon in this chapter.
I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recape: "I like it here." kagome told Inuyasha.
Chapter 19: Miroku and Sango's wild night.
After everything was unpacked, Inuyasha and Kagome were resting on the floor.
"You hungry."
Ya, Kinda am."
Inuyasha jumped to his feet, he grabbed Kagome's hands and pulled her to her feet as well.
"something different this time." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Ok sounds good to me." Inuyasha told Kagome
"But nothing to fancy, I don't like stuff that like." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"I'll remember that."
Inuyasha and Kagome went out to a small french cafe.The couple wasn't aware of the watch full eyes following them, watching every move them make...
Sesshomaru and Rin, stayed in for the night, watching movies and in joying each others company.
"Hows Kagome doing in her new room." Rin asked Sesshomaru.
"She's doing great, Kagome and Inuyasha went out tonite."
"I hope everything works out for them."
"Inuyasha and Kagome will be getting married after school." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"Oh my god, I'm so happy for them."
'what would you like to do tonite.' Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"I would just like to go home and relaxe."
Inuyasha smiled and reached across the table and rubbed her cheeks, he ran his fingers threw her long raven hair. "that sounds great."
Kagome blushed and leanded into his touch.
After they both finshed dinner, Inuyasha and Kagome went home. Inuyasha walked around the house. "Sesshomaru and Rin must have changed there minds, there not home." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Do you want to lay down and watch a move." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"Sure, why not."
Inuyasha put a dvd in and layed on the couch, Kagome climed on top of him, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her tight to his chest, Kagome put her head on his chest, Inuyasha rested his chin on her head, this was Inuyasha's favorite way of laying down, he loved her smell. for some reason her seant reminded him of the forest.
They both watched the movie, a few minutes in kagome fell a sleep, Kagome shivered Inuyasha quickly covered her with a blanket from the back of the couch. Kagome moved around to get more comfortable but didn't wake.
Sesshomaru and Rin came back to Sesshomaru's place, they both walked into the living room to see Inuyasha and kagome sleeping on the couch.
"They look so cute together." Rin told Sesshomaru.
"Will you to shutup,your going to wake kagome." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru and Rin.
Inuyasha looked down, Kagome was still in a deep sleep.
Sesshomaru and Rin both turned around to leave.
"Hey, Sesshomaru can you help me out here." Inuyasha asked his brother.
"Need my help again, little brother."
"Shut up and help me."
Sesshomaru walked over to Inuyasha and Kagome and picked kagome up, blanket and all. Inuyasha sat up and took kagome from Sesshomaru.
"Thanks." Inuyasha said before walking up to there room.
Inuyasha layed kagome down on the bed and pulled all her cloths off, then picked her up, and moved the blanket out of the way, and layed her down and covered her. Inuyasha removed his clothing and climed into bed with her and pulled her back to his front, then joined her in sleep.
Kagome was the first to awake the next morning, Kagome opened her eyes and say that she was pulled tight to Inuyasha's chest. Kagome moved out of Inuyasha's arms and moved around so that she was now facing him, she watched him sleep for a few minutes. she turned around to clime out of bed then she realized she was naked.
"What the fuck did you do."
Inuyasha jumped out of bed, backing away from his mate slowly.
"Why am I naked."
"It's not what you think."
"What am I thinking Inuyasha."
"It's nothing perverted."
Kagome climed out of bed and wrapped a blanket around her body, she walked around the room and picked up her cloths, and ran to the bathroom. "Don't say a word." Kagome warned Inuyasha.
Kagome came out of the bathroom fully dressed, Inuyasha was sitting on the edge of the bed, he was only wearing his boxers. "I'm sorry."
Kagome looked at Inuyasha, Kagome could never stay mad at Inuyasha, his ears were flate to his head.
"I forgive you, but never do it again, but I'm still mad at you."
Inuyasha's ear pirecked up, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around kagome's waist and pulled her on his lap.
With Miroku and Sango.
Miroku and Sango were home having a romatic candle light dinner, After the movie they both layed on the couch watching movies, Of course Miroku picked the movie a movie Sango would never watch a horror movie.
Sango wanted to find away to pay Miroku back for making her watch the movie with him, Sango just thought of the best way to get Miroku back. Sango moved her hands up Miroku's shirt, Sango felt him stiffen under her touch, she moved her hands higer up and started tickling him.
Miroku jumped off the couch with Sango still in his arms, Sango fell to the gound laughing, Miroku's face was a light shade of pink.
"That wasn't funny."
Miroku pulled Sango to her feet, he quickly turned her back to his front and pulled her tight to his body.
Sango let out a breathy sigh as she felt Miroku's lips gently skim the skin over her neck and shoulders. From behind her, his strong arms were both possessively, and protectively settled around her slender waist.
Raising her arms above her head, she grasped at his dark hair tugging slightly when she felt his tongue work against that sensitive part of her neck just between her jaw and earlobe. After enjoying the sensation for a moment, Sango released her hold on Miroku, and turned in his arms so that she was facing him; her arms snaked about his neck drawing him closer still.
Miroku offered a gentle smile before brining his mouth to hers in a scorcher of a kiss, more wild than not, and demanding. Their tongues played against one another, as his clever hands began to make short work of the clothes that were all that separated them now.
Lifting Sango, and carrying her against him, Miroku brought his lover to the bed and settled her on it gently, following her down as he did so. Mrioku was now settled between Sango's thighs. Trailing butterfly kisses down the elegant column of her throat, across her collarbone, between the valley of her breasts, taking time to lavish attention upon her puckered, and stiffened nipples with his mouth and hand before continuing his journey down her body.
Sango's breathing was becoming less regular, and was now coming in short pants as Miroku's elegant fingers and mouth blazed a trail over her lithe body. When she felt his lips on her inner thy, Sango let out a moan so sensual in its nature, that Miroku lifted his eyes to watch her. Her hear thrown back, eyes closed, mouth open… Beautiful. Still he continued his ministrations, using the pad of his thumb to stimulate her clitoris, while two long, thick fingers worked in and out of her brining her to her first climax of the evening.
Sango was now writhing against his hand, arching into his touch, her moans more frequent, and louder.
Miroku didn't really know how much more he could take.
When the tension from her climax left her body Miroku removed his digits and crawled between her still spread legs, working his way back up her body with soft, hot, kisses, before claiming her mouth once again.
In one swift, sure stroke, Miroku was inside of her, swallowing her involuntary gasp of pleasure with his mouth as he did so.
Soon their bodies were moving in a steady smooth rythem. Then eventually gaining in speed, and intensity, each thrust coming harder and faster than the last.
Sango was far from an idle partner, her hands explored every inch of her lover, stroking him, holding him, caressing… even as she felt the tension begin to build up inside of her once more.
Soon both were crying out their orgasm, with lusty expletives, and breathless pleasure filled moans.
Miroku collapsed rolling so that Sango now lay atop of him, their sweat slicked bodies still entwined, and connected. Their breathing was ragged and their heartbeats were still racing, as they lay in one another's arms sated and feeling the weight of lethargy sink into their bones.
Before following Sango into slumber, Miroku dropped a tender kiss upon her brow.