InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Don't touch me. ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recap: "You'r now working for us." Inuyasha told Kikyo
Chapter 34: Don't touch me.
"You'r now working for us." Inuyasha told kikyo.
"What the hell does that mean." Kikyo asked Inuyasha.
"Were going to bring down Naraku." Inuyasha told Kikyo.
"No way, if he finds out he'll kill me." Kikyo told Inuyasha.
"If you going to kill me, kill me." Kikyo yelled.
"Can't you see, Kagome's having a baby, if Naraku finds out, he'll kill the baby, he might even kill her." Inuyasha told Kikyo.
Kikyo looked from Inuyasha to kagome. "Fine, I'll help, but if anything goes wrong, I'm out." Kikyo told Inuyasha.
"Thank you." Kagome told Kikyo.
"Ok here is the plan......"
Naraku sat in a small coffee shop waiting for Kikyo. Naraku watched as Kagome walked into the coffee shop, she walked over to him, and sat down in front of him.
"How are we doing today." Naraku asked.
"He fell for it." Kagome told Naraku.
"So Inuyasha thinks, your the real Kagome." Naraku asked Kagome.
"Where is the real Kagome." Naraku asked Kagome.
"Hiding under some rock, she took off." Kagome told Naraku.
"You better find her Kikyo, if something happpens to her, you'll pay." Naraku told Kagome.
"What are you going to do with her." kagome asked Naraku.
"Thats none of your conserion." Naraku told Kagome.
"Do you even love her, or are you doing cause she's with Inuyasha." Kagome asked Naraku.
"Both." Naraku said, before getting up and walking out of the coffee shop.
Kagome got up, and left the coffee shop, walking a few blocks away, where Inuyasha,Miroku and Sesshomaru where waiting. Kagome climed into the car.
"Where's Kikyo, I need to ask her a few questions." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
"I don't like this, did he notice that your pregnant." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"No he didn't see anything, not with these cloths anyways." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Did he belive you." Miroku asked Kagome.
"Yes, he even asked me, about Kagome, he told me if anything happens to the real Kagome, that I would pay." Kagome told everybody.
"Lets go back to the house." Sesshomaru said.
The ride to the was quite, everybody was in there own thoughts. When they pulled up to the house, Kagome and Inuyasha were the first out of the car, Kagome ran into the house, and found Kikyo and Sango talking in the living room.
"What does Naraku want with me." Kagome asked Kikyo.
"He claims that he's in love with you." Kikyo told Kagome. "You'r where the one that got away."
"He left me, not the other way around." Kagome told Kikyo.
"Well he's back and he wants whats his."
"Go to him, and tell him, I don't what him, I don't love him." Kagome told Kikyo
"I can't do that, he'll kill me." Kikyo told Kagome
Inuyasha wrapped an arm around Kagome, as she cryed in his chest. "No more." Kagome whispered.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked away, they went to there room.
"Inuyasha can't lose Kagome or the baby." Sesshomaru told Kikyo.
"I know that." Kikyo yelled.
"But you won''t do anything to help." Rin screamed.
"What more can I do, without him killing me." Kikyo yelled.
"You'r his sister, he won't kill you would he." Sango said.
Kikyo looked around the room, theses were all Inuyasha and Kagome's friends and family, they all lived under the same ruff, she looked at all there worried faces, and the sad look in there eyes, What could she do, Naraku is a sick man, he won't let these people stand in his way, to get what he wanted. He would kill them all, without a second thought.
"Did you know, Kagome was pregnant, with twins, when Naraku stabbed her she lost a child. We didn't know about the other baby, in till a few days after, if this baby dies, Kagome will die with it, so will Inuyasha." Sesshomaru told Kikyo.
"Twins." Kikyo whispered.
"Yes, now she only has one, she gets by, she still feels the lose of the other." Sesshomaru said.
"I didn't know." Kikyo whispered.
"Now you do." Rin yelled.
Naraku walked into his house, walking into his room, closing the door behind him, walking to his bed, there layed a woman with blankets wrapped around her body, hiding her necked body.
Naraku stripped his cloths and climed into bed with his lover, wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her to his body.
"Where did you go."
"Coffee with my sister." Naraku told his lover.
"Are you still trying to get that other woman."
"What does she have, that I don't."
"It's not what she has, it's what I want."
She turned around to face Naraku, before she could say another word, Naraku pulled her into a hungry kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck, as he climed on top of her.
Kikyo left the house, and walked down the block to her car, she was in her true form, she refused to look like Kagome again, all there planning went down the drain, what would naraku do when he finds out, why did he even want Kagome, when he all ready shares his bed with another.
Kikyo drove around the city before going home, what would she tell Naraku, Naraku thinks everything went fine with Inuyasha, what would she tell him about her sleeping there tonight, would he even let her.
Kikyo walked into the house, all the lights were off, she slowly closed the door behind her, before walking into the kitchen, Kikyo opened the fridge and grabbed a soda, she closed the door.
"What are you doing here." Naraku said.
Kikyo screamed and grabbed her chest. "Don't fucking do that, she scared me." Kikyo yelled at Naraku.
"What are you doing here." Naraku asked again.
"I live here." Kikyo told Naraku.
"What happened with Inuyasha." Naraku asked.
"If you really want to know, he's with Kagome." Kikyo told Naraku.
"WHAT." Naraku screamed. "I thought he belived you."
"One minute he did, he was walking away, when he turned around and sid, "What are you doing here Kikyo." Kikyo mocked.
"And he didn't kill you." Naraku said.
"I dout I'll ever see him again." Kikyo told Naraku.
"Where was Kagome." Naraku asked Kikyo.
"Really don't know, Inuyasha found her." Kikyo told Naraku.
Kikyo walked past Naraku and went to her room, and closed the door, she walked over to her bed and sat down. Naraku threw the door opened and walked over to her.
"Your hiding something from me." Naraku yelled at Kikyo.
Kikyo looked up at Naraku with tears in her eyes. "I'm moving out." Kikyo whispered.
"Like hell you are." Naraku screamed.
"You can't keep me here." Kikyo cryed.
"Watch me." Naraku said, before walking out of her room, he slammed the door behind him.
Kikyo threw herself into her pillows and cryed herself to sleep.
"What are we going to do with her." Sango asked Everybody.
"Kikyo's going to bring this family down." Sesshomaru said.
"If not her, it will be Naraku." Inuyasha said as he walked into the room.
"How is she." Sango asked.
"Kagome fell a sleep, a few minutes after we got there, she's getting more tired now, I just prey Kikyo doesn't tell Naraku about the baby." Inuyasha said.
"If she does, I'll kill them both." Sesshomaru said.
Everybody turned around and looked at Sesshomaru, his face showed no emotion. His body was stight looking right into Inuyasha's eyes, Sesshomaru say nothing but Pain, worrie.
"Nothing will happen to Kagome, Over my dead body will Naraku touch her." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
"Why are you helping me, you all was hated me." Inuyasha asked Sesshomaru.
"That girl in there is like a sister to me, along time ago, I was asked to watch over her, I never did in till now, I will keep that promise." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha. "I will not let this family go down."
"Thank you." Inuyasha said.
Sesshomaru nodded and looked at his soon to be wife, Rin had tears in her eyes. "Whats wrong with you." Sesshomaru asked Rin.
"That was so beautiful." Rin cryed.
"Woman." Miroku, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru said at the same time.
Sango hit Miroku over the head.
"Hey, whats was that for." Miroku whined.
(Inside Kagome's dream.)
Kagome was to school, it was sunny and all her friends were waiting for her, Inuyasha was standing in front of the school waiting, Kagome waved to Inuyasha, Inuyasha waved back, Kagome was walking when Kikyo ran past her, and ran into Inuyasha's opened arms, Kissing Kikyo.
Kagome stopped walking as tears ran down her face. "Inuyasha." Kagome whisperd.
Naraku came up behind her, he wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist, rudding her pregnant belly, Kagome looked at Naraku. "No." Kagome screamed.
(Out of her dream.)
Inuyasha was sitting down at the table drinking a glass of water.
"NO." Kagome screamed.
Inuyasha was the first to go running after Kagome, with Sesshomaru close behind him, Inuyasha threw the door opened. Inuyasha ran into the room. he looked around the room, Kagome was no where in sight.
"Kagome." Inuyasha yelled as he looked around there room, and bathroom.
"Where is she." Sesshomaru asked.
Inuyasha looked behind the bed, Kagome was sitting in the corner crying. "She's right here." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru.
"Kagome whats wrong." Inuyasha said, as he walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't touch me." Kagome yelled as she pushed Inuyasha away.
"Kagome whats wrong." Inuyasha asked.
"Don't touch me." Kagome yelled as he jumped to feet, Kagome walked past Inuyasha, she walked over to her bag and picked it up, throwing cloths and other items into her bag.
"What are you doing." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"I'm leaving." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Why?" Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"I need to get away for a while." Was all that Kagome said, before walking out of the room.
"Where are you going to stay." Inuyasha ran after Kagome.
"I'll call you later." Kagome said, before walking out of the house.
"Where's Kagome going." Sango asked Inuyasha.
"She left me." Inuyasha said, as he fell to his knees tears running down his face.
Sango ran out of the house, watching Kagome drive off, Sango walked back into the house, and pulled Inuyasha to his feet.
"What happened." Sango asked Inuyasha.
"I don't know, we where sitting down here, I heard Kagome scream, me and Sesshomaru , we went into the room, I found Kagome sitting in the corner crying, I went to touch her and she told me not to touch her, she said she need to get away." Inuyasha told Sango.
"I'll look for her." Sesshomaru said.
"Thank you." Inuyasha whispered before walking back to his room.
"When we ran into the room, I could only smell fear coming from kagome." Sesshomaru said.
Everybody turned and looked at him.
"Why would she be scared, why would she leave Inuyasha." Sango asked.
"I don't know, But i'm going to find out." Sesshomaru said, before walking out of the house.
"Try her cell phone." Rin told Sango.
Sango nodded and pulled her phone out of her pocket and dailed Kagome's number, her phone rang and rang, there was no answer.
Kagome got out of her car, and walked to the door and knocked, it took a few minutes before somebody answered the door.
"Well well well, what are you doing here."
"I'm not here to see you Naraku, I'm here for Kikyo." Kagome said.
"Come on it." Naraku said, as he stepped aside.
Kagome walked into the house. "Don't touch me, don't even talk to me, Just tell me where Kikyo is." Kagome said.
"Right this way." Naraku said, as he walked to Kikyo room.
Naraku stopped walking and pointed to a room, Kagome walked passed him and opened the door, sure enough there was Kikyo laying on her bed sleeping. Kagome walked into the room and closed and locked the door behind her.
"Leave me alone." Kikyo scaremd, she didn't even turned around and look, she didn't even opened her eyes.
"It's me." Kagome whispered.
"What are you doing here." Kikyo said, as she jumped out of bed. "He could kill you, even the you know what."
"I need to ask you a question." Kagome said.
"Fine but hurry it up." Kikyo said.
"What happened between you and Inuyasha."
"What do you mean."
"Did you two ever date."
"Did you ever sleep with him."
Kikyo looked up, and met Kagome's eye. "Yes."
"Thank you, thats all I need to know." Kagome said before walking out of the room, Kagome ran to the door, and jumped back into her car and left.
Kikyo looked down and sat on her bed.
"What was that all about." Naraku asked.
"She just wanted to know, if I ever dated Inuyasha." Kikyo told her brother.
"Fine whatever, I'm going to bed." Naraku said, as he walked back to his room.
Kikyo quickly got changed and ran out of the house. "Shit, I need to find Kagome." Kikyo said, as she took off.
Kikyo picked up her cell phone and called Kagome's cell, there was no answer, she quickly dialed Inuyasha's number.
"Inuyasha, it's me is Kagome with you."
"Why are you phoning here Kikyo."
"Is Kagome with you."
"No, why."
"She just left my house, she asked me a few questions, then she just took off."
"What did Naraku see her."
"Yes, but he didn't say anything."
"Was the baby hidden from view."
"What did she ask you."
"She wanted to know, if we ever dated, or if we ever slepted together."
"What did you tell her."
"I told her yes."
"What, we never slepted together." Inuyasha yelled at Kikyo.
"I know, thats why I'm looking for Kagome."
"Shit, you really fucked up this time." Inuyasha said, before hanging up the phone.
Inuyasha ran to the kitchen and grabbed his keys.
"Where are you going." Sango asked Inuyasha.
Kagome went over to Kikyo's she asked Kikyo if we ever slepted together, and Kikyo told her yes, I never touched that Bitch." Inuyasha told Sango.
"I'll help you find her." Sango told Inuyasha.
"Fine, but I'm leaving right now, go and get everybody else, we need to find her." Inuyasha told Sango.
"Go, I hope you find her." Sango told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha ran outside and jumped into his car, Sango ran into the house and told everybody what happend, everybody jumped into there owns cars and went out looking for Kagome.
Sango phoned Sesshomaru and told him, Sango told Rin to stay home with the kids and to phone if Kagome came home.
Kagome got out of her car, and looked up, the family shrin, she got tired, just looking at all the stairs. "I haven't been here in s long time." Kagome said, as she walked up all the stairs, Kagome walked over to the door and knocked a few seonds later, her little brother Souta opened the door.
"Sis, what are you doing here, where's Inuyasha." Souta asked Kagome.
"Hey, sorry no Inuyasha this time, is mom home." Kagome said.
"Ya come on in." Souta said, as he stepped aside, Kagome walked in and sat her bag down near the door, Kagome followed Souta into the house.
"Kagome, Dear what are you doing here this late." Miss.Higurashi said.
"Mom can I talk to you in privite."
"Sure, well talk outside."
Kagome and her mother walked threw the house and went out the back door.
"Whats wrong Kagome, did you and Inuyasha get into a fight."
"No, I just need a place to stay for a while, please don't tell anybody i'm here, I just need some time alone, I'll see Inuyasha in school on monday."
"Sure, you can all was stay here, I promise I won't tell a soul, I'll talk to Souta later."
"Thank you, mom."
Kagome pulled her mother into a hug.
"You'r sure getting big." Kagome's mother said, as sure rubbed her stomach.
Kagome and her mother walked back into the house, Kagome grabbed her bag, and walked to her room, it was the same as she left it, not a thing was out or place. Kagome smiled as she walked into her room, she closed the door, and layed on her bed.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both walked back into the house, to find Miroku, Sango, and Rin sitting down at the kitchen table.
"Any luck." Sango asked the two brother.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both shock there head. "What about you." Inuyasha asked.
"No sorry, I phoned her mom, and she hasn't see her." Miroku told Inuyasha.
"Why can't Sesshomaru find her, he did last time." Sango asked.
"You have to remember she's a Miko she can hide her seant." Sesshomaru told Sango.
"I'll be in my room if you need me." Inuyasha said, as he walked back to his room.
"This will be the first day, by himself in a long time." Sango said.
Everybody else nodded there heads. "We have to find her, He'll go nuts thats his mate and pup." Sesshomaru said.