InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Chapter 53: Why all this needed to Happen. Part 1 ( Chapter 53 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclamier : I own nothing, but my own storie line.
Chapter 53: Why all this needed to Happen. Part 1
Inuyasha pulled Kagome from the tube, quickly laying her down on the now wet floor. "Come on baby breath for me." Inuyasha whispered, as he did SPR, Sesshomaru and Miroku ran into the bathroom. Sesshomaru ready to attack, quickly lowers his guard, when he say it was only his younger brother.
"Whats going on?" Miroku quickly asked, as he turned around not wanted to look at Kagome's naked body.
Inuyasha quickly turned Kagome on her side, as rhe water came out of her lungs, caughting as her body shock with sobs. Inuyasha reached up from the counter and pulled a towel down and wrapped it around her cold body. quickly pulling her body on his lap.
"Leave." He didn't have to say more, as Sesshomaru and Miroku quickly left the room, know this wouldn't be any good for Inuyasha or Kagome right now, Know that Kagome might not understand whats going on, Thinking that Inuyasha was dead for the last few days...
Kagome looked up at the man that was now holding her. "Inu...ya...sha."
Inuyasha looked down at his mate. "Ya baby it's me, I'm here everything going to be ok." Inuyasha told Kagome, as he rested one hand on her plum stomach, hopeing the baby was ok, waiting for amoment, waiting, ya there it was the baby moved, kicked, a big smile came to his face at that moment.
" I don't understand." Kagome whispered into Inuyasha's chest.
Inuyasha signed before looked back at Kagome, "It's ok, I'll explain everything to you, after your all rested up." Inuyasha told Kagome, as he pulled himself to his feet with kagome still in his arms. walking out of the bathroom, Inuyasha almost ran into Sesshomaru's chest.
Sesshomaru took a few steps back, as he looked from Kagome to Inuyasha, not asking any question, Sesshomaru pulled Miroku from the room, closing the door behind him. Miroku didn't say aword, as he went back to his room.
Inuyasha waited in till his brother and his friend, where both gone from his room before sitting Kagome down on the edge of the bed, getting to his kness in front on her, taking the towel from her body, dropping it to the foor, Kagome gasped as she tryed to get the towel back from him.. Inuyasah threw it to the floor, as he moved Kagome's hand from her body, as he put his ear to Kagome's stomach needing to check the baby one more time.
"It's ok baby, I just need to see if everything here is ok." Inuyasha told Kagome as he got back to his feet, looking down at her. "It's ok, everythings ok with the baby." Inuyasha said as her lefted her from the bad, and walking around to the other side, laying her down as he pulled the blanks over her still naked body. "Just get some rest I'll tell you everything in the morning." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Before Inuyash could walk away, Kagome grabbed his wrist. "Can you please stay with me." Kagome whisperd. "Don't worrie angel, I'm not going any where." Inuyasha told Kagome as he walked to the other side of the bed, pulling the blanks down, as he climed into bed, Pulling Kagome to his chest.
Kagome looked up at Inuyasha, trying to understand everything, Why did everybody tell her he was dead, when of course he was laying in his arms right now, looking at him right now, this wasn't a dream she knew that for sure. Not many more thoughts went threw her mind as she feel asleep.
As Miroku walked back to his bedroom, as he closed the door behind me, Sango was on him in a second. "Whats going on, what was that noise." Sango asked, looked up at Miroku as she wrapped her around her stomach, as if she where protecting her child.
Miroku walked around Sango and sat down on the edge of the bed. Looking up at Sango. she gasped as she say the sadness in his eyes. "Miroku." She whispered.
"Kagome, I don't understand, Why didn't I see this, Why?" Miroku said.
"Miroku what are you talking about, What happened, Is Kagome ok?" Sango asked Miroku as she walked over to him, now standing in between his legs.
"Kagome tryed killering herself." Miroku told Sango, as he looked in her eyes.
Sango didn't say aword, She turned to leave the room and run to Kagome's Room. Miroku quickly wrapped his arms around her small waist. "Miroku let me go, I need to get to her, she needs me."
"That was the noise you heard, think about it Sango." Sango turned around in Miroku's arms. "Inuyasha." was all she said as she cryed in his chest.
"Ya, I guess he knew Kagome was going to hurt herself or something, he kicked the front door open, When Sesshomaru and I got there, Inuyasha was pulling Kagome from the bath tube, She was drowning." Miroku told Sango.
"But how do you know she was going to kill herself." Sango asked Miroku.
Miroku signed before looking Sango in the eyes. "When she was pulled from the tube she was crying."
"She could have been crying becasue of Inuyasha." Sango said with a little hope in her voice.
"No, she was crying before she even say Inuyasha, her arms where wrapped around her stomach, much like your our now." Miroku told Sango.
Sango looked down and quickly unwrapped her arms from around herself. Miroku stopped her. "No Sango, every mother has a right to protect there children from everything they can." Miroku told Sango as he huggerd her.
"How is she doing." Sango asked in a low voice.
"Don't really know, when we say Inuyasha, he told us to leave, we left not so long after Inuyasha came out with Kagome in his arms, Sesshomaru pulled me from the room so I guess she's ok." Miroku told Sango.
"You guess." Sango half yelled.
"There's not much more I can tell you, Your going to have to wait till tomorrow, right now Inuyasha's with her." Miroku told Sango.
Sango nodded as she pulled from Miroku's arms, walked around the bed as she got in. "I can't do much right now, but sleep." Sango told Miroku.
Miroku nodded as he got up as well and turned off the light before joining Sango in bed. As he got into bed, he pulled Sango's back to his chest. "Night love." Miroku whispered in Sango's ear.
"Night." Sango whispered back.
Sesshomaru walked threw his bedroom door, he didn't have to think twice as Rin came flying at him, he quickly cought her, she wrapped her arms and legs around his body.
"Sesshomaru, whats going on?" Rin asked.
"Inuyasha's home." Was all Sesshomaru said, as he wrapped his arms around Rin as he walked to the bed and sat down on the edge.
Rin looked up at Sesshomaru. "I don't understand."
"Kagome tryed hurting herself, Inuyasha got here just in time to save her." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"Oh he knew she was in pain." Rin said.
"Yes, I thought he would have been here a few days ago, with all the pain she was giving off, But I understand why he showed off tonight." Sesshomaru said.
"Why?" Rin asked.
"Kagome tryed killing herself tonight." Sesshomaru told Rin.
Shock was written all over her face, when Sesshomaru looked down on her.. "I...I." Rin whispered.
"I know, I thought she could hold on, But now that Inuyasha is with her, I think she'll be ok." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"I hope so, I don't know what would happen to them if she lost the other baby." Rin told Sesshomaru.
"I'm sure everythings ok, when I was leaving the room, Inuyasha was checking the baby." Sesshomaru told Rin.
Rin looked up at Sesshomaru "Oh ok, I hope everythings ok."
Sesshomaru nodded as he got to his feet with Rin still in his arms, we walked around the bed and got in, pulling Rin on top of him before turning off the light. "Just get some rest you can see her tomorrow." Sesshomaru told Rin. Rin nodded before pulling herself tighter to him, resting her head on his chest.
Inuyasha was the first to awaken, he looked over at Kagome, her back was still tight to his chest, moved a bit away from her, he slowly moved her, from her side to laying on his chest still on her side a bit with his hand flate on her stomach feeling there pup move, Kagome moaned in sleep as she rubbed her face in Inuyasha's chest.
Inuyasha signed in happyness, the first time he really slepted in the last few days, He just hoped Naraku still thought he was dead, this whole thing, was for her, it was all for Kagome, To draw Naraku out, Yes it was mean, and just plan rude, to do this on the day of there wedding, but that was the day they heard when the attack was.
Inuyasha looked up at Kagome on his chest, he just hoped Kagome would understand everything he did for her, He didn't think it would get this bad, he never even dreamed she would ever hurt herself or the baby. But with the feeling he had last night, he never wanted to feel that again coming for her, It was stright pain, it went stright to his heart, that awoken him.
Kagome signed in her sleep, before she slowly started to wake up, she slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she say was slivery white, thinking everthing from last night was a dream, she quickly pulled herself from the bed, well tryed to pull herself up, but the arms around her wrapped tighter around her.
"Where you going baby." Inuyasha whispered in Kagome's ear.
Kagome gasped as she stopped moving and looked down at Inuyasha. "It wasn't a dream." She whispered.
Inuyasha smirked after hearing Kagome's words. Kagome pushed herself up a bit, and moved her left hand and smacked Inuyasha across the face, his faced moved a little with the blow, he let his arms around her slack a bit, Kagome ripped herself from Inuyasha's hold, getting her footing, she took a few steps away from the bed.
"How could you do this to me." Was all that Kagome yelled before running from the room.
Inuyasha jumped from the bed and chased after his pregant mate. "Kagome."
Kagome didn't even turn around and looked at him, she ran as fast as she could to Rin's and Sesshomaru's room, quickly closing and locking the door behind her. Sesshomaru jumped from the bed when he say Kagome run into the room.
"Whats wrong." Sesshomaru asked Kagome as he walked over to her, and helped her to sit on the bed.
She slowly looked up at him, with tears running down her face. "Why didn't any of you tell me." Kagome yelled.
Rin awoke from her sleep, after hearing the yelling and the now banging on the bedroom door. "Kagome open this door." Inuyasha yelled from the other side.
Kagome looked over at Sesshomaru. "Please tell me, whats going on?"
Sesshomaru signed before getting to his kness in front of Kagome. "It was the only way, They sent somebody big after him, we got to a friend, he was acting like he was working for Naraku when he was really working for us, the day of the wedding he was the one that attacked Inuyasha. We needed Naraku to think Inuyasha was dead, it was the only way to save his life and your."
"You mean." Kagome started.
"Yes he's a really good friend of Inuyasha's, he owed a big favour to Inuyasha, for one thing you must understand first, He use to kill people for a living, when he got out that was when he meet Inuyasha, or the way things are looking Naraku didnt know he knew Inuyasha and for another thing, he didn't know he was out. When he got the phone call from Naraku, he phoned Inuyasha right away and told him about the hit and that He wasn't the only one sent for him, so there is still somebody out for him, so we needed everybody to think he was dead, even you."
Kagome took a deep breath and looked around the room, as Sesshomaru was talking Rin had got out of bed and opened the door for Inuyasha. Kagome looked up at him, as tears ran down her face.
"It's not fare, you should have told me." kagome cryed.
Sesshomaru moved out of the way for Inuyasha, he dropped to his kness in front of her. "I'm so sorry baby I needed you to think I was dead, or this would have never of worked." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Whats his Name." Kagome asked. "I want to know his name."
Inuyasha took a deep breath. "Bankotsu is the name of the man, working for us..... But Sulkotsu is the name of the man that is hired to kill me."
Kagome gasped. "Sulkotsu, you mean the man that was doing our wedding."
Rin gasped behind Sesshomaru. "Yes, thats the one, one of Naraku's favourit." Sesshomaru said.
"Where is Bankotsu now." Kagome asked.
"He's still here, just laying low, I asked him to stick around, I knew I was going to have to come out sooner or later, he;s here to have my back, I trust him with my life with your life, He's here to help me protect you from Naraku." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Kagome got to her feet wrapping her arms around her stomach. "When is this all going to end?"
Inuyasha signed before going behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "As soon as we get Naraku." Inuyashas told her.
"This is all my fault, I was the one that did all this, I was the one that brought him into our lives, I fell in love with him a few years ago, he left so I thought that was it, I never thought he would come back."
"No kagome this is not your fault." Inuyasha tryed telling Kagome, not really knowing what to say at a time like this.
"Inuyasha's right." Rin told Kagome.
"Whats going on."
Everybody turned around to see Miroku and Sango standing in the door way with Sango in there arms.
"Inuyasha." Shippo screamed as he jumped from there arms and ran over to Inuyasha. "They said you went away, are you back now." Shippo asked.
Inuyasha nodded as he picked him up with one arms with the other still wrapped around Kagome. "Yup, Daddy's home, and he ant going anywhere for awhile." Inuyasha told Shippo as he looked deep into Kagome's eyes, Talking more to Kagome then Shippo.
A big smile came to Kagome's face, Thats all Inuyasha wanted to see, was to make her happy again, Inuyasha turned and looked over to Sesshomaru. "I check over the baby, but I still want her to go to the doctors and have everything checked over."
Sesshomaru nodded before leaving the room to phone the doctors to make an appointment.
"Rin and Sango can go with you, But I'll have Sesshomaru and Miroku wait outside for you." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Kagome nodded as she pulled Inuyasha closer to her. "I'm sorry about this." kagome told Inuyasha as tears ran down her face.
"No baby this isn't your fault, It's all my fault." Inuyasha told Kagome as he pulled her tighter to his chest, as he rested his forhead on hers, looking into her big brown glossy eyes.
"Well get threw everything together."
"Ya, I guess we will." Kagome said.
Rin and Sango got out of the car first, they both turned around and helped Kagome out. "It's ok everything will be ok, Sesshomaru and Miroku are going to wait here, you know all you have to do is scream and Sesshomaru will be there." Rin told Kagome.
Kagome nodded and walked with Sango and Rin into the doctors, taking a quick look behind her, Sesshomaru nodded to her, she nodded back as she walked into the office.
"Do you think this will work." Miroku asked Sesshomaru.
"It better, They can't know he's here." Sesshomaru said.
"Who is this Sulkotsu?" Miroku asked Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru signed before answering him/ "He's the number one, hit man in the world. He goes around as a healer or a holyman."
Miroku looked shocker. "Thats low, thats real low."
Rin and Sango waiting in the room as Kagome got changed in the bathroom, a few moment passed then she came out wearing a white hospital gown. she walked quickly to the bed and with the help or her friends she got on the bed.
Just then her doctor walked in. "Ya Kagome how are you doing."
"Oh fine thank you."
"So why are you here today?"
"I had a little accident last night, I feel asleep in the bath tube, but my friends here pulled me out, I just want to make sure the baby here's ok." Kagome told the doctor.
"Oh dear, Of course, how is everything feeling, has the baby kicked at all, and stomach pain?"
"Oh yes the baby has been kicking alot, last night and this morning, and no stomach pains at all." Kagome told the doctor.
"Oh thats good, I just get the machine in here and well do an altrasound on the baby, and see how everythings going on in there." The doctor told Kagome before leaving the room.
"Oh Kagome, everything sound good." Rin told kagome, as Sango nodded with her.
"Yup so far so good." Kagome said.
They didn't have to wait long before the doctor can in with the machine, The doctor told Kagome to lay down on the bed as she got everything ready, the doctor walked over to Kagome and opened her Gown to show her stomach.
"Ok Kagome this is going to be a little cold." The doctor warned Kagome, as she put the gel on her.
Kagome jumped when the gel hit her skin, relaxing after a few seconds, the doctor spread the gel over her stomach. The doctor went back to the machine and brought it closer to Kagome so that she could see the baby.
Kagome pushed herself on to her elbows as she looked into the screen to see her baby. There was her baby she could see all ten fingers and all ten toes.
"Oh Kagome, your baby is so beautful. and heathly." The doctor told Kagome.
Kagome signed in happeness. "Thats good." She whispered.
"Ok Kagome you can get changed, as I go and get a picture of your baby for you." The doctor told Kagome.
Kagome nodded as Rin and Sango helped her down from the bed.
Miroku and Sesshomaru didn't have to wait long before the girl came out of the doctors office.
Rin was the first in the car, then Kagome, with Sango on the outside.
"So how did everything go." Sesshomaru asked.
Kagome didn't hear the question as for she was still looking at the baby picture. Rin looked from kagome to Sesshomaru. "Everything went really good, the baby and Kagome are both good, She's just a little bussy looking at the baby picture the doctor took for her." Rin told Sesshomaru and Miroku.
"Thats good." Miroku said.
Kagome Finally looked up from her photo. "Can we plese go home, I want to show this to Inuyasha." Kagome said a little to loud.
"So the Hanyou is still alive is he."
All four of the people quickly turned there heads to look at the person standing outside of the car window.
Sesshomaru gasped at the person that was standing there.
"What are you doing here?" Sesshomaru asked half yelled.
"Well I got called when I was told my Inu baby died, I had to come here and see for myself, But now I guess he's still alive."
"Jakotus what are you doing here?" Sesshomaru yelled.
"I got word Bank was in town, and the murder at the wedding when they said Inuyasha's name, I got the first light into town." Jakotus told Sesshomaru.
"Jakotus get in the car." Sesshomaru told him.
Jakotus gasped. "Ya, I love you, take me to my baby." he screamed before running to the other side of the car and got in beside Sango.
"So who are you." Jakotus asked Sango.
Sango looked over at Jakotus. "Oh I'm Sango, this is Rin and Kagome, the one beside Sesshomaru is Miroku, my boyfriend." Sango told Jakotus.
"So let me guess." He pointed to Rin. "You are Sesshomaru's woman." Jakotus asked.
Rin nodded. "Ya why?"
"Oh just asking, just the way he was looking at you." Jakotus said.
"And little miss here, who is the daddy to that bunddle of joy." Jakotus asked as he pointed to Kagome's stomach.
"Oh this little one here." She said as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. "Is Inuyasha's."
Jakotus's jaw dropped. "Youe lieing, he would never touch him, we have histroy, were going to be together." Jakotus cryed.
Sesshomaru reached over into the backseat of the car and hit Jakotus over the head. "Oh shut up, just because your in love with him, does not mean he loves you... You stupid jackass."
When Sesshomaru turned to look at Kagome, he was in shock she was holding her stomach as she was laughing.
"Whats so funny." Sesshomaru asked.
Holding her stomach she looked up at Sesshomaru as she was laughing, as tears ran down her face as she waved a hand to Sesshomaru. "Oh nothing I just really needed that, thank Jakotus, that was a good one, It was really nice meeting you, but now can we please go home."
Sesshomaru nodded as he turned on the car and started to drive home. "Man I am cursed with these nuts." Sesshomaru said to himself.
It didn't take very long to get home, no words where spoken after the little laughting fit kagome had, as soon as they pulled into the drive way, Jakotus stuck his head out of the window.
"Holy shit, who's house is this, it's hug." Jakotus yelled.
"Mine, stay away from it." Sesshomaru warned him.
Sesshomaru put the car into park then turned it off, Jakotus jumped from the car, after Sango got out and helped Kagome, then Rin followed behind her.
"Son of a bitch, I was hoping I was starting to hear voices, but no, the bitch had to be here." Inuyasha said, as he walked from the house.
"What are you doing, you should be in the house." Kagome yelled at Inuyasha.
"Relaxe baby, where all good here." Inuyasha said as he walked over to her and pulled her to his chest. "So how did everything go for my two baby's." Inuyasha said, as he placed a hand on her belly.
Kagome smiled before looking up at him. "Oh where both really good, oh and look at what the doctor gave me." Kagome said, as she pulled a picture from her pocket and gave it to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha looked at the picture in wonder. "Is this really our baby."
"Ya, thats our baby alright."
He walked back and forth in his bedroom, walking past the phone every time, waiting from the damn thing to ring, He needed the damn thing to ring, He wanted the damn thing to ring.
He needed to know what the next point of the plan was for him, was he to stay in the country or was he to flee it.
Bankotsu wanted for Inuyasha or Sesshomaru to phone him, When the brothers first came to him, he thought they where both nuts, but when the name Sulkotsu was said, Bankotsu knew it was no lie.
Sulkotsu is one of the top hit man in all the world, Bankotsu said he would help in any way he could, when he found out the reason why Naraku wanted him dead, he was pissed beyond pissed, he met with the brother a few days later.
Ring Ring Ring
Right after the third ring he answered the phone, He was told to asnwer after the third ring he quickly answered the phone.
"Hey it's me."
"Great, I've been waiting for you to phone." Bankotsu hissed.
"Sorry man, but I had to make sure everything was ok, Kagome's fine, the baby's fine, and your stupid cousion is here."
"What Jakotsu's there, why?"
"I guess when he found out I died he jumped on the next plan out." Inuyasha told Bankotsu.
"That stupid shit."
"Don't worrie about it, he's no trouble. he's running around the house like a ten year old." Inuyasha told Bankotsu.
"Whats going to happen now." Bankotsu asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha signed. "Where going after Naraku, I'm not asking you to do this."
Before he could get another word out Bankotsu stopped him. "No inu, this is my fight now I got involved, Naraku is going to find out one way or another that your still alive, then he will come for me, I would rather die fighting with you, just tell me where to meet you."
"Fine meet Sesshomaru at our old hang out, you sill do remember where that is right." Inuyasha told Bankotsu.
"Of course." Bankotsu said before hanging up the phone.
He didn't have to wait long before Sesshomaru showed up, wearing black dress plants and a black dress shirt, with a black leather jacket.
"Well isn't Sessy all dressed up and no place to go." Bankotsu teased.
"Shut up and follow me." Sesshomaru hissed.
Bankotsu nodded and follwed behind his bestfriends brother. "Where are we going?"
"Taking you home." Sesshomaru told Bankotsu as he got into a black lemo.
Bankotu wasn't really shocked to see the big car, Being friends with Inuyasha, he say this kind of stuff all the time.
"So where you guys living this time." Bankotsu asked.
"A few miles from town, away for the city, it's big but not the biggest." Sesshomaru told Bankotsu.
He nodded as he looked out the window. "Is he happy."
Sesshomaru looked at Bankotsu. "yes."
"Is she a nice person?"
"One of the best." Sesshomaru told him.
"Why does Naraku want her." Bankotsu asked.
"He says he's in love with her, that she's the one that got away."
Kagome, Rin and Sango sat in the living room and watched movies as Inuyasha, Miroku and Jakotsu sat outside the room talking.
"So how long have you been with the chick." Jakotsu asked.
Inuyasha looked over to him. "For awhile, Can't really tell you, It feels like we have been together forever.
"When will she pop." Jakotsu asked.
Inuyasha reached over and hit him over the head. "Rude much."
"Sorry." Jakotsu whispered.
"I can't wait in till I'm a father." Miroku said.
Jakotsu turned and looked at him. "What."
"What didn't you know Sango and Rin are with child as well." Miroku told Jakotsu.
"What, what is this a baby farm." Jakotsu yelled.
"Will you shut up." Miroku hissed.
"There all different dates, Sango will be the last to have her baby." Miroku told Jakotsu. "Of course Kagome and Inuyasha are the first to have theres."
Jakotsu turned to Inuyasha. "You dog you."
"Of course." Inuyasha smirked.
Inuyasha, Miroku and Jakotsu turned around when they heard the front door open and close. Inuyasha turned and looked at Miroku. "I thought you locked the front door."
"I did."
Inuyasha quickly got to his feet when Kagome walked over to him. She was looking down into the bag of cookies she was eatting when she walked into Inuyasha's chest, she quickly looked up. "Oh sorry baby."
"Why did the front door open." Inuyasha asked.
"Oh Sesshomaru and your friend are here." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Oh right, thank you." Inuyasha told Kagome, as he wrapped his arms around her.
"So hows my baby's doing today." Inuyasha asked as he rubbed her tummy.
Kagome smiled as she placed a hand on her stomach. "Where doing good thank you."
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a heated kiss.
"Oh please." Jakotsu said as he looked away. "Get a room."
Inuyasha smirked into Kagome's mouth as he moved with lighting speed and picked up Kagome, with one arms around her back with the other under her kness. Without breaking the kiss, Inuyasha walked with Kagome in his arms.
"Jackass." Jakotsu yelled.
Bankotsu watched as Inuyasha walked passed him with a girl in his arms, as he ran up the stairs.
"Ok." He whispered as he walked over where he heard Jakotsu yell from.
"He jak." Bankotsu said as he walked over to him.
"Bank your here." Jakotsu said.
"Where's Inuyasha going." Bankotsu asked.
"Oh him and his woman went to get a room." Jakotsu said.
"K" He said as he walked over to Miroku. "Hey names Bankotsu." He said as he stuck his hand out to him.
Miroku looked up before taking his hand. "Miroku's my name, playing is my game." Miroku said with a smile on his face.
"Where did Sesshomaru go." Miroku asked Bankotsu.
"Oh as soon as we got here, he said her me to come here that he had somebody else he needed to see first."Bankotsu told Miroku.
"Oh, so he want to Rin first did he, want a wonderful boyfriend he is." Miroku said getting to his feet. "Well, I better get to Sango before she starts hitting me again."
Bankotsu laughed as Miroku left the room, he was left standing there with Jakotsu. "Well that was fun."