InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Chapter 55: The Big question. ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclamier : I own nothing, but my own storie line.
Chapter 55: The Big question.
Rolling more on to her side, Moving more into the hard body keeping her warm and safe, the arm around her tightened pulling her tighter to his body.
Sango smirked in Miroku's chest, rubbing her body along Miroku's, letting a moan pass his lips. Miroku pulled Sango higher so her chest has in his, smirking as she moaned when his mouth sucked on her pulse.
Sango moaned as Miroku moved his mouth down her neck, sucking and bitting the skin he could get his mouth on.
Wrapping her legs around his, she flipped them, so she was sitting on top of Miroku's lap, moving her hips with his, grinding into his, and a moan slipped passed his lips.
Sango smirked as she reached down between there bodys, as she quickling working on undoing his pants, lifting her hips just enought to pull his pants to his kness.
Sitting on Miroku's lap, with him in his black boxers, that had little hearts on them. A smile came on her face when she saw his boxers. "Nice boxers."
Miroku smirked up at her, as he placed his hands on her hips. grinding her core to his heated hardened member. Sango gasped and looked down to his heated arousal. "See something you like."
Sango glared down at him, wrapping her small hand around his member giving him a hard squeeze. Miroku jumped and groaned.
"Feel something you like." Sango asked Miroku before getting off him. "Hey where are you going." Miroku cryed.
Sango looked over her shoulder. "Getting some fresh air, what not man enough to finish yourself."
Miroku groaned, lifting his hips and pulled up his pants. "Bitch." Miroku whispered.
Sango walked from the living room and slammed the door behind her. looking around for the others, finding everybody sitting outside talking.
Kagome reached over and grabbed a piece and started eating. Inuyasha watched her eat as he rubbed her stomach. "How's my baby's doing."
Kagome waited in till her mouth was empty before answering him. "Where doing really good."
"Good, I don't know what I would do if I lost one of you." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Can I ask u something."
Both Kagome and Inuyasah turned and looked at Bankotsu. "Sure."
"Hey whats going on."
Everydody turned around and looked at Sango, standing by the door.
"Just talking." Kagome told Sango.
Sango nodded as she walked over to the table and sat down, grabbing a piece of pizza taking a bit of it. "Whatcha talking about, whats going on." Sango asked after swollening the food in her mouth.
"Bankotsu was just about to ask us a question." Sesshomaru told Sango. "Where's Miroku." Kagome asked Sango.
"I'm here."
Everybody turend around again, as they watched Miroku walk into the kitchen his a towel in his hand, just finishing from drying his wet hair.
Sango laughted, everybody turned and looked at her, she didn't look at them, she turned to Miroku. "So did you in joy your cold shower."
Kagome started to laugh, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Miroku all looked at her, more like glareing at her, she quickly shut her mouth.
Miroku quickly joined the group, sitting down beside Sango, slipping a hand under the table placing it on her thigh giving in a good squeeze.
Sango jumped in her seat, a light blush formed on her face. "Sango are you feeling alright."
Sango turned and looked at Kagome. "Ya I'm ok. just a little hot."
Miroku smirked with her words. "Hot huh." Miroku whispered to her.
"Oh ok, if your not feeling well, then you can go lay down, I'll just fell you in later." Kagome told Sango.
"No it's alright." Sango told Kagome, pushing Miroku's hand from her thigh, getting to her feet, she walked over to an empty seat my Kagome.
Inuyasha turned and looked at Bankotsu. "Ask away."
Bankotsu turned and looked at Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Ok, what I wanted to ask you was, I think I found away, away to beat Naraku, but I have this feeling your not going to like it." Bankotsu said.
"Ok, out with it, what is it." Inuyasha said.
Clearing this throat Bankotsu looked at Kagome. "We have to draw Naraku out, after the wedding thing, Naraku went into hiding, his planning something, I know he is, So what we have to do is to get him to come out."
Inuyasha looked at Bankotsu. "And how will we do that, do you have an plans." Inuyasha asked.
"Yes I do, and thats what your not going to like." Bankotsu told Inuyasha.
"Well, just tell us, then we will decide if we like it or not." Kagome told Bankotsu
Bankotsu looked down at Inuyasha, not having the heart to look over at Kagome in his lap.
"When I tell you my plan, you can't say a word." Bankotsu told the group.
They all nodded telling him to continue.
"We still use the news about Inuyasha being dead, that little Kagome here is all alone in the world, with her friends, Miroku having Sango, Inuyasha's brother, Sesshomaru having Rin, there still together going to get married, going to live out there lives together, but here is still Kagome with child and still alone.... I think that will draw Naraku out, waiting to want kagome to want him, to not be alone anymore."
Everybody looked over at Bankotsu. "Like hell, your."
Inuyasha shout his mouth when Kagome covered his mouth with her hand. Inuyasha pushed her hand from his mouth.
"Inuyasha before you say another word, I want you to think about this, I really think this will work." Kagome told him.
Inuyasha looked at her like she was nut. "What are you thinking in that head of your angel, Well whatever it is, stop, Where not doing this." Inuyasha told Kagome, when he looked at Bankotsu. "I'm sorry buddy, but this isn't going to work, I'm not going to send her out there alone."
"She won't be alone, I'll be there every step of the way." Bankotsu told Inuyasha.
"How, when Naraku knows your not on his side." Inuyasha asked Bankotsu.
"I have my ways, lets just do this, and get Naraku out of our lives forever, please Inuyasha, I want this all over." Kagome told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha looked down at the girl in his lap, looking at her sad face, her pleading face. Looking up at the ceiling. "Fine." He whispered out.
A smile came to her face. "What was that, I didn't quite hear you." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha looked down at Kagome. "Oh you heard me, Don't make me say it again, or I might change my mind." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Kagome smiled and looked over at Bankotsu. "So how do you want to do this." Kagome asked Bankotsu.
A smirk came to Bankotsu's face, "Well start tonight, spend the night together if you want, but tonight Kagome will be moving out, wanting to get away from the two happy little familys, I will have Shippo move with Miroku and Sango, and her brother."
"What why tonight." Inuyasha asked, as he wrapped his arms around Kagome tighter. Kissing the side of her neck.
"The faster we get this over and done with the faster, you guys can get married, to get ready for that baby to be born." Bankotsu told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha nodded and turned to face Kagome, getting to his feet with Kagome still in his arms, he turned to face his friends and brother. "I need to be alone right now with her, so I'll need you guys to work on the plan." Inuyasha told them.
Sesshomaru nodding, knowing he was laying most of his hope on him, knowing he trusted him to get Kagome out of anything.
After Inuyasha and Kagome where gone the group started working on the plan.
"Ok, Bankotsu, this was your idea, what are we going to do." Sango asked.
Sesshomaru was about to ask something when something caught the corner of his eye, Rin was coming down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Whats going on." She asking in a small sleepy voice.
Sango turned and looked at her friend coming down the stairs. "Oh, just working on a plan to get Naraku to come out of hiding." Sango told Rin.
"Oh." Rin whispered as she walked over to Sesshomaru and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hows everything going." Rin asked.
"Don't know yet, right now Inuyasha and Kagome left, she will be moving out today, so start the plan, so they will be back later, so right now where working on getting something planned." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"Oh, I hope this doesn't take long, Kagome will be having her baby soon. in about two months." Rin told Sesshomaru.
"If everything works out, then this shouldn't take long." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"Come Rin, join us, and help us make a plan." Sango told Rin.
Rin nodded her head, and joined her friends.
"So what do you have so far." Rin asked.
"Kagome will move out, with Me and you Miroku and Sango, happy together, We want Naraku to think, she's lonely, so he'll come for her." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"It was Bankotsu's idea." Miroku told Rin.
"I like it, it just might work." Rin told Bankotsu.
"But what did Inuyasha say to this." Rin asked.
"He didn't like it, well I could tell he really hated it, at first, but Kagome talked to him, she told him that she really whats Naraku out of there lives for good, so in the end he said yes." Sesshomaru told Rin.
Rin nodded and looked at Bankotsu, "So what will we do when Naraku comes for her." Rin asked.
"Thats what where working on now." Sango told Rin.
Rin nodded. "What should we do with him."
"I'm pretty sure Inuyasha's going to kill him." Sesshomaru told Rin.
Rin nodded again. "I don't blame him, I would do it myself."
Sesshomaru nodded and silently agreed with her.
Inuyasha carried Kagome from the house, he took her to the back yard, where the swimming pool and hot tub was, and sat down on one of the chairs on the deck.
Relaxing with Kagome in his lap, he rested his forhead on her's. "You know I can't do this." Kagome signed and looked deep into his eyes. "I know baby, But I what to do this, I what this over and done with." Inuyasha kissed her forhead, before pulling her tighter to his chest. "I'm sorry I can't do this. I can't stop thinking about what will happen if he gets his hands on you, What he'll do to you, what he'll do to the baby."
Kagome looked back at Inuyasha. "If he loves me, He won't do anything." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"He loves you, We won't love my child, He might hurt our baby, before our after she's done." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Well if were lucky we might just end it all on the first night, I'm with him." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"What no, There's no way, I'll let you send a night with him, I don't what him touching you." Inuyasha yelled.
"Just trust me, everything will all work out, I just know it will." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Well thats all I'm giving you, all I'm giving you is oneday, Do what you what with it." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"That will have to do, I'll do my best." Kagome told Inuyasha as she hugged him.
"I'll stay here, you go and tell the others, how long your giving me." Kagome told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha nodded, he kissed her on the forehead before putting her on the chair beside him. Inuyasha walked back to the house, and enter the door, looking behind him before going in, giving Kagome a smile. Kagome smiled back.
"We have oneday."
The group turned around and looked at Inuyasha. "Huh."
"I'm giving you oneday, thats all, I already told Kagome, and she agreed." Inuyasha told the group.
They nodded. "So she moves out tonight, goes to a hotel, Bankotsu, sends word, that Kagome moved out of her old lovers house, and hope Naraku shows up." Sesshomaru said.
"That should work, lets hope it works." Miroku said.
Inuyasha nodded, before turning around and going back outside, closeing the door behind him.
Inuyasha returned back outside.
He didn't really have that many words, shock was written all over his face, he returned to find the love of his life, sitting in the hot tub, with no clothing on.
Grinnig Inuyasha pulled his shirt over his head throwing it to the ground. undoing the button to his pants, not bothering to pull them off, before walking down the stairs to the hot tub.
"Hello angel." Inuyasha grinned down at Kagome.
Kagome jumped, as she looked up at him. Batting her eyelashes at him. "Hello baby, you kinda missed something." Kagome told Inuyasha as she put her hands ont he edge of Inuyasha's pants tugging on them.
Inuyasha chuckled, as he fell to his kness infront of her, the hot water only coming up to this chest.
"What are you do...i..n..g..." Kagome mumbled out, as Inuyasha's mouth lached on to her left breast. as his hand worked her other breast.
"mmm, Inu...." Kagome mumbled out, as she let a groan.
"Tell me what you want angel." Inuyasha whispered. Kagome moaned as he talked, the air from his mouth, made her nipples harden, as a shiver went down her body.
Resting her head on Inuyasha's shoulder as he sucked on her breasts. "I what your pants off now." Kagome whispered back.
"Your wish is my......." Inuyasha whispered, but didn't get to finished as Kagome pulled his mouth to hers.
"Good boy." Kagome whispered as she tugged his pants off, threwing them to the side on the pool. Leaving him only in his boxers.
"Now tell me what you want." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
"Thats simply, I want you." Inuyasha whispered in Kagome's ear.
"You already have me." Kagome told her lover.
"True, I have your love, I have your body, but in some ways its not enough, when I'm not holding you in my arms." Inuyasha whispered.
"I love it, when you talk to me like that, your words, then I remember it was why I fell for you, the day when Miroku brought you, to my house to pick me up, that was when I fell in love with you, I remember it was the look in your eyes." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"It was your eyes, that lead me to you, it was my first day of school, after moving here with my brother from the states five years ago, I remember you, you loved your friends, you where always laughing, you where always happy, thats what made me love you." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"You've been in love with me for that long, why didn't you ever ask me out before, why didn't you ever tell me." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her, quickly turning around with his back to the wall. and Kagome on his chest, with her legs wrapped around his waist, holding her up.
"I never deserved you in my life, around that time, my life wasn't very good, that was around the time I lost my family." Inuyasha told Kagome, as he rested his forehead on hers.
Kagome turned her face and moved more up his body, licking and sucking up his neck, "mmmm" Kagome smirked and moved up to kiss his lips, sucking his bottom lip. "Thats right baby." Kagome whispered well kissing him.
Inuyasha moved his arms to her bottom to move her body more up his, his manhood, rested on her heated core. Pushing in till he was all in her. Kagome threw her head back, as she moaned in pleasure. Wrapping her arms and legs tighter around him.
Moving his body, he turned around so her back was at the edge on the pool, with my arm wrapped around her, his other hand was on the back of her neck. "Put your arms around your back on the edge and hold on." Inuyasha whispered in Kagome's ear.
Kagome did what she was told, wrapping her legs around her tighter pulling his hips to hers, as he trusted into her, pulling out, so is tips was just at her entrance, and trusting back into her.
Not wanting the others to know what they where doing, She hide her face in his neck, screaming as the pleasure ran threw her body, she could feel the burning run threw her body, the pleasure was to much, she threw her head back and moan, as he did the same thing over and over again, each trust was building up.
Inuyasha rested his sweety forehead on her chest, as he pulled his harden member from her body to thrust back into her.
Kagome moaned as his trusts slowed down, her legs tighted around him, trying to make his trusts harder and strong.
"Please what baby, tell me what you want." Inuyasha whispered in her chest.
"Please don't slow down." Kagome begged.
"What the hell."
Inuyasha quickly covered Kagome's body, and turned and looked at Bankotsu standing by the hot tub.
"What the fuck are you doing standing there." Inuyasha yelled at Bankotsu.
"I was coming, wait wrong word, I was wondering when you wanted to move Kagome out." Bankotsu laughed.
"shut up, go back inside well be right in." Inuyasha told Bankotsu.
Bankotsu laughed as he turned arouns and went back inside.
Inuyasha watched as his friend went back inside, after the door was closed he looked down at Kagome, who was hidden in his arms.
Kagome laughed as she unwrapped her legs from around him, and kissed him one more time, before walking from the hot tub, Inuyasha right behind them, putting her clothing back on, Inuyasha kissed her one more time before going back in the house, awaiting the horror that awaited them, know Bankotsu must have told them, what he saw them doing in the hot tub.